The millennial version of Blackface.
The Whitehouse and Infowars just got bitch slapped.
These whites capitalize and steal from black people just like during slavery and the empire.

Patti Smith had a song called Rock And Roll N1£&€®. Idiots in the comments approve of the word but it is unacceptable.
I had this dream where there were characters from a multiverse crossing paths. A woman was looking into a portal and saw weapons and reaches in to grab one but she is cuffed and pulled to the other dimension by the alt version. Who happens to be disfigured. These small aliens are being planted in homes. A blonde lady maybe a vlogger is with friends when it arrives. They board a ship. I am looking at the dvd menu and have gone few episodes forward. One lad has an English accent. I was surprised by it. Characters from Disney's Aladin are in a room phasing in and out. A female character is investigating. The male looks to see his alt version on the floor but it is just a shadow. A man is causing havoc and Jimmy Kimmel has an alt version called Kimmelbot. He comes through the portal. He is in costume. Similar to Superman. Wrapped in a wire like Wonder Woman's lasso. The bad guy fires at him and Kimmel shoots back while making jokes. I remember a scene where it is the wild west. Fin.
I remember yesterday this middle aged white man was looking at the Gillette refill blades. They were in their correct place. He took one off to have a look but then put it back on the wrong arm. Asks if it was £6.99 but I told him it wasn't. That is the price of a razor. The 8 pack is £19.99. So he may have tried to pull a fast one.
The delivery comes in at 5:30am well they may have told me so I don't turn up at 4:30am. Too much to deal with in little time.
I did see this slim tall athletic brunette in red gym kit. Two different ones with nice bodies. The day after, once I had finished at work, I was using the shower and had my lube and poppers and masturbated. Trump didn't want to upset his Nazi fanbase by attending the memorial.
Thank you Barry
My mum keeps talking to herself. Pisses me off. The light was left on and the tap was running. So the boiler went off.
This video is a parody but could be applied to Trump's America.
I had two dreams where Alan was featured. We were reunited and I got to find out what happened. I haven't spoken to him in a year to be honest.
Hurt-Johnny Cash
The way that a customer answered with "no no no no no no" A student enquired about if the student card was suitable for buying alcohol. I said it would not. She mentioned as it had the date of birth on it. I man came in for a refund and the manager was on conference call. I looked at the receipt to find it was at Boots. My colleague had been trying to explain it to him. The man apologised and went to Boots. I did get messages about coming in early. To contact a colleague. Tell me the problem in the text. I had to start earlier as the apprentice called in sick. The delivery had not turned up. There was an email about the cancellation sent at 2am. My colleagues would not see that so that was useless. The supervisor did say that she felt a few customers she wanted to punch. I understand that. I served these gorgeous girls that looked like Rita Ora, they were sisters too. One Step Closer-Linkin Park
Muse-PressurA post about a 10 year old Muslim girl getting an abusive letter. But Kloe Fallon and Johan Steve make it about them. Typical white supremacists.
Nice rack on this blonde in grey top and black leggings. Same with the blondes in turquoise and white tops. All young ladies. PT Sophie looks good as does the blonde in red kit
Tight around the body. There is a young lady in pink/orange top and black leggings. Nice body. She has dyed her hair. Another blonde in white top and grey leggings with a nice fit body.
My phone did keep going off.
The obnoxious man with the five kids works at CEX.
Drake University needs to destroy the White supremacists. Some moron comments "more leftist drivel" I reported that comment under a news video. Nothing wrong with fighting racism.
The security guard deserves justice. Name and shame the cop. Fox News and these Cuckservatives blame Jemel for getting shot.
Don Crandell is a white inferiorist.
The security guard staff member may have been watching me in Primark. My relatives were at the till.
My mum talks to herself. Someone opened my bedroom door and did not close it properly. My brother using the iron aggressively. Makes noise.
He does ask to borrow a spare blade and don't go buy his own. I get a text about picking up some items on a Sunday. I worked that day. He was to borrow the blade that I was currentlyusing. Sara McAvoy posts nonsense.

My brother tells my mum that I'll bring the clothes in from outside. I won't. I put them out as they're your clothes, you should deal with it. Asks to borrow money.
This lecture about the boiler was winding me up. I needed to get to sleep. If you aren't willing to pay for the repair then don't talk about it.
The delivery was late yet the manager whines again. I wasn't going to make a mistake if I wasn't sure about the baskets. If it arrived on time then we would have been done quicker. I am getting fucked off with this job. Bitch, Bitch, Bitch-Hailey Knox.
Why was I the only one keeping an eye on the suspicious couple?
This cunt sends me a fake message. I have removed the unnecessary parts. I forwarded it to PayPal.
--- On Mon, 19/11/18, PayPal Account Suspended
> From: PayPal Account Suspended
> Subject: PayPal Account Suspended
> Date: Monday, 19 November, 2018, 14:35
> Your account has been
> suspended
> Dear
> customer,
> We need your help resolving an issue with your
> PayPal account. We've suspended your account.
> Please log in to your PayPal account and complete the steps
> to confirm your identity and your recent account activity to
> remove account limitation
> Click here to
> confirm account
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