Take Jenny to the top of Grenfell tower and throw her off Robert Chain clearly believes in freedom of speech David Katz is an incel terrorist. The hypocrisy of the rightwing Cross burning cunt
Weightlifter launches gofundme Olympic appeal
Smith (24) studies, works and trains in Loughborough and in 2010 became England’s first female weightlifting medallist at a Commonwealth Games aged just 16, going on to win gold in 2014 and silver in the Gold Coast earlier this year.

OLYMPIC weightlifter Zoe Smith has launched a gofundme page to raise money to compete at the Tokyo 2020 Olympics after the decision of UK Sport to withdraw all of its funding to British Weightlifting.
Smith (24) studies, works and trains in Loughborough and in 2010 became England’s first female weightlifting medallist at a Commonwealth Games aged just 16, going on to win gold in 2014 and silver in the Gold Coast earlier this year.
Now in training for the Tokyo Olympics in 2020 Smith and her team mates are looking to raise £10,000 each to be able to afford to get to the qualification events needed to qualify for the Olympics, which are scattered across Europe and Asia.
The first event is the World Championships in Turkmenistan in November, then there is the European Championships in 2019 and 2020, the 2020 World Championships and two further events still to be confirmed by the International Weightlifting Federation.
Smith said: “Missing one competition would render us ineligible to compete and our Olympic dreams could be shattered before they even start. Obviously, this is a huge amount for somebody who receives no funding and I’m unlikely to be able to achieve this goal by scrimping and saving alone - especially alongside full time college, part time work and trying to train for the Olympics.” Fml
Any donation is welcome but Zoe is also offering weightlifting coaching services for larger donations including a video analysis and four week weightlifting programme for £200 right through to a weightlifting workshop at your gym for up to 10 people for £1,000.
Since the page was launched last week a total of £3,201 has been pledged and she has revealed that if the target is exceeded, the cash will help her team mates.
“I am truly humbled by the positivity, generosity and support show to me. If I’m fortunate enough to raise more than the £10,000 I’m targeting, the additional money will go back into the pot to help my teammates afford their own Olympic journeys.”
If you want to help Zoe her page is at https://www.gofundme.com/help-us-qualify-for-the-olympics
This is shocking. Paul Hind grade A cunt
Crescendyr, Samantha United States are just racist cunts. See the comments section.
Liz needs to give up the drugsRaising all that money for a blimp when it could have gone to charity The rightwing women deserve to be raped.Fuck sake people just wind me up. My brother still being indecisive. Just pick a place no wonder you keep missing a booking. Wanting my advice and also to use my phone. It was on low power. I was to use it for something else. He sits there browsing through all these trips, locations etc again. Muttering loudly to himself. Downloading these PDF files.
My mum is still talking to herself. She was whilst I was watching a film.
My Assistant Manager accidentally knocked my coke can and water bottle over causing a spillage. Then says "you see why we only allow water behind the till" You knocked it over and blame me. Why did I have to clean up someone else's mess? Fuck off. An old woman doesn't come to my till when I called a few times. These two Indian women got it wrong about the price of the paracetamol and held the queue up. A miserable white woman with glasses goes "blimey" she is often with the pensioner that finds SAS annoying. The drinks trolley was overfilled because when I pulled it forward a bottle of alcohol fell out from the back and smashed onto the floor. I cleaned the crap up. A few soft drinks weren't stacked properly and fell. Broken glass punctured a water bottle. A man yesterday didn't want me to close the sale as he wanted to take a look at the batteries. I stayed on the transaction/subtotal page. The Unison woman just tells me she just wants the stuff in the basket when I offered promo items. A grey haired woman tells me she doesn't want anything else. I have to ask dickhead. This pensioner was moaning about the queue. The hours have been reduced and more staff are being hired. I know that I have another paid holiday in September and management seem to have overlooked that. My mum is still talking at 22:54. I am to workout at the gym tomorrow. Leg day. I was trying to look for lesbian videos online. Ones with cock show up in the results and Pornhub crashes. He comes to my room again at 23:00 and wants to look at a travel time and price and also looks at hostels. I told him to be quick. He wasn't. Talking/thinking out loud. He leaves at 23:32. Thanks for wasting my time. Now what the fuck is my mum doing at 00:10 in the kitchen? Breaking a coconut.
