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Showing posts with label arrowverse. Show all posts

Sunday, 12 January 2020

The Best Of Myself (Tiger Blood Jewel Remix) - Daniel Gunnarsson

CELL is a movie based on the novel by Stephen King. A great book that I recommend. This film is quite good. If you like The Crazies, 28 Days Later or any zombie films then check this out. John Cusack plays a graphic artist that lives in Boston. His wife and son live in another town. People are constantly on their mobile phones. From the ones using they receive some sort of message, an infection. It drives them crazy. They become violent. Samuel L Jackson plays a train driver. A few other survivors are introduced. Good scares and lots of violence. Cert 15. Good acting from the main cast and the actors. You can look up trivia and discussions once having seen the film.

This person is clueless Odd person in the comments triggered over a Black Roman soldier. It's a show about a time travelling alien. Quit being a bitch.

FML the delivery was a pain. The Assistant manager was going to have the cages split over two days. The General manager wanted another staff member to work it. My colleague was asked and she said yes. About 10:30pm she text the boss to say that she couldn't do it. Abit of a let down. I was giving her the benefit of the doubt. I was told how these overs (items that were full on the shelf) could go out. They wouldn't sell otherwise. There is enough of it out already. I am not supposed to change the facing or overfill the gaps meant for other products. 


A work experience guy hadn't turned up. Either he didn't know, had something else going on or didn't bother. So much for reliable staff. My colleague was whining about the mess behind the till again. That butch looking middle to pensioner age woman that wears heavy metal clothing is quite rude and dismissive. She snaps "no!" In between having a conversation with her elderly mother. I don't care if these customers say "just this" I am going to ask anyway. This redhead that works at the doctors surgery has these collagen filled lips, not a good look. Why on Earth some of these staff going into a mock accent, must be a Caucasian thing. Some arsewipes had taken some of the product out of the box.

The concluding episodes of Crisis were good. Worth watching.  Move over Baby Yoda, check out the Beebo merchandise.

Cyberpunk 2077 You're Breathtaking

The replies from the white so called supremacists relate to this tweet.
This guy is a fascist cunt You don't know anything Why would she need to be covered? Why aren't you? Niall is retarded
He is white so I bet the Maga crowd aren't bothered.

Just saw this on Amazon: Soulman: The Rocky Johnson Story by Rocky Johnson

Laurence Fox is just another privileged white male Fucking morons that seem to agree with him too. Just white racists that will have abused poc but are triggered when racism is bought up. They offer nothing of value.