HeronChe is easily triggered by Jameela Jamil. White woman is strangeKatie nails it again 😂 pic.twitter.com/rcszvVoOyu
— HarrysGreySuit (@hrrysgreysuit) November 9, 2020
I should have blocked my brother's phone number as he asks for some money towards his daughters Christmas gifts on behalf of the rest of the family. I still haven't been paid back.I love Ricky Schroder. 🥺❤️
— Comfy 🦃🪓 (@BeComfy) November 21, 2020
So incredible what he did for Kyle.
Another win from Gen X and blondes. pic.twitter.com/wgaoT0mWUN
— unemployed (@ABRUZZl) November 9, 2020
Michelle and Jill are classier.I won’t repost the photos but Quawan Charles, a Louisiana 15 year boy was lynched. His autopsy looks similar to Emmett Till.
— 🛸gabriella (@gabriell_ahh) November 8, 2020
He went missing Oct 30 & was found 3 Days later. This needs the full coverage of the media.
Rest Easy Quawan🖤 #QuawanCharles
What Eva Longoria said should be taken into context.Melania follows Trump's lead by refusing to offer meeting with Jill Biden https://t.co/iLmgbREO9L pic.twitter.com/BnBZsmjXeN
— Daily Mirror (@DailyMirror) November 10, 2020
Ex-Britain First wasteman, Andy Edge... like a fash Elephant Man. pic.twitter.com/BmhdgRg5hh
— Marsh4LL (@Marsh4LL1) November 10, 2020
Wow. Gotta wonder how widespread the digital blackface phenomenon is & what that reveals about the dominant culture’s fixation with impersonating Black people pic.twitter.com/8TWV8xpZZR
— Bree Newsome Bass (@BreeNewsome) November 10, 2020
Dean is a fascist.pretending to be a black man online so you could post more freely about how much you hate black people was a weird plan, dean pic.twitter.com/Qc99VQnqBh
— molly conger (@socialistdogmom) November 10, 2020
Gotta love a cum shot.Seems to be a conflict developing within the leadership of the #ProudBoys. Kyle "Based Stickman" Chapman, has called Enrique Tarrio the "n-word" and says he will take over Proud Boys and re-make them into explicitly white nationalist "Proud Goys." https://t.co/bisU6C99NJ pic.twitter.com/kFnqaEmu7t
— It's Going Down (@IGD_News) November 10, 2020
Ted Cruz just UNLOADED on McCabe's face over the ridiculous Logan Act double standard with Biden vs. Flynn. https://t.co/sgrT06DL9r
— Dinesh D'Souza (@DineshDSouza) November 10, 2020
As someone pointed out that she is using her phone and posted on an app that knows her location. Interesting way to put it.Y’all excited for them mandatory microchipped vaccinations huh?
— PhatLip (@vividzvibe) November 7, 2020
When you make the CONSCIOUS decision to STOP comparing your race🏃🏾♀️💨 to others,you will be so pleasantly surprised when you sit back and reminisce over each decades achievements😳YOU ARE WINNING🏆Even if your Excel is slow or super slow. Don’t let slow motion rob you of gratitude
— Tiffany Pollard (@TiffanyPollard) September 29, 2020
More fake news from FoxHow can republicans believe that the coronavirus is a hoax but widespread voter fraud is real???
— Covie (@roper_93) November 11, 2020
Wednesday 11th November 2020 These two middle Eastern guys were shopping. One fella had two ibuprofen and two paracetamol. I told him about the limit. His friend offered to buy two. The guy was going abroad. I should not have allowed it. The friend was being served but the first guy uses his card again and I could have stopped him. There was this chap with red bag that I was unsure of. I should have got the manager to follow him. Other guys would come in and were being watched. Assistant Manager trying to get a response from Tango Victor. I just would have given my message. This Asian guy did not want me to put the carrier bag into the basket. I had no idea what he was saying. He enquired about the price of his shopping. I was giving him the receipt anyway. I found a few security tags which had been removed from items. Most belonging to Nicotine products. There was this attractive blonde European lady that I served. Also this curvy tanned woman wasn't wearing a mask. Was saying that the masks should have been free if the government required you to wear them. Just refused pay £2 for them. Karen. The second poppers weren't having much of an effect. I have poured them away. Should have tased him.Laura Ingraham interviews an anonymous poll worker —complete with disguised voice.
— Rex Chapman🏇🏼 (@RexChapman) November 11, 2020
Fox News has jumped the shark...pic.twitter.com/DcSlMYnJ6j
WHITE trash wasteman, Active Patriot aka Alan Leggett, in the midst of getting nicked for a breach of the peace, loses his own argument by shouting at a WHITE police officer -
— Marsh4LL (@Marsh4LL1) November 11, 2020
"...because you don't care about other people but anybody but your own people"
Go figure? pic.twitter.com/Jx127blLRA
What a twat.Nick, England isn't an island. You seem to live here so you should really know. You seem to speak English well & enjoy our cities, freedoms, money, living standards (women?!?). If u don't, then u know what to do, take your little self off to a place u prefer. #AllLivesMatter
— Voice of Me (@VoiceofMe8) November 11, 2020
History has been whitewashed. Time to tell the truth. Ben can go and ask to speak to the manager.“It is being blown up into a kind of manufactured culture war” says academic Dalia Gabriel on claims National Trust is re-writing history
— BBC Politics (@BBCPolitics) November 11, 2020
Conservative MP Ben Bradley says it was taking part in “revisionism” with “an anti-British rhetoric"#PoliticsLive https://t.co/JwwDQnoI3k pic.twitter.com/JCS4rFRL0Q
Proud Boys are anti American and definitely inferior. Racist moron.Civil war brewing inside Proud Boys as top leader says he’s done pretending he isn’t a Nazi https://t.co/HreXi9JLep
— Raw Story (@RawStory) November 11, 2020
That woman just glazed over that and kept mentioning drug use.Professional victim. You saying youre a Bishop is embarrassing. You are not a man of God. You are a hateful antiwhite shitskin
— darko (@DarkoPej) November 12, 2020
Never said that. You’re not going to be able to gaslight, change the subject and deflect over here.
— Bishop Talbert Swan (@TalbertSwan) November 12, 2020
I called you a RACIST. That has nothing to do with whether or not you’re still smoking meth. White Jesus didn’t deliver you from being a vile, disgusting, RACIST. Right #MyNigga? https://t.co/CYK7KaYjwO pic.twitter.com/en6h9QSbT3
Mississippi Goddam Nina Simone
Did he just Alllivesmatter this?No one demographic group is responsible for Biden’s victory this year. It was a diverse cross-section of America which involved both turnout of base Democratic voters, and winning independent votes. Can we not narrow this down to just one group?
— Matthew Dowd (@matthewjdowd) November 12, 2020
Country music superstar @MarenMorris honoring the Black women in country music during her acceptance speech.
— Yashar Ali 🐘 (@yashar) November 12, 2020
The artists she mentions: @iamyola @RissiPalmer @MickeyGuyton @BrittNicx @RhiannonGiddens and Linda Martell. pic.twitter.com/uBEDXoN5Bh
A Cishet woman at Great Danes burnt this skirt with a cigarette. She was unaware, but when I realised my skirt was burning, I pushed her hand away from me. She said:”A lot of people hate you for being the way you are. Don’t add me to the list.”
