Something wrong with Awdy on the same post he talks about Muslim rape gangs and no one has called him out on it. How is it relevant? Go one Jane Barker why don't you ask him. I can see why she put up a picture of a cat instead of her face.
Nikki Sovino #MeToo?
The father left his child at home unattended and played Pokémon Go on the way back.
Mr Cellophane is a dipshit.
GroundhogGal puts him in his place:Mr Cellophane wrote: »It seems that the show is in danger of becoming another left wing propaganda exercise, a thinly disguised racial discrimination parable.
When did anti race discrimination, become left-wing propaganda? All the main political parties seem to be opposed to it, even if some of their supporters aren't.
You will get customers saying "just this" as they hand the item. I should still offer them sas. It is part of my job role. Still people bring more than two paracetomal. Someone I was unsure of buying alcohol, a disabled woman possibly in her 20s. Maybe she didnt have any ID. A woman in a green parka that came in and out. She may have taken something or been detered. I should get a warning before hand. Telling me in front of the customer means they here it too. Fuck their feelings. A pissing light had broken up and it was in flames. The customers wanted serving as normal. Management were looking at it. All it took was a towel or fire extinguisher to put it out. I did have to work the shift on my day off as NP one else could. Low on change as the change order hadn't been written out before. Why are people paying with notes for small items?
That cocksucker Dennis Nolan was in the store but I was busy serving customers. Simon was at the other end watching and I alerted management to him. I was told to three bell if I saw him. I already did my job. I don't have the radio and Tango Victor probably didn't say anything either. I get told that the rota hadn't been changed but it has. I had written down the hours and they differ from what I had put down. I'm not stupid.
I was serving some customers and then offered them SAS. One lady behind them with a few items. I was almost done too. She was 50ish with brown hair and glasses. Only one other customer behind her. She puts her items down and goes off muttering some nonsense. Twat. At least put the items back.
One bell was rang and I came to the till to see Dennis. So I rang three bells. Should have stood in his way. Been more vocal. The area manager did come out to get the bottle back but he was reluctant to give it up. Swearing at her. If I was violent I would floor him. If only I had a gun. I didn't like the way some customers answer back when I am doing my job. One tall pensioner just wanted the toilet roll. I thought that the Guile hairstyle blonde may have found it amusing. She does answer in a weird way. I keep having to tell people about the delivery.
My mum doesn't stop talking to herself. I need to be up early and she doesn't give a shit. Really gone beyond a joke now. Mentions my name. Repeating shite. If she keeps it up I might just go to the gym. I was as awake at 11:30pm. She is talking to herself. My brother has the volume up on the TV. No consideration for others. Stop mentioning my name. I am not listening. I will get you CBT. Learn to control your behaviour. It is 1am and she is repeating the same thing over and over.
Slipknot-Duality 99 Problems-Jay-z Hyper Music-Muse
This dumbass wears fake tan.
Email from Amazon USA:
Joe Tivnan the racist law student at Nottingham Trent Uni Lauren Leigh looks like the type of girl to never say no to a cock whether it be black or white.
Mixed raced but hating blacks? I was serving some customers and then offered them SAS. One lady behind them with a few items. I was almost done too. She was 50ish with brown hair and glasses. Only one other customer behind her. She puts her items down and goes off muttering some nonsense. Twat. At least put the items back.
One bell was rang and I came to the till to see Dennis. So I rang three bells. Should have stood in his way. Been more vocal. The area manager did come out to get the bottle back but he was reluctant to give it up. Swearing at her. If I was violent I would floor him. If only I had a gun. I didn't like the way some customers answer back when I am doing my job. One tall pensioner just wanted the toilet roll. I thought that the Guile hairstyle blonde may have found it amusing. She does answer in a weird way. I keep having to tell people about the delivery.
My mum doesn't stop talking to herself. I need to be up early and she doesn't give a shit. Really gone beyond a joke now. Mentions my name. Repeating shite. If she keeps it up I might just go to the gym. I was as awake at 11:30pm. She is talking to herself. My brother has the volume up on the TV. No consideration for others. Stop mentioning my name. I am not listening. I will get you CBT. Learn to control your behaviour. It is 1am and she is repeating the same thing over and over.
Slipknot-Duality 99 Problems-Jay-z Hyper Music-Muse
This dumbass wears fake tan.
