When we all fall asleep, where do we go?
Trump and Jong-Un? As the millennials would say "I ship it"
The smear campaign against Jeremy Corbyn continues. JK Rowling isn't a nice individual. Lucy is attractive. Works for the Times. Reminds me of Rosamund Pike. Apparently right wing. Someone had mentioned.
Fake News from the Daily Fail.
I didn't know about BBC Sounds until now. The live music from Glastonbury and other events is here.
Garbage is the right word.
At work the phone rang. I was on the delivery shift which is early in the morning. The security guy rings up how we are early for a Monday. I explained that it was the one for Saturday that was cancelled. He wanted this password. To verify that we were staff. I told him I didn't know of one. He was "not your password but the store password" Well dickhead I hadn't been told by management. If we were robbing the place would we answer the phone? I should have put the phone down. No point answering. Some other store, warehouse or management would ring. It'd be the same bloke that held us up as he was searching the delivery truck. The items on the trolley were overs. It was mine and my colleague's day off. I have another delivery tomorrow. Then Thursday and Saturday. I am working all day Friday with a manager from another store who might b a twat. The night team are in to do the refurbishment. The delivery will get in their way and they will still be working as we arrive. So it will fuck things up.
White male entitlement
Uncle Tom Ruckus
I jinxed myself. Karma took effect. Shouldn't have used the poppers. Lackluster delivery. Stupid as the refit was going on. Baskets of stock. Fittings laying around. They were missing some fixtures which messed up the plan. The delivery cages were down the Skin aisle. Hardly any room to move. Bitty cages and bulky ones. I was pissed off. Not getting too much done. My young colleague had come along and the lads on the refit team were checking her out. She was tired and as she was in an accident it was a struggle. I'd rather people would move quickly. Not stop for a chat or smoke. I stayed till late and didn't have a break. People in my way. I got told off about the household stack in the warehouse. I watched how I placed it. Others are to blame. That other stock could have been looked at. The Auditor was in too. I was told 12 but got 14 cages apparently. The empty ones from yesterday hadn't been taken. Some stock which had fallen from the back of the shelf was found. Chocolate from 2016 was discovered. Where? Kept having to get the key for the back door to get the rubbish out.
Duality-Slipknot 99 Problems-Jay-Z
Ted Cruz being a nob like most right wingers regarding the issue with Nike.
Watch what happens when a contractor with a Confederate flag on his truck pulls up at a black family’s home to do some work.pic.twitter.com/dVwv3RwSTv— Keith Boykin (@keithboykin) July 2, 2019
Only fascists are opposed to Antifa. Plus this Rita Pahani seems a coconut.
Troll Bigoted Christian. I find quite a few hateful people watching Sunday Morning Live. Misinformed racists. Keyboard warriors. The show is like The One Show. Cringeworthy interviews. Like the fit woman interviewing the teen Rico. Makes an issue out of nothing Fragile white males with no profile pic.
Kat seems to be confused.
Some morons in the replies. They'd offer sympathy to a white victim.
Relax, they're only doing their job.
Janet wasn't miming. She was singing live. Her voice just wasn't suitable for the stage.
This guy is a twat Right winger
How many fucking times must my brother talk about this passport form of his? Always asking a question. Form filling is not rocket science. Just bin the old parent's passports as they seem to confuse you. Why fill in part of a form and then ask and find that you have got it wrong. Then fuss over it.

That lady with the glasses buying water asking "where's the help?" Me having to ask something of a colleague more than once. Why everyone goes to lunch at the same time? People taking their fucking time when the shop has closed. Guy needed a carrier bag for his jacket. A girl spills her drink on the floor. People must queue properly.
Mark Ronson and Yebba
Some folk are triggered by Lizzo. Buy her music here.
Whiny little shit Uncle Tom You are upset at the attack over Boris. Conservative cuck. You will love BBC.
Troll Bigoted Christian. I find quite a few hateful people watching Sunday Morning Live. Misinformed racists. Keyboard warriors. The show is like The One Show. Cringeworthy interviews. Like the fit woman interviewing the teen Rico. Makes an issue out of nothing Fragile white males with no profile pic.
Kat seems to be confused.