— Oshun of Evangelista (@__MJDr) November 12, 2020
No apology for burning my skirt. pic.twitter.com/4dvTNQA15t
My resistance band kit had arrived. The fleshlight did today. It isn't a vibrating one.🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 pic.twitter.com/RkByUy2KIJ
— Ken Klippenstein (@kenklippenstein) November 11, 2020
This disinfo creep basically does the "mugshots of the week" thing that local news websites used to run as clickbait.
— Nick Martin (@nickmartin) November 12, 2020
Eventually most of those sites wised up and dropped the unethical practice.
Andy Ngo doesn't worry about ethics. He just keeps pumping slop into the trough. https://t.co/IUTAaBgKBw
White ChristiansFree and Fair elections are now racist. This is why the party of BLM vandalized our election process, and looted the ballot box like it was a Best Buy. https://t.co/vpOBl1efXL
— Lauren Witzke (@LaurenWitzkeDE) November 11, 2020
Defund the police? Defund, my butt. I'm a proud West Virginia Democrat. We are the party of working men and women. We want to protect Americans' jobs & healthcare. We do not have some crazy socialist agenda, and we do not believe in defunding the police. https://t.co/EIFHX5OQ37
— Senator Joe Manchin (@Sen_JoeManchin) November 11, 2020
Riley Steele fleshlight Black dildo with suction cup Butt plug training set Strap on dildo Sasha Grey pussy
The women Bill Burr spoke about.laughing tho that the ones that were harassing me the most can’t take what they dish out LOOOL pic.twitter.com/3OrV9OBmK0
— faye (@fayekinley2) November 12, 2020
Why are men?
— Black Lives Matter (@HeronChe) November 12, 2020
Twink rides the BBC.'The Ride': Ludacris takes in a teen raised as a white supremacist in new film https://t.co/SaSgCeixmH pic.twitter.com/sqWE3Rs7J8
— Shadow and Act (@shadowandact) November 11, 2020
Why is this guy concerned?The actor playing "the teen" was in his late 20s when the film was made. The film is based on a true story, but "the teen" was actually 10-years-old when he was adopted. And he's Irish. And the actual father was from Sri Lanka. But other than that, it sounds awful.
— David_M_W (@David__M__W) November 11, 2020
Men don’t have a biological clock so there’s no rush for us. Why aren’t you married ? https://t.co/DLTTNtgYkl
— THE WEIGHT WARDEN™️ (@__Fredericooo) November 12, 2020
The tweet divided opinion.I know men are stupid because, the quality of women they pass up is shameful. How can you be playing with a girl that has it all? Y’all aren’t okay.
— Onyeka. (@0nyekachiii) November 12, 2020
Karen with her delusional tweets. Talk to the manager. The far right are the real terrorists.I’ve givern every year the charity heads decided to give BLM 10 million of collected charity money without so much as a do you mind? BLM is a registered political party So NO I’ll never donate another penny to you Go ask Saint Rashford or his footie chums or Stormzy !!!!
— debbie chapman🇬🇧🇺🇸🇮🇱 (@debbiec35437378) November 9, 2020
The clowns posting negatively about charity are showing their true colours.I'll give my money straight to the NSPCC this year. They dont share their donations with terrorist organisations.
— flippertygibbert (@flippertygibert) November 9, 2020
Help change children’s lives by making a donation to BBC #ChildrenInNeed and get your paws on our special Pudsey social filter.
— Boots (@BootsUK) November 6, 2020
If you are in the US and want a sex doll you should check this out.
Another site selling sex dolls. They also have an affiliate program.
hey y’all better stop telling her she’s wrong!! she’s so very upset about it 😢 pic.twitter.com/fR2OxDM8Fh
— mø. (@lilcreatrfeatr) November 12, 2020
Crawl is a good film. It is over. No one will be paying attention to you.HUGE FLORIDA GATOR! 🐊👀 Yep, this monster is real. Caught on camera during Hurricane #Eta in Naples. Credit: Jeff Jones @WINKNews pic.twitter.com/LGn0Hb19Rd
— Matt Devitt (@MattDevittWINK) November 12, 2020
These maga turds upset at all the black people coming out to vote. Which is why they keep screaming fraud like an npc. White fragility at it's finest. Speak to the manager. Biden Harris have won fair and square. Karma Police by Radiohead This maybe sexist but just comes off another Karen going wild situation. No doubt the men are going to buy the items for the females. She asked to speak to the manager.Daily Reminder: it’s not over!
— Tomi Lahren (@TomiLahren) November 12, 2020
I don't bother with notifications. If you are a racist or a shoplifter. Whether male or female then I do condone violence against you.When @Fabletics (a female centric company) only offers military discounts to MEN. Shame on you @Kate_Hudson and your company.
— Lisa Smith (@LisaSmithArvada) November 12, 2020
There are 2 million female living veterans in America. pic.twitter.com/bepgeAwYCK

May seem cringe with the music. Seems some of these people are Trump supporters. Unnecessary name calling of the woman.♥️ Clickbait profile pic ♥️
— Amaïa (@antinatalists_) November 10, 2020
#NewProfilePic pic.twitter.com/b9tkdn3pyz
There wasn't a mention of Arab people either. Friday 13th November 2020 There were more cages in the delivery than previously expected. Starting at 6am wasn't much help. Missed call from this number. A few racist comments. The people that posted them deserve to be scammed.#Lort
— Tariq Nasheed 🇺🇸 (@tariqnasheed) November 11, 2020
🛏🔧 pic.twitter.com/chouEVWshJ
Of course he wasn't. She asked to speak to the manager.disgusting to hear that patrick hutchinson received no contact or thanks from the far right counter-protestor he protected during a BLM rally #GMB pic.twitter.com/oy5c95DvhI
— Livvi (@LivviLamb) November 11, 2020
https://t.co/NRY9T9nAfA just made my book disappear.
— Abigail Shrier (@AbigailShrier) November 13, 2020
Does it bother anyone that Woke activists and spineless corporations now determine what Americans are allowed to read? https://t.co/dbIbjm96Ll
It's just a book. They can do whatever they want. Sell it on Amazon. Quit whining like a little bitch.The efforts to smear my friend @AbigailShrier and to disappear her book (hi, @Target) is despicable—and a sign of what’s to come. I regret that I didn’t speak up earlier on her behalf, that I also thought to myself: is this the hill I want to die on? https://t.co/eetpmpsYGp
— Bari Weiss (@bariweiss) November 13, 2020
Ashlea Simon is the ultimate Karen. Anyone was in the rooms. Didn't need disturbing.More out of respect, but also to hide the identities of the migrants who answered their Daresbury Park Hotel doors to Britain First, I have removed them from this edit.
— Marsh4LL (@Marsh4LL1) August 27, 2020
Watch as Ashlea Simon / Robyn takes the lead in behaviour akin to Nazis hunting Jews in 1930's era Germany. pic.twitter.com/eqQdRj2h4W
All you fascists - Billy BraggBritain First Leader Paul Golding, while currently shacked up at his Chief Of Staff @ashlea_robyn's gaff has allegedly had paint poured over his Land Rover.