One Step Closer/99 Problems
This guy wants to suck off Owen Jones
Keyboard warriors will be keyboard warriors, and I genuinely feel a little bit sorry for these sorts of people, but this is what left-wingers get every single day. But remember, only "leftwing online abuse" is what counts. pic.twitter.com/zJOBafiKSu— Owen Jones🌹 (@OwenJones84) August 30, 2018
At Puregym there is this athletic brunette in her late teens. Tanned skin. Black vest and leggings.
There was this End Of Times youtube channel with this reaction video to Bad Lip Reading. Fucking Trump supporters.
My brother doesn't know the meaning of "don't take long". Still sorting through hostels, prices etc. His friend would have to use my phone to transfer money across. It must have been two hours. 91 pages visited. My mum goes off on daddy muk jewra nonsense. Now at 23:30 she is talking some crap. Go back to sleep. I am asleep as I need to be up early in the morning and that guy comes in saying that he needs to use my phone. No you don't need to use it. My other brother will have to buy the youngest a new one as he owes him money anyway. This is beyond taking the piss. 154 pages visited. Looking at accommodation, luggage and accessories. Didn't you book the fucking hostel this morning? I had gone back to sleep. Got the phone back at 23:18 so he must have taken long. Looking at the timestamp it was 21:25. I will have to try to get back to sleep. I won't allow him to use it again. I will just tell him No.
At this rate I might end up murdering somebody and it will be justified.
Geert Wildeers is a spastic. This Yanny Beure fella is a retarded faggot.
Muse have a new album
So the delivery was late. Lost 18 minutes of work time. I always work hard. I have nothing to apologise for. I did wonder if they were blaming me. A private discussion was being had with the manager. At least I turn up for work. I wasn't offered a break. Though I deserved one. I gave them more on SAS. I did wind up with a bitty cage. I no longer care or will worry. There are better jobs out there. It is not my fault. They will struggle without me. I won't dwell on it. I am better than that. I will not be doing you anymore favours. If someone doesn't turn up or you ate short staffed and it is my week or day off then do not call me.
No matter how much the colleagues moan, how shit this company is. I won't need to apologise as I have done nothing wrong. They will struggle without me. I'm not here to be liked. With pleasure I would throw half the customers under a bus. If H-O are offended then they go can suck a dick. Surfacingduality.blogspot.com 99 Problems/Hyper Music/Duality/You Know My Name
I could have gone to Gay Pride in Leicester. If I had finished earlier of it was my day off then I would go. I was tired. I wasn't going to let work spoil my day. I watched a gay video on Xvideos. The parade started at 12pm. It was rather small in Victoria Park the last time that I went. I would go to Splash Spa later.
A Florida man committed a drive-by shooting at the home of a person who wrote a negative review about his father’s restaurant. The woman who wrote review said the restaurant failed to provide service for her disabled mother. https://t.co/w4p11pzvKd— Shannon Watts (@shannonrwatts) September 1, 2018 Welcome to the Daybreak Diner
This was a review written a week ago about the Daybreak Diner, Orlando.
"It’s pretty unacceptable for your staff to turn down service to someone with a disability. This is 2018 your establishment should be able to cater to people with special needs and try to make their experience in your building as pleasant as possible. To tell someone who has a hard time with mobility to go sit in their hot car in this Florida heat and wait for you to bring them their food (because in your words they are a “liability”) is completely disrespectful! Just so you’re aware it was her BIRTHDAY and all she wanted was her favorite Greek omelette seems to me like that is a SIMPLE REQUEST. Not only did you make her cry her eyes out you made her feel like less of a person! You singled her out and made her feel unworthy. Do you know how difficult it is to get someone with low mobility among other things out of the house for any period of time? It takes courage for her to get dressed and face her OWN fears about going out in public BECAUSE of people like the ones she encountered in your building! You should be ashamed of this situation and DO BETTER from this point on."
Now after the incident people are leaving reviews. Like what happened with the DIY store that had the "No Gays Allowed" sign. https://www.yelp.com/biz/daybreak-diner-orlando?osq=Daybreak+Diner
On the menu is Gammon, white tears.
My mum is up again. Talking to herself. She was up repeating some bullshit at 1:45am and now it is an hour later. I need to live on my own that way I don't have silly people pestering me. I could actually get some sleep.