Some morons in the replies. They'd offer sympathy to a white victim.
These white police officers are the dumbest fuckers around.Her name is #MarshaeJones and @YellowFund is collecting money to get her out of jail. People can donate here. https://t.co/tVSMxJO3jm— Imani Gandy (@AngryBlackLady) June 28, 2019
Doctor asks black patient Shaquille Dukes to walk around hospital.— Simran Jeet Singh (@SikhProf) June 29, 2019
Officers racially profile and arrest the 24-yr-old for “stealing an IV.”
Register your concern with the Freeport City Manager by calling 815.235.8206.pic.twitter.com/9aZOLT8OBg
As I predicted. Fragile white males over react.
Snowflake is a history teacher.
Tariq Nasheed and his followers need to see this.
I got a call from these people at 8:47am. The delivery was running late. It eventually got cancelled. Possibly coming in tomorrow. I plan to go to the gym.
This guy is a local. Stupid tweet. Nice replies to it.
Mcfly member Danny Jones performed this song on the BBC
Snowflake is a history teacher.
Not a fan of Stormzy and not a Tory.Oh no @runcornlass that is awful! You probably don’t have long. Get your affairs in order and say bye to loved ones. We’ll send a £5 voucher to your family as an apology pic.twitter.com/VEQYvjVyYv— Customer Care (@customercaring) June 29, 2019
If you don’t rate Stormzy, you’re 100% a Tory.— Ash Sarkar (@AyoCaesar) June 29, 2019
Crazy white women at it again. I dealt with them in the UK. Speak to the manager types.
I find that my blue carrier bag with items in it was thrown in the recycling bin. It had a pacjet of biscuits in it. I had to throw them away. My mum most likely did it. Next time check what you throw out or better yet leave my shit alone. I wasn't sure if the Rachel PT was the psycho I dealt with in the Library. It wasn't tbh. I am working a long shift next Friday. The cover manager might be the one I dealt with before. She was attractive but I didn't like her attitude at the start. I don't care for customers saying "just this" "I don't think so" saying no without thanks, talking in a certain tone or not speaking at all. I will do my job and sell SAS. I had moved my paid holiday for which I find I only get paid for the contracted 8 hours. I was to go to Nottingham Pride on a Saturday.
These two girls probably preteens. One found the price of a drink and the change given amusing. Weird.
Drugs are bad, mmmkay?!
Ben and Laura are snowflake racist dipshits.
There was this argument going on outside Shoezone. Two white men. One in his twenties. He had crutches and was sat on the bench. The bald guy in green t-shirt was standing. They attracted attention of others in town.
I had a call from Neath 01639 618174.
I have just turned 40. I fund at the last minute that I am staying till 12pm. It was originally 10:15. Time has been dragging. This guy that comes to the shop. Piercings, slim build, dark hair, stubble. He buys things and other times steals too. I hadn't seen gin come in. My colleague says that this has been going on for three months. Management were told. I only find out now. Some woman had said something about knowing where the product was and being a man. Casual sexism. It is my fucking job. This pretty, black girl was after glittery party stuff for a birthday gift. I was trying not to look at her chest. Some white brunette had nice big boobs. A black guy with headphones not saying much. This Indian woman seemed miserable/rude. I served someone who I believe identifies to mtof transgender. There was a man in a dress, long coat. I am not sure what the couple that were being served thought of him. Some piss taking I believe. I need to keep offering SAS. I don't care about "just this".
I was in Tesco. I went down aisle 16. I slipped and fell back. Hurt my arse. It was embarrassing. I don't think anyone saw. There was a water leak from the roof. So there was the puddle on the floor. I had spilt some coke. I went and bought more poppers. I should stop altogether.
I had a dream where I hung out with Rachel Riley. Later there was a drinking game. I avoided mentioning Jeremy Corbyn and Labour as she would go off on a rant.
Sounds about white. Waste of time and resources. White privilege.
Happy Pride Month to Poolside Nick. White Americans wasting police time. People are down voting his videos and leaving comments on his YouTube channel.
Cavemanic-Chuck D
American Idiot-Greenday
Fragile white males will be upset over the Charlie's Angels reboot.
