I had the strangest dream today. I was visiting relatives in one scene. I was to fill in this form on an iPad and then on paper. It was to do with my immigration access to the US. They have a place there and here. Previously I was on the street. I was painting something onto my left hand which didn't stay. It read "Good luck John Wick" I had walked up a street and the delivery was being dealt with. Empty totes were stacked. One guy was working. I removed some clothing in a place. I considered getting changed but first have a haircut. It was a change of plan. I wound up in my uncle's car. He drove onto this long narrow road. He told me the name of this and the previous one. We passed under a huge truck/van that was parked. On the form they needed his name and place if birth, my details and my mother's. On the paper there was a question about working in a kitchen and diffusing a situation. I had to give my thoughts on it. The place I was in was London.
One student was asking if there was anyone behind the till. Well I am the staff member up front. She shoves out the bag of sweets for me to scan. Hand them to me properly. A lady had said "no no" when I offered her SAS. My brother still made a fuss over this bollocks with this passport. Send the documents that they have asked for. Stop going on about the label on the envelope. Winds me up. The rain has dampened things. Business not too good. The fair is in town and it does affect things.
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This guy is a dipshit
My cough is here. I had bought poppers. Nose runs and when I blow my nose I find traces of blood. I found this great article
staff: we need to sell merch— m i t h XI.LXXV (@ManlnTheHoody) November 14, 2019
me: what if i made a mold of my dick and then we sold 3d printed copies?
staff: we were thinking hats with a slogan
me: oh good idea it could say "fuck billionaires"
staff: seems aggressive to put on a hat
me: who said we were going with the hat?
One student was asking if there was anyone behind the till. Well I am the staff member up front. She shoves out the bag of sweets for me to scan. Hand them to me properly. A lady had said "no no" when I offered her SAS. My brother still made a fuss over this bollocks with this passport. Send the documents that they have asked for. Stop going on about the label on the envelope. Winds me up. The rain has dampened things. Business not too good. The fair is in town and it does affect things.
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This guy is a dipshit
My cough is here. I had bought poppers. Nose runs and when I blow my nose I find traces of blood. I found this great article
Another mass shooting in America. As C.J would say "Ah shit here we go again."If you see women spreading information that helps prevent sexual assault, and your first reaction is to talk about false accusations, there’s something deeply wrong with how your brain works pic.twitter.com/kkFo6qSVRZ— SheRatesDogs (@SheRatesDogs) November 14, 2019
My brother being annoying informing my mum on how to do things.
There was a little discomfort to my lower back as I did the Jefferson deadlift.
Some comments will be transphobic.
How is this not headline news??? Over 200 students homeless with absolutely nothing. Personally, all I have is the pajamas I was in as I ran out my flat and my phone that was in my hand as I smelt smoke. This is mental I have no idea what to do now... #boltonfire pic.twitter.com/8TkB4ZQktt— Meg (@Megdori) November 16, 2019
Check out this site which harks back to the days of MySpace I had joined. Verified my profile. I received a friends request. Now my account has been deleted without reason.
I had to go collect the keys from work. I could have saved the re by just getting it from my colleague on Thursday. As there was confusion it didn't happen. I was waiting to cross this road and a few cars were coming up. I would wait. This lady stopped to let me cross but this van was coming which would turn in. She put both her arms in the air which I thought was disrespectful. Why act like that. Though I am grateful she stopped could have conducted herself better. I gave a thumbs up.
I recommend that you watch this
Something wrong here. Maybe the European descendants could leave.
Replying to
Why don't people blame the countries we're these families come from? If the American people say they don't want them coming into the country, send them back to their own countries. America already has a homeless problem. Look at California.
2:17 PM · Nov 16, 2019
I SAID WHAT I SAID ABOUT THIS ONLYFANS SHIT. Really making a video cause I don’t feel like responding to everyone. Take it how you want. pic.twitter.com/42Me1F0tVB— A. (@blameangie) November 16, 2019
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“It felt like a duty to me to celebrate the woman, the mother, the matriarch, the immigrant.”— BBC News Africa (@BBCAfrica) October 17, 2018
Filmmaker @adeyemimichael presents the most beautiful tribute to his
mother in a stunning film selected for the @BFI London Film Festival. #LFF 🐎🇳🇬🇳🇬🇬🇧🎥 pic.twitter.com/TXbgMaYUjT
Tonight I shut down a string of misogynistic stand up comics.— Courtney Pong (@CourtneyPong) November 16, 2019
As in, I walked on stage in the middle of one of them talking, addressed the audience, offered a full refund, told them it would not be tolerated here, and pulled the show
Mr Azamati a postgraduate blind student from Ghana was pulled out of Oxford debating chamber by his ankles because they thought he shouldn't be there. Just another example of the appalling racism in our universities https://t.co/PmRiTMVfuG— Nick (@Nick_BLM) November 17, 2019
#Whymenneedabreak is about mental health and suicide awareness. There is some jokes, misandry and a weird right wing comment from Uncle Tom Adil.
Weirdest statement from Ed Sheeran lookalike....Bringing this back cause so much fuckery in the world is going on. UK people, this is what I carry around! A LEGAL red gel which you spray in people’s faces when ur unsafe. It stains their face for DAYS so police can identify them easily. And it is very hard to cover with makeup. https://t.co/6uCRVqVLCm— stop stalkin me sis, he’s mine too x (@cheyannetiXo) November 17, 2019
Having a sex change has the same results as putting a mercedes emblem on a dodge ram. It dont make any sense, it hasnt changed anything but become more of an eyesore, and its pretty fuckin gay. Youre an idiot and have to be mentally unstable to do both— Shane Rushing 🇺🇸 (@ShaneRushing101) November 17, 2019

Buy Tickets To Shows, Events,Concerts,Festivals and more I had a dream where I met up with an old female friend. She was talking about something. In another dream I went to a posh theatre. Emma Stone was in a musical. There were a few audience members making noise. One black man complained about his family in Nigerian. There were subtitles.
⚠️ WARNING :: POLICE VIOLENCE ‼️ THIS JUST HAPPENED AT 125TH ST IN HARLEM ✨ via @yxngtriton || THIS IS WHY WE ARE COMING OUT NOVEMBER 22 💥 #mta #nyc #NYPD #ftp pic.twitter.com/LywDwq0cm3— DecolonizeThisPlace (@decolonize_this) November 13, 2019
Now this was a black 14 year old child arrested.Our officers took this man into custody after he failed to comply and refused to provide identification as they attempted to issue him a summons for a transit violation- He was arrested and charged with Obstructing Governmental Administration— NYPD Transit (@NYPDTransit) November 13, 2019
Amber has apologized. See the tweets from black folk. Someone has mentioned how poc and black people aren't allies.
Savage X Fenty line at AmazonShe gotta be mad at her bf and I’m all the way here for it pic.twitter.com/vspgYCckfx— Jo (@joferneezy) November 17, 2019