I was passing TK Maxx when a parent with her child comes out. He is crying and screaming. Draws attention to them. I go into Wilkos and minutes later I hear the same sounds as they have come into the store. He wasn't going to be quiet any time soon.
I had this dream where I was at NatWest. Waiting in the queue. A black panther was stood by me. I hoped that it would not attack me or other customers. I patted it's head.
This moron leaves a derogatory comment. A woman from my town commits fraud
I could have worked harder/faster on the delivery. I ought to have gone for another cage. I arrived before 4:30 but my colleague wasn't given the key. I needed the toilet. I went to the gym. Come back and a supervisor had arrived. She was here on her day off so signed out earlier. Got my colleague signed out. I was asked to be on till and work the high value totes. I was busy having to serve. The other staff that arrived should have taken me off. I was still here at 1:45pm. The Manager that worked the delivery signed out before me. The totes weren't finished which is what I was waiting for. 21 cages and 14 totes.
I had been blocked by this person that I followed on Twitter. No idea why as I haven't done anything wrong. Some racist moron moaning about anti-Semitism but then makes derogatory remarks about black and Muslim folk.
Oh well I got 99 problems but a bitch ain't one.
Penny Marshall
The dvd was sold as I had reduced the price. Still made a loss. Default is written in place of a postcode.
Young girl attacks a Muslim American girl in the bathroom at Chartiers Valley High School in Pittsburgh.— Simran Jeet Singh (@SikhProf) December 18, 2018
This is the same city where a white supremacist massacred 11 Jewish Americans just weeks ago.
It’s time for us to end hate.pic.twitter.com/sv0m9cGdTz
The Pink Stuff is this miracle cleaning paste that can be used for anything. Has been popular.
I had bought season one of Smallville from CEX. It is second hand/used condition. I am selling it on eBay.
I don't believe that I had watched the first season. Used to watch the rest on TV and DVD. This is where the story begins. I see the newspaper read by Lionel Luther mention Oliver Queen's father. CW Elseworlds revisited Smallville. You might like Inside Of You With Michael Rosenbaum. Tom Welling as the young Clark Kent. Kristen Kruek. You look differently at Allison Mack after that cult news. Metahumans were created as like with The Flash series. Interesting intro. The meteor shower over Smallville. A young lad that was tied to a post has returned. Lana and Lex go about their business. There is that necklace that Lana wears containing a Kryptonite stone. They were so young. The box that goes over the dvd case is abit tatty. The inside case and DVDs are fine. Other characters will be introduced as the story develops. I will get season 9 which is the final season. Also selling it on eBay. Chloe has the Wall Of Weird and Allison and the cult will go on that wall. There is an extensive soundtrack. Annette O'Toole was in Superman 3. The actor playing Greg was in Final Destination. Interesting to see where some of the child actors are now. Some or most superheroes seem to be orphans.
If you want to buy images then visit this link. I may update my blog posts.
I come off as a hypocrite ranting online about work but my god does my colleague love to rant in front of customers. I have to be careful. Any one of them might contact head office. Another colleague that was on the delivery should head home as it was nearing the end of her shift. The ranting colleague said that as she had been answering the bell all morning that someone else should have a go. She is non delivery staff. It meant that I couldn't finish off the totes. She does the date codes which she may have finished. She was talking about how management wouldn't pay you if you stay past a certain time or don't appreciate the effort made by staff. All this in ear shot of customers. She was pissing me off. Told me to go sign out as it was 12pm. I still had something to finish. I would have got it done if I didn't have to jump on till. The manager ought to have answered the bell. I might just apologise to the customer on behalf of my colleague. I really should put in a complaint. Well the delivery should have been at 4am. It arrived after 5:30am. The other colleague had a sore throat and shouldn't have been on the till. It would mess with her voice. The auditor was in. The door should have been closed. Another team member took this 50p which she had stashed in the till as it had a limited edition design. It won't look good. I didn't get offered a cup of tea. The auditor left and said bye etc and my colleague hadn't recognised her but was like "who the fuck are you?" Not to her face but just chatter. Situations that make it awkward.
One Step Closer/99 Problems/Duality
The phone was glitching.
Many butthurt incels in the comments section for the Men In Black International trailer. Muppets.
The delivery was done. A colleague got to leave early. I didn't get a chance too. Still owes me a favour. Not offered a cup of tea but everyone else is asked. The Vodaphone store didn't have the Smart Mini 7. It is the 3rd time that I had been there. I was advised to ring the call centre to order one. I could have been told that earlier. I went to Argos and got it. I had to buy a topup. I already have a big value bundle. The girl Catherine on the till is pretty. As was the brunette on the collection point. I did notice a lampshade a guy was buying, was slightly dented. I saw someone that I used to know from Salsa classes. Her partner with their baby. She had been weird at some point in the past. Paranoid over some shit. So never spoke to her again. Grace Randolph really is vile. If you look in the comments section you'll see racist moron Personal Blog doesn't know what he is talking about.