Weird how there wasn't much change and customers paying with notes when coins or card are easier for small purchases. Lots of people turned up to get toilet roll, soap and if there were any hand sanitiser. Panic buying is stupid. One pensioner was offered a bag but she didn't want one if she had to pay for one. She throws her reciept back into the basket and doesn't take it. FML it is the law now. One man didn't say anything to me when he came to the till. Not my fault the queue was long. The delivery was 3 hours behind schedule. I did not get to take a break. My colleague was coughing. She did go to the toilet. Needed to sanitise her hands. I am definitely quitting this job. Some people took their time. I ought to be consistent when limiting paracetamol based products. Some people take the piss. Offer SAS as normal even if working a delivery.
Advocating for theft. See the replies. Just use a food bank. Had to unfollow.
I don’t know who needs to hear this but if you don’t have money for food, steal.
9:25 PM · Mar 15, 2020
Tariq and his followers sure are supportive of Andrew. Though he is pro black. There seems to be xenophobia, racism towards other ethnicities and homophobia.
One seems to blame Sadiq Khan and another dislikes Aoc. Idris Elba like Tom Hanks has Covid19. Celebrities are more important it seems. You will get some inappropriate comments. Africa is free of the virus. Corona is racist. It doesn't like black people. Joke BTW.Unfollowed a few people today. Makes me question why I followed them in the first place.— John Constantine (@WeRNotUrKind) March 16, 2020
If you are panic buying don't be mad if the queues are long. Know what limit means. Use your manners.
Hyper Music - Muse

Hudgens was ill informed. She apologized. Hailey is just trolling. It was not misogynistic.
No toilet paper? No problem? Here is a collage of tapestries that are ass approved to wipe your butt.— Maz 🔮 {79%} 🔜 BLFC (@mazzaful) March 17, 2020
The delivery was big. It was late too. The driver had a problem with the platform lift at the back of the lorry. A sign was put up saying that we were opening at 11am. People would come to the door. Ask when we open. Even rattle it as it was actually locked. Some of the staff were shouting and swearing about and at the customers. I am sure that they would have heard it. Maybe they will have contacted head office. At 6.30am whilst we were having the cages bought in. Three different people had entered the store to ask if we had hand sanitisers. We weren't even open for business. A large queue had formed. They even barged at the door. All the toilet roll was sold out. Some customers wanting to buy more than two paracetamol for family members. However it is the law. So there. I didn't take a break. Had the new supervisor been working she would have made a complaint or handed in her notice. My young colleague was being miserable. All I said was bye and that I would see her next time. She was late for her shift on Tuesday. A work experience lad had come in and he was being shown around. He had seen the level of stock to be worked. He had told the assistant manager that his mum and sister had symptoms of the corona virus. He was coughing too. So he Now he could be lying. Why turn up and put others at risk? I would hope to see more professionalism in future.
So much for compassion from this numbnuts. See how dismissive these people are of racism.It could be so much worse. You could (and should) be in prison for threatening the President.— Mark Dandrews (@MarkDAndrews2) March 18, 2020
The manager let out a large moan as she was supposedly on conference call. I wasn't told. I had to get management as a customer decided not to get the cough mixture which was £5.99. A tag for it hadn't been put out. Another forgot her purse. Then someone dropped her micellar water causing a spillage. Not my fault. Many people asking about hand sanitiser, toilet roll, handwash and paracetamol when it was obvious that we didn't have any. Colleague was moaning in front of customers. Some have noticed. People saying "just this" but I should offer SAS anyway. This supposed shoplifter with a beanie hat, he overheard his description on the security radio. He corrected everyone. I found a few tags which had been torn off the product and items were stolen. Some people have an attitude. I should limit the laxatives sold.I’ll take things that never happened for $1000 Alex— Ex-Dem🇺🇸Latina (@ExDemLatina) March 18, 2020
There are precautions being at Puregym. Social distancing. Classes cancelled. Maximum 100 people capacity. Sanitiser gel and sprays with paper towels. Some equipment is further apart or one at a time usage. A person had left a Samsung pen which is for the mobile phone. All staff were busy. I left it by the office door.
I got a call from this number. I didn't bother answering it.
first of all absolutely no one says this shit— judy moody fan acc (@chckpeas) March 20, 2020
Peaches has a nice pussy. However it is not acceptable to flash at someone especially a minor. She has done it before. If she were a man they would arrest her.Exceptional from Simon Pegg & Nick Frost 👏— FUN88 (@fun88eng) March 20, 2020
My mum has been talking to herself. It is late at night.Starts up again. Laura Ingrown-Toenail needs to shut up and dribble over a black cock. Karen wants to speak to the manager. White supremacists sure are idiots.PEACHES FLASHED HER PUSSY @ SKAI FUCKING JACKSON— alex (@soIetsride) March 20, 2020
I served someone at work that looked like Rick Grimes. I may have worked with this guy. Some staff swearing when there are customers about. Weird singing shit going on. I get asked the same question by a customer about sanitiser and wipes. The new supervisor has quit already. Didn't even work a notice. Sent a text to the manager on the day she was supposed to be working. The manager had to come in on her day off. Also working the delivery on her paid holiday. She still acted a twat. Telling the assistant manager how to do her job. Thanks alot Faye. Colleague is supposes to be working the delivery. Another had gone back home as the University is in shutdown due to the corona virus. The same chap came to the store twice asking about face masks. I had already told him. A blonde woman that wore gloves was covering her face, there were two Chinese people wearing masks being served by me. She did uncover her face once they had gone. Some Chinese woman was asking about a bin or something to do with eating. She was wearing a mask so it was hard to make out. A European woman with a scarf around her face suggested that we limit the sales of sanitary towels. It is up to head office. Other places could be on lockdown. My place of work could shut and I would be working elsewhere. It isn't the first time this has happened to me. Earlier in the week. A European woman petted a guide dog. You must not do that.Americans need to know date certain when this will end. The uncertainty for businesses, parents and kids is just not sustainable.— Laura Ingraham (@IngrahamAngle) March 20, 2020
I see some recommended video about woke Marvel characters. Just another whiney individual. This black American just being casually racist to Asians because the Kpop fans are after him.
They are blaming the Chinese government but others wrongly will blame the race.
Some clout chaser probably put this note up on a shelf to sabotage a business.I swear Racists never take a break do they ???— CHXN (@A1CHINZ) March 20, 2020
At PureGym we remain committed to doing everything we can to continue supporting our members, colleagues and self-employed personal trainers during these challenging times. Following Government instruction, we have closed our gyms temporarily. YOU WON'T PAY WHILE YOUR GYM IS CLOSED We have automatically stopped your payments so there is nothing for you to do. When your gym is back open, we will credit your first payment by any outstanding amount from your current monthly subscription.This is Forest Stores in Chiddingfold Surrey. They are charging £19 for 12 toilet rolls and £40 for a bigger pack. They will sell you one toilet roll for £2.50 They have also tried to charge £7 for two packets of paracetamol. Profiteering at its worse🤬🤬 #Covid_19— Kirstin McDonald (@Sama1975) March 20, 2020
This is the face of someone who just spent 9 hours in personal protective equipment moving critically ill Covid19 patients around London.— Natalie Silvey (@silv24) March 21, 2020
I feel broken - and we are only at the start. I am begging people, please please do social distancing and self isolation #covid19