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She was in the Loughborough Library talking to the young chap behind the counter (Thurs 9.40). Then at the bus stop this blonde yummy mummy walked by wearing denim shorts, great legs. Some of the @Everydaysexism tweeters are pretty. I'll add there pics and tweets. My phone is rather crap and I'm not like those guys that take creepshots. Saw some big nice boobs on this blonde woman in Thorpe Acre. It took to long for the computer to load up for me to do anything with my blog. A fantastic site called http://chaturbate.com does feature some Uk girls such as xJennySmithx, Baby_Bear (art graduate from London), Little_Blondie (Swindon). You might also like zoig.com Read about a woman breastfeeding in the swimming pool, was asked to leave and now went to papers. Nothing wrong with breastfeeding but a stupid place to do it. Also the one story about the girl breastfeeding in the jobcentre. Google the stories. People still leaving mess at Snibston. http://myworld.ebay.co.uk/mrkish09 Books for sale, share links. I did see this busty woman in Coalville yesterday, she had nice cleavage. She was waiting for the bus in Memorial Sq with her pretty blonde friend. Getting off at the Rushes bus stop I saw this gorgeous brunette with long straight hair and dark shades smiling whilst looking at her phone. I walk towards the kwik-fit car park. A girl in a beige coat walks out and then I see a blonde in shorts. Just noticing these fit girls. There was this pretty redhead that crossed over the bridge on Meadow Ln. This all happened in Loughborough. In Coalville saw this red haired girl with big tits. Just saw the trailer for Scary Movie 5.

TITLE: Some nob in a white car going up Toothill Rd went wooh DATE: 8/15/2013 1:16:27 AM
I hope he crashed. I saw a gorgeous brunette just before the bus turn off Ashby Rd. There was a blonde with nice legs in denim shorts with her boyfriend in Tescos. This was all in Loughborough. On the journey to work. A nice brunette in sunglasses and black jacket had fantastic legs. The annoying bloke with his missus was back. He was whistling to his baby. However the girl may have thought it was aimed at her. They usually get off at Alan Moss Rd. Fuck all on tv. My book didn't sell. CH5 Emergency Bikers: Woman driving a car on a Provisional License. MOT has expired. She is on benefits. Kayleigh is her name. Not a looker. Wonder what the tweeters are saying. An ex soldier is sleeping rough. Coming to Ch5 Aussie prison drama Wentworth, a reimagining of Prisoner Cell Block H. Saw an ad for Under The Dome. Ed Milliband just got egged. Found a fashion and lifestyle blog by a Loughborough woman. http://talesofanniebean.com Two kids laughing about something then looking at me at Snibston, might be nothing. Anyway!

It was a Rouge shift. I was unaware to the nature of the shift and was reluctant to be on tv. Ant and Dec were on our team briefly. Doing a singing and dancing part which was brief. There were to be different rounds. The 'green room' had plenty of items. Razors, toothbrushes, a mirror, toilet etc. I looked at my own reflection to find that I had a beard. I considered shaving but when I looked at the blades they'd all been used. There were other teams of people from Rouge competing against us. The next round I don't remember much of but I stayed off-stage. The 3rd round was an interview. I had to replace a guy. We had our pic taken and then were being filmed. Two of us wore pink shirts the other wore purple. We'd sat down. Christopher Ecclestone in an orange wig was the interviewer. He asked me why I joined. I replied 'for the fame and it would be a new experience for me'. He assessed it was for the money. Rouge staff went home pretty early. My house had been burgled and I came face to face with the criminals.
TITLE: Not the 9 o'clock news DATE: 8/13/2013 5:26:09 PM
Some interesting stories have popped up. The two women that were declared missing were found in a jail in Peru for drug smuggling. I have no sympathy for them. There was the Stacey Dooley doc Cocaine Capital Of The World, over on bbc3 last night. I saw the bit where the production process was being explained. On the ground it was very muddy, alot of water around too. The man sprinkled salt all over and then added bleach. He later collected the liquid substance and added amonia to it to solidify it. That was only part of the process. This is the stuff wankers would snort up. Everyday Sexism: the blokes in that doc probably would've spitroasted Dooley if they had the chance. There was a diving guide that kissed a shark and it bit him. I'd say he was abit forward. There are some troll like responses to Michaella's twitter account @michaellamccoll. There was a meteor shower which I missed. It happens every year. There was a cute toddler with such a look of innocence. Nice funky trousers. Blonde hair. Plz Share.

