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intern that went to grab the microphone off Jim Acosta then drops to her knees. I bet she had done that before in the Oval Office. If you're having girl problems I feel bad for you son
I got 99 problems but a bitch ain't one.
Greg Gianforte punches and decks reporter: “Yeah bro, you the man! Fake News!” Bottom of Jim Acosta’s hand grazes arm of White House aide attempting to forcibly take his mic away: “Assault and battery! Call the Secret Service!” Everything is so dumb guys.
Jim Acosta has been banned from the White House Press Pool because Sarah Huckabee Sanders says he 'put his hands on a woman'. Here's the video... All I see is a woman grabbing Jim Acosta's by the mike like Trump grabs women by the pussy.
Technically the woman assaulted Jim Acosta.
BREAKING: Jim Acosta has just had his White House credentials suspended for asking Trump a question at a Press conference Meanwhile The Gateway Pundit, a far-right conspiracy theory news outlet who claimed that ISIS was responsible for the Vegas Shooting, still has theirs SICK! Shut up with "do us a favour" I am not standing around with the boiler. No moaning about it. Ring up an engineer and whine to them like a little bitch. Sean will be a waste of time. Corgi need to pull their finger out of their arse.
I know thaty other brother is going to call me on payday. How convenient. His child is his problem.
My former friend had moved home. The block of flats and adjoining building had been demolished.
It seems that the Trump administration doesn't like freedom of speech.
I cannot stand the retarded A Star Is Born song that plays on the radio.
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25.0% on select products from SHANTI BAR with promo code 25SHANTIDEC1, through 12/30 while supplies last.
Pamela Geller talks shit. Fake News woman. Another mass shooting in USA.
I'm not fannying around at home doing nothing. I should have gone to the gym. I will get up earlier. Not have my time wasted by others. No money to spend. The library is closed for refurbishment.
My mum talking to herself. I should punish her and take the money and get the poppers. Someone keeps ringing the house.
The idiots accusing Jim Acosta and who wanted to frame Mueller. They're the same people that supported Kavanaugh. #ThisisAmerica
Speaking of idiots...woman buys a wig when she doesn't need one and gets scammed on Twitter.
Ian David Long, US marine turned terrorist. Paul Watson and Laura Loomer are another bunch of dumb cunts. Dennis Hof is rotting in hell. Trump supporters are clearly stupid as to vote for a dead person. Robs somebody else of the seat. Stopping black people from voting. Faulty machines. City Of Delusion - Muse - Uprising.

Greg Gianforte punches and decks reporter: “Yeah bro, you the man! Fake News!” Bottom of Jim Acosta’s hand grazes arm of White House aide attempting to forcibly take his mic away: “Assault and battery! Call the Secret Service!” Everything is so dumb guys.
Jim Acosta has been banned from the White House Press Pool because Sarah Huckabee Sanders says he 'put his hands on a woman'. Here's the video... All I see is a woman grabbing Jim Acosta's by the mike like Trump grabs women by the pussy.
Technically the woman assaulted Jim Acosta.
BREAKING: Jim Acosta has just had his White House credentials suspended for asking Trump a question at a Press conference Meanwhile The Gateway Pundit, a far-right conspiracy theory news outlet who claimed that ISIS was responsible for the Vegas Shooting, still has theirs SICK! Shut up with "do us a favour" I am not standing around with the boiler. No moaning about it. Ring up an engineer and whine to them like a little bitch. Sean will be a waste of time. Corgi need to pull their finger out of their arse.
I know thaty other brother is going to call me on payday. How convenient. His child is his problem.
My former friend had moved home. The block of flats and adjoining building had been demolished.
It seems that the Trump administration doesn't like freedom of speech.
I cannot stand the retarded A Star Is Born song that plays on the radio.
25.0% on select products from SHANTI BAR with promo code 25SHANTIDEC1, through 12/30 while supplies last.
Speaking of idiots...woman buys a wig when she doesn't need one and gets scammed on Twitter.
Ian David Long, US marine turned terrorist. Paul Watson and Laura Loomer are another bunch of dumb cunts. Dennis Hof is rotting in hell. Trump supporters are clearly stupid as to vote for a dead person. Robs somebody else of the seat. Stopping black people from voting. Faulty machines. City Of Delusion - Muse - Uprising.
Epic trolling from this lady. The Republicans are hypocrites. Bunch of triggered snowflakes. Black people were owed that money.
I seem to be clearing up after others. People are leaving weights on the floor and the wrong part of the racking. Puregym Loughborough.
This brunette doing dumbbell incline chest press. All black kit. Nice body. Good view of her breasts from this angle. There was the blonde in skimpy grey kit, nice bum. A tall brunette with an athletic body. There was this blonde with medium length hair loose. Nice body.
Some schools getting hoax texts of an acid attack at the fair and people are falling for it.
I dreamt that I was on a train at some point. Sat using the toilet. Got off onto the outside and clambered into another room to use another cubicle. More weird shit like using the shower at a relative's house.
