Star Wars: The Last Jedi
Don't forget that Solo is out soon. Finally got a hold of the DVD. Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher, Daisy Ridley, John Boyega, Adam Driver, Oscar Isaac and more. Cert 12. Plenty of nods to previous films. A good amount of humour, action and drama. There are cameos. I like this film more than the last one. I will be looking forward to Episode 9. You might like the soundtrack. Multiple scenarios. Amazon reviews will often have spoilers. I like the special effects. Daisy always look beautiful. Domhall Gleeson gives a superb performance. Andy Serkis, Laura Dern. I'm sure there was a reference to Jurassic Park. Surprises are in store. Nice dialogue with Isaac's character throughout but especially near the beginning. I recommend this film.
Luke Skywalker's peaceful and solitary existence gets upended when he encounters Rey, a young woman who shows strong signs of the Force. Her desire to learn the ways of the Jedi forces Luke to make a decision that changes their lives forever. Meanwhile, Kylo Ren and General Hux lead the First Order in an all-out assault against Leia and the Resistance for supremacy of the galaxy.
I watched Star Wars The Force Awakens. Directed by JJ Abrahms. Harrison Ford, Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher are back. John Boyega and Daisy Ridley did a good job. She reminds me of Olivia Wilde. Pretty woman. Episode 7. Luke Skywalker has gone missing. The First Order are out to destroy him and the Republic. Fin is a young man that worked as a Stormtrooper and decides to run. Rai/Rae is a scavenger that gets caught up in the fight. Kyle Ren was a good character. Special mention to Oscar Isaac. I wore 3D glasses. I had spent £17.50 at the cinema. Very good effects. Impressive visuals especially in 3D. Everything popping out of the screen.
CD Universe
The following happened years ago: We seem to work as a good team. There was some confusion about what note this Chinese man gave. CCTV was checked as the till float counted. He was right. He went off on one saying 'you should trust me' 'you should change your staff' maybe he said train. He got labelled a rude man. Some woman made the comment about lack of sex. The Village - Wrabel
I watched Star Wars The Force Awakens. Directed by JJ Abrahms. Harrison Ford, Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher are back. John Boyega and Daisy Ridley did a good job. She reminds me of Olivia Wilde. Pretty woman. Episode 7. Luke Skywalker has gone missing. The First Order are out to destroy him and the Republic. Fin is a young man that worked as a Stormtrooper and decides to run. Rai/Rae is a scavenger that gets caught up in the fight. Kyle Ren was a good character. Special mention to Oscar Isaac. I wore 3D glasses. I had spent £17.50 at the cinema. Very good effects. Impressive visuals especially in 3D. Everything popping out of the screen.
The following happened years ago: We seem to work as a good team. There was some confusion about what note this Chinese man gave. CCTV was checked as the till float counted. He was right. He went off on one saying 'you should trust me' 'you should change your staff' maybe he said train. He got labelled a rude man. Some woman made the comment about lack of sex. The Village - Wrabel
A long time ago in a galaxy far far away. We know how Han Solo's story ends well this is how it begins. Han is in his early 20s. On his home planet. Working for criminal gangs. It is like the slums. He has a girlfriend named Kira played by Emilia Clarke. This is a prequel with plenty of action and comedy. It makes nods to the original films. Alden Ehrenreich does a wonderful job as Han. Donald Glover as Lando. Woody Harrelson plays Tobias. He is a thief and owe's money to Paul Bettany's character. Brilliantly plays the villain. Thandie Newton as his partner in crime. Warwick Davis is in this too. Phoebe Waller-Bridge provides some of the humour as a droid. This is an origin story. How he comes to meet Chewbacca is interesting. The actor that plays him Joonas Suotamo. I copied some of the cast list from Google/IMDB. Stunning visual effects. There is what could be a wormhole and a black hole in one scene. You may have watched Firefly and a few westerns amongst them crime dramas. Directed by Ron Howard. I like the main theme. Some original songs from previous films were used. I will look at trivia and audience reactions. Something that sent snowflakes off was Lando being bisexual. So what? I found the train running on a suspended bridge cool with it having carriages underneath too. The team had to smuggled some weapons for the boss in order to pay off a debt. There are twists. Cert 12. I wasn't sure if I was going to watch this. I have watched every other film in the series. I will watch Episode 9 when it is out. Worth checking out.
Alden Ehrenreich. Han Solo. Joonas Suotamo. Woody Harrelson. Beckett. Emilia Clarke. Donald Glover. Lando Calrissian. Thandie Newton. Phoebe Waller-Bridge. L3-37 (voice) Paul Bettany. Jon Favreau. Rio Durant (voice) Erin Kellyman. Linda Hunt. Lady Proxima (voice) John Tui. Korso. Andrew Woodall.
Alden Ehrenreich. Han Solo. Joonas Suotamo. Woody Harrelson. Beckett. Emilia Clarke. Donald Glover. Lando Calrissian. Thandie Newton. Phoebe Waller-Bridge. L3-37 (voice) Paul Bettany. Jon Favreau. Rio Durant (voice) Erin Kellyman. Linda Hunt. Lady Proxima (voice) John Tui. Korso. Andrew Woodall.