I'd decided to run for the bus stop. However that was a waste time time and effort. Later as I was sat on the wall. I see this pretty girl in grey t-shirt with big boobs going to the post office, Coalville. She came back with a parcel. Out of nowhere a woman comes running across the road. She was wearing a strapless top. Her boobs were bouncing and they looked as if they were going to fall out. Good view of her cleavage. I saw the pretty blonde on the bus again. As The One Show is on the tweets can be entertaining. Also Fake Britain is on next. The young guy that came to fix the cooker was handsome as was a customer that was sat feeding his baby. There is an interesting take on H.G Well's The Time Machine
TITLE: Leicester 2013 DATE: 8/12/2013 8:56:40 AM
I was back in the city today. Did update my blog. Also downloaded plenty of songs. I saw this pretty blonde in a black dress pushing a pram talking to her boyfriend. I has seen a gorgeous blonde sales assistant in The Shires Shopping Centre. Went to The Works, Gallowtree Gate, bought a time travel book. I'll sell it next month. http://myworld.ebay.co.uk/mrkish09 Dave was the man that served me. The pretty asian girl in Superdrug was called Santasha. There were quite a few stunning teen girls around. Lose The Lads Mags campaign, some interesting views. http://w orkinprowess.com/loaded-weapon-the-problem-with-lose-the-lads-mags/ http://dan iellemeaney.blogspot.co.uk/2013/08/dont-lose-the-lads-mags.html Check out Antoine Levanant, he makes some great tracks. He is on Soundcloud and Youtube. Funny how there isn't much of a queue formed at this bus stop. This blonde, red highlights in orange stripey dress and black cardie has fantastic breasts. She also got on the 126 Arriva bus. Saw two fit brunettes walk by. http://dogfart.com/inter racial_sex_sites/?nats=mj13mj16mjox Become a webcam model The Violation Of Aurora Snow New Releases Teens Dvds

It's stupid. You know the rest of the street are sleeping. There was a cyclist that was holding up the bus as he went on his merry way. A car went round him to which he stuck two fingers up. The knob could've pulled off to the side to let the bus pass. Saw on news about an incident in Notts. There were cars going to a funeral, a cyclist had let them pass however there was one more car that was behind and it knocked him off. Later the couple were giving him abuse. He has filmed everything on his helmet cam. One police officer had said he ought to have let them pass. To the cyclist and some others they seem to have got away it. This blogging thing has become mundane. I should sell the site off. There is Emeline Essertel, a French nanny that stole from a UK family. She's on bail but has gone into hiding. Updating Facebook profile. Hopefully they catch the cunt. There was that acid attack on the girls in Zanzibar. The people who carried out the attack need
shooting. See The Katie Piper Foundation. @kpfoundation

An entertaining show. Some shocking info about website hits and celebrity endorsements. @SianWelby has taken it in her stride. She's sending out amusing tweets. See the responses towards @Russel_Kane. I think he's annoying. Fraudulant tactics used. The Mystique Spray is tap water. A fake boyband called @WrongDirection singing a parody song. Reminds me of the Paedogeddon ep of Brass Eye. See the items on sale here, myworld.ebay.co.uk/mrkish09 Just read about Paul Marquez, a guy in US that tried to sell his girlfriend's baby online as she wasn't giving him enough attention. A total prick if you ask me. In a case imvolving a 41 year old man named Neil. He had sex with a 13 year old. She'd been branded a 'sexual predator' by the Judge. Seeing some of the Yahoo comments there are folk making excuses for this kind of behaviour and victim blaming. I refer you to these sites. everydayvictimblaming.com everydaysexism.com I feel I'm having time wasted. I waited a day for the ebayer to buy the dvd.

