From what I understand of the children situation in America. The parents enter the country illegally and are caught, prosecuted and children are removed not where Ice are going door to door like Boku Haram. Then you have the protestors driving away a politician from having her meal outside of work. What is the point? Just my 2¢.
Little scrote is schooled by the victim. Some idiots are defending him.
Native American and First Nation people are not and never were Indian. Got to claim that word back. Columbus was an idiot.
Case of mistaken identity?
Debra Bell is a moron. See the comments section.Cunts harass Kelly Marie Tran
Dear America,— Fred Guttenberg (@fred_guttenberg) June 17, 2018
Today I will begin Father’s Day by going to the cemetery to visit my forever 14 year old daughter Jaime. It is just over 4 months since she was murdered at school. Today, I am too sad to focus on myself and so no need for Father’s Day messages for me. Instead,
Twitch morons
It isn't all about youCase of mistaken identity?
Amyx Hardware, who reposted their "No Gays Allowed" sign after the SCOTUS ruling, is now categorized as a "gay bar" on Google and the reviews are epic.— Kaz Weida (@kazweida) June 7, 2018
"I'm usually a fan of cornfed midwestern boys, but..."
Regarding the Ivanka Trump fiasco @iamsambee I have also got in trouble for calling someone a cunt. I was right and so were you. #ff Just gained a new follower. You shouldn't apologise.
Buffalo Wild Wings twitter was hacked. Whoever posted the messages needs shooting.
Just by Radiohead dedicated to Renee Elliott
Moronic racist comments
Tomi Lahren had a drink thrown at her. Just-Radiohead
Trump just pardoned this man.
Chris thinks it is Anti American which it is not. Andrea, you can't go to jail for this. People did worse with images of Obama. Hypothetical Trumpanzees always missing the point.
Roseanne Barr has had her sitcom cancelled after saying something derogatory about Valerie Jarrett. Nancy is a douchebag. America is an immigrant country.
Buffalo Wild Wings twitter was hacked. Whoever posted the messages needs shooting.
Just by Radiohead dedicated to Renee Elliott
WOW okay so the most amazing thing just happened to me and I can’t help but share it with the world. American Airlines instituted a new policy where you have to pay to take a carry-on onto the plane. Which is ridiculous but off topic.— Delilah Cassidy (@Delilah_Cassidy) May 30, 2018
— Stephen Boyle (@fuzzytek) May 27, 2018
I don't get this red or blue pill crap that you cunts keep peddling. Only to do with The Matrix and that's it. #wheresmelania ICE has her.This is Matt and Jenny Barker. This week, Matt "accidentally" left their Black adopted daughter Katera Barker in a car all day, where she later died because of the heat. Neither of the adoptive parents have been charged #smh— Tariq Nasheed (@tariqnasheed) May 26, 2018
Josh Denny is a cunt
You know when you get that one asshole customer Daubenmire Douchbag
You know when you get that one asshole customer Daubenmire Douchbag
Sarah Braasch is her name. A feminist and racist. The term Feminazi applies to get. Neighbours, everybody needs good neighbours...
Sarah Huckabee Sanders and her resting bitch face.
Tomi Lahren's ancestry Nicole Arbour
Fascist James E Hamelton Jr is an American Idiot His graphics company. His colleague has a Confederate flag on her profile. Says more about the type of company that he keeps.
Anthony Wall assaulted by a police officer.
See this thread on Twitter trolling Kanye West's "slavery was a choice comment" "The Devil's trying to break me down"
Fuck the Confederate flag and the pieces of shit that defend it.
Sarah Braasch is her name. A feminist and racist. The term Feminazi applies to get. Neighbours, everybody needs good neighbours...
Sarah Huckabee Sanders and her resting bitch face.