Nasty right wing propaganda
She was a Trump supporter. Followed right wingers. White folk miss her.
Get your merchandise
Joe Biden Stacey Abrams Alexandria Ocasio Cortez Elizabeth Warren Bernie Sanders
Beto O'Rourke Pete Buttigieg Tulsi Gabbard Ilhan Omar Rashida Tlaib Kamala Harris
Caught being racist and plays the victim.
In other news Charlie Kirk and Candace Owens are prolapsed anuses with cum dribbling out of them.
The Glastonbury Festival
Meghan likes the sound of her own voice. Not listening at all. Twat.
I find that my blue carrier bag with items in it was thrown in the recycling bin. It had a pacjet of biscuits in it. I had to throw them away. My mum most likely did it. Next time check what you throw out or better yet leave my shit alone. I wasn't sure if the Rachel PT was the psycho I dealt with in the Library. It wasn't tbh. I am working a long shift next Friday. The cover manager might be the one I dealt with before. She was attractive but I didn't like her attitude at the start. I don't care for customers saying "just this" "I don't think so" saying no without thanks, talking in a certain tone or not speaking at all. I will do my job and sell SAS. I had moved my paid holiday for which I find I only get paid for the contracted 8 hours. I was to go to Nottingham Pride on a Saturday.
Using the white privilege card The white folks replying shows that they are missing the point.
Some people will make videos to make money over the death of Etika
The Fight Song - Marilyn Manson Jesus fucking Christ, why are you such a knob Katie
Though shall not worship false idols
It is a fucking job. Insulting to the employees of Walmart.
Some people will make videos to make money over the death of Etika
The Fight Song - Marilyn Manson Jesus fucking Christ, why are you such a knob Katie
My colleague told me of this guy who comes in everyday or most. He has paid for items but he had a packet of disposable razors, gone round the other way to the other aisle and put it in his bag. I saw him leave and I wasn't aware of him. She should have told management as she probably doesn't know. I should have radioed it in.You can’t be a Christian and think these are okay and/or are not sins:— Kristen Hodges (@KHodgess) June 20, 2019
- Being LGBT
- Sex before marriage
- Being lustful
- Mastubation
- Getting drunk/high
- Cheating/lying
- Cursing/quick to anger
People c’mon. God loves everyone but not everyone will go to Heaven!
Though shall not worship false idols
Im not a fan of walmart as they get taxpayer subsidies while their employees being on welfare, at the same time, prices would be higher if they paid their employees more. This is an entry level job, working at walmart, pay shouldn't be high. If thats your career, check yourself.— Libertariandude (@Freeminds66) June 22, 2019
There was this black female student that I served. She had a banging body. Nice big tits.I can almost guarantee the crips didn't do this....Crip gang members don't go around writing "CRIPS" on stuff..— Tariq Nasheed 🇺🇸 (@tariqnasheed) June 22, 2019
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 https://t.co/y6euQUMGUB
Don't tell me that America isn't going in the same direction as Nazi Germany when this is how everyday Americans react to the government torturing children. pic.twitter.com/MCSIXtGC2e— 🇹🇹Black🇭🇹Aziz🇳🇬aNANsi🇯🇲 (@Freeyourmindkid) June 21, 2019
These two girls probably preteens. One found the price of a drink and the change given amusing. Weird.
Drugs are bad, mmmkay?!
Ben and Laura are snowflake racist dipshits.
I had a call from Neath 01639 618174.
I have just turned 40. I fund at the last minute that I am staying till 12pm. It was originally 10:15. Time has been dragging. This guy that comes to the shop. Piercings, slim build, dark hair, stubble. He buys things and other times steals too. I hadn't seen gin come in. My colleague says that this has been going on for three months. Management were told. I only find out now. Some woman had said something about knowing where the product was and being a man. Casual sexism. It is my fucking job. This pretty, black girl was after glittery party stuff for a birthday gift. I was trying not to look at her chest. Some white brunette had nice big boobs. A black guy with headphones not saying much. This Indian woman seemed miserable/rude. I served someone who I believe identifies to mtof transgender. There was a man in a dress, long coat. I am not sure what the couple that were being served thought of him. Some piss taking I believe. I need to keep offering SAS. I don't care about "just this".
