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Helping a homeless woman is more important than taking pictures of trains. There is lack of compassion in the comments section.
A brilliant video about the anti sjws. Those fools would grope their own mothers and sisters. Women who are anti feminist need to have their voting rights revoked. Snowflakes getting hysterical over a film that they haven't seen and shooting up mosque. Most are white Americans. Fucking stupidity. Now playing American Idiot by Greenday.
Tulsi was also on The View. Meghan McCain throws a hissyfit.
Everybody's Gone To War - Nerina Pallot
Some trolls pushing their lies about Ilhan. Chelsea had learnt from her mistake and Meghan was being a dick.
Wait, let me do that one again...
I had watched The Stakelander or Stakeland 2. A vampire post apocalyptic horror
The blind man at the gym was colliding with the kettle bell racking he had his stick with him. I should have gone over to help him. Others seem to not do anything. Just oblivious. I will be the one to step up. The blonde U think she was. Looked good in the blue leggings.
I search for this number and I get a list of names on one site. Another mentioned a PPI debt company. The house was called by the company which I have forgotten the name of. Automated call asking for my brother's girlfriend. Two options to press if you are her or not. I hung up. No traceable number. They must have called three times if it was them. I got a call from 03002002909. This is what people say about it:
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Just read the comments..says it all.. SCAM...BLOCK !!
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Said it was HMRC customs stating there was a fraudulent claim on my tax account and I must press 1 to proceed
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Scam artists 😡
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Scam artists
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Scam don't give them ANY details.
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I have just answered it’s a message saying it’s from the tax office and I’ve committed a fraud and will be arrested shortly if I don’t press 1 to speak to someone obviously it’s a scam
No one had noticed the cap toothed guy. A shoplifter. I saw him but should have three belled. I was in another aisle. A lady had to verify her signature. I should have asked to see it to compare. The machine said the card hadn't been removed when it had. A mature brunette went and got her bits off the shelf. She says as she passes "looks like someone needs some deodorant" now that could be anyone. In the queue the Asian man was sorting his money out. He was next to be served and a European guy behind him comes to my till. He should have waited. The Ukip Brexit lot were outside again.
I was on the till and this brunette male with stubble in a blue coat comes in. I hadn't seen him before and wasn't suspicious of him. I carry on serving. He was busy putting items in his jacket.I only saw the bulge in his coat. It took me by surprise. My reaction time was not quick enough. I could have called him to stop but I hadn't witnessed him take anything and I am not management. The Supervisor was on the ladder down the other aisle. Needed more staff.
I called management and mentioned it on the radio. He is a prick. My colleague wanted to be off till as she was on it all day yesterday. Someone had three paracetamol and I scanned them without realising. Some women always seem miserable. Smile. A guy was after 212 Sexy. I offered other fragrances and he he says they were shit. How the fuck would you know? A mature brunette was offered the Airwick Essential Mist Kit and she says "I don't want chemicals in my house" what kind of answer is that, dickhead? Most items in the homes contain chemicals. I got 99 problems and a bitch is definetly one. I don't care if you say "just this" I will offer you SAS anyway as it is part of my job.
These buttfuck Israel supporters are at the same time antisemitic. They want to silence the left.
The Leicestershire libraries have changed. You have staffed hours which are short. The smart hours is where you as a customer enter the library using card and pin. When the staff leaves everyone leaves. No access to toilets, use of DVDs, staff aren't there to help you. CCTV is watching you. The trust has been put in the towns folk. A lady that I know wanted help and the librarian told her that the staff aren't actually here and can't help her. It will cause mass confusion. I had to take part in an induction. The warning is said over the speakers that the library is closing. If you ignored it then the doors would lock. Lights and computers etc switch off. The security alarm is set and the door is locked. A security personel would come out. I had to go onto the Hmrc site because of this self assessment fine. I haven't had any other work so would need to tell them I was no longer self employed. I had a call from a scam number that I previously mentioned. Looks like I am going to use their number for filling in forms and text alerts. There was this guy rapping about knife crime near the O2 store.
Don't make excuses saying he had mental health problems. Steven Bishop is a terrorist. Revenge for a victim of the Manchester bombing. The mosque you were targeting has nothing to do with it.
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Grange park estate 2.56 am this morning !!! A...
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Get a home visit haircut at a time that suits...
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Good morning all.