Tomi Lahren's ancestry Nicole Arbour
Well Martha is an idiot.No one cares about a knee bender who promotes killing cops. Death to CK and his crooked knees.— martha todd๐บ๐ธ (@toddmartha527) May 9, 2018
Fascist James E Hamelton Jr is an American Idiot His graphics company. His colleague has a Confederate flag on her profile. Says more about the type of company that he keeps.
Anthony Wall assaulted by a police officer.
This cunt and his followers are morons.This is Ramon Smith and Jarron Moreland. Both age 21.— George M Johnson (@IamGMJohnson) May 1, 2018
They were lynched last week.
Lynched in the year 2018
You have not seen this make headlines. That needs to change.#RamonSmith #JarronMoreland
If you're still BLAMING slavery for your problems...or MAKING EXCUSES for others because of slavery...— Bradley Scott ๐๐บ๐ธ (@Hoosiers1986) May 2, 2018
That's a YOU problem!
Grow up! It's 2018 in America & you can be WHATEVER you want to be...IF you're willing to work for it!#WednesdayWisdom#IfSlaveryWasAChoice #MAGA
#OscarsSoWhite the people commenting just missed the point.
Caren Turner acts like shit in front of the police and doesn't get shot. #whiteprivilege In the words of Axel Foley "Get the fuck outta here"
These racists making ethnicity an issue when it comes to an actor playing a fictional role. See the comments. You'd think there were far more important things to worry about. This Idiot makes exaggerations about how black people would react.
Caren Turner acts like shit in front of the police and doesn't get shot. #whiteprivilege In the words of Axel Foley "Get the fuck outta here"
Bunch of Nazi fuckbuckets:
May 6th. London. #DayForFreedom— Caolan Robertson (@CaolanRob) April 27, 2018
Feat. Gavin Mcinness. MILO. Stefan Molyneux. Lauren Southern. Count Dankula. Sargon Of Akkad. Tommy Robinson. Raheem Kassam.
The people that Isabella Vanilli spoke to share the same views.
MessyBeckie using white privilege and white denial.
MessyBeckie using white privilege and white denial.
This isn't The Onion.— Shaun King (@ShaunKing) April 23, 2018
It's the Associated Press.
The owner of the golf course CALLED THE POLICE on Black women who were there golfing because "they were going too slow."
America. 2018.
Some people are making a fuss about a terror suspect Alek Minassian in Toronto. He used a van and so the same twats are making a joke out of the gun control protests in USA.
There was a tweet about Ghandi which was retweeted but has now disappeared. Anyhow Travis Drinking is a terrorist.
There was a tweet about Ghandi which was retweeted but has now disappeared. Anyhow Travis Drinking is a terrorist.
Clearly we need to arm waiters, chefs, & the concierge, b/c enacting common sense gun control is a ridiculous idea. ๐— Qasim Rashid, Esq. (@MuslimIQ) April 22, 2018
My prayers for the departed.☹️
I thought that this guy was joking but he might be serious.This is the face of the terrorist who mass murdered 4 people this morning.— Qasim Rashid, Esq. (@MuslimIQ) April 22, 2018
My questions:
•Why didn’t the white community report him?
•Where are the white fathers?
•When will moderate white leaders condemn this terrorism?
Travis Reinking, had an AR-15 according to sources....— Mike (@Fuctupmind) April 22, 2018
Travis Reinking shot up a Waffle House in Tennessee....
Travis Reinking shed his clothes and is naked....
Liberals focus on the firearm, not the fact HE'S NAKED.
Terrorsquadlith is a fascist cunt
Congratulations to Michael Brown. Fuck the haters. Still I Rise-Maya Angelou
George Clayton is a tool.
Preach, brother.
The white supremacist misogynistic bellends are triggered by the fact that Dr Smith is a woman and Judy is black. It is a fictional TV show. A reboot. FML.
Confederate flag waving cucks in Michigan.
Sean Hannity is a cocksucker
When you make an issue out of nothing
Congratulations to Michael Brown. Fuck the haters. Still I Rise-Maya Angelou
George Clayton is a tool.