I was in Tesco. I went down aisle 16. I slipped and fell back. Hurt my arse. It was embarrassing. I don't think anyone saw. There was a water leak from the roof. So there was the puddle on the floor. I had spilt some coke. I went and bought more poppers. I should stop altogether.
I had a dream where I hung out with Rachel Riley. Later there was a drinking game. I avoided mentioning Jeremy Corbyn and Labour as she would go off on a rant.
A big thank you to @gmpolice for "arresting" my Gran Josie today. She is 93 years old and her health is failing, and she wanted to be arrested for something before it's too late. She has a heart of gold and thoroughly enjoyed it today. Thank you for granting her wishes. pic.twitter.com/hi1qkJESwv— Pam Smith (@sterlingsop) June 22, 2019
Happy Pride Month to Poolside Nick. White Americans wasting police time. People are down voting his videos and leaving comments on his YouTube channel.
Cavemanic-Chuck D
American Idiot-Greenday
Conservatives are weird. I agree with the tweet.So many of the same people posting #standwithshaun are the same people who rip into Sadiq Khan and Diane Abbott. Its remarkable hypocrisy— J (@JDaBuddah) June 27, 2019
So many of the same people posting #standwithshaun are the same people who rip into Sadiq Khan and Diane Abbott. Its remarkable hypocrisy— J (@JDaBuddah) June 27, 2019
Nasty right wing propaganda
She was a Trump supporter. Followed right wingers. White folk miss her.
Get your merchandise
Joe Biden Stacey Abrams Alexandria Ocasio Cortez Elizabeth Warren Bernie Sanders
Beto O'Rourke Pete Buttigieg Tulsi Gabbard Ilhan Omar Rashida Tlaib Kamala Harris
Official site listing the artists playing on the stages at GlastonburySome of these people have the most anti-Black, racist, non-compassionate views about Black people imaginable. But then have the nerve to try & tell Black people to have compassion for racists Dog & Beth Chapman#ItsAboveMeNow— Tariq Nasheed 🇺🇸 (@tariqnasheed) June 27, 2019
🤷🏾♂️ pic.twitter.com/iS2tWt69Rj
The Glastonbury Festival
.@JulianCastro snatched Meghan McCain's wig and tossed it into the dumpster. pic.twitter.com/vv6m3EScog— Chris Evans (@notcapn_america) June 27, 2019
Tariq Nasheed and his followers need to see this.
Wears a Union Jack stab vest and says fuck the government and fuck Boris? Whilst crime rates explode in London under a Labour Mayor? 🤔#StormzyAtGlasto not a fan of his music but why can't they stick to just doing what they are good at?!— Sam Heald (@TheHammer_Heald) June 29, 2019
Mcfly member Danny Jones performed this song on the BBC
Meet Daniel Bell End. Sounds about white. Irony of him blaming racism on a black man.Finally someone speaking sense. Ironic thing is, it’s his music that perpetuates gang violence, and increases racial divide in society. #stormzy #stormsy #StormzyAtGlasto— Daniel Bell (@Danielmbell85) June 29, 2019
Mindy is full of bollocks.Why do people who ID you feel the need to comment on how old you look? I’ve been told I look younger than 22 twice in the past week. Like really? My ID clearly shows I was born in 1996. It’s not a fake ID & you don’t get to dictate the age I actually am, Carol— 🇺🇸Snarky Blonde🇺🇸 (@Orvieto2016) June 29, 2019
I don’t even have health insurance and I’m an American citizen that pays taxes....but the Dems think that I should pay for illegals to have it. How about you all f_ck off instead?— Mindy Robinson 🇺🇸 (@iheartmindy) June 28, 2019
Janet wasn't miming. She was singing live. Her voice just wasn't suitable for the stage.
This guy is a twat Right winger
How many fucking times must my brother talk about this passport form of his? Always asking a question. Form filling is not rocket science. Just bin the old parent's passports as they seem to confuse you. Why fill in part of a form and then ask and find that you have got it wrong. Then fuss over it.