This hot brunette, athletic build. Grey top, green leggings. Nice body. Doing squats. Nice ass on the dark haired girl in black T-shirt and turquoise leggings. This athletic blonde in her early twenties late teens has a fantastic are. Black sports bra and light blue leggings. That mature woman that shops at my place was talking about something. I thought maybe it was about me as they were looking in my direction. Possibly looking at the time. No roller was available.
My brother asks to use my phone quickly but it won't be quick. I told him no. That's how it stays.
I saw that there is a job going at Break Escape I had never heard of it before. It is similar in a way to The Crystal Maze.
I get asked if I would be able to start work at 9 instead of 10 and says don't worry if you can't. I am not going to worry. No point in asking me then.
Here is a thot not using the gym properly.
Arron Hall and other Gammon are getting butthurt over a beauty contest.Muslim student will become first beauty queen to wear hijab in Miss England finals 👏🏻 https://t.co/WwmNxLfp13 pic.twitter.com/w2x28RjiCC— LADbible (@ladbible) September 2, 2018
Twitter chose to exclude the many posts decrying the racism of Fox choosing a Black actor to profile. Race and class are inseparable. "A photo of actor Geoffrey Owens bagging groceries sparked a conversation about classism" https://t.co/VyZ5CHMjxi #FightFor15 #BlackLaborDay— Fight For 15 (@fightfor15) September 2, 2018
Some dumb right winger followed me on twitter. I blocked and reported the cunt. He is a DJ and mixes dnb. Yet follows Nazis. I searched his username and Dean Hawkins profile pops up in the results. He really is a cunt. He has subscription to Antifascist, Islam and gay newsletters. sheerdropz@gmail.com
Again I deal with miserable people. All I need to do is punch them, but first annoy then deliberately. One woman had a face like a smacked arse. Some twat complained about what I posted online. I just need to find out who it was. Had to have a conversation which I knew was going to happen. There will always be some twat who complains about an issue that had nothing to do with them. The mentally disabled woman with the Woody Woodpecker bag asks why are men whiter then women? She must have been on about hair. Some people don't say please or thanks. I won't be mentioning work or anyone related. No note talk of the the right winger. Not worth my time. Linda and Allan are weirdos. it's a moronic Facebook page. So Sadiq has to understand our culture, this coming from an American and Linda Taylor is the only pathetic one. Why the hell the page shows up on my suggested feed. Anyhow, just irrelevant people with irrelevant opinions. Not dwelling on or talking about the cunts. Idiots think kkk is a slur. Gammon. Big Brother has it's target audience. Speaking of which racist nobheads have gone in a hissyfit over Nike using Colin Kaepernick in their ads. Damaging their own clothing.
Nike placed @Kaepernick7 on an ad and the unseasoned are really in their feelings. pic.twitter.com/ArBVCuZufB— CorEy-spondent (@CoreyPTownsend) September 3, 2018
At work this brunette sighs as she waiting at the till. Fuck off with that shit you cunt. I was serving someone else.
Spectacular eulogy. Trump and his supporters are retards.
Get the items here https://amzn.to/2wJpMPh Those wankers that want to #boycottNike should know that Colin Kaepernick is more of an American than you.
@Kaepernick7 Making America Great Again. #Justdoit #Nike
Muppets are sticking up for Zina Bash. https://mobile.twitter.com/Alina__IV/status/1037053649590079488Why don't the right wingers donate the Nike items to charity? Absolute fuckwits.
I wasn't too bothered by it. Just gave the free bag with the Gillette set.
As Shia Lebouf would yell Just Do It
Throw a hissyfit over an ad campaign but not want to give up their guns after the school shooting.#ImwithKaepernick
Conservatives only think about themselves. Levi Strauss are doing the right thing. A moron complained about Diy sos Grenfell special.
https://mobile.twitter.com/search?q="Alex%20Jones"&src=trend_click&pt=1037829935958827008 Alex Jones and Infowars are permanently banned from Twitter. His idiot followers think that it's the end of the world.
