The Death Of Stalin
Molly's Game. The tits in the trailer do it for me.

Condolences. I was a fan of Smallville. This is a surprise.My younger brother, my only brother got stabbed to death this morning. Guys this needs to stop. The pain I'm experiencing is indescribable— x (@Naya_______) April 21, 2018
I hadn't heard of Stef London, Cardi B, Maya Jama or J Cole.Actress Allison Mack was arrested by the FBI for allegedly recruiting slaves into an alleged sex cult within the self-help group NXIVM.— VICE (@VICE) April 20, 2018
Nice body and face. This redhead in yellow vest is pretty. Nice tits and ass. She seem to be waiting for the 20kg barbell. The petite brunette in grey vest has a nice body. This brunette in blue and camouflage kit has shorts on showing a nice ass. Spotted some other girls too. A blonde in orange-pink vest, nice body and hearing her pant as she does the deadlift.
I had this customer. In her 50-60s. Couldn't get this tube open. It belongs as part of this hairdye. As she says she has arthritis she found it difficult to open. The black ring of plastic needed removing. Then the lid gets screwed clockwise to pierce the seal. Did that for her. She wasn't sure if it was alright to use as it had been opened. Well she wanted it opened. Fucks sake. So we gave her another one. No receipt. The delivery was a little late costing us time. That Peimark Charlotte was in again. It's her mum that suffers from anorexia. She was quiet this time. But fuck it. I am not dwelling on work. 99 Problems.