Someone in the comments named Ceaser Valles on about Muslim countries when it has fuck all to do with them. Remy is wrong about Jess Hilarious and prejudice. Don't justify her actions. Some morons have it in for Cenk and the TYT team.
Found a white allie that reminds me of Bruce Willis. Some trumpanzee named John Bravo leaves a hate comment.
Perverted police officer should be in jail. . #Metoo #everydaysexism #firstthem
This is old but a ridiculous situation. Bet they allow Maga hats. Wasting police time. Not very Christian. A commenter KD thinks BLM is black supremacy. No it's for equality. KD is white. No profile info. Troll.
Some of the facts I will have to look in to. Interesting chat.

This Tony SuchAMayo is an uncle tom This guy is some right wing nob
Some nonsense in the comments section. Taints what the video is about. Lizanna Rodriguez is just anti black. Someone else reckons racism is dying out. Bollocks. Tyrone kat katkiller is just a turd. Dax must be on something. What the hell us bigpoppa on? Who are these 521 racists that downvote an adoption video? Why do Gary Brown and another dipshit watch the video only to leave abusive comments? Just go back to watching Fox News. There is a pattern with the videos where there is interracial relationships and adoption. The mother is monitoring the comments. Then there is Tariq and his commenters likening white parents adopting a black child to slavery. Just clutching at straws.
Not sure what Cait Holland is harping on about or this other sod in the comments with his racism. Some trumptard named Leroy Brown leaves negative comments about Obama and Tom Morello under a video of Prophets Of Rage tribute to Chris Cornell.
Vicky Holland and Non Stanford look hot. Women's Triathlon just interviewed on Bbc Olympics with Mark Chapman. I bet he'd have a threesome with them if he had the chance. I bought some odourisers and a porn dvd which is a reverse gangbang theme.
Donald Trump throwing out these statistics about African Americans. He wants their vote. Mainly white voters are interested in him. "What have you got to lose" I would be interested to hear what the late Maya Angelou would have said.
Aug 17
Trump's speech wasn't to recruit black voters, it was meant to give him (more) public cover to say that black people are stupid.
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Barack Obama follows
Just Me
Powerful question. @JoyAnnReid: "If Donald Trump makes a speech to black people where there are none, did he make a sound?" #AMJoy #reiders
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In case people forgot how #trump treated black people before that speech, and this was all within the last year.…
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"Trump shoulda did the speech in front of more Black people" . . that's the point idiots, he's asking them to come out.
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Brian Barnes
Aug 19
#Trump is on π₯! A great speech today in Michigan! What do you have to lose black people? Dems aren't fixing the inner cities! #MAGA ππ¨π¨π¨π¨πΊπΈ
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Elijah O'Kelley
Aug 19
Trump speech getting praise but did he really ask black people to vote for him bc"what have you got to lose?" Oh I don't know, civil rights?
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Idris Elba follows
Rickey Smiley
Aug 18
Do you think #DonaldTrump should give up on trying to get #Blackpeople to vote for him??...
View summary ·
Tim Brannigan follows
Brittany Packnett☔️
Aug 17
Newt Gingrich apparently knows what appeals to black people. FYI, Newt: we don't like Trump, his speech or his hair.…
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BLUNT follows
Keith Boykin
Aug 17
I didn't see one black person in this entire photo album of Trump's speech to black people.…
View photo ·
Paul McFreid
Aug 17
Just LOOK at all the black people at the #Trump speech last night @socalimilitia1 π© @donkeyarguing
View photo ·
adam harris follows
Aug 17
were there even black people at trump's speech? seriously.
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Sean Kent
Aug 17
Donald Trump reaching out to black people by giving a law and order speech from a 95% white suburb is the most Donald Trump thing ever.
View details ·
Akala follows
Mat Johnson
Aug 17
Trump goes to a white rural town, and in front of an all white audience, reads a speech to the cameras telling black people to vote for him.
View details ·
Hα΄ΚΙ΄ Aα΄α΄ΚΙͺα΄α΄
Aug 17
I wonder if this speech was Trump's way of saying he's willing to CONSIDER renting to black people now?
View details ·
Jeremy Newberger
Aug 17
There were more black people in the TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD courtroom than Trump's Milwaukee speech venue.
View photo ·
Jesse Lehrich
Aug 17
somehow I don't think Trump's speech about black people to a white crowd is gonna fix this...