My time was wasted on Sunday. They rang me up today and that means payment has been delayed for a week. I had to ring up before approaching the office. I was on the phone when a woman from Limehurst House stops me and asks 'Can I help you?' the other lady that was there offers to take my timesheet. Thing is I was planning on getting some blank copies. I explaned this ad went to press the buzzer and waited downstairs. Further thing this had nothing to do with the other companies in Limehyrst House and it pissed me off even more. I had made a spelling mistake on the adress aso the responding message went straight to my spam folder. On the way to Coalville, the bus had to make a sudden stop as an old lady crossing the road fell over. A man got off to help her. On the way back I saw a cyclist that was on the pavement, lose her balance and fall onto the road. The bus swerved to the right. I believe it was the same driver. I saw a pretty chinese woman in The Rushes today. Zombie Apocalypse is an excellentbook which I recommend. Calista has a nice rack.
I thought that site would be open to abuse sooner or later. The parents in various news stories always seem to blame the companies. When the parents should be taking responsibility. Every person has a choice. There's a fantastic article by Samantha Brick on #twittersilence on the Daily Mail site. In Loughborough there was the 'by the sea' event. A large paddling pool, sand pit, fairground rides were set up. It began 4th Aug and last day is Wed 7th Aug. It has been raining at times which'll ruin the fun. Had so many varied dreams often filled with violence or spooks etc. So much detail. Google La Manif Pour Tous, the French anti-gay group that have homoerotic protest pics. See Huffpost article 'Why do straight feminists hate lesbians?' by Victoria Brownworth. Also read 'We're not all sex offenders' at angrybritain.com I tried downloading songs and converting them. That was a waste of time and a pound. downloads.nl youtube-mp3.org Went to Physio, some helpful but painful stretches given.

There is a twitter user called Daisy Abela that tweeted that she was in a road rage incident. She'd purposely run the cyclist over. She may be trolling. I only found this out by chance after seeing abit of the Ride London event on BBC1 and searched Emma Way. By the way Laura Trott has nice eyes. Doctor Who Live is on soon. The actor playing the 12th Doctor is to be revealed. Also bought Empire Mag, details of Amazing Spiderman 2. I hate it when I don't get a response from ebay members. Some interesting discussions on Sunday Morning Live. There was a hot vicar called Sarah. They ought to keep the 12th Doctor secret until the regeneration. I enjoyed watching Sylvester McCoy in Doctor Who. Bernard Cribbins was in Dalek Invasion AD. Good viewpoint from Russel Howard also see the t-shirt he's wearing 'Keep Calm And Regenerate'. See the tweets #doctorwholive. Peter Capaldi is the new actor. He was in The Thick Of It. Starred in episode The Fires Of Pompei. Doctor Who Dvds for sale myworld.ebay.co.uk/mrkish09

Yesterday there were a teenage couple sat next to me in Memorial Square, Coalville. The girl probably had some issue as she wouldn't sit down so her boyfriend had to sit next to me. More chatter from work colleagues whilst I kept myself busy. Saw a redhead in black walking with her boyfriend down Bridge St and then Toothill Rd. Looking at the Everyday Sexism tweets I've never seen girls being catcalled. It'd be weird doing creepshots. Some guys apparently do it during summer. Got a message about combined postage on ebay however it will leave me out of pocket. Saw a woman with fab tits that I may have worked with when she was 16. Twitter trolls have been named In the Daily Mail. Fucking morons targeting feminists. Wonder what their friends and family think. One is Oliver Rawlings @rawlings153. He appeared on BBC Pointless. Another is Jack Riley, Neil Law. Oliver later apologised after threats about sending details to his mother Joanne. See http://EncyclopediaDramatica.com Everyday Sexism Project page.