— Marsh4LL (@Marsh4LL1) November 13, 2020
The pair have now installed a bargain-basement CCTV camera after grifting donations.
Not nice to be intimidated, is it. https://t.co/iDthgJNGIT
There is nothing to stop.Laurence Fox hits back at his agent on new single "I Will Survive" pic.twitter.com/0lfrgUmpt7
— TheIainDuncanSmiths (@TheIDSmiths) November 13, 2020
These wankers trying to start a coup would that also not be classed as trying to steal the election?how is that going for him pic.twitter.com/lxBq6m4nkp
— Brendan Karet 🚮 (@bad_takes) November 13, 2020
White women have always been corrupt.NEW VIDEO: Corrupt Senator Kelly Loeffler, the richest person in Congress, bought a private jet with our tax money. While Georgia's working class tax payers struggle during the pandemic, Kelly flies around in luxury on their dime.
— Really American 🇺🇸 (@ReallyAmerican1) November 13, 2020
RT if you think it's time to fire #CorruptKelly pic.twitter.com/SROoHMELOA
If you don't like what I write then speak to my manager, Karen.Andrew Lloyd Webber helping raise money for disadvantaged children... when he previously rushed back from New York to vote in support of tax credit cuts #ChildrenInNeed pic.twitter.com/K2tLSezybz
— Jen Adamson (@jenthomason1) November 13, 2020
Twat and his followersOur 4 year old twins are upset that they missed our wedding (they weren't even born yet). They are demanding we remarry in the dining room. One of them has selected a shimmery dress for me to wear. And they're getting a suit for daddy from the closet. Pray for us. 😂
— Jessica (J.A.M.) Aiwuyor 💫 (@JAMAiwuyor) November 13, 2020
Illegal immigrants protesting today about the conditions inside the Penally camp. They're now demanding homes not camps or hotels "Its like a jail" "life here is very bad" " "I'am looking for my future, here is not my future." Nothing is ever good enough!
— Woodsy Again 3🏴🇬🇧🏴🇬🇧 (@Ronnie62597744) November 13, 2020
A hog roast in order?🐷 pic.twitter.com/lreehDv4VM
Nick always setting them straight. Two very bad people.They are not illegal they are seeking asylum which they have a right to do under international law. UK government need to provide clean and safe accommodation for them not cram them together 6 to a room in a pandemic. The toilets and washing machines are broken too! https://t.co/91iMKmewTN
— Nick (@Nclarke30) November 13, 2020
2 very good people met up today 😉🇬🇧 ... @GerardBattenUK pic.twitter.com/NI9zU82IQu
— Jake Hepple (@JakeHepple1) November 13, 2020
TERFs in the menchies, good time to remember that TERFs and fascists go hand in hand
— Emily of the State (@EmilyGorcenski) November 13, 2020
These people holding the march are stupid. So fuck all your protests, put them to bed. People can change.U.S. Rep. @LaurenUnderwood (IL-14) officially won her re-election bid against @JimOberweis yesterday by a margin of ~4,600 votes now that they’re all counted.
— Hannah Meisel (@hannahmeisel) November 13, 2020
That didn’t stop Oberweis, who prematurely declared victory last week, from heading to D.C. for new member orientation. https://t.co/cTn2ogCS2H pic.twitter.com/3BORtAnwJY
a former WHAT pic.twitter.com/YY6pa56fxA
— yoongi’s boyfriend (real) ˣ⁷ (@keyonstrggletwt) November 13, 2020
This trash was last seen with #QuawanCharles pic.twitter.com/57Qtk1dpti
— LAFAYETTE PD lied about using Nonlethal force! (@Kaymontrese) November 12, 2020
Someone I have never heard of made false allegations against her ex husband. Then when I searched the name on Twitter I find this anti vaxxer Trump supporter. A major Karen.Gavin and Janet Irvin, had picked up Quawan around 3 p.m. the day he went missing (while his father was at a store). Kenneth Jacko, Quawan’s father, said neither he nor Quawan’s mother knew the Irvins.https://t.co/z6ho0szOtQ
— Miracle-Dawn™ (@MiracleDawn) November 13, 2020
He rightfully blocked you. Timeline full of shit.12-Year-Old Girl Becomes One of N.Y. Philharmonic's Youngest Composers; Grace Moore says her classical piece was inspired by current events like COVID and Black Lives Matter https://t.co/QdpHk7Bafk
— Shannon Watts (@shannonrwatts) November 13, 2020
Alex Winter wasn't being very excellent to ACB and then blocked me in a most heinous fashion when I called him on it.
— sean brett (@BaconKnight) November 14, 2020
But yeah, be excellent to each other. pic.twitter.com/a0FRlY8OmD
But these rightwingers are always full of vitriol. Just look at one of the dumb tweets that was retweeted. You have a scammer that Michelle has called out.After #HollywoodElites were full of hate and vitriol for the last 4 years, seems they have some moral healing of their own to do. https://t.co/4oJloVG0QU
— Patrue (@1976Cassie) November 14, 2020
People making assumptions about another person's sexuality when it isn't any of their business.If I sell 200 hats, I can go back to school next semester. RT to help me find my next customer ✨ https://t.co/wsydLocB0I
— ᡕᠵ᠊ᡃ࡚ࠢ࠘ ⸝່ࠡࠣ᠊߯᠆ࠣ࠘ᡁࠣ࠘᠊᠊ࠢ࠘𐡏- - - hydidi (@hydingadork) November 13, 2020
Has some decent products. Annoying gif on a loop of Lil Kim in the background.https://t.co/ni6RjiKMFM pic.twitter.com/Q6nhwrGX3q
— é (@foxxybemine) November 13, 2020
When TERFs finally realize they are the baddies. pic.twitter.com/63PzpG1pet
— Charlie Moore (@socalledcharlie) November 12, 2020
Funny how #MAGAts derided the Black Lives Matter protests as superspreader events (evidence says they weren't) but find it perfectly fine to join a #MillionMAGAMarch, which coincidentally are protesting a stolen election (which there is no evidence of). I hope they all get COVID.
— Darth Earl- protective facemasks won't kill you (@EarlLipphardtJr) November 13, 2020
Some of html is invalid. If I switch to Compose mode I will lose some of it. The resistance bands are OK. I do prefer weights. The fleshlight was put to use. I had bought a separate vibrating bullet and it took a long time to cum. Without poppers. I ordered another poppers bottle and a sex doll. Black folk would jump on this tweet. As it is her opinion. Lives in Alaska and is Native American.This is Piper Perri. She is a young Trump supporter who saved a police officer from a group of Antifa protestors, but the fake news media won’t cover it. Google “Piper Perri takes on 5 men”. She’s a hero.#MillionMAGAMarch#MarchForTrump pic.twitter.com/uQvIUzVLrE
— Sᴄʀᴜ̈ᴇɢɢS 🌹 (@scrueggs) November 14, 2020
i really don’t gotta type but i just gotta say Alaska has some of the finest white men in the country 😅
— decolonial bhaddie😛 (@beccajewels) November 14, 2020
Here's what I don't understand. There are BAME Britons. SE Asian Britons. Loads of them. What's wrong with putting them in a Christmas ad? The cheer of contrarians must be pretty bloody fragile if a PoC depicting celebrating Christmas annoys them. https://t.co/ofgGeahgLr
— Mike Stuchbery 💀🍷 (@MikeStuchbery_) November 14, 2020
Ask to speak to the manager Karen. There is no diversity quota.Yep and still diversity quota approved. 👍
— John Stephens (@JohnFromAltdorf) November 14, 2020
He doesn't mean it really. I did have a dream where Lawrence was working with me. I knew of his political views. He is offended over how his idol is being portrayed.Every single human life is sacred #AllLivesMatter
— Laurence Fox (@LozzaFox) November 13, 2020
Look to see his bio and it is obvious.Looks utter shite. Incredible what passes for entertainment these days.