View photo ·
Montel Williams
Aug 17
Trump just gave a speech accusing Black people of being criminals while trying to reach out to black people in a room full of white people
View details ·
Daniel Dale
Aug 16
Trump has finished his speech about black people in 95%-white, 1%-black West Bend, Wisconsin.
View conversation ·
Aug 16
Trump's speech in Milwaukee is amazing. Talks right to black people and tells them Dems do nothing for them. Bullworth moment.
View details ·
Culture of Truth
Aug 16
So it sounds like Trump gave some ridiculous speech where he promised to rescue black people in the most condescending way possible.
Ashley Crane is hot. Former rugby player turned model.
what the fuck @ BBC saying they won't have same sex couples on strictly come dancing because it's a "family show"
Last night my Mrs said if I turned the light off she'd take it up the arse, maybe I should've waited until the bulb cooled down a bit.
The racist rant woman in Florida had nice tits. There was the nice blonde in luminous orange with blue eyes and her friend also in orange with red hair and blue eyes. I saw this blonde in patterned grey kit. I don't believe that Robert an old friend of my brother's from school stole some alcohol. It was obvious what he was doing. I should have rung 3 bells and not hesitated. Keep him talking but actually confront him. He is in the wrong. No worrying about who is insulted . Just doing my job and to trust my instincts . Better than nicked items. Karma Police/Just - Radiohead.
A 50something man on a crutch had bought alcohol but drank half of it in 30 mins. He collapsed and the ambulance were called. A few people gathered . A police community support officer came to the store to tell me what had happened . A mature lady had misplaced her purse yesterday and was telling the supervisor about it but was going on abit.
1:10 dude doesn't know difference between Arab and Indian.
What happens when a person thinks.
White guy doesn't like diversity. There is a surprise. He seemed to ramble. Looking at his other video he is a rightwing incel. Gtfo with that outrage culture shit. People have a right to speak up.
Donald Trump throwing out these statistics about African Americans. He wants their vote. Mainly white voters are interested in him. "What have you got to lose" I would be interested to hear what the late Maya Angelou would have said.
Aug 17
Trump's speech wasn't to recruit black voters, it was meant to give him (more) public cover to say that black people are stupid.
View conversation ·
Barack Obama follows
Just Me
Powerful question. @JoyAnnReid: "If Donald Trump makes a speech to black people where there are none, did he make a sound?" #AMJoy #reiders
View details ·
In case people forgot how #trump treated black people before that speech, and this was all within the last year.…
View details ·
"Trump shoulda did the speech in front of more Black people" . . that's the point idiots, he's asking them to come out.
View details ·
Brian Barnes
Aug 19
#Trump is on π₯! A great speech today in Michigan! What do you have to lose black people? Dems aren't fixing the inner cities! #MAGA ππ¨π¨π¨π¨πΊπΈ
View details ·
Elijah O'Kelley
Aug 19
Trump speech getting praise but did he really ask black people to vote for him bc"what have you got to lose?" Oh I don't know, civil rights?
View details ·
Idris Elba follows
Rickey Smiley
Aug 18
Do you think #DonaldTrump should give up on trying to get #Blackpeople to vote for him??...
View summary ·
Tim Brannigan follows
Brittany Packnett☔️
Aug 17
Newt Gingrich apparently knows what appeals to black people. FYI, Newt: we don't like Trump, his speech or his hair.…
View details ·
BLUNT follows
Keith Boykin
Aug 17
I didn't see one black person in this entire photo album of Trump's speech to black people.…
View photo ·
Paul McFreid
Aug 17
Just LOOK at all the black people at the #Trump speech last night @socalimilitia1 π© @donkeyarguing
View photo ·
adam harris follows
Aug 17
were there even black people at trump's speech? seriously.
View details ·
Sean Kent
Aug 17
Donald Trump reaching out to black people by giving a law and order speech from a 95% white suburb is the most Donald Trump thing ever.
View details ·
Akala follows
Mat Johnson
Aug 17
Trump goes to a white rural town, and in front of an all white audience, reads a speech to the cameras telling black people to vote for him.
View details ·
Hα΄ΚΙ΄ Aα΄α΄ΚΙͺα΄α΄
Aug 17
I wonder if this speech was Trump's way of saying he's willing to CONSIDER renting to black people now?
View details ·
Jeremy Newberger
Aug 17
There were more black people in the TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD courtroom than Trump's Milwaukee speech venue.
View photo ·
Jesse Lehrich
Aug 17
somehow I don't think Trump's speech about black people to a white crowd is gonna fix this...