Teenage girl stabbed in back refused treatment from doctor because he was black— Daily Mirror (@DailyMirror) May 22, 2018
Sarah Braasch doesn't belong at Yale University
Email from Berry Recruitment:
Wed like to stay in touch with you and keep you posted on the latest job opportunities.
We can help you stay up-to-date with the latest job opportunities (via our jobs by email service), local career events and expert advice. To make sure you dont miss out, be sure to log in to your account within 10 days of this email and well keep you in-the-know.
Log in to my account
As a thank you for updating your website registration preferences, we will enter you into our prize draw for a chance to win £100 Amazon Vouchers*.
But you fuckers denied me work. I'd only do it for the Amazon vouchers.
Why spam me on Bentbox? The subject isn't relevant to the site. Hi Solitarymaninblack,
Ramadan Mubarak to all the Muslims in the world. You know the white nationalists will be triggered by this. Transphobia on the timeline for a Ch4 show.
I am trying to sleep and it is 5:55am. My mum is in the bathroom and my brother moans about how he is trying to sleep, tells her to fill the bowl and have a bath all the while raising his voice. Where is the logic? He is repeating to her to brush her teeth. I wasn't sure if she has the taxi money or not. Don't just come into my room and disturb me about the taxi arrangement. You do this sort of shit every time.
My colleague was moaning about a customer asking about the big girl. Just saying it as it is, both the supervisor and assistant manager have a large build. He didn't mean it in a bad way. She was being hypothetical as she had gone on about foreigners not speaking English.
I offered a blonde 30 something woman SAS. Ted Baker was on offer and she says "Ted Baker is shit" where the fuck is a sense of decorum? Thanks for your irrelevant opinion but I am just doing my job. I got 99 problems and it seems a bitch is also one of them.
Toni Hall, you fucking Muppet. Karma Police-Radiohead
Jonathan E Hamilton Jr is an American Idiot. Works for Firetorn. Uses derogatory language. The modelling agent that works there thinks the Confederate flag is about heritage. Mackay Mitchell Envelope Company will be pleased to see what type of remarks he makes online. But to be honest he is an irrelevant person.
FML Donald
Had a call from these people. See the unacceptable comments online.
Doug Angrybritain Bradbury used to be entertaining. Just some privileged right winger. The morons on this thread.
Any idea what the fuck these wankers were upto?
Email from Berry Recruitment:
Wed like to stay in touch with you and keep you posted on the latest job opportunities.
We can help you stay up-to-date with the latest job opportunities (via our jobs by email service), local career events and expert advice. To make sure you dont miss out, be sure to log in to your account within 10 days of this email and well keep you in-the-know.
Log in to my account
As a thank you for updating your website registration preferences, we will enter you into our prize draw for a chance to win £100 Amazon Vouchers*.
But you fuckers denied me work. I'd only do it for the Amazon vouchers.
Why spam me on Bentbox? The subject isn't relevant to the site. Hi Solitarymaninblack,
You have a new message from Macroneon in your Inbox.
'Hi,this information greatly influenced my life and my work, maybe you will like author and video
Ramadan Mubarak to all the Muslims in the world. You know the white nationalists will be triggered by this. Transphobia on the timeline for a Ch4 show.
I am trying to sleep and it is 5:55am. My mum is in the bathroom and my brother moans about how he is trying to sleep, tells her to fill the bowl and have a bath all the while raising his voice. Where is the logic? He is repeating to her to brush her teeth. I wasn't sure if she has the taxi money or not. Don't just come into my room and disturb me about the taxi arrangement. You do this sort of shit every time.
My colleague was moaning about a customer asking about the big girl. Just saying it as it is, both the supervisor and assistant manager have a large build. He didn't mean it in a bad way. She was being hypothetical as she had gone on about foreigners not speaking English.
I offered a blonde 30 something woman SAS. Ted Baker was on offer and she says "Ted Baker is shit" where the fuck is a sense of decorum? Thanks for your irrelevant opinion but I am just doing my job. I got 99 problems and it seems a bitch is also one of them.
Toni Hall, you fucking Muppet. Karma Police-Radiohead
FML Donald
Had a call from these people. See the unacceptable comments online.
Doug Angrybritain Bradbury used to be entertaining. Just some privileged right winger. The morons on this thread.
Diane Abbott @HackneyAbbott claims she receives abuse for being "black" and "a woman".— Tommy English كافر (@EnglishTommy1) April 29, 2018
No Diane, you receive abuse for being an embarrassment to British Politics.