— Valance7 🇬🇧🏴🇺🇸 (@Jvalan7) November 13, 2020
As usual on YouTube these rightwingers make a video about Gina Carano. She herself is right wing. People can just boycott anything that she is in.“Multi-cultural society doesn’t make sense, society is culture”
— NOT A COMMIE BUT I SEE WHERE THEY’RE COMING FROM (@ManibaGiovanni) November 14, 2020
Looks utter shite, incredible what passes for a bio these days, but really what does this even mean, its actually so stupid, its what a stupid man thinks is a profound quote. pic.twitter.com/Io7ffwfDaZ
She is disappointed that Trump lost. Voter suppression and intimidation caused by the rightwingers.gina carano got away with transphobic comments and insulting the BLM movement but when pedro pascal called out racists, he has to apologize 🧍🏼♀️.......
— paola ☆ (@naboonights) November 11, 2020
Maga March in a nutshell.When we peacefully protested in masks to support Black Lives Matter, we were met with rubber bullets and tear gas.
— Frederick Joseph (@FredTJoseph) November 14, 2020
Meanwhile, hundreds of thousands of unmasked people are taking to the streets in the name of white supremacy, and being guarded by police. #MarchForTrump
Fml. Doing exercise to own the libs. There are gyms open. This woman is just crazy.Mmm a Muslim using wine whilst making a career bitching about others isn’t a great look. Generally like Ash but this is a bit hypocritical. https://t.co/7HRYLHjk3i
— shaquille_oatmeal (@akmufc2020) November 14, 2020
Democrats have been talking about voter suppression tactics and gerrymandering. Things that take place BEFORE people vote.* There's a big difference between that and allegations of voter fraud.
— Yashar Ali 🐘 (@yashar) November 13, 2020
*Silly people who thought Russia literally changed the votes in 2016 don't count. https://t.co/cuXjf07Ka6
These racists will use any excuse to spread misinformation.Our claim that 'Cambridge academic Professor Priyamvada Gopal was attempting to incite an aggressive and potentially violent race war, and that she supports and endorses the subjugation and persecution of white people... was therefore false'.--Daily Mail.
— Priyamvada Gopal (@PriyamvadaGopal) November 14, 2020
New pinned tweet. pic.twitter.com/gMOqX5rGYb
Like this moron. Time to stop tagging people. Anyhow one way you can make a promo tweet viral is if you added a slur to it. You'd be reported many times. Lots of replies and quotes. My mum going on about my other brother calling. The youngest one wants me to ring my cousin about my uncle that's just come out of hospital. He is up and could do that. I am trying to watch a film. He comes in three times about shit that could be dealt with later. Appointments with doctors etc. My other brother just rang me. Wants to borrow money. The New Mutants is a scifi horror which had delayed for a long while. You have the protagonist Danni living on a Native American reservation. When something attacks. Forward to this facility where she is being held. A few young people with powers also live here. You have one scientist keeping a watchful eye over them. I wasn't too bothered about the blossoming relationship between her and another character. Just found it tiresome. I didn't like one of the characters. Good music and special effects. You may want to look into the Mutants. I am interested in the filming location. I will look at trivia. Blu Hunt, Anya Taylor Joy, Maisie Williams, Charlie Heaton, Henry Zaga, Alice Braga. Marilyn Manson was used for this film. Mark Snow is the composer. You may have seen Glass.The race grifter manages to skim some Chump change from the Daily Fail. She might now treat herself to some hair dye to hide all that grey showing through. Have you noticed when her cohorts try to dye their hair black and it comes out ginger?
— Indierockhead. China Must Pay. (@indierockhead) November 14, 2020
Wear this whilst you unload onto a Proud Boy's face. If you are against Antifa then you are for fascism. An ados recommended bestseller. White liberals being tonedeaf Maga klan are white supremacistsTo note: last rally Oregon state police declared a BLM protest unlawful for blocking the street.
— Sergio Olmos (@MrOlmos) November 14, 2020
No police presence today. pic.twitter.com/RKt51Ish60
Fox anchor Eric Shawn, somewhat shaken, responds to his show's live B-roll of today's MAGA rally in DC: "We just saw a very disturbing sign, it said 'Coming for Blacks and Indians, welcome to the New World Order.'" pic.twitter.com/Ayfh2QjtwL
— Matthew Gertz (@MattGertz) November 14, 2020
So many racist clowns in the replies. It is a British family. Nothing wrong with being woke. Showing a black family is not racist. Tesco won't want you. Karen go speak to the manager.Just the thought of home-cooked gravy, poured over a piping hot Christmas lunch, is enough to get us excited 🍴🏠🌟
— Sainsbury's (@sainsburys) November 14, 2020
Food is Home. Home is Christmas.
Sound on for all the festive feels 🔊 #SainsburysXmas pic.twitter.com/qkCGXa8rGz
Come see what the Proud Boys are up to. A racist magazine smearing Meghan. Anyhow the little girl is adorable.Probably the same people complaining that a black family has been featured on the sainsburys Christmas ad in the replies to their tweet below are the same people that say there is no need for the black lives matter movement in the UK 🤦🏾♂️ https://t.co/4KrZRIb8Y7
— Nick (@Nclarke30) November 14, 2020
Out of nowhere, my cousin is Meghan’s secret daughter lol, I had no Idea I was related to the royal family. @KensingtonRoyal @WomansDay pic.twitter.com/XZWLWaulBK
— Valeska 🦙 (@angelicavalesk) March 13, 2020
Homophobic racist Ahmed can't spell. As Kimberly Foster asked if white women were going to fuck it up for America. The answer is yes.Shut up faggot, your the first in the gulag
— SomeRottenKid (@RottenSome) November 14, 2020
kelly loeffler and her sense of entitlement Jizzing on the face of a Terf.We will ALWAYS stand with @realDonaldTrump! 🇺🇸
— Kelly Loeffler (@KLoeffler) November 14, 2020
Dan and his followers just not getting it. The irony. The way these cunts go after Meghan Markle. They do love to play the victim.Want to know why it matters to have Black women run for office? My subway ride home reminded me. pic.twitter.com/syo6DVppNk
— Maya Wiley (@mayawiley) November 15, 2020
Fascist hates Antifa shockerWhat appalling treatment of Eamonn Holmes and Ruth Langsford by This Morning and ITV. They’ve been absolute loyal rocks to that show through turmoil - and are beloved behind-the-scenes. Sad to see. https://t.co/dcKCTvBMe9
— Dan Wootton (@danwootton) November 14, 2020
Yes. Unity.
