People want to train in peace and this douche comes along
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I did have the strangest dream 19/8/18. Donald Trump was with his staff. They were chatting and joking. It looked like the White House Correspondence Dinner. The rest of the room had a large audience. A band played to the left corner. I was seeing this from the back of the stage. There were other scenes which were quite detailed however I am forgetting parts. A former supervisor tall blonde female in her 20s. Looked great in this dress. I haven't spoken to her since she left. She is on Facebook but nothing. I went to Savers in some other town. I had paid for a can of Coca-Cola but got a Pepsi Max instead. I had found a Holland & Barrett name badge in a cage filled with rubbish. I was going to get it back to it's rightful owner. The name began with S. I noticed The Bitch was scribbled on it. It was too much effort. So I left it. I had to get to a college and I needed to take a certain route. I was running out of time. I got to the double doors and held it open for two guys. I had looked at coursework papers and my 2 year course had come to an end but I could do another year. I had nothing to show for it. I had a letter written I. Gujarati about a sick relative. I was to try to work it out by using Google translate. I did have two handfuls of plums that may have come from the letter and I was dropping them. I asked my brother to fetch me a bowl. I needed to clean up the mess. He took a while. In a scene I happened to be in a car and it had gone up the wrong side of the road. A few close calls but a miniature road to the right my car had to go up in order to connect to the main road where I would be in the correct lane. It was a shortcut. Some bizarre elements. Some inspired by actual events but I will leave you to work that out.
My youngest brother is again slagging off people regarding this trip and he calls them self involved, the irony. Comes in talking about the trips out of town. I wish that I had gone gym. My younger brother is meant to help with the guttering. It hasn't rained. I am not wasting time. I know what I am doing. I will just have to do it myself. The youngest brother comes back in an hour later and wants to use my phone to look at the National Express site wanting times, dates, prices and so I tell him to take the phone into his room. He brings it back an hour and a half later and it is on minimal battery power. 12%. Looked at more websites. I won't allow him to use it again. 196 links/pages visited.
Lauren Southern and Laura Loomed are the retarded versions of Tomi Lahren.
I got 99 problems but a bitch ain't one. All you fascists are bound to lose. I don't love you and I never did. You know my name. I am one step closer to edge and I'm about to break. I am the reason your future suffers, I am the hatred you won't embrace. This is what you'll get when you mess with us.
A great reaction video. Thomas Evans and another commenter are dipshits that probably listen to fake news.
I did see this stunning athletic blonde in a grey sports bra and I forget the colour of the leggings. What a fine body. Saw a pink haired teen in white T-shirt and black shorts. This brunette in grey vest and shorts has a nice body. Also the ice cream lady's daughter is fine. Nice rack. Orange vest. Some blonde in grey in her 20s. Attractive. This tall blonde in black kit has a nice bum. Also saw a stunning Asian/Arabic lady in white vest. Athletic build.I went to use the toilet at the gym and the lid was down. Some water spilled on it. I lift it up to find shit smeared around the bowl. Tissue in the bowl. I use the flush but the water doesn't go down and it is blocked. Why don't some people clean up after themselves? Some cunt had vomited on the pavement it could have happened after a night out.
I went and collected the razors that I placed on display at work as we were actively promoting the Gillette sets. Each Wednesday something new is on offer. I only had the handles. So I don't know what happened to the two blades which were in a case. Has someone stolen them? Why not take the razors too. Or if they have been placed somewhere else? Annoyed to be frank. DMX - Party Up/Gonna Give It To Ya
Condolences to the tweeters in that thread. I don't own a pet but I understand that they are part of the family.Today is a very sad day— Molly 💪♀️ (@Molly3186) August 18, 2018
13 years ago my mom rescued Cody from a puppy mill.
Today, she had to put him down because a tumor was wrapped around his heart and lungs, slowly suffocating him.
You were a good boy, Cody. You will be greatly missed! 😭
If you're having girl problems I feel bad for you son....
User @bvdhai shared his account of being invited by a woman he'd matched with on Tinder to Union Square to catch a DJ set with her. When he arrived, he found out she had also invited dozens of other men she'd matched with on the app. The woman said the men could "compete" to win a date with her.