Stop trying to camouflage your stupidity by bringing your race and sex into it.
Hit and run at Aston Mosque Joey Lever and his friends using their white privilege.
Davide is a prick. From the BBC site:
Marc Pantano is a cocksucker.
So Noah Crowley made an ass out of himself. Daniel discriminates against the disabled.
I find it odd that the right wing complain about the left wing because the suspect in a terror incident happened to be white. The cunts would be doing the same if it was a black or Muslim guy. They seem to think that the killer was a Democrat or Antifa member which is bullshit. So they can suck my dick with their irrelevant opinions.
Craig Keogh committed a horrific crime
Over at Savers it was 8:19am. I'm sorting something. A black guy on his way to work. He wanted to come in to buy something. Don't rattle the door. You can see that it is locked. The tills weren't on. We don't open until 8:30am. Some mature women use the phrase "I don't think so" when I offer them SAS. An Asian lady dropped a bottle of cough medicine on the floor. She should have had a basket. I had to clean it up. Maybe I should make the customers clean up their own mess. People point out the obvious regarding the floor. It needed mopping twice.
My youngest brother going on about "I need everybody to chip in" Assuming that everyone doesn't do anything around here. Which is bullshit. Seriously, you're worn out because of your actions and more talk of your work colleagues. Lecture about the bleeding obvious. Not in the mood. Wanting to watch Pornhub and he has to disturb me. What was the point? She is a grown woman. I'm going to move out. Like it used to be. It won't, it isn't and I couldn't give a shit. As it isn't my problem. 99 Problems/Hyper Music
The Welsh woman with the big teeth was on about people falling at my colleagues feet. I got called handsome. She was shouting at someone calling them naughty boy. I was at the window scanning the items to see that they match up with the prices. They should be anyway. She says to me "keep falling at her feet, she likes that".
If my mum keeps asking if I am alright as she has done six times already. Mentioning the time. I know what the fuck I am doing. I shall send her out on her own.
Mark Anthony Conditt is a terrorist cunt. Will people be keeping an eye on white Christians?
Why are people fans of this douchebag?
Dana Leosch or whatever her name is seems to be a fascist. Fuck the 2A.
This fucking idiot Davide is a prick. From the BBC site:
A City worker who posted fake photos of his colleague on porn websites after she refused to give him her number has been convicted of harassment.
Davide Buccheri, 25, carried out the "malicious" crime while working at the investment management firm M&G.
Buccheri created a gallery of the victim alongside edited pornographic pictures of other women between September 2016 and May 2017.
He then told the woman's bosses about the photos to discredit her.
The pictures were uploaded to porn websites after being edited and cropped to make them look like the woman, the City of London Magistrates' Court heard.
Buccheri, originally from Bologna, Italy, was convicted of one count of harassment.
'Wicked campaign'
District Judge Richard Blake warned Buccheri that a custodial sentence was "almost inevitable".
He described him as "manipulative" and said he had become "infatuated" and "obsessed" with his victim and "set about to destroy her".
"You conducted a quite wicked, calculated campaign against this young woman," he said.
"It is shameful that I have not heard in evidence one expression of regret from you about what this young woman suffered.
"She is going to have to live the rest of her professional life with the potential for the 'snigger by the water cooler', or in the lift, as she goes by.
"She doesn't deserve that; this young woman did absolutely nothing to bring about your disgraceful behaviour.
Prosecutor Aimee Emby said Buccheri's actions caused his victim "considerable distress and anxiety".
"I hope this conviction provides the victim with some measure of comfort and gives other victims of harassment the confidence to come forward," she said.
Buccheri will be sentenced on Tuesday, 1 May.
Some founder of Trump Students was following me on Twitter. #cocksucker

Some founder of Trump Students was following me on Twitter. #cocksucker

Marc Pantano is a cocksucker.
So Noah Crowley made an ass out of himself. Daniel discriminates against the disabled.
I find it odd that the right wing complain about the left wing because the suspect in a terror incident happened to be white. The cunts would be doing the same if it was a black or Muslim guy. They seem to think that the killer was a Democrat or Antifa member which is bullshit. So they can suck my dick with their irrelevant opinions.