— Adal Suarez (@gochosuarez) November 14, 2020
Fuck ANTIFA and all those who support that fucking movement. pic.twitter.com/izVO8am7mD
No that's just the right wing militias.Welcome to blm and what they stand for .....violence
— J.S. (@JStirbu) November 15, 2020
republicans trashing BLM and Antifa are the same people who want to destroy our democracy and used acts of terror and militia to make people vote their way...please stop with the hypocrisy conservatidards. your president lost. deal with it or move to another country. pic.twitter.com/quKd8BIgx5
— martin☁️ (@bx_nitram) November 14, 2020
The clowns moaning about #Antifa #blacklivesmatter are the same idiots that went on the #MillionMAGAMarch are apparently #AllLivesMatter but want to commit hateful acts towards bipoc. Praising #ProudBoys Voter suppression and now false allegations of fraud. They see a murderer Kyle Rittenhouse as a hero. #BidenHarris2020 These are just crisis actors. It was all a set up by the far right.BLM and Antifa are trending
— Comrade Waluigi ☭🚩 (@Comrade_Waluigi) November 14, 2020
This should go without saying but wanting black people to be treated better and being against Fascism are good things.
This idiot makes no sense.DC: Trump supporters attacked by Antifa and BLM
— Drew Hernandez (@livesmattershow) November 14, 2020
Antifa and BLM hit, throw eggs and unknown liquids at Trump Supporters walking through BLM Plaza
You can hear see and hear the female Trump Supporter cry in fear pic.twitter.com/No1QDp4KLd
u gay u not a man
— Yuk💛 (@Yuknrq) November 14, 2020
Not the same. But she is up in men's business. This is below the belt.Yall in mens business again but when they tell you about tucking your stomach into your leggings then its body shaming https://t.co/IBQwsnAM6T
— Uncle Faro (@rufareeezus) November 13, 2020
This is bodyshaming. She looks great.always the ugly ones that got the most to say https://t.co/FmzwQNssYs pic.twitter.com/BkqBX2BJAW
— 🖤Autumn🌙 (@AutumnDistrict) November 14, 2020
Not you with the Boney ass talking 😭 pic.twitter.com/EvH6s7Xfjz
— BROTHER LOVE -Denounced NIGERIA- 💉 (@Diggythegreat) November 14, 2020
White thug attacks woman. Other men come to the rescue. He plays the victim. The rightwingers edited the video.Antifa thugs nearly kill older man as cops watch. #antifa #blm #dcprotest #DC pic.twitter.com/HE2nmJ5KrW
— ZeroPolitics (@zero_politics) November 15, 2020
Nothing to do with #blacklivesmatter or #Antifa.Owned you aggro maga fuck lol pic.twitter.com/JeERFaFbBP
— cthulhuey lewis & the news (@tresdessert) November 14, 2020
It's like he hadn't been paying attention to the thread.I love how any white people that push back against white nationalists are automatically AntiFa and any Black people are instantly BLM.
— Kwanza Osajyefo • BLM QUEER FREEDOM (@kwanzer) November 15, 2020
Still lame for not going
— Peyt 🕉 (@Peytton) November 14, 2020
She was called lame by a friend for not going to his party.The person who invited me now has COVID https://t.co/HQS2LPkJJY
— Miles Morales' Older Sister (@GingiesMom) November 13, 2020
He is a Jeffree fan. My mum must be messing about as my brother raises his voice at 2:53am. She'll keep cooning.Jeffree Star just liked my tweet and I’m having a fan girl moment. 🥺💚
— Peyt 🕉 (@Peytton) November 10, 2020
I heard they had a peaceful protest in Washington DC until NIGGAS showed up...
— Angela Stanton King 🇺🇸 (@theangiestanton) November 15, 2020
Antisemitic and supports Trump.OMG Kamala Harris is married to a Jew🤦🏾♀️🤦🏾♀️ this shit aint gone be good. 😟😟 #SaveTheChildren #BlacksForTrump #Scandal #Recount #Revote2020 #CorruptDemocrats #CORRUPTION #hideyourkids
— NeferTashi♍ (@natelle84) November 9, 2020
Many racist people in the replies to Angela's tweet. Pandering to them. I'll tag people one last time. Then that's it. I was going to avoid twitter. Andy Ngo enjoys being the centre of a Bukkake with the Proud Boys. Pro Muslim, trans ally. Corbyn Labour. Leftwing and proud. Biden Harris make America great again. Black lives matter. Antifa are legendary.Some of the videos are sickening. They are not human. They are demon possessed!
— ProFreedomChick (@profreedomchick) November 15, 2020
Was recording some Twitch streamers. Justaminx is annoying. She didn't like one character's accent even though she has a fairly strong one of her own. These arseholes will try to smear Marcus. He doesn't have to explain himself.
There are comparisons on how the Daily Mail treats black celebrities to the white ones. Any excuse to abuse a black woman.Ok, so let’s address this. I’m 23. I came from little. I need to protect not just my future but my family’s too. To do that I made a decision at the beg of 2020 to start investing more in property. Please don’t run stories like this alongside refs to ‘campaigning’. pic.twitter.com/coqla2i19d
— Marcus Rashford MBE (@MarcusRashford) November 15, 2020
Aleesha has it on point. These people don't deserve forgiveness. The white folk wanting praise for doing the bare minimum.Most of the people who are currently having a pop at Diane Abbott *never* gave a fuck about Muslims. Give it a rest!
— Aleesha Khaliq (@a_leesha1) November 15, 2020
Ain't he weird. Just change the channel.The replies to this just remind me that as liberal and woke as white people are they still see black people like mammys lol. They think they can beat us up treat us like shit & be former white supremacists and we should be grateful for their change lol this ain’t amazing grace
— Black Lives Matter (@HeronChe) November 15, 2020
Why is that offensive Suzy?#Countryfile now about migrants ffs @BBCCountryfile
— Steve Reid #Bluehand #ProBrexitRebel #NoWhiteGuilt (@Steve__Reid) November 15, 2020
Get this shit off my TV now!!
Trump's Wall was a lie. I was just reading up on the Senate. Us politics can be confusing.I was in London a few weeks ago (I used to live there until 2009) & travelled quite a lot around the tube. Every single poster ad on the walls showed non-white people.