My brother wanted to use my phone again at 11:30pm I was watching Doctor Who. I told him not to be long but I think he did. Low power. Could have attached it to the charger. I haven't had the guttering done. A great reaction video to Doctor Who and right winger morons moan about Marxism and political correctness.
These social media celebrities are not important.Y’all are fucking CANCELLED 🤮🖕🏻🤭 #gabrielzamora #LauraLee #mannymua #nikitadragun @NikitaDragun @lauraleeelay @MannyMua733 @gabrielzamora @ipsy @NARSCosmetics @petermonn @HereForTheTea2 @tartecosmetics @TooFaced @NyxCosmetics @boxycharm IS THE ONLY 1 WHO SPOKE UP!!!— 𝖘𝖍𝖆𝖞 𝕯𝖆𝖗𝖑𝖎𝖓𝖌 🦇🦄🧝🏻♀️ (@shaydarlingxo) August 13, 2018
My brother did use the internet on NY phone. Must have been an hour of more. Yesterday and today. I was planning on using a website but ended up going for a bath anyway. My mum had burnt something while cooking and there is the smell that causes coughing fits. Filled the house. Someone rang the house and I don't think my mum understood what it was about.
A guy buying four Dialimite or whatever was moody. I had rang for staff but no one answered. I sold many active promo items. £104.94 all done by me. The guttering as arranged hasn't been done. I'm going to do it myself. The clothes of mine and my brother's which had been washed were mixed up. The pensioner that comes with his wife. Telling me to watch my fingers as I could trap my fingers in the basket. The preacher guy outside talking about Jesus, heaven, hell and other stuff. Some locals were annoyed by him.
It is now raining which means that I can't do the guttering now. So there may be a leak. Fantastic. My mum is up and walking and talking to herself. It was after 3:30am.
Savers Health And Beauty are looking for staff. Visit the Loughborough store or go online at
People will be politicising Mollie Tibbet's death. Whether the man was illegal or not he shouldn't have murdered someone. This may have more coverage than Nia Wilson. White privilege and Mwws.
At work someone did say to my colleague "you've got him well trained" mind you I had the retail experience from a long time ago. All I did bag the items for her. Some lady had to run out to get her purse from her mum. It must've been her toddler that was making alot of noise. My blades nay have been nicked. How the fuck do any of the staff know what happened? Like before a person thought the savings mentioned on the Gillette sets was the price and I had given paracetomol over the limit that I can sell as the customer was buying a promo item. The woman was with her husband and he may have not been paying attention. Putting the items into the bag. She mentioned to the woman in the queue. Makes us (females) look superior. Gtfo with that shit.
This lady just called the cops because my co workers were smoking a cigarette in front of our job. There were several other white men smoking but because we were black and in a group she targeted us.— cj Fentroy (@Boom_likean808) August 22, 2018
There were a few gorgeous bodies at the gym. The tall blonde in black sports bra, her blonde friend in grey vest. Athletic build. The tanned blonde that wears the headphones. The ice cream lady's younger daughter. A brunette. All above 5'5". Spotted a brunette in red and black doing squats. Some blonde mature woman was using the skiing machine. The other one was being used by the Personal Trainer. She went off to use something else and then come back to carry on. I would use it when she was done. I tried to upload a photo but the screen reloads. I played the Darts game.

My brother is still getting me to check the train times for three different location. Being indecisive about where and he is going or if. But what is the point in me wasting my time searching this shit. He came and started talking I was watching something on Youtube. I had my headphones in. Still moping around over all these travel plans going into detail. He has finally gone half hour later. All he does is wind me up. One Step Closer - Linkin Park.
There was a video on fat acceptance but it leads you onto some youtubes who think that they are experts. Right wing dipshits like Sidney Watson, Ellie Jayden and Giulia-Christina Philipp. Markus Meecham is an arsewipe that joined Ukip. How do you like that for free speech dickhead. Speaking of which an admin from a Facebook page allowed anti Muslim posts to be placed. She then tells the people complaining to shut it. So much for free speech. Spotted In and around Loughborough The cunts think that anti fascists are bad people Surprisingly the people on that page share a mutual friend with me. Chris Allen and Timothy Hicks are pricks. This lady might be attractive but she is naive.
Racist people, 99 problems, One step closer, All you fascists are bound to lose, Duality, The man comes around, Hunting for witches.
Saw suggested friends on Facebook and she is hot. Nice tits. Fan body.