I hadn't heard if this David Kurten bloke but didn't need to see his tweets on my time line. Mama-MCR There was a military woman that is pro-life and pro-guns, the irony. "Taking our country back" who from? Wasn't yours to begin with. Make America Great Again, well it never was.I wonder what most of these #iamtommy tweeters do for a living. What would their employers think? They probably deal with the types of people that they discriminate against. They're mostly on GAB. Thought Contagion - Muse— Kishore Mehta (@BlkSmokeMonster) March 29, 2018
Craig Keogh committed a horrific crime
Over at Savers it was 8:19am. I'm sorting something. A black guy on his way to work. He wanted to come in to buy something. Don't rattle the door. You can see that it is locked. The tills weren't on. We don't open until 8:30am. Some mature women use the phrase "I don't think so" when I offer them SAS. An Asian lady dropped a bottle of cough medicine on the floor. She should have had a basket. I had to clean it up. Maybe I should make the customers clean up their own mess. People point out the obvious regarding the floor. It needed mopping twice.
My youngest brother going on about "I need everybody to chip in" Assuming that everyone doesn't do anything around here. Which is bullshit. Seriously, you're worn out because of your actions and more talk of your work colleagues. Lecture about the bleeding obvious. Not in the mood. Wanting to watch Pornhub and he has to disturb me. What was the point? She is a grown woman. I'm going to move out. Like it used to be. It won't, it isn't and I couldn't give a shit. As it isn't my problem. 99 Problems/Hyper Music
The Welsh woman with the big teeth was on about people falling at my colleagues feet. I got called handsome. She was shouting at someone calling them naughty boy. I was at the window scanning the items to see that they match up with the prices. They should be anyway. She says to me "keep falling at her feet, she likes that".
If my mum keeps asking if I am alright as she has done six times already. Mentioning the time. I know what the fuck I am doing. I shall send her out on her own.
At the doctors surgery. Saw this pretty brunette in tight Ellesse leggings.
So there is plenty of overtime available. The general manager would return in May but she might not come back. The auditor lady at Simply Pleasure is a good sales woman. I did have to take my hood off.
There was a security guy there. I bought a Slipknot bag from Sports Direct. Hannah K who is a very tall blonde that comes into the store. Stands in the queue not moving when asked. It's as if she is aware of what's going on around her.
I used the new poppers. Blue something. Worked OK at first. Today in the afternoon tried to get off. Unfortunately I was going limp. Not able to orgasm on this really good video that I watched. I found myself to be dizzy, numb, I fell over. Once I was on my hands and knees. I started heaving/throwing up. Poppers are not worth it. Avoid.
There was a security guy there. I bought a Slipknot bag from Sports Direct. Hannah K who is a very tall blonde that comes into the store. Stands in the queue not moving when asked. It's as if she is aware of what's going on around her.
I used the new poppers. Blue something. Worked OK at first. Today in the afternoon tried to get off. Unfortunately I was going limp. Not able to orgasm on this really good video that I watched. I found myself to be dizzy, numb, I fell over. Once I was on my hands and knees. I started heaving/throwing up. Poppers are not worth it. Avoid.
Mark Anthony Conditt is a terrorist cunt. Will people be keeping an eye on white Christians?
Matt Bell-End will get his comeuppance.
There is a man going round taking names. I’ve had to suffer with this alone for over 3 months, following @rufarochisango_'s experience at Nottingham Trent - I’ve finally decided to expose the racism that I’ve experienced at @Exeter.— a~m (@arsaIanm) March 19, 2018
My brother asks to borrow £150 which will leave me out of pocket. I lent up to £250 over the past months and haven't been paid back. You choose to do what you want with your life and money. I am not funding it.
This is the second time I am typing this as I got logged off and did not get to save anything. FML. A woman that was in my school back in the day. Still bizarre with a weird sense of humour. Her one daughter seemed chavvy. I offered a bag to the other one and Lisa says "or you can give her 5p to promote your shop." Donna Perkins was outside and her mate with the raspy voice comes in asking for a male equivalent to Femfresh. The guy has gone down aisle 1. He has a flesh light or something by his groin. It might have been a Roll-on. Anybody covering the aisles? Some stupid joke or shoplifting attempt. Bellends. 99 Problems - Jay-Z
With all the controversy with The White Moose Cafe I'd say Paul Stenson is in the wrong type of business. Hotel Inspector Alex Polizi should visit.
I did my lower back in. Doing the second set of deadlifts and immediately had to put it back down. Couldn't bend over or squat down. It had been snowing recently and so it was icy on the roads. Slippery too.
Siri, what's white privilege?
Hatie Kopkins makes a tweet about Meghqn Markle using the Telford scandal. Fucking cumbucket.