— Sue Whitaker (@SueWhitaker11) November 14, 2020
Ironic being told I'm jealous of the "white race"... I mean I absolutely adore my beautiful brown skin 🤷🏽♀️ I guess what's more adorable is how my existence makes little nazis lose their minds🙃🥴
— Shysteee2018 (@shysteee2018) November 15, 2020
That ain't it. Retard. White supremacistsAnother seething mongrel driven insane with jealousy because she will never be white
— Andrew Semite (@AndrewSemite) November 15, 2020
Sad https://t.co/DOCNmV7XdA
Karens gone wild. They never cared about black lives neither do some of the ones in quote tweets and replies. This fool has her picture hidden. Microagressions on the timeline as Sir Mo Farah had been knighted but they want to put him in his place. Lying to steal the election. Not the first time a white woman made a false accusation against a black man. I downloaded some songs from Amazon: Mon 16th - Tuesday 17th November 2020 My assistant manager sometimes jumping in when I was dealing with a customer. Other times points out things that I already knew. I have been working for the company for over 5 years. I had to stay behind the till. I was going through the draws. A customer gave his £5 note but it fell down this gap and I had to fish it out. The Limehurst Academy pupil comes in without a mask. Ignores me when I greet her. A few customers did. The shoplifter Rachel Spivy came in. I told the manager and she bought something. A lady that she was speaking to outside was in the store earlier. Now the barrier had gone off I should have gone up to investigate. I had this voicemail from Safra Ali or something asking for Mo. This man in glasses was wiping down items that he bought with antibacterial wipes. He had the virus before and didn't want to get it again. I was the last person to handle them. He left the wipes behind and Ass Man wanted them throwing away. He probably would have come back. The attractive lady from Lloyd's Bank was asking for donations for a mental health charity. I mistakenly thought the Fcuk giftsets were £9.99 when they were £7.99 as stated in the window. Someone else hadn't changed the price labels. I had to void a item because a customer changed their mind. Some weren't even social distancing or observing who else was in the queue. Gem 106 it's Fleur East or some annoying twat rapping ans doing an American accent. These are the resistance bands that I have been using. I had purchased this controller to use with my phone. However it doesn't sync up via Bluetooth. There is an attachment that holds the phone and should clip onto the controller which doesn't. The USB cable has one end which would have fit onto a USB port on a console or pc. I may have to return it. Not sure where you are going with this.Women take down Black Lives Matter boards at BLM Plaza in DC #MillionMAGAMarch #DC #MarchForTrump pic.twitter.com/9BpcVzszng
— Brendan Gutenschwager (@BGOnTheScene) November 15, 2020
She tweets similar to alot of people.All the past presidents went to war with the world..Trump is anti-war and prolife...and all politicians all over the world forget to help poverty which I have campaigned for 3 yrs for, entering bgt and agt and did not get to the lives of show my talent I embroider and quilt... pic.twitter.com/8mfLRyEeO8
— Maria Lino (@MariaLi07629759) November 17, 2020
Can you help me with my go fund me campaign to raise money 💰 for the poor families of Britain and the world... I'm a enrolled nurse and my council in London said I cannot start a charity to feed the poor families of Britain and the homeless and the world..I even embroider and .. pic.twitter.com/Z64zCI7Bme
— Maria Lino (@MariaLi07629759) November 17, 2020
A bit of a reach. Well it should be like that.Lil Wayne Charged by Feds with Possession of Firearm, Ammo https://t.co/OlfHBEB8Ux
— TMZ (@TMZ) November 17, 2020
She is fine.They’re targeting Trump supporters guys. https://t.co/qiWknpsrML
— Annie La Kraken 🦅🇺🇸🧡 (@arelab13) November 17, 2020
— Eve Baskin🇭🇳 (@ohyesitseve) November 9, 2020As is this woman. Great product.
Get it here... Twitch and Omlet I have gifted subs and made a charity donation. That will stop now. One streamer had a disobedient dog and another had a toddler that was annoying her. Play video games whilst fundraising for a children's hospital.It’s been a year so I decided to give TikTok a try pic.twitter.com/TmpOmwaBpk
— Undeniably Dope Individual (@FlyBrownHuniee) November 17, 2020
Some Patry guy brings up diversity as he has an issue. White supremacists like Ben Shapiro will go into Karen mode. I was looking in the spam folder and saw this dodgy email. Re: FROM THE FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION (FBI). Agent David Bowdich davidbowdich@investigation.net Show less To me 16 Nov at 19:03 Federal Bureau of Investigation Field Intelligence Groups J. Edgar Hoover Building 935 Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest, Washington, DC 20535 Attention: Beneficiary, I am the Deputy Director, Federal Bureau of Investigation Agent David Bowdich. We have intercepted and seized a sealed envelope at John F Kennedy International Airport in Jamaica New York, NY 11430 coming from a foreign country. We checked the content of the sealed envelope and found it contained a total sum of 3.6 million dollars value certified payment bond. Also, the sealed envelope had documents with your name on it as the receiver of the package. We progress in our investigations the sender address that accompanied the sealed envelope into the United States, we learned that it was to deliver this sealed envelope to your residence as payment of an inheritance / winning prize payment due and owed to you. Further, checks on the sealed envelope show that the sealed envelope paperwork lacked the PROOF OF OWNERSHIP CERTIFICATE AND LEGAL DELIVERY PERMIT CLEARANCE CERTIFICATE form. We then confiscated the sealed envelope and released the Diplomat. The sealed envelope according to section 229 subsection 31 of the International Commerce Regulators Code Enforcement Guidelines, your sealed envelope lacks PROOF OF OWNERSHIP CERTIFICATE AND LEGAL DELIVERY PERMIT CLEARANCE CERTIFICATE since the content is valued financial material of such amount, from the joint team of the Federal Bureau Of Investigation and Homeland Security, therefore, you're replying for direction on how to procure the sealed envelope, so you can be relieved of the charges of evading tax which is a jail-able offense under section 12 subsection 441 of the taxes code. We will also be asking the IRS to launch an investigation of money laundering if you do not follow our instructions. You are therefore required to reply within 72 hours at that point I will walk you through the process of clearing and claiming the money. Failure to comply may lead to your arrest, interrogated and,/or you being prosecuted in the Court of Law for tax evasion and/or money laundering. You are also advised not to contact any bank in Africa, Europe or banking institutions for security reasons. Yours in service, David Bowdich Deputy Director Federal Bureau of Investigation. I will forward it to the FBI. Spam the email. Sign them up for somethings. Reported to Godaddy. My brother asking for money. I am blocking him. The right hate Obama. The left have disliked him due to some of his policies. The videos appearing in recommendations recently. This is the fleshlight that I ordered. I would have got this one had I seen it. Here's something for the Karens“voter fraud” is just the latest way to say “black votes shouldn’t count” https://t.co/YMT9lsuVko
— b-boy bouiebaisse (@jbouie) November 17, 2020
Another scam: From: Amazon.comSomewhere in Sainsbury’s... 🎄😡#SainsburysXmas pic.twitter.com/tIFCzA6CFa
— Munya Chawawa (@munyachawawa) November 17, 2020
Surfacing by Slipknot Those that complaining about the #sainsburysadvert are the biggest snowflakes on the planet. There are more important things going on in the world. Covid19 should be the gift that you racist would receive.George Clooney gave his 14 best friends $1 million cash each! “I’ve slept on their couches when I was broke. They loaned me money when I was broke. without them.. I don’t have any of this.” pic.twitter.com/WuHoIpy9zj
— Saycheese TV 👄🧀 (@SaycheeseDGTL) November 18, 2020
Ricky Schroder and Mike Lindell put Kyle Rittenhouse over the top w/his $2 million bail. Schroder was arrested for domestic violence twice w/in 30 days in 2019 and Lindell was also arrested for DV.
— Amee Vanderpool (@girlsreallyrule) November 21, 2020
Guns and domestic violence against women go hand in hand:https://t.co/UiZfvKo1pg
I have had the same number ring me and I believe they are after Mo. This guy lives in Fareham and he seems to be giving my number or they keep making an error. Now a tracked delivery is on it's way I could easily change it.The same folks who attacked Jacob Blake (shot 7 times by a cop and paralyzed), because he was accused of domestic abuse are THRILLED with domestic abusers Mike Lindell and Ricky Schroder helping to free murderer Kyle Rittenhouse.