The white supremacist misogynistic bellends are triggered by the fact that Dr Smith is a woman and Judy is black. It is a fictional TV show. A reboot. FML.
Confederate flag waving cucks in Michigan.
Sean Hannity is a cocksucker
Sean Hannity is asking for privacy yall— RespectMyGame ๐ ๐ฝ (@battletested5) April 17, 2018
He wasn't thinking of privacy when he:
1) Attacked Sasha & Malia for Spring Break trip
2) Attacked Michelle Obama over her appearance
3) Helped trump spread a racist birther lie
4) Spread a vicious lie about Seth Rich & DNC
Barbara Bush: A Memoir
A generally nice hashtag with fascists try to derail it
Some bullshit about Halal Easter eggs
Fuck my life
She is attractive, a Native American. But anti liberal. Another MAGA person. Daniel needs as shooting.Ms Celina: You are neither required nor requested by the white Christian males of this country to attack our hereditary, our patrimony, our centuries of roots in the very soil you walk over. Do not make war with the white Christian males in this country or you will lose, TY— Monsieur Daniel Costello Don`t Censor Canada! (@costellodaniel1) March 7, 2018
And once more for luck!— Little Britain First (@LittleBritFirst) March 12, 2018
The audacity of white privilege:— Frederick Joseph (@FredTJoseph) March 13, 2018 Really should have thrown the woman off the plane. Mid flight if possible. 99 problems but a bitch ain't one.
This woman next to me took her shoes off and placed both feet on the table. So I’m waiting for flight staff to say something...
A generally nice hashtag with fascists try to derail it
Some bullshit about Halal Easter eggs
Love Music Hate Racism - Make some noise....
A black student at uni was suspended after her racist abusers complained about her
What the fuck with the situation at a Bath school.
This guy is just strange.
And also:— #Halfric๐ฌ๐ญnAmerican (@lenubienne) February 12, 2018
PRINCESAAAAAA ๐๐— Poder Dark Skin (@DarkPoder) March 10, 2018
A black student at uni was suspended after her racist abusers complained about her
What the fuck with the situation at a Bath school.
Remember that if you are living in America, UK or any other country. Feel free to speak in whatever language you want. Most people are bilingual. You're just having a private conversation. These fascist pricks don't get that. Free country.
You are right. There will be morons commenting with an agenda.@r0h1t_13 @Arrydinho Some of the comments on here. Ignorant beyond belief. “No headwear policy”- are they serious? In this day and age!— S Kakkar (@sachin_kakkar) March 10, 2018
"I don't bloody think shariah allows it!" was meant to be a joke, not reality.— Styxhexenhammer666 (@Styx666Official) March 10, 2018
The UK is run by morons. Every member of parliament is a moron and the queen is an old crotch sniffer. Most of their police are knob gobblers, most of their local politicians are degenerated idiots.