A general warning to the public. There is an unlicensed taxi in Loughborough / Charnwood area whom is working off bookings off his phone. He is an EX driver (no longer badged) and his vehicle is an EX taxi. (No longer plated). It still has the decals ‘taxi’ on the side.
Local authorities are aware and is being dealt with as an… More
A general warning to the public. There is an unlicensed taxi in Loughborough / Charnwood area whom is working off bookings off his phone. He is an EX driver (no longer badged) and his vehicle is an EX taxi. (No longer plated). It still has the decals ‘taxi’ on the side.
Local authorities are aware and is being dealt with as an… More
This is pretty petty but as of the moment there are lots of robberies taking place in Loughborough and I have had my plant pots, plants & Outdoor ashtray stolen (floor standing) from my front garden (I live in a ground floor flat). I wouldn't usually be bothered as things you leave outside in loughborough go missing, but these items were given to me from a family member who has now passed away. If the person who stole this from me see's this, please return it and I will not take this any further.
Hi, sorry it’s so early. can you do me a post please?
I was woken up to a no caller Id phone call at 4:30am this morning, when I answered it, they said it was a Leicestershire police chief constable and repeated my name and address, then proceeded to ask if any break ins had occurred in my area, I hung up and rang 101 thinking a police officer… More
Please post:
To the cunts that robbed our family home.
Home is a place of security and comfort and you’ve have robbed us all of that. The place that my mum has lived for over twenty five years, the place she brought her two children up is no longer a place she feels comfortable to live in. You have routed through her privacy for any valuable items… More
To the cunts that robbed our family home.
Home is a place of security and comfort and you’ve have robbed us all of that. The place that my mum has lived for over twenty five years, the place she brought her two children up is no longer a place she feels comfortable to live in. You have routed through her privacy for any valuable items… More
Hi can you post please, we are appealing for any witnesses that may have dash cam , CCTV or witnessed an incident involving a blue Peugeot 206 reg number CV52YPX. The car was driving extremely dangerously and aggressively nearly hitting myself and also other cars. It happened between 12:10-12:20 this afternoon (Friday 5th)... the car sped off… More
Any place in town have a man come in there workplace today smartly dressed and say he locked his car keys in his car boot today by accident ? And then says he got no money either to get bk to his home in derby to get his spare key either and his phones in there too !!so u offer him money to get back home as I’m a nice lady and he promises he will be bk in 2 hours !! Keep the £20 u obviously need it more than I do and your day will come !! Beware Loughborough ! Thinking about it was a scam how many others has he done ?
Lisa's Diner - A6 Loughborough
15 mins ·
Hello, this Saturday, sees the return of the Charnwood Cruisers for 2019!!!!!
Hopefully the weather will hold out and there will be a good show of vehicles from 12 noon.
As ever there will be a £4.60 Car Meet Special Double Cheese Burger, Chips and Tea or Coffe, along with a wide range of food, drinks and… More
15 mins ·
Hello, this Saturday, sees the return of the Charnwood Cruisers for 2019!!!!!
Hopefully the weather will hold out and there will be a good show of vehicles from 12 noon.
As ever there will be a £4.60 Car Meet Special Double Cheese Burger, Chips and Tea or Coffe, along with a wide range of food, drinks and… More
TOOLS STOLEN: To the lovely chancers who took time out to steal my STANLEY tool box I hope your really proud of yourself, well done.
You should have found out by now that there was no power tools in there just hand kit.
You should have found out by now that there was no power tools in there just hand kit.
Vital kit I needed to use for my fencing work that I have gathered over the years. I do hope you are still in possession of it..… More
Any chance you could post something for The Emporium, 3 Wards End, Loughborough? We are a local mental health community organisation and social enterprise and not for profit. We have just opened a tea room in… More
Hi can you post this please?
Thank you to the generous gentleman in the orange jacket who saw me struggling around Morrison's with my basket. If you hadn't of helped by getting the trolley for me, my back would have completely given out. I'm also 6 months pregnant and your act of kindness really has made my day and restored my faith that there are people out there who still care
Hi. Please can you post.
Any help will be much appreciated 🤞🤞
Any help will be much appreciated 🤞🤞
Having come back from our holidays early Sunday morning my sister went to Morrison's about 12:30pm to buy some bread and milk. While parking the trolley a person saw a thief taking a bag from my sister's car.
In her hurry to catch the thief, she forgot to ask the person for her… More
In her hurry to catch the thief, she forgot to ask the person for her… More