DVDs for sale 18 and still at school http://amazon.com/gp/product/b0038hvj0w
The Violation Of Aurora Snow http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/b00cbk1 jbq
Even though this story is irrelavent. Kelly should be able to take the ring out of the country as she won it in an auction. An oap just asked me for a fiver for a coffee. I gave him a quid. He then got out a fag and stated smoking then off he went. It's a disgusting habit. That gorgeous blonde was on the 126 Arriva bus from Coalville yesterday. She got off at Shepshed. The bloke in the seat infront of me is listening to music .on his headpones. However it is quite loud. I did think of taking a pic of him. Also saw a hot blonde texting down Ashby Rd, Loughborough a few mins ago. I could take pics of these hot girls and add them to my blog. I've got myworld.ebay.co.uk/mrkish09 items sold and they haven't paid yet. That seller of The Covenant dvd hasn't refunded that £5 as he 'd sent thr item to me and not Connie Spurlock in USA as I'd requested. Harry at work seems ok but he asks too many questions about my life annoying as when I was trying to eat. How come I seem to be doing work whilst others natter?
TITLE: Bob Servant: Delete This At Your Peril by Neil Forsyth STATUS: publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 ALLOW PINGS: 1 DATE: 7/28/2013 2:54:19 PM ----- BODY:
This book is going on sale here http://blog.mrblacksmokemonster.co.uk mid Aug. I picked it up from Waterstones.com for £6.99. There have been a radio and tv show about Bob Servant. He replies to those pesky spam emails that we all get. Other books that I've read can be found at this site: http://book-recommendation.peperonity.com< /a> click on the widgets and ads for bargains. It's funny. I do question the motives of those behind the emails. Sure you have career criminals doing what they do best. There may be people living in conditions that makes them desperate. There is plenty of swearing and pictures. This is more for adults. I've just finished reading Stone Spring by Stephen Baxter which was good. As always there are dvds for sale. See this site romancescams.org Follow twitter.com/everydaysexism couldn't get much of a conversation out of the other passengers in the car. bobservant.com Now Playing: Muse-Hyper Music. Please share my blog with friends. Thanks for reading.
----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: kish TITLE: Dear Diary STATUS: publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 ALLOW PINGS: 1 DATE: 7/28/2013 6:34:13 AM ----- BODY:

I worked the shift in Burton Joyce for Fiona Herbert. Lucy (tall, pretty, brunette) and Daisy were in charge. The bride, groom and guests were lovely. It was a casual atmosphere. Each table had a picnic basket full of items and plates of meat and veg were placed. There were some women that I'd found attractive. The deserts came on a three tier stand. Cheese and biscuits with remaining food were placed on a buffet table. There was a small free bar with two pretty women serving behind them. At drinks reception there were various canopes and Appletizer, Lemonade, water, Pimms. The marquee and other area were set up in two neighbouring gardens. It was a large area. There were swings, hammocks, tents, chairs. The tea/coffee station was outside. There was a black labrador milling around. The toilets were in the front garden. The wedding cake was made of cheese. It did rain in the evening. A woman was asleep. I was back in Loughborough. As I made my way home I was drenched. E2save on Mon then Snibston for Aug.