View photo ·
Montel Williams
Aug 17
Trump just gave a speech accusing Black people of being criminals while trying to reach out to black people in a room full of white people
View details ·
Daniel Dale
Aug 16
Trump has finished his speech about black people in 95%-white, 1%-black West Bend, Wisconsin.
View conversation ·
Aug 16
Trump's speech in Milwaukee is amazing. Talks right to black people and tells them Dems do nothing for them. Bullworth moment.
View details ·
Culture of Truth
Aug 16
So it sounds like Trump gave some ridiculous speech where he promised to rescue black people in the most condescending way possible.
Ashley Crane is hot. Former rugby player turned model.
what the fuck @ BBC saying they won't have same sex couples on strictly come dancing because it's a "family show"
Last night my Mrs said if I turned the light off she'd take it up the arse, maybe I should've waited until the bulb cooled down a bit.
The racist rant woman in Florida had nice tits. There was the nice blonde in luminous orange with blue eyes and her friend also in orange with red hair and blue eyes. I saw this blonde in patterned grey kit. I don't believe that Robert an old friend of my brother's from school stole some alcohol. It was obvious what he was doing. I should have rung 3 bells and not hesitated. Keep him talking but actually confront him. He is in the wrong. No worrying about who is insulted . Just doing my job and to trust my instincts . Better than nicked items. Karma Police/Just - Radiohead.
A 50something man on a crutch had bought alcohol but drank half of it in 30 mins. He collapsed and the ambulance were called. A few people gathered . A police community support officer came to the store to tell me what had happened . A mature lady had misplaced her purse yesterday and was telling the supervisor about it but was going on abit.
1:10 dude doesn't know difference between Arab and Indian.
What happens when a person thinks.
The man is a white supremacist. As are the people in the comments section. Laceyanne Matthews what boat exactly as they were born here. If the kid was white they would not be treated this way. One man Spikedfivefivefive labels them hoodrats. Blame being put on poc. No one intervens. David Stephen Bell - End This uncle tom supports the attacker. I understand why black women think that they are on their own
I see why women say #menaretrash
This Is America/American Idiot/All you fascists are bound to lose
White racist woman defends her actions and the Fox network support her. White America
The guy fighting racism against Asians and Angel and his commenter are being divisive. You are being ignorant like white folk.
It is still a hate crime. Also a video about Jada Pinket-Smiths fanny is newsworthy.
He possibly has something against AOC. Victim blaming Terry Crews isn't right. And I was going to subscribe to this channel too. Roseanne is trash. The men in the comments section against the MeToo movement have been accused of sexual assault.Return the item if doesn't belong to you So Angel R had to remove his video about the Jess Hilarious plane incident. It doesn't have anything to do with black people's struggles. I tend to find anti Asian racism in the comments. We are all lumped together. Stuff that I expect fr white right wingers. As Willie D would say "No more talk"
The tall blonde in black vest and shorts is looking good. The brunette in dark T-shirt and crimson leggings also looks nice.
Idiotic right wing rhetoric from 4chan users. Reparations are needed. Nope they wouldn't be going back as they were born here. The whites would need to leave also and they didn't get all these privileges This Mr. Obvious is just an American Idiot.
This KatrynMermaid or how ever you spell it leaves stupid comments. These idiots are irrelevant. No impact on my life. So give them no more thought. In the future or if it could be made possible I assume the right wing will transfer their consciousness into the internet. Like Transcendence, The Matrix, Doctor Who. Onto sites like 4chan and the like where they can live happily ever after. Fuck if the multiverse was accessible then that's where they should be sent. Numbnuts get triggered by TYT. If it offends you then stop watching.
Coonery in the comments section.
This snowflake Uncle Ruckus is moaning about a comic book, the left, sjw, diversity. How Marvel Studios dealt with Monica Rambeau. He will find something else to whine about. The people in the comments are anti feminists. I like how one said that rage that the man has got he should take it to the local city council. The YouTuber is black and diversity and the left help him.
I had this dream where I was stuck in a game/film. Various characters. One being the Reverse Flash played by Tom Cavanagh. I had a map where my character would follow. There was a bar that I would run as soon as the other staff member left. There was a museum or shop that I was going to go in. I just remember another dream which was about sex in a hotel.
I tried using a F!ST popper. It was having a strange effect. Was going to orgasm I didn't. You can't inhale it and headache you get then the cock gets soft.
I did think the Russia collusion thing was a waste of time. Like the Birtherism thing started by Trump. The right wing will cheer and make comments about the left. Aunt Nikki Jemima Haley lacks intelligence.