Lee Hickling has a problem
Saw a video called Stephen Hawking Funeral Live which it isn't. I found this absurd comment that made me think "whatcha talkin bout Willis?"
He saw this attractive girl. Got annoying as she started singing. He was thinking "bitch stfu"
I haven't heard of Brittany and Martin. Right wing activists. Making them cunts. Good that they were denied entry. Fucking snowflake Michael Sheehan is a cunt too. Hazel Salisbury is an idiot
Michael Abuelo Sheehan
That is an insult to C**nts... tone it down mate.. I agree but you would not come out with language like that in front of your mum would ya?
It is an insult by the way. But might say it in front of your mum, Michael.
Hazel Salisbury says "Disgusting. Using a word for female genitalia as abuse shows a total lack of respect for women." After I pointed out some right wingers were cunts, which they are. Got her knickers in a twist.
I got 99 problems and a bitch ain't one.
DVDs of the stand up shows by Ken Dodd
I mentioned that a lady at Tesco reminded me of Jodie Whittaker. This guy needed it spelling out for him.
I dreamt that I was at Beaumanor Hall or some heritage site where I was studying art. I thought that I was in the UK but was elsewhere. I go to the first door and open it. Look to the outer door. Looking through the spyhole and these men across the street. They have noticed me. I lock up and they soon arrive and so I deal with them. Explain that I am of Indian origin and from the UK. They are arabic. They do speak to me. They head inside and come out again. One has a knife. They follow me as I try to avoid them. I manage to get away. I reimagine the scene and this time I am closer to knife man. I hold his wrist and as gia mate comes from behind I let go and move out of the way. The knife plunges into the mate. I pull it out and stab the owner. I leap onto the other gang member punching him several times, snapping his neck and giving out a roar.
Posting racist fake news doesn't help. This is the second time I am typing this as I got logged off and did not get to save anything. FML. A woman that was in my school back in the day. Still bizarre with a weird sense of humour. Her one daughter seemed chavvy. I offered a bag to the other one and Lisa says "or you can give her 5p to promote your shop." Donna Perkins was outside and her mate with the raspy voice comes in asking for a male equivalent to Femfresh. The guy has gone down aisle 1. He has a flesh light or something by his groin. It might have been a Roll-on. Anybody covering the aisles? Some stupid joke or shoplifting attempt. Bellends. 99 Problems - Jay-Z
With all the controversy with The White Moose Cafe I'd say Paul Stenson is in the wrong type of business. Hotel Inspector Alex Polizi should visit.
There was the mature brunette with nice big tits. A blonde in a blue vest. Hot body. The tanned blonde was stood near to where I needed to go to change the weight. She should be aware that I am nearby. Had I said something maybe she would have moved. I believe I did have a profile pic of hers somewhere. Ludicrous - Bitch Get Out The Way
I did my lower back in. Doing the second set of deadlifts and immediately had to put it back down. Couldn't bend over or squat down. It had been snowing recently and so it was icy on the roads. Slippery too.
Siri, what's white privilege?
Hatie Kopkins makes a tweet about Meghqn Markle using the Telford scandal. Fucking cumbucket.
Lee Hickling has a problem
A sensitive storyline and this moron comments.David Platt getting date raped by a geezer is fucking hilarious 😂 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 #Corrie— Neil Lawrence (@neilodor) March 16, 2018
Saw a video called Stephen Hawking Funeral Live which it isn't. I found this absurd comment that made me think "whatcha talkin bout Willis?"