Dvd extras: making of/storyboards/posters/special effects. 95 mins run time. I purchased this dvd from amazon.com I shall be selling it on ebay myworld.ebay.co.uk/mrkish09 When Jess sets sail with a group of friends, she cannot shake the feeling that something is wrong. The yacht hits a storm and the group board an ocean liner. Something is hunting them. Judging by the trailer it looked good. See the Amazon customer reviews.
Good special effects. Melissa has been in Home & Away, 30 Days Of Night. There is a deja vu element to it. You might like Deja Vu, Push, Lost, Shark Night, Frequency, Jaws, Piranha, One Missed Call, Final Destination, Mothman Prophecy, Ghost Ship, Doctor Who episodes Blink, The Angels Take Manhatten. There's some mythology or philosophy behind this film. You may end up looking at spoilers and ending explanations. Anyhow be sure to buy/rent this film. I'm working at Burton Joyce, Gedling district of Notts. Won Iron Man 2 dvd, will resell it. Also Doctor Who Series Vol 2&3.
----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: kish TITLE: Just rented THE LEDGE starring Liv Tyler, Patrick Dempsey, Charlie Hunnam, Terrence Howard. STATUS: publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 ALLOW PINGS: 1 DATE: 7/26/2013 4:01:27 PM ----- BODY:
Saw a trailer for Tower Heist, a crime comedy. May rent it sometime. On a skyscraper rooftop, Detective Hallis pleads with Gavin not to jump. Gavin an athiest is involved in a deadly fued with Joe, a Christian extremist. Joe's wife Shana, her life is in danger. Cert 15, Pal r2 + 4. A thriller. Insidious Chapter 2 starring Dempsey is in cinemas this year. You'll find this dvd at Blockbuster for 99p rental. Also buy it from Amazon/Ebay. I have a good selection on sale myworld.ebay.co.uk/mrkish09 There is a film called Man On A Ledge starring Sam Worthington, Elizabeth Banks, Jamie Bell. Interesting scene with a vibrator. A varied bunch of characters working at the hotel for which Gavin is a manager. There is Gavin's gay roommate who is HIV+. Dempsey is great as the evangelist husband who is creepy and a moron. There are conflicts of believes and opinions. I've just recieved horror Triangle which I'm listing on ebay soon. Please see my other movie posts. I'm familiar with housekeeping scenes.
AUTHOR: kish TITLE: Aug 2013, Burka Avenger, Snibston, Loughborough STATUS: publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 ALLOW PINGS: 1 DATE: 7/26/2013 7:34:56 AM ----- BODY:
There is a really cool cartoon being shown in the east. It's called Burka Avenger. A young girl fights the Taliban. Inspired by the events surrounding Malala. Also come over to Loughborough-by-the-sea LE11. Lots of family fun in the town centre 4th-7th Aug. I'm working over at Snibston. They're showing Wreck-It-Ralph in the Century Theatre. For more info visit http://snibston.com My time at http://e2save.com is at an end. I may be back 2014. I had a dream where I was working in a restaurant. Ten tables set up. The table 1 couple didn't turn up until later. The man ordered tea. I had to go to the kitchen to get it. There I discovered my old boss Tony J, working as a chef. I had cut my finger. He decided to sign me out. So I later had to find out why some us finished work early. The reason was that we'd never worked for McDonalds. I tried taking the elevator down. I called it up. The doors slide open but there is no lift inside. So I use the stairs. Ebay items end soon http://myworld.ebay.co.uk/mrkish09
TITLE: Jesus isn't a dick so keep him out of my vagina. DATE: 7/25/2013 3:25:59 PM
Reading about Tuesday Cain. It's appalling she is getting called a whore by these retards.
http://gradient.com I hate that annoying song Blurr ed Lines [feat. T.I., Pharrell] by Robin Thicke. Found an interesting article from Gradiant Lair about black male priviledge and sexism towards black women. Another about online shaming on http://wired.com/underwire/2013/07/ ap_argshaming I was getting maybe paranoid about three guys at E2save. I thought they may have been mocking me. You do get individuals that look at you like shit. Sarah and Toni perhaps, she is the busty one with tattoos. Anyhow Kelly is the redhead that's moving and needed those boxes. Her blonde friend is pretty. I'm watching Red starring Bruce Willis, Morgan Freeman, John Malkovich, Helen Mirren. An action comedy about CIA agents that come out of retirement. Red 2 will be in cinemas soon. You should see A Good Day To Die Hard.

I'd say a @JamiePilley just got abusive as he'd been caught out. I thought ebay seller mrsB_1971 was going to be difficult. I said in clear English that I wanted to cancel my bid. Hopefully I'm outbid. Vodafone top-up line has changed. The woman doesn't prattle on now. Though I have to get credit before I can add a Freedom Freebie pack. Watching The Ides Of March starring George Clooney and Ryan Gosling. Good opening with a speech. Ryan plays Stephen Meyers working for Governor Morris (Clooney). It's the general election and they're to pick the Democratic nominee. Opposing campaign manager (Paul Giamatti) wants to offer Stephen a job. A thrilling drama which also stars Philip Seymour Hoffman, Marisa Tomei, Jeffrey Wright, Evan Rachel Wood. Written and directed by Clooney. Plenty of extras. Cert 15. myworld.ebay.co.uk/mrkish09 Chris that works at Blockbuster, Loughborough reminded me of Gosling. Interesting dialogue. A good cast. See Burn AfterReading. I'll pay for that dvd on Sat. Make the bitch wait.