Daft tweets and rts. Republicans miss the point time and time again This Janice Dean completely missed the point. Just a Snowflake. Don Lemon was right btw. Silly white privilege. Just sticking your head in the sand. In your own little bubble. Trump supporters I bet. Meghan is self centered. Now playing Hailey Knox - Bitch bitch bitch. Should have had a gun and execute this criminalMarc Peeples should file slander & stalking charges & sue if possible. Very serious lies, they s/b in jail for at least 30 days: Deborah Nash, Jennifer Morris & Martha Callahan.— Yogi 🌹 (@YogiSunlight) October 31, 2018
You always know the assholes are white when media doesn’t plaster their pictures everywhere pic.twitter.com/hkDnoBRpu1
My brother at 4:50am and a few minutes as earlier shouting at my mum to bathe properly. Does he know that others are sleeping. She knows how to take a bath. You don't have to get up. Neither does she. He seemed to have adjusted the dial on the boiler yesterday. It was running on full. Radiators were hot as was the water. Once he touched it the boiler goes to F2 and the heating stops. Swear I live with morons. Corgi Homeplan didn't accept the email that I sent. Gas Safety No. Well Sean didn't put one on it seems. The face wash, e45 cream, charcoal toothpaste and coconut body wash have been thrown out. They were not completely empty. That is a waste of my money. I just had to buy more items. The blonde haired mature customer was just "no" when I offered SAS. Not a thanks after it. She is married to the big chap that comes for the Nicotinel Quickmist. Both are miserable. An attractive blonde woman nodded her head instead of saying something. I did serve this gorgeous tanned brunette. These white republicans seem to watch the TYT videos and then leave hate comments. These are the same idiots that think Infowars is a credible news source. It is obvious that I should have only allowed Charlotte and her mum to take two Paracetamol items. Two tablet packs and a soluble pack were bought. I had prevented a guy buying three earlier. Must be consistent. He did joke whether he look depressed as to whether he would overdose. Anyhow. I did spot that beggar in town again early in the morning. I couldn't give two shits if some people look down their nose at Savers or me. They aren't better people. Just degenerates. There is a minutes silence at 11am I believe with it being Rememberance Sunday. See the tweets about people talking through it. It will be predictable. I did see Reg. A pensioner that I had met at salsa class all those years ago. Looking well. Now with a walking stick. I still have his number.
Usually people don't go insulting old people but with Donald Trump all bets are off.
#ArmisticeDay #RememberanceDay #LestWeForget #TwoMinutesSilence surfacingduality.blogspot.com myworld.ebay.co.uk/solitarymaninblack bentbox.co/solitarymaninblack
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My mum talking to herself. Repeating the words "Ben jewra" 11:39pm. Started minutes ago. She is still talking. I copy and paste Html and some other blog post appears.
A Quiet Place is a horror movie written, directed by and starring John Krasinski. It also has Emily Blunt and a few child actors. They all did well. You may have seen Signs, Extinction, The New Daughter, It Comes At Night. It's post apocalyptic America. Not many humans are left. These monsters roam the streets and are attracted by loud sounds. That's why our characters must remain quiet. Minimal dialogue. Using sign language and subtitles are shown. Some words blend into the background. Nice special effects. It has a good soundtrack. I knew something would happen with that toy. A good film that I recommend.
I dream that I was on an island, just at the edge of a country I could see the ocean from where I was. This tidal wave would come across the shore and over the walls. The water was grey. I had some colleagues. They did some work for a company just outside. I spent my days indoors. Tried to get inside as quickly as I could when I saw the wave coming. There was a vampire or some monster/alien luring it's victims. Another scene had soldiers in the water.
My boiler still plays up. I find that the tap was left running.
This man in his 30s. Five kids and his partner come to the store. He is 6ft tall, beard, short hair. Yells George outside to his young son. He is loud when talking to my colleague. He is in the queue and the partner goes out to get something. He says "fuck off" something about getting hit by a bus. Calls her a twat. She has already left. Others in the queue will have heard it. I offer sas. He says "not if it's free" George is messes about and his father whacks him around the head. Reminds me of my childhood.
My mum was yammaring on whilst I was watching Doctor Who. The fucking scart lead played up. So I missed bits. Damien really is a muppet
Danny John Jules must be tongue tied as he had been done up like a kipper.
Who the hell are you anyway? Never heard of you before strictly. You are not a STAR at all. Yeah you’ve been in two low budget sitcoms, great
. Can’t wait until your off Strictly and everyone can forget about you again.
. Can’t wait until your off Strictly and everyone can forget about you again.
Willsings is an idiot.
An intelligent man named Kishore Mehta wrote:
I am surprised that adults watching #DoctorWho knew nothing about the #Partition of India. What were they teaching in school? Others going on about it being Pc. Clearly didn't give a shit about Black, Asian and lgbt people In the first place. Hailey Knox-BitchBitchBitch
An intelligent man named Kishore Mehta wrote:
I am surprised that adults watching #DoctorWho knew nothing about the #Partition of India. What were they teaching in school? Others going on about it being Pc. Clearly didn't give a shit about Black, Asian and lgbt people In the first place. Hailey Knox-BitchBitchBitch