[The devil always appointed deception/to blind the nations from the Judeo/ChristianGod] ....All pagan-religions and tribal-rituals were inspired by satan,As religions matured,invalid doctrines were institutionalized:demons cemented reincarnation in{Hinduism],naturalism in{Buddhism}and idol-worship in{Chatholicism};they later helped muhammad construct a slaughterhouse{Islam},appeared to joseph smith as angelic-entities{Mormonism}and led charles russell to downgrade jesus divinity{Jehovah'sWitness's}Eventually,false-religions deluded the nations with a convenient lie{many paths to heaven/good-deeds gets you in} ....From ages past satan also used Necromancy productively{belief the dead still wander]. even now,demons utilize haunted-homes[ghosts] and psychic-mediums[channeling] as a stage to mimic the departed.Mimics are allowed to occur the instant we believe the dead become wandering spirits{demons to surely mimic if contact is tried,séance/quija-board}. Scripture eliminates the idea:when men expire,it's heaven/hell,they don't return as ghosts. {demons also use psychics{channeling}to mimic ascended-masters,spirit-guides,angels and aliens,all devices of divination,tarot-cards/crystal-balls/charms/wicca/are demonic] ....Satan initiated the groundwork[for the final delusion}back in the 19thcentury by helping darwin write his book[layin secular ground/for new deceptions};during the 20thcentury,he then began conducting demons to shapeshift as ufos,aliens[abductions]and bigfoot on a regular basis.These tactics helped originate and sustain an atheist/darwin culture.As the decades progressed,media-coverage,t.v.and films about invading aliens eventually nailed the finishing touches for the eventful final delusion:In the final-stretches of a nuclear war: demons will then materialize and intervene as aliens of peace,satan will shapeshift ufo's over the survived-cities as demon-hybrids relate with men on land,religious institutions-to dissolve away as the nations/aliens commence and reform an interstellar global alliance. (world-government/antichrist/alien-delusion)...2 Thessalonians 2:8-11,Genesis 6:4 ....Having read satans schemes,will you still be tricked?To avert hell all you must do is accept jesus as friend,that so difficult?for observational data demons exist click
2 days ago•
mesmerizing sensual handjob
At work I arrive on the till as there is a queue. A mother 37 and her student daughter were purchasing some alcohol. She showed me her I-D. The manager comes over and asks to see the ID. The mother explains how old she is and that she heard the little whispers going on. That she should be concerned with the coughing going on around the food and drink section which was disgusting. The assistant did say that as she is young whether she could Challenge 25. The mother says "it's not about you" and to me as well. The manager did apologise. It did seem rude to be honest. The miserable short woman with the mixed raced boy was abrupt as usual. Came back and bought something on SAS. Didn't want the receipt so just throws it aside.
I got 99 problems but a bitch ain't one. This student with glasses had his headphones in. I asked if he wanted a bag and offered SAS. He seemed moody.
The delivery was late thus making us late. Till change wasn't bought sooner. Why were some staff reluctant to jump on till. I get a lecture about thinking outside the box. FML. I know what I am doing. The items were overs. I am not wasting time. I was told about store standards and not condensing items. I know about making room. If I can only get one or two out then you don't bother with it. All I do is say fuck all. Because people face over areas I don't spot the place an item should have gone. Assistant Manager was moaning. 99 Problems - Jay-z
My brother goes "do us a favour put the stuff in the washing machine" I have been at work. It is his clothes in the basket. He was at home so why didn't he do it himself?
It is my friend's birthday today, it is St. Patrick's Day too. I just don't get an invite to nights out or a text back.
Duality-Slipknot Hurt/Solitary Man-Johnny Cash
I just had this text from Ocado:
Dear Mrs Karin. Welcome to Ocado. Your 3PM-4PM order will be delivered by Paul in Lemon van LN65 KPZ. Sorry, your order has the following missing items: 2 x HaloodiesBeefSirloinSteak and the following substitutions: 1 x HaloodiesDicedBeefHalal for 1 x HaloodiesBeefFilletSteakH, 2 x HaloodiesDicedBeefHalal for 2 x HaloodiesBeefMinceHalal.
How many items were ironed? Constant slamming of the iron against the board. Can't rest. Too much noise. The washer dryer is logged. Doesn't dry at all. Someone being told to brush her teeth but then it doesn't happen.
I had this dream where I was at a high rise building. One apartment had this large display of music memorabilia. Two mature women lived here. I saw that a party was being held in another. Plenty of food to go round. I could fly at some point. Rockets were being fired and I was avoiding them. A fire engine went down Swan St, Loughborough. It had a train carriage which it held via a mechanical arm.
This one last night: there was a Doctor Who theme. I had spoken to Jessica Chastain and her father. I spoke to David Bowie about it. In this detached house which was having work done. David Tennant was working in a pub that I visited. I was with two ladies. They needed to use the toilet. There was a wedding taking place and the hotel manager was about. Tried to avoid her.
I am hearing this "jewra" nonsense from my mum with additional words. Because I get nagged by my brother about the fucking boiler. There is a pissing call out charge. Thanks Corgi. He'll still be moaning if they can't find a problem or give a reasonable explanation. I would end up hurting someone. One Step Closer-Linkin Park Yet again the younger one wants to borrow money. I was unable to pay certain bills due to insufficient funds. My hard earned cash.