That lady with the glasses buying water asking "where's the help?" Me having to ask something of a colleague more than once. Why everyone goes to lunch at the same time? People taking their fucking time when the shop has closed. Guy needed a carrier bag for his jacket. A girl spills her drink on the floor. People must queue properly.
Mark Ronson and Yebba
Some folk are triggered by Lizzo. Buy her music here.
Whiny little shit Uncle Tom You are upset at the attack over Boris. Conservative cuck. You will love BBC.
But there isn't anything positive to say about Trump.Watching #bbcbreakfast and the 2 Lefty presenters simply cannot bring themselves to say anything positive about @realDonaldTrump meeting in North Korea. This isn’t a news organisation anymore it’s now appears to be a propaganda outlet for liberal global elitists #bbcbias— Homer Z Simpson (@Homer742Simpson) June 30, 2019
Trump and Jong-Un? As the millennials would say "I ship it"
The smear campaign against Jeremy Corbyn continues. JK Rowling isn't a nice individual. Lucy is attractive. Works for the Times. Reminds me of Rosamund Pike. Apparently right wing. Someone had mentioned.
TACTICS: The Mail reports on a bloke at #Glastonbury wearing a ‘I ❤️ Brexit’ t-shirt not getting the abuse he expected. The bloke “wished to stay anonymous” according to the article.— The DM Reporter (@DMReporter) June 30, 2019
Except. It’s the Mail journo himself. The same journo who wrote the article. pic.twitter.com/RJuTXXOfin
I didn't know about BBC Sounds until now. The live music from Glastonbury and other events is here.
We live in a society where homosexuals lecture us on morals, transsexuals lecture us on human biology, baby killers lecture us on human rights and socialists lecture us on economics.— Garbage Human 🗑 (@GarbHum) June 28, 2019
Welcome to Clown World.
At work the phone rang. I was on the delivery shift which is early in the morning. The security guy rings up how we are early for a Monday. I explained that it was the one for Saturday that was cancelled. He wanted this password. To verify that we were staff. I told him I didn't know of one. He was "not your password but the store password" Well dickhead I hadn't been told by management. If we were robbing the place would we answer the phone? I should have put the phone down. No point answering. Some other store, warehouse or management would ring. It'd be the same bloke that held us up as he was searching the delivery truck. The items on the trolley were overs. It was mine and my colleague's day off. I have another delivery tomorrow. Then Thursday and Saturday. I am working all day Friday with a manager from another store who might b a twat. The night team are in to do the refurbishment. The delivery will get in their way and they will still be working as we arrive. So it will fuck things up.
White male entitlement
Every time I see someone try to class-shame @AOC by mocking her time as a bartender, I think of the wise words of my dad, a utility worker for 36 years: “The people who don’t see you will never know what hit them until it’s too late to stop you.”— Connie Schultz (@ConnieSchultz) June 30, 2019
Uncle Tom Ruckus
I jinxed myself. Karma took effect. Shouldn't have used the poppers. Lackluster delivery. Stupid as the refit was going on. Baskets of stock. Fittings laying around. They were missing some fixtures which messed up the plan. The delivery cages were down the Skin aisle. Hardly any room to move. Bitty cages and bulky ones. I was pissed off. Not getting too much done. My young colleague had come along and the lads on the refit team were checking her out. She was tired and as she was in an accident it was a struggle. I'd rather people would move quickly. Not stop for a chat or smoke. I stayed till late and didn't have a break. People in my way. I got told off about the household stack in the warehouse. I watched how I placed it. Others are to blame. That other stock could have been looked at. The Auditor was in too. I was told 12 but got 14 cages apparently. The empty ones from yesterday hadn't been taken. Some stock which had fallen from the back of the shelf was found. Chocolate from 2016 was discovered. Where? Kept having to get the key for the back door to get the rubbish out.
Duality-Slipknot 99 Problems-Jay-Z
Ted Cruz being a nob like most right wingers regarding the issue with Nike.
.@michaelsheen @neilhimself My friend isn't on twitter, but she gave me permission to show you this painting she did of Aziraphale and Crowley. https://t.co/nNagapUhpU #GoodOmens #ineffablehusbands pic.twitter.com/j5SccsQNQV— JT (@MsSunnySideUp) June 30, 2019