I dreamt that I was back at college even though I had graduated. I was at the age of 39. A variety of things went on. It was the building with four floors. A work colleague Sophie, curvy 20something, black hair, glasses, busty. She had all thus confectionery which she sold to the students during breaks. The lecturer in a blue dress and brown hair was a mature woman. She seemed miserable. She was looking for Sophie. As she had the key and confectionery. It was needed for the next break. I had entered the canteen but crawled under two Asian men holding hands. I did look at the classrooms and saw some old faces from my past. I had been climbing outside. Like Spiderman. I had the key and went to each window. Some were padlocked. The fire escape was occupied. I eventually got in and did find Sophie. In an earlier dream at home my relatives had visited. There wasn't enough room for people to stay. My bed was occupied. I wanted to move out. My clothes were dumped. I saw that some were in the sitting room I did go there. In this dream or another one there was a virus that had infected my siblings. The next dream I am at work. It is a retail store. My youngest brother was on the till complaining about something. This bald headed man was a member of staff. There were bits on the racking to be sorted out. A pair of plastic manikin hands were places there. The Wasp theme seemed to play. My general manager who is a slim female and my age had parked her car. The back door was left open for her. I had this film which I watched and it was bizarre. A scene takes place in Africa. Some special effects. Matrix Marvel style action. Some people would launch their swords at the enemy yelling a command. Time might reverse. The swords could fly in a different direction. A big fight scene. A previous dream had me blogging on a computer. I remember some details and they are sometimes hard to explain. I might forget details too. If I draw the scenes it might help.
My mum continues to talk to herself. My brother still asks for money. The guttering doesn't get done. This William Joyce @TheJohnnyFash is a twat and Anne Marie Waters should be sterilised.
There was a young couple waiting at Screen 8. The brunette, young, slim and pretty. Had a nice ass. She let's me in first. After her boyfriend went in. The lady serving me at the kiosk had nice eyes. I did almost forget what film I was watching. The one at the at the doorway that checks your tickets is pretty.
I watched Glass starring James McAvoy, Bruce Willis, Samuel L Jackson, Sarah Paulson, Anya Taylor Joy. After the events of Split. Set in Philadelphia. There is the cameo from the director. Expect a twist. Dunn is helping those in need and goes on the look for the missing girls. Kevin is around with the Horde. Mr Glass is in a mental institution. There is a doctor who wants to cure all three men. Casey is living her life and hears about Kevin so decides to pay a visit. Dunn's son is working for the security firm. The actor Spencer Treat Clark was a child in Unbreakable. The woman playing Elijah's mother. They may have needed to better with the make up. McAvoy does steal a few scenes. Great cast of actors. Nice way to end the trilogy. Anya looks hot. Those nice breasts of hers. A few of the kidnapped girls were hot.
You are going to see: Glass |
Certification: 15 |
Running time: 129 minutes |
Booking reference number: WKGTMRL |
Date: 27.01.2019 at 17.30 |
Cinema: Loughborough |
Cinema address: Baxter Gate, Loughborough, LE11 1TH |
Screening type: 2D, Audio Described |
Screen: Screen 8 |
Number of people going: 1 |
Seat(s): G15 |
James Charles bringing Birmingham to a standstill is ridiculous.