This engineer is annoying, somewhat useless at first but got the job done. Needs better bedside manners. FML. My youngest brother has to annoy me as well. I am not fannying around and ringing up people again. Pointing out the obvious. Mrs Thomas needs to stop calling. A previous unhappy customer. Had stuff fitted from Wickes. Now in the morning my brother is asking about what the engineer exactly said about the pressure and goes on about the spindle on the tap. Just don't mess with it. Which you did. I'm trying to sleep.

At work I arrive on the till as there is a queue. A mother 37 and her student daughter were purchasing some alcohol. She showed me her I-D. The manager comes over and asks to see the ID. The mother explains how old she is and that she heard the little whispers going on. That she should be concerned with the coughing going on around the food and drink section which was disgusting. The assistant did say that as she is young whether she could Challenge 25. The mother says "it's not about you" and to me as well. The manager did apologise. It did seem rude to be honest. The miserable short woman with the mixed raced boy was abrupt as usual. Came back and bought something on SAS. Didn't want the receipt so just throws it aside.
I got 99 problems but a bitch ain't one. This student with glasses had his headphones in. I asked if he wanted a bag and offered SAS. He seemed moody.
The delivery was late thus making us late. Till change wasn't bought sooner. Why were some staff reluctant to jump on till. I get a lecture about thinking outside the box. FML. I know what I am doing. The items were overs. I am not wasting time. I was told about store standards and not condensing items. I know about making room. If I can only get one or two out then you don't bother with it. All I do is say fuck all. Because people face over areas I don't spot the place an item should have gone. Assistant Manager was moaning. 99 Problems - Jay-z
My brother goes "do us a favour put the stuff in the washing machine" I have been at work. It is his clothes in the basket. He was at home so why didn't he do it himself?
It is my friend's birthday today, it is St. Patrick's Day too. I just don't get an invite to nights out or a text back.
Duality-Slipknot Hurt/Solitary Man-Johnny Cash
I just had this text from Ocado:
Dear Mrs Karin. Welcome to Ocado. Your 3PM-4PM order will be delivered by Paul in Lemon van LN65 KPZ. Sorry, your order has the following missing items: 2 x HaloodiesBeefSirloinSteak and the following substitutions: 1 x HaloodiesDicedBeefHalal for 1 x HaloodiesBeefFilletSteakH, 2 x HaloodiesDicedBeefHalal for 2 x HaloodiesBeefMinceHalal.
How many items were ironed? Constant slamming of the iron against the board. Can't rest. Too much noise. The washer dryer is logged. Doesn't dry at all. Someone being told to brush her teeth but then it doesn't happen.
I had this dream where I was at a high rise building. One apartment had this large display of music memorabilia. Two mature women lived here. I saw that a party was being held in another. Plenty of food to go round. I could fly at some point. Rockets were being fired and I was avoiding them. A fire engine went down Swan St, Loughborough. It had a train carriage which it held via a mechanical arm.
This one last night: there was a Doctor Who theme. I had spoken to Jessica Chastain and her father. I spoke to David Bowie about it. In this detached house which was having work done. David Tennant was working in a pub that I visited. I was with two ladies. They needed to use the toilet. There was a wedding taking place and the hotel manager was about. Tried to avoid her.
I am hearing this "jewra" nonsense from my mum with additional words. Because I get nagged by my brother about the fucking boiler. There is a pissing call out charge. Thanks Corgi. He'll still be moaning if they can't find a problem or give a reasonable explanation. I would end up hurting someone. One Step Closer-Linkin Park Yet again the younger one wants to borrow money. I was unable to pay certain bills due to insufficient funds. My hard earned cash.
This engineer is annoying, somewhat useless at first but got the job done. Needs better bedside manners. FML. My youngest brother has to annoy me as well. I am not fannying around and ringing up people again. Pointing out the obvious. Mrs Thomas needs to stop calling. A previous unhappy customer. Had stuff fitted from Wickes. Now in the morning my brother is asking about what the engineer exactly said about the pressure and goes on about the spindle on the tap. Just don't mess with it. Which you did. I'm trying to sleep.