Stay Alive (a supernatural horror set around a videogame) was quite good. I'm watching The Haunting Of Molly Bartley. I don't think much to it to be honest. The girl at the beginning was hot. Having googled e2save.com reviews. I find negative comments about fraud etc. It's abit dodgy. One or two staff may have put a foot wrong. Back to this film, it's soundtrack is interesting. I'm listing Doctor Who Series 1 Vols 1 & 4, Robotropolis on 23/7. Ebay http://myworld.ebay.co.uk/mrkish09 Getting sent ridiculous emails from http://flippa.com It may be getting interesting. This Evangelist Christian is annoying. Good ending. Saw a trailer for Triangle. It's on dvd to buy. Now watching From Within. From the makers of The Grudge 3. Interesting opening song. A mysterious plague hits Grovetown leading to unexplained deaths. Reminds me of Mirrors, Triangle. I hear thunder over Loughborough. Storms had been forecast for this week. I saw a lightning bolt. Did want to take pics. The Conguring is in cinemas now. Other DVDs for sale
18 and still at school http://amazon.com/gp/product/b0038hvj0w
The Violation Of Aurora Snow http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/b00cbk1 jbq
TITLE: CARGO sci-fi drama set in space. Cert 12 german lang eng subs STATUS: publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 ALLOW PINGS: 1 DATE: 7/21/2013 12:24:35 PM ----- BODY:
Good special effects. Nice music. You might also like Sunshine, Solaris, Love, After Earth, Alien, Apollo 18, Stranded. Set in the future. Earth has become unhabitable. The humans are living aboard space stations. There is hope for a new life on a planet called Rhea but that comes at a price. Our protagonist Laura is a medic and has just been employed to work on a cargo ship, Kassandra. It has a dark secret. Region 2, 102 mins. Ean 5055201812650 Optimum Releasing 2009. Take a look at the Amazon customer reviews. I watched another apocalyptic film yesterday called The Divide. I rented this from Loughborough Library for £1 for the week. Other foreign language films I recommend are L'Haine, Taxi, Downfall, La Horde, Les Revenants, The Good, The Bad, The Weird, Juan Of The Dead, Project A, The ABCs Of Death. Best to have the subtitled ones. myworld.ebay.co.uk/mrkish09 There is a terrorist group that are luddites. Cryo-chambers are unique. Story jumps 3 yrs later. Stephen Baxter is a great sci-fi Author.
TITLE: The Divide. Sci-fi apocalyptic drama. On dvd to buy/rent. STATUS: publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 ALLOW PINGS: 1 DATE: 7/20/2013 9:32:49 PM ----- BODY: When a cataclysmic explosion devastes New York, eight strangers are in a bunker at the bottom of an apartent block. They must find a way to survive. There are men in hazmat suits looking to recruit people to join in the fight againts a new enemy. Cert 18. Stars Milo Ventimiglia, Michael Beihn. See the films: The Darkest Hour, The Day, I Am Legend, World War Z, The Walking Dead, Resident Evil Apocalypse, Carriers. Nice soundtrack. This Nicky character though abit of a douche, is in charge. There is a mother and daughter, a few young men, a pretty brunette and a mature man. Sam a European man with glasses is hysterical. 107 mins, region 2, Pal.
The army have cool suits and weapons. Lauren German and Rosanna Arquette star. I expected much more from this and Lost Lake. Tensions run high in a claustrophobic environment. Similar films are Elevator, Devil, Stranded, The Thing, The Hole. http://myworld.ebay.co.uk/mrkish09 So I guess what they mean by 'the divide'. You do begin to dislike Josh and his gang.
TITLE: Terror At Lost Lake DATE: 7/20/2013 6:54:21 PM
Horror film that I've rented from Blockbuster. Stars Ezra Buzzington, Katie Keene. Cert 15, EAN 5022153102306. Directed by Marcus Nash. Also titled 'Lost Lake'. Tricia finds that her uncle has gone missing while hunting for ghosts in Death Valley. She and her boyfriend go to find him. This features ghosts, violence, nudity. The brunette Tricia has a great body as you see from the bed and shower scene. Distributed by High Fliers Films. Great quote from Tobin Bell (Saw films) on the cover 'Lock the doors and keep the dog close by'. I'm thinking Hills Have Eyes meets Evil Dead. http://myworld.ebay.co.uk/mrkish09 Check out Carriers, Diary Of The Dead, Grave Encounters, Rose Red, Ghost Adventures, Paranormal Activity 5, Insidious 2. http://movieinsider.com Stuck in the middle of nowhere. The place is deserted. The uncle seems creepy/annoying. See the Amazon customer reviews. Saw plenty of good horror/sci-fi books at Waterstones. There is a slasher element to the film. Tweet this blog link or post to Facebook.

