Farage leaves Ukip Scum

I did have to ring three times for the Supervisor from Melton to come over to the till to check the £50 note. She was running late. I find there is too much chatter from one other supervisor. My colleague completely took things the wrong way. As she is only in one day a week. There was a note about briefing her on the mystery shopper. She went off on one. In front of customers. A colleague the other day did jump on till and I had upsold a fragrance. The customer smelt the testers and they went over to her till. A lady wanted to see the Hugo Boss Bottled. Questions whether it is an edt. Is is. I could see the small writing on it. It is small and grey which blends into the background. She couldn't see it so assumes it might not be the real thing. It is. Some not answering the bell quick enough. The supervisor cleaned up the mess caused by a customer dropping the tester.
I am overdrawn I reckon. Why am I losing money when these people should use their own? The boiler has that fault code. Some muppet was going on about sjws, feminism regarding the Captain Marvel movie.
David Oyelowo is in this reimagining of Peter Pan and Alice In Wonderland. Cue the offended white snowflakes in 3..2..1..
Boiler went L2 then F2 before resetting itself.

I was at the gym. I took a shit and when I farted I hear the guy at the urinal say "fucking hell" twice. I'm thinking 'really?!' A guy came up asking how many sets that I had left on the bench press. When I did hand it to him. He did one set using the bar and left. What was the point in rushing me?
I was the first to view, comment and give a thumbs up for this video. They only tell you so you will suck dick
The delivery was done and my original finish time was 10am. I was asked if I could stay till 12. As it could get really busy. It annoys me as I didn't want to do it but felt that I had no choice. I'm sure that the colleague was to stay till 12. So why the fuck did I have to? The manager was moaning about the items on the racking in the warehouse. One of the other staff had put the stuff in the wrong place. All I asked was a simple fucking question. She replies with "I'm not being funny..." points to sections saying what should go there "it's not rocket science" ffs if that is your attitude then why the fuck do I bother. Someone had put the Nurofen in the wrong place and everyone had denied putting it out. Are you sure it wasn't done yesterday? I got 99 problems but a bitch ain't one. All you ever do is bitch, bitch, bitch. A couple bought the Colgate Proclinical Brush. His girlfriend had a hairdye in her hand. I should have said something. Thinking that she would pay it after him but they left. I was rung up about the Rimmel items that came in the tote boxes. After I had condensed them down. They were left behind the till. The new supervisor had put the Rimmel items out without checking them off on the manifest. I don't think that anyone told her about that. The lady that worked at the café in the Leisure Centre was in store. Sprayed herself with a fragrance. Didn't like it. Was saying that she'd need to go to the centre and pay £1.50 to take a shower. Bit of a piss take. It is amazing how many women don't give eye contact. Are they shy or just rude?
Some man tried using a fake £50 note. It had Sterling on it but was Irish and felt different. He did say that he'd go to the bank to change it. He never came back. He had been mentioned on the security radio. The boiler was on L2 once. The upstairs tap was still running. My brother would be whining again.
I did see this brunette in white crop top. Massive tits. Brown leggings. Long straight hair. At the gym. A nice blonde in white vest. I had seen he around. I did put the medicine ball back and this pretty blonde was doing kettle bell exercises. Tall brunette with an athletic build in black sports bra and leggings.
I have had a dream where I met up with this brunette artist. She was moving stuff into her gallery. Apparently we had a thing before.
I find the tap running as it has not been closed properly.
December🎶Once upon a time I was falling in love, but now I'm only falling apart & there's nothing I can do.A total eclipse of the ❤— Little Alien (@Citizen_13_)
Once upon a time there was light in my life, but now there's only love in the dark nothing I can say.A total eclipse of the ❤
Turnaround bright eyes🎶 pic.twitter.com/Y7XFe4OIC9
2, 2018
Those using #Whitelivesmatter should be counteractived with #AllLivesMatter
There have been many protests throughout history. Anti war, job strikes, hunger strike, civil rights, suffragette. We can add a nazi snowflake handcuffing herself to the door because she lost her Twitter account.
Stop asking if everyone is alright at 4:08am.
These cunts don't give a shit about the racist police officers.
Stephen Yaxley Lennon would ignore these grooming gangs. Some say it was staged. I wonder when the paid actors line will be used. The whites moaning don't care about migrants. Irony.
It is a shit song. They need to ban it in the UK. Some of these morons don't know what the #Metoo movement is about. They're more concerned about the banning of a song.
It wouldn't have happened if she was white
Paige Victoria is a moron.
The you have this grown man complaining. Nothing is being shoved down your throat. Snowflakes in the comments section too.
I did not get a copy of the FBi. I have bought extra data. The WiFi hub hadn't been set up. The blonde teen at the gym in pink kit had a fantastic body. As did her mate in grey.
Ed Sheeran is a 27 year old man the fact we’ve enabled him to feel it’s ok to dress like this at all, let alone next to Beyoncé really boils my piss pic.twitter.com/Q6XqgTFuvQ
Replying to @shonfaye
Everyone is making it about Ed when the topic being raised is how Beyonce has to dress up. It is their choice. The music is more important. I happen to be following this person on Twitter.
Men should be spoiled too💦 pic.twitter.com/535TsF22uv— Teanna Trump (@TeannaTrump) November 10, 2018
In the store there were these shoplifters. Well dressed and you would think that they could afford the items. An Asian couple in their 20s. Come in separately. She was wearing black clothing as was he. Leather jackets, jeans and trainers. She had a bag for life. He had a goatee beard. She was loitering around Rimmel. Had an Olay cream and the manager though this could be a mystery shopper. She had taken the item out of the package. The boyfriend would take something from the Rimmel stand and nicked a pack of condoms which should have been tagged. He did come in again but wore a cap. We deterred him. A colleague noticed he was on his phone but not talking. He was hanging out near a tree outside the shop. Silly cunt makes us look bad. I ought to twat him and his girlfriend.
A conversation about women using men's Ted Baker lead to a customer saying "there's more than two genders now" she may have been serious, joking or upset at the trans community. A hot blonde European lady was served by me, once done she left the queue and saw a Burberry so goes back to my till when she should have rejoined the queue. A lady was waiting.
Some reason some customers don't answer me. I thought that I could have been louder. My phone is glitching.
The boiler was on L2 as the tap was left running. I am owed money. I got an FBI. The sheet I had with the info is slightly different. SJP Lovely prices are messed up.
I will end this post with this video:
Doctor Who - Series 11 (Original Television Soundtrack by Segun Akinola https://amzn.to/2EOtI8c https://amzn.to/2RdSp3z
#newyearsday #doctorwho #bbcamerica #bbc #happynewyears Jodie Whittaker