First world problems but a bitch ain't one.Those moaning about the inconvenience of Manchester Piccadilly protest ever thought why people are pushed to protest? The Kurdish people who fought and died against ISIS to keep the rest of the world safe are now themselves being slaughtered by our Turkish NATO ally.— JohnR EU (@JohnRobb1231) March 11, 2018
Keyboard warriors.Should have run them over! It’s the risk you run for trespassing on the railway line. Well they’re no use to anyone except in Turkey 👍— Nigel Ponting (@Skippy561) March 11, 2018
Please enjoy this fantastic video of my friend Stevie. It's one of my favorite things ever— Abam (@AdamBroud) March 12, 2018
I haven't heard of Brittany and Martin. Right wing activists. Making them cunts. Good that they were denied entry. Fucking snowflake Michael Sheehan is a cunt too. Hazel Salisbury is an idiot
Michael Abuelo Sheehan
That is an insult to C**nts... tone it down mate.. I agree but you would not come out with language like that in front of your mum would ya?
It is an insult by the way. But might say it in front of your mum, Michael.
Hazel Salisbury says "Disgusting. Using a word for female genitalia as abuse shows a total lack of respect for women." After I pointed out some right wingers were cunts, which they are. Got her knickers in a twist.
I got 99 problems and a bitch ain't one.
DVDs of the stand up shows by Ken Dodd
I mentioned that a lady at Tesco reminded me of Jodie Whittaker. This guy needed it spelling out for him.
I dreamt that I was at Beaumanor Hall or some heritage site where I was studying art. I thought that I was in the UK but was elsewhere. I go to the first door and open it. Look to the outer door. Looking through the spyhole and these men across the street. They have noticed me. I lock up and they soon arrive and so I deal with them. Explain that I am of Indian origin and from the UK. They are arabic. They do speak to me. They head inside and come out again. One has a knife. They follow me as I try to avoid them. I manage to get away. I reimagine the scene and this time I am closer to knife man. I hold his wrist and as gia mate comes from behind I let go and move out of the way. The knife plunges into the mate. I pull it out and stab the owner. I leap onto the other gang member punching him several times, snapping his neck and giving out a roar.
A student said "If you arm teachers with a gun and a cop sees a black teacher with a gun, guess who's getting shot". Crazy how the students can point out all of the the potential downsides to arming teachers, but Republicans in DC can't.— Denizcan James (@MrFilmkritik) March 15, 2018
"Mariam, an 18-year-old engineering student based in Nottingham, U.K., was brutally beaten by 10 British women of African descent."— Michael Graham (@Ironwand) March 16, 2018
'British' women? Oh, yeah. I was forgetting. Enriching #diversity says they're just as British as Florence Nightingale and Edith Cavell.
Radiohead-Just My youngest brother wakes me up around midnight or whatever time to use the internet on my phone. I was asleep. It could have waited.Oregon man who followed a Black Muslim couple for 20 blocks, yelling racial slurs at them, burst into tears after he was charged with a hate crime:— The Root (@TheRoot) March 19, 2018
Ash aka Uncle Tom. I just got followed by a bot I presume. One tweet. Following a range of people. Most are rightwing. I won't follow her.Let’s do a “who’s who” of the racist @UniofExeter students then.— Jonathan 🇩🇲 (@JrEttienne_) March 19, 2018
I found a couple Facebook and LinkedIn profiles. I have time...
— Shannon (@shannonbaker100) August 21, 2017
Dana Leosch or whatever her name is seems to be a fascist. Fuck the 2A.
If Alfie Evans was brown he would still be alive— Bran 🇺🇸🏴 (@B_mak11) April 28, 2018
If you’ve gotten a message from @lifeblessing229 and tried to help her out, you probably know by now that she scammed you. 🤷🏾♀️— Issa Bae. (@NuuYawkerr) April 28, 2018
Email from Amazon USA:
terrorist assholes in Canada, not being classed as a terrorist act or hate crime. It is both. Holocaust denier writes a songPictured: These are the Nottingham Trent students going to court for chanting ‘we hate the blacks’ in halls— The Tab (@TheTab) April 25, 2018
Absolutely disgraceful to state that the mass genocide of Native Americans and 400 year slave trade of millions of Africans is “taming a continent.”— Qasim Rashid, Esq. (@MuslimIQ) May 25, 2018
Such rhetoric is literally praising white supremacy terrorism, slavery, and genocide. Smh
Thick as thieves. Rick Shaw is a twat for bringing up Tommy Robinson.Samantha Markle is a dipshit just like Tommy Robinson and his supporters Tommy is as much of a journalist as is Stacey Dooley. His protestors know nothing about the law but just how to break it. Some Inteprid Chimp moron replies to my tweet with an irrelevant topic.David Parnham