26 film makers were each given a letter of the alphabet and they chose a word. The films relate to death. They all had complete artistic licence. This is a double disc dvd. I rented it from Blockbuster. Released in 2012. Plenty of special features. Some gory and violent scenes. Cert 18. 123 mins widescreen colour. Ean 5060225880325, it's in various languages with English subtitles. Distributed by Monster Pictures. All Indie film making. For latest releases visit movieinsider.com I'm currently selling dvds here myworld.ebay.co.uk/mrkish09 there is some sex and nudity. Story B is in Spanish. This is R2. Each story is quite short. There is an Asian cinema dvd which is an anthology. I saw it for sale in CEX. I'm unsure of the cast, they are pretty much unknown here in the UK. You kind of have to figure out what is going on. Story D, a man is fighting a dog. It may offend some. A variety of music on the soundtrack.
TITLE: Went into town today. The internet at the library was fucking up again. DATE: 7/20/2013
I've listed a few more dvds http://myworld.ebay.co.uk/mrkish09 the young brunette at Blockbuster, Loughborough is pretty. Saw a nice girl in shorts with her boyfriend on Toothill Road. I've rented Identity Theft starring Jason Bateman and Melissa McCarthy. Comedy from the director of Horrible Bosses. Diana has stolen the identity of Sandy Patterson. In order to clear his name he must pursue Diana. Cert 15. Jon Favre (The Big Empty, Swingers) plays the boss. Region 2, 4, 5 PAL. John Cho (Harold & Kumar) also stars. Looked good from the trailer. You should see the Amazon customer reviews. Neighbours are drilling outside which is annoying. Spotted a nice blonde and brunette in Tesco. Seth Gordon is the Director. Varied soundtrack has songs like Swagger Jagger-Cher Lloyd etc. Some good scenes, swearing and violence a-plenty. Lots os suspense as you're rooting for Sandy and never know what Diana might pull. He is a handsome man. Amanda Peet stars. Google her pics. Good acting and chemistry between the cast.
----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: kish TITLE: This recent dream that I had featuring comics. STATUS: publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 ALLOW PINGS: 1 DATE: 7/20/2013 6:44:53 AM ----- BODY:
The last guy was dressed in purple with a large condom on his head. He shurnk in size and was running around to Electric Six-Gaybar. The person before him was a gay man talking about his mother. I seemed to have to take their props up onto the stage. There were glamourous assistants stood around. A dvd I was watching had a guy that had graduated from Uni and was sat in his bedroom. Another scene I am trying to play the guitar and getting some good notes out of it. There are ghosts and aliens and I imagine what it'd be like if they fought each other. I am with my family and they're to go to the hospital and I have to go to work and I have gone outside wearing casual clothes. Then realising I need to wear a uniform. First I assume I'm Kp-ing then I assume it's an interview that I must be at. I am given a new address to where I should be. I haven't prepared by getting the directions or bus times. So I end up not going. http://myworld.ebay.co.uk/mrkish09 I
shall have listed more dvds for sale. http://dogfart.com/inter racial_sex_sites/?nats=mj13mj16mjox