— BrooklynDad_Defiant! (@mmpadellan) November 21, 2020
There is more to the thread. Caitlin is trash just like her boss. So the site stripe has disappeared. The PlayStation has become unavailable. Delays in the launch. Some have got one. Me sharing the links probably worked against me. It is now back.Kelly Loeffler’s press secretary, Caitlin O’Dea, calls her jokes about the genocide of Native Americans “appropriate.” https://t.co/AorrpG33Sj pic.twitter.com/KNsuyDkLKV
— Resist Programming 🛰 (@RzstProgramming) August 31, 2020
This woman is mad about the dick sucking tweet and shames a disabled sex worker.He decided to stop by for a mouf hug 🙈💕 pic.twitter.com/VXXme960VI
— trina. (@TrixieNumbaNine) November 19, 2020
This is daft.A disabled prostitute. Can’t make this shit up. 😩😭
— Nikki (@Sadityyyb) November 19, 2020
I did start following the woman but unfollowed. I will report her. Timeline is toxic. I tried ringing the doctors and it is a phone consultation and just maybe they will ask the patient to visit the clinic.All her customers need to be sentence to death https://t.co/lYYfL2MOgz
— K & Cigars (@MyNameis_K_) November 19, 2020
She is behaving like a clown in some tweets. Why are her followers so against the Blm movement? Some stupid shit about not voting. Then there is this tiktok that people say is colourist. This Joanne Lopes woman will explain.I see the Union Jack Twitter brigade have invented a scenario where people are offended by, and trying to ban, the song White Christmas, and are furious about the made-up scenario they have invented in their own heads.
— Calum Dalton (@CalumDalton) November 19, 2020
See the quoted tweets and replies. Just another Karen.How it should be pic.twitter.com/kcvsFoAlU4
— R🤍 (@remyyma_) November 18, 2020
Kelly Stafford is over living “in a dictatorship that we call Michigan.” pic.twitter.com/ovGcoNkJ4j
— Evan Jankens (@KINGoftheKC) November 19, 2020
Well of course she should apologise to Colin and donate money to Blm. Just retarded. My brother asking me when I'm going to arrange an appointment for my mum. At this rate I won't be. Also a relative's father passed away and so my brother asks me to ring their house. Why don't you do it? He lowered setting on the boiler even switched it to summer mode. No wonder it was cold at night. Friday 20th November 2020 I tried using the sex doll that I ordered. I tried using the poppers which I should have avoided. Either it was difficult to penetrate and I was going soft. Waste of money. At work this couple came in and neither were wearing a mask. The woman even coughs. Ffs. I am trying to sort out a new site. I get logged out. Also on blogger trying to highlight and copy everything is trouble. My mum walks around late at night maybe talking to herself. My youngest brother raises his voice. Both need to stfu. It is midnight. She left the landing light on. A bunch of terrorists these Covid deniers. This becoming a fascist state.While I absolutely agree with her, she's a complete fraud who apologized to Colin Kaepernick and donated $350K to #BLM and "social justice" warriors. So Fuck Her. She funded & supports this statist crap. #gop #MAGA #Michigan #LiberateMichigan #KellyStafford Kelly Stafford https://t.co/MlmjP1gsQv
— Debbie Schlussel (@bitchitsdebbie) November 19, 2020
BBC News - France's Macron issues 'republican values' ultimatum to Muslim leaders.
— Alex Tiffin (@RespectIsVital) November 19, 2020
• Children will be given an IDENTIFICATION NUMBER to help locate them.
• Imams must register.
• No political actions as Muslims.
Macron is going full Marine Le Penhttps://t.co/vJg21Xmkzy
Claudia is a twat.hell yeah @AOC pic.twitter.com/pST9AjYAWe
— blaire erskine (@blaireerskine) November 20, 2020
It is the far left’s toxic identity politics which means that racism against Jews as seen as a lesser crime, if a crime at all. https://t.co/Bm4ub7fQ4L
— Claudia Mendoza (@Claud_Mendoza) November 20, 2020
Take a look at my Amazon store. New Mutants Amazon France You have Argos stores within Sainsburys. Selling consoles and games. The snowflakes that were triggered by the Xmas ad will still be shopping there. Whether it be food or gifts.I'm getting the sense that both of us think a hierarchy of racism exists, but I'm alone in thinking that's a bad thing and we should work together to reject it. https://t.co/Ofci4KwPql pic.twitter.com/siGeHE9zeq
— Ash Sarkar (@AyoCaesar) November 20, 2020
You're welcome America. Kyle Rittenhouse is out on bail. This is America after all. This white supremacist is clueless.BREAKING NEWS: Republicans erroneously claim there are too many votes in Michigan, because they think that the upper peninsula of Michigan is in Canada.
— Steve Hofstetter (@SteveHofstetter) November 20, 2020
(This is not photoshopped. This really happened.) pic.twitter.com/OcOPariPym
He killed no one. He protected himself from being killed. 2 million dollar bail is insane. Antifa thugs are detained and released within 24 hours and without any consequence.
— mamamakesithappen 🎯 (@mamakesithappen) November 20, 2020
No more posts where I mention work, family or these tweets.We live in a world where people raise $2Mil to free a killer from jail but 18yr old #SincerePierce, who was killed by the police last week, family is selling dinners today just to raise money to bury him. #BLM #justforsincerepierce #justiceforAJCrooms pic.twitter.com/ypiwIVXvNo
— Natalie Jackson, Esq. (@NatJackTweets) November 20, 2020
Black twitter and feminists will be triggered. There is colorism and race issues at play. See the comments. Sia faces backlash after casting Maddie Ziegler as an autistic teen in upcoming movie Music Following the release of the trailer for Sia's upcoming movie Music, which she says is based on a close friend, many actors and activists were critical of the singer's decision to cast Maddie Ziegler, a non-disabled actor, to play a disabled character. Sia responded to the criticism, but some found her responses disappointing. It is getting stupid now. People getting worked up over minor issues.Cancel culture aint real btw, many people still support their problematic favs or those people just get new fans with the same veiws as them.
— Tayoncé Defense Attorney (@tayhoaxe) November 20, 2020
Also note how minorities are always told be be humble and educate but cis/white/het people are never told to be the educators?
Fake news froma white supremacist. A comedian made a joke on a TV show.Ilhan,
— Kelly Loeffler (@KLoeffler) November 20, 2020
We saw the video of you smiling and laughing while talking about al-Qaeda & 9/11.
We know that you funneled MILLIONS of dollars to your new husband’s “consulting” firm.
And we know that you're an unabashed anti-Semite.
You should be expelled from Congress. https://t.co/DQxcWG7m7q
I remember when people wanted to cancel Frankie Boyle over what he said about the Queen. #mocktheweek They'll try and push the boundaries. Final tweet embed. Hopefully some people help her. I will tag people one final time.Please apologise now #JoanBakewell
— Jerry Hicks (@JerryHicksUnite) November 21, 2020
Labour peer @JDBakewell laughs at the proposed murder of me and my family for being supporters of Jeremy Corbyn.