My brother left his ID card in another wallet. Why not just have one? He was already on his way to Birmingham. He suggested that I travel over to the city to get the card to him. I don't have the money. It is a 2 hour journey. His fault for leaving it behind. I was in the process of sending an MMS. He kept ringing up. Says "I haven't got all day need to get this sorted." Your problem not mine. The hosted said that the payment hadn't gone through. All done through Booking.com Why tell him now? My phone especially on pornhub crashes. I 'm certain that my mum was talking to herself as I was woken up to hear shouting possibly 1?1.15-2:33am. More than once. I told her to go to sleep but was still up at 3:26am. It's like she doesn't give a shit. The tap isn't shut properly. Still talking at 3:34. Awake again at 4:27am talking loudly.
99 problems but a bitch ain't one.
An aggressive suspected white supremacist in Orlando ran up on a pregnant Black woman and tried to pick a fight with her. Then an OG brotha showed up and g-checked the violence suspect— Tariq Nasheed (@tariqnasheed) September 7, 2018
✊🏾 pic.twitter.com/orrkrBcCQh
Daily Mail #fakenews
— Keeley Hawes (@Misskeeleyhawes) September 2, 2018
Not really a fan of this man but he does make a fair point. People in the comments section don't get it as it doesn't affect them. It is only controversial when it offends white people.
I did tell mum not to talk to herself. She does it anyway. I am not going to kept awake at night. Waking up in the middle of the night just because she can't keep her trap shut.
I have just got this text:
Warehouse work East Mids Airport.Night shifts 9pm to 05.30am £11.08 per hr Call 01509 213000 Tell your friends if you cant do it : Petra.OHara
Dana Loesch will probably end up dying of gun shot wounds when the time comes. Daily Mail and it's readers Gammon
My mum thinks that my brother is going to visit. Opening the door often. He isn't. Mental health issues.
It was abit of a shit show at work. The delivery was running late. What happened was that the lorry had come to Loughborough. They couldn't get onto the pedestrian zone. Market traders were setting up and there is some roadworks too. So they went to another store. According to management the delivery was cancelled. Two people were allowed to go and I stayed. But then came the phonecall from the driver. They needed somewhere to park. It must have been 7:30am. One colleague decided to ride off anyway even though she was told. Both individuals came back. I would have been left in the shit. We could not turn away the cages. Offloading items onto the floor. This whole fiasco made me want to rant to the general manager. Again there should have been three people and I was on standby as the fourth. But I had covered someone else's shift. Besides it was meant to be my day off.
Plaid Shirt Guy is a legend. Mark Dice is a moron. Trump campaign is about fake news.
Not sure what this is, some spam:
At work and these two men were in the store, white, 30-40s. 6ft tall. Dark hair. One had a beard, black bag, grey top and joggers with blue bodywarmer. The other had grey clothes and a black coat. I thought nothing of it. Well hoped they were OK. Turns out they weren't. The first guy set the barrier off. He claimed it was his knee which I know for a fact it weren't. His coat opened up to reveal the Scholl pedicure set in his top inside pocket. I should have said something and rang for management. The other guy showed me his bag which was empty. I won't let that shit happen again. I did hope there would be a member of staff in that aisle but there wasn't. The change order had already been dealt with so why did I have to ring the the bell four different times and no staff member answers the call? A long queue formed and so I stopped offering SAS.
Someone had opened up a bottle of Lenor Comfort and not closed the lid and so when I picked it up to scan the liquid went everywhere. A Muslim woman was leaning against the barrier setting the alarm off. I got 99 problems but a bitch ain't one.
Someone I follow on Twitter retweets this retard named Amy Mek spazzing on about Sharia Law. More fake news from an American. I unfollowed him.
I did have a dream where I walked alongside Eminem. He had his arm around my shoulder. The other dream I was visiting Jeff Cavalier. The building was two floors. A leak from the celieng. He knew this other guy a few streets away. We were on a busy high street.
I was just awoken 20 minutes ago to "adhuben jewra" on repeat. Just have a casual loud conversation with yourself. I'm trying to sleep. I am not doing this bullshit again.
Kaitlin Bennett needs to shoot herself.White woman who has been protected by police as she open carries semiautomatic rifles in Ohio, a state where Tamir Rice was fatally shot by police for holding a toy gun, compares herself to Black Americans fighting against police brutality.
— Shannon Watts (@shannonrwatts) September 10, 2018
White privilege is a helluva drug... https://t.co/kunkCi5WAt