A funny tweet and a user named Thundercunt I mean Posts spams the time line. No one gives a fuck about Lucy Whatsherface getting beaten up by Antifa. They should have snapped her neck. Irrelevant people like Lauren Southern, Martin Selman and Brittany Pettibone are denied entry into Britain. Fuck the fascist cunts. Southern was whining about the police and customs asking her questions. She truly is an idiot. A child of immigrants being xenophobic, the irony. They just do their job. All people are questioned. No special treatment for you snowflake. Not important or worth thinking about. All you fascists are bound to lose.Irony: being a Polish immigrant living in the UK and on the side of the nazisWife asks husband "Please look after our Son for few minutes until I do a quick Shopping" ..... And we all know what few minutes mean...— FiSabilillah #SaveGhouta (@half_blood786) March 9, 2018
Matt Bell-EndI’ve had to suffer with this alone for over 3 months, following @rufarochisango_'s experience at Nottingham Trent - I’ve finally decided to expose the racism that I’ve experienced at @Exeter.— a~m (@arsaIanm) March 19, 2018
Those thinking I'm overreacting to the Halal/Easter Egg thing don't get it's death by 1000 cuts. Slowly but surely our culture, values & traditions are being eroded in favour of bland, banal, politically correct consumerism and nobody can give me a reason why it's better this way— Jenna Sharpe (@JennaVAtion) March 26, 2018
— Tepkunset ๐ (@TepkunsetMoon) April 2, 2018
Two Pakistani/Indian presenters claiming Enoch Powell was wrong to say "They will one day have the whip hand over the white man. #theoneshow— G (@staffilad) April 13, 2018
I'm embracing my culture and diversity with pride.— Audrey Skhosana (@Audrey_Skhosana) April 16, 2018
Michigan school cancels classes as Confederate flag protest escalates to threats— Raw Story (@RawStory) April 19, 2018
Terrorists found guilty of plotting to bomb an apartment complex that housed Somali refugees— New York Daily News (@NYDailyNews) April 18, 2018
This isn't The Onion.— Shaun King (@ShaunKing) April 23, 2018
It's the Associated Press.
The owner of the golf course CALLED THE POLICE on Black women who were there golfing because "they were going too slow."
America. 2018.
I remember all the vile shit Trumpers said about Pres Obama & Michelle Obama for 8 years. Quit your whiny bitching, assholes.#TriggeredTrumpFlakes— ✊USAF✊Deep State #VetsResistSquadron (@Goss30Goss) April 29, 2018
I am never going to apologize for using humor to point out the sheer absurdity & ignorance of not even implying but outright PROCLAIMING that our ancestors CHOSE to be enslaved. Do you know how big of a mugu you have to be to even utter such a thing? #IfSlaveryWasAChoice— Clarkisha Kent (@IWriteAllDay_) May 2, 2018
Dear @MiamiMayor,— Shaun King (@ShaunKing) May 4, 2018
Have you seen this? You haven't said anything about it.
Here an officer runs and kicks an unarmed, non-violent, compliant, handcuffed Black man right in the face for the fun of it.
How is he on paid leave? This is not just a violation, it's a crime.
“Eddie Devine voted for President Donald Trump because he thought he would be good for American business. Now, he says, the Trump administration’s restrictions on seasonal foreign labor may put him out of business.”— Tim O'Brien (@TimOBrien) May 12, 2018
Move over T'Challa, Adrian is the hero here.Y'all…— Adrian, Son of Dฤla (@AdrianCJax) May 13, 2018
*cracks neck & knuckles*
Excuse me while my ancestors grant me the strength & guidance to go off on this MF'er here:
[ Viewer discretion is advised ] a group of white supremacists forced this 13 year old child into a car, drove him to a cabin, assaulted him, and were about to shoot him before he escaped. These people are getting bolder and bolder everyday, fuck.— ✊๐ฟBlack Aziz aNANsi✊๐ฟ (@Freeyourmindkid) May 16, 2018
American Idiot says triggered snowflake like a Trumpanzee
Why do you apologize for the truth. Things were great in this country before an overload of immigrants and illegals and everybody knows it— Nancy Geiger (@NancyGeiger19) May 29, 2018
A Georgia teen with no record was just sentenced to 5 years in prison and 10 years probation for stealing a pair of Nike sneakers.— AJ+ (@ajplus) June 1, 2018
For Sunday’s episode we tried to do a light segment called “Internet Goofs” and it did not go as planned…— The Break with Michelle Wolf (@thebreaknetflix) June 2, 2018

"I don't feel that our officers were at their best" says a police chief whose officers were caught on video "brutally beating a man who appeared to be minding his own business while on his cellphone."— Melissa McEwan (@Shakestweetz) June 6, 2018
This is a 14 year old boy. Concussed and battered.— Shaun King (@ShaunKing) June 17, 2018
He was brutally beaten by a 38 year old active duty soldier named Jordan a recreational soccer game.