Your laughter at such a 'joke'? disgusts mepic.twitter.com/CJXfYc6soF #JeremyCorbyn #hignfy
Some cunts in the replies are really taking the piss. She will have called the police. Also it's not a joke just because the man took the PlayStation. Her links Done tagging.cashapp- $onlyliyah31 / venmo- pabloliii / paypal- pablowliii pic.twitter.com/UBwy2fBSqn
— 🛹 all pronouns (@beccaccore) November 21, 2020
Just saw this on Amazon: You are The Weakest Link Board Game by Hasbro White supremacists are trashNigga really took the PlayStation💀❗️ pic.twitter.com/fNFtYhjZN4
— horny (@UzisDentist) November 21, 2020
She is a coloniser. Disgusting human being. Reported the account. Also the trash takes itself out.They hate the words White, traditional, pro life, and patriarchy.
— Grace Shelby (@GShelby9) November 21, 2020
They want to make you feel guilty for wanting to stay with your people and being proud of your roots.
They want you to condemn and turn your back on your ancestors. They want you to deny God's words
Don't let them pic.twitter.com/LvHJqCQoRc
Some arsewipe leaves a comment like this.Breaking: Kelly Loeffler has tested positive for COVID-19
— MeidasTouch.com (@MeidasTouch) November 22, 2020
Under this tweet, I was expecting something as these unintelligent racists never give up.Wait until he finds out his parents are siblings
— John Hopeman (@JohnHopeman) November 21, 2020
Happy Birthday to Adnan. Sometimes I don't look at the replies to Ilhan's tweets as these racists replying don't seem to have anything better to do than bother an intelligent black woman. They are jealous. The caller was telling on himself ID the fucker.Can’t believe my little boy is celebrating his 15th birthday today. May he never lose this contagious laughter and joyful spirit, you’ll join me in wishing Adnan happy birthday. pic.twitter.com/4gOlx5cDS3
— Ilhan Omar (@IlhanMN) November 21, 2020
Was she high?Apparently my @MSNBCDaily piece on voter suppression in Georgia has found a couple fans in Oklahoma, who left me two voicemails on my work phone. pic.twitter.com/dj7S6L67nU
— Kevin M. Kruse (@KevinMKruse) November 21, 2020
Monday 23rd November 2020 The Ass manager was being a cunt. Point out the obvious. I knew alot, I wasn't born yesterday. Ignoring me or when there is a queue. Wednesday 25th November 2020 My brother asking me to check the house phone and call them back whoever rung. He could have rung them. It was a bank that he is with. Some absolute fuckery at work. Not enough change in the tills. People paying with large notes for small items. I was going to collect the change order and preperation was being done. Meanwhile this white male, 6ft tall in black coat with his hood up. White mask. Grey joggers, black trainers. He had a black and white carrier bag. He is a shoplifter. I could have have hung back. This twat took some Ambipur refills. Walked out. This old lady was right behind a customer that was paying. You had two people stood close behind this other customer. People not social distancing. A woman cut in front of another customer that was distracted by the drinks. I served two black students and I hear this sound made by the guy. It could have been the girl. It's what Jamaicans make. There is the short, sharp kiss from the front teeth on either side. Usually this denotes minor irritation or mild disapproval. It may be deployed with a shake of the head and perhaps the glimmer of a smile, recognising the absurdity of what has transpired. I really could not give a shit. Just doing my job. Friday 27th November 2020 At 2:15am I am awoken as my brother is shouting to my mum to put the milk in the fridge. Just go down and do it yourself. At work there was more cages than expected. Some were half filled. I was stood behind the till longer than I should have, It was freezing. This Indian pensioner decided to get this packet of chewing gun as I was about to serve the next customer. At 11:30pm I am awoken to the sound of my neighbour screaming and crying. They are having another argument. Can you at least keep it down or wait till the morning? Saturday 28th November 2020 My brother starts rambling on. Someone dropped some money off. So he keeps asking me questions about where about the person lives so he can return the money. Next it is about this shit with collecting some recordings from a dance group. Which they will have deleted by now. Then it is reaching out to former colleagues. I was playing gta. In town some guy was telling people queuing at a store that they were sheep for wearing masks. Tango Victor or the person that reported it assume the guy has a mental health issue. I was serving an NHS worker, a white woman with glasses and she was interested in the Paco edt. She proceeds to open the packaging which you are not supposed to do. She did buy the one she looked at. I had rang the bell and no one would answer. Someone had put the wrong Coolwater out which was £29.99, the ones on offer are £7.99. The other day my mum asks who I am ringing all I did was close the door so I could do some exercise. She then thinks that my younger brother is coming to visit even ringing him up. For some reason she thinks he was going to be coming over today. That is why she was stood at the door. OK I will stop now. This is how the post ends.... 18-year-old Sincere “Spud” Pierce born April 02, 2002 was a bright and lively individual. He was a son, nephew, brother, cousin, confidant and friend to many. Sincere had a passion for music and he let it be known through his recordings and frequent visits to the recording studio to put his voice out there. Sincere left his home in Cocoa Friday, November 13, 2020 at approximately 10:31a with friends and no one expected what would happen next. Sincere along with the other passengers of the vehicle would be the next victims of an officer shooting minutes later. Sincere was a victim of gun violence at the hands of Brevard County Sheriff Deputies in pursuit of a vehicle. This vehicle traveling on Stetson Dr. in Cocoa Florida, with Sincere as a passenger was not the vehicle the officers were pursuing. Sheriff deputies opened fire on the vehicle as his mother stood by, pleading “Please don’t shoot! My baby is in the car. He just got in the car. Please?!”. This was clearly a case of mistaken identity and negligence upon BCSO deputies. Cynthia Green, a long-time resident of Brevard County and mother and guardian of Sincere watched as deputies yelled for the occupants of the vehicle, accompanied by Sincere to stop the vehicle and then immediately began firing rounds into windows of the car in what would seem to disable the occupants. This is beyond their training measures provided by FDLE prior to becoming road deputies. These shots all appeared to be kill shots as multiple shots were fired into the windows of the vehicle. Firing at the vehicle immediately disabled the driver and with inability to control the vehicle it veered off and was stopped by a wall in a neighboring resident’s home on Stetson Dr. Mrs. Green stood by as deputies, spewed profanities at her positioned themselves on foot in what already appeared to be a stand-off and murdered her son and his friend. This was a direct negligent act at the hands of Brevard County Deputies law enforcement. These are deputies that are sworn to “Protect and Serve”. In this, what BCSO deputies are calling an “isolated incident” clearly was not. Now, Sincere along with friend, a 16-year-old passenger met their demises that morning going to visit other friends. No other information is being released on the status of the officers or investigation for this heinous act. It should be known to the public that no weapons or illicit drugs were found in this vehicle. All occupants of the vehicle were unarmed and therefore by law not considered “armed and dangerous”. We the family are pleading for help and we want justice. We do not want our children afraid of law enforcement. This has made an immediate impact on our family both young and old. Burial services are extremely expensive. To have Sincere a son, brother, nephew, cousin and friend buried in the most respectful manner possible we are asking for donations. This will help aid Christopher and Cynthia Green in any way possible. It will not change what has happened to their son but will however give them hope for a positive outlook for things to come. Thank you for the read and in advance for any donations received. God Bless.wtf???? pic.twitter.com/kfbyTTReWF
— 🛹 all pronouns (@beccaccore) November 22, 2020