Sunday 8 October 2017

Jaded - In the morning

icon Someone did bid on an item of mine but then cancelled. I have only just seen the email. I dreamt a weird dream part of it I was able to make a wall expand towards me. I placed my hands out front and then focused. I also was near some sort of makeshift scaffolding the guy up top was doing something. Miami Mega Jail with Louis Theroux. The inmates have no respect for others and the law. Also thought of the ancestors that were born into slavery. What would they say? A Hairdresser named Daryll Rowe was deliberately infecting men with HIV. A sick (literally) individual. A security guard in Brazil set fire to a childcare centre. A 106 year old asylum seeker. Calvin Harris and Florence Welch complain about their music being played at the Tory conference. Not much can be done now. No idea what this is about "Your order 40768630111450 is estimated for delivery by UK Mail between 12:12 - 13:12." So my brother wants me to ring up the dentist and book an appointment for my mum. She has toothache and should take painkillers. He should do it as he is up. I was resting. They are closed anyway. The cunty shoplifters were about. Some popped in. Dodgy people all the same. One is out of prison. Has put on weight. It must be all the man-fat that he swallowed. A student doing a project where she would take a selfie with men who harass her. It's on Instagram. Tara King must be weird after her uncle was gunned down still talking about the right to bare arms. Death In Vegas - Girls. Fucking cunts stealing ATM machines from supermarkets in the East Midlands. They deserve a hefty sentence. Not sure what my brother is on about. Some intimidated or people being miserable nonsense. I am working most of the week. A festival in Loughborough. Many different stalls for 3/4 days. Beer, food, clothing and music. My younger brother asking for money but I still don't have any money and seems I am still getting charged. Cain Gamble a computer hacker from Coalville. Hacked the US government, FBI and CIA. In court in England. There is autism used as an excuse. Did the crimes aged 15. He is now 18. Just extradite him. Unreported World Ch4 talking about the abortion referendum in Ireland. Anti abortionists are weird. Mind you if you don't want to get pregnant use protection. A woman opposite is reading the text off a computer. Quietly to herself. I and others near can hear her. Annoying. Sure it was a proxy sale. Should have alerted management and the student with the international ID was in. NB if you see something then say something. A lady told me that asking for SAS puts people off. OK then. Those food stalls are out and I had no money. Served a beautiful blonde. There was one pretty Eastern European lady and before her was a tall hot brunette in a shoulder exposing top. She was tanned and slim. 99 Problems. Gem 106 on Notts TV. View from inside the studio. Playing dance anthems. There is a hot blonde in a red top sat on the bottom left of the screen. A Scottish man is facing a 3 year prison sentence for putting his hand on a man. This was in Dubai. He had a drink which he avoided spilling in this crowded bar. Accidentally or just in passing touched a man's hip. He probably cried sexual assault as most women do. Noa Jansma has a picture of her in blackface. She is attractive. I assume some men weren't sure why the selfie was being taken. Even a Dom Little wood lookalike is in on the act. #everydaysexism Alice McBrearty is pretty in a way. People are pointing out the double standards. The jogger in Sherwood Rise was assaulted by this man with a bald patch. Carrying a backpack with tennis raquets in them. It has been classed as a misogynistic hate crime, really? Sexual assault I would assume. A car ran into pedestrians outside a museum. It is being investigated. A RTA and not terror related. Whatever the ethnicity of the driver it'll make a difference in how it is reported. So Billy Corgan is a libertarian. Loves the conspiracy theorists. Supporting the altright? Nelly has been arrested. Accused of rape. Innocent until proven guilty. Could be a false allegation. Now playing It Must Be The Money. Poland having a prayer day. Didn't know that the state refuses to let in Muslim migrants. Many of their countrymen are living abroad. FBI have foiled a terror attack plot. As always see the Twitter reactions. Not sure the point is as I should just post a photo. Pretty brunette in black T-shirt and pink shorts. Nice body. There was one in all black. Lovely firm arse. A blonde in grey T-shirt and pink shorts with nice tits. The instructor is with this nice blonde in black. Lovely shape. A slim brunette in zebra print sports bra and leggings. A brunette in black sports bra and patterned leggings. Both have nice arses. A pretty blonde in black with her brunette friend on the rowing machine. This blonde in grey leggings and white T-shirt is quite pretty. Nice body. Hair tied back. Nice view of that ass as she bent over.
 Monsters of jizz

Wednesday 4 October 2017

On Thin Ice - Hans Zimmer


Some people have an attitude and others think they're funny. Twice the boyfriend of the customer took the piss. Asking me IG he could interest me in any of the items. Bellend. The other I asked his girlfriend if she wanted a bag. He asked if she would put it in her bag. Erm twat, I'm only doing my job. Leave the jokes to me. I got 99 problems, being a bitch ain't one. Some hot blondes buying alcohol. Not sure why her mate was being abit weird. Anyhow. A lady that presented an international ID card. Apparently I should have refused the sale. Some foreign students don't say please or thankyou. A fella came for an interview. He had a bloody hat on. An old man bought the Velvet toilet rolls which are £1.99. Someone had left a £1 sign on them. There was the correct sign up on the wall. So as a goodwill gesture the supervisor had to reduce them. Fucking nuisance. I heard on the radio Jolene Laing tried stealing £80 worth of meat from M&S. Hyper Music/Duality/99 Problems/You Know My Name/One Step Closer. Kati Ringer is a sick woman. Using Instagram photos of babies claiming them to be dead in order to fraudulently get money. Abusive when challenged. Norwich. Psycho - Muse/ Radiohead- Just. A homeless man befriended by a family murdered them. Aaron Barley. Boris Johnson makes a facepalm comment about Libya. Grace Mugabe distribution of used underwear. My mum saying "muttyeah" a few times. Yahoo data breach in 2013 affected all users. That's why things went wrong for me. Monarch Airlines are liquidated. Some segment on Uber on The One Show. At Puregym Loughborough. You can tell the students are back. Other folk also can't clean up after themselves. A gorgeous tanned blonde in white tee and grey leggings. Some pretty blondes in the small room. One looks like Taylor Swift. Another has a nice arse.
 A nice brunette in pink. Lovely legs.

The Apprentice Uk has returned to BBC. Michela talked about lockjaw. I thought from sucking dick too long. They bought out past winners. The blonde one in the middle was hot. The black lady Joanna is nice. Sarah is nice. No really attractive people compared to last year. Expect cringeworthy scenes. Some slacking. Not much of a team. Fuck knows how they operate in the real world. It is jumping the shark. See Twitter. 

An army officer sabotaged his former wife's parachute. Emile Cillers was to leave her for a lady that he met on Tinder. Fucking deposit machine retained my card. It didn't recognise my cheque. I was going to join the queue. The staff got it back to me. The money won't be available till next week. So am I still being charged? I have listed a few porn films on Amazon. 

Black Babysitters a nice porn DVD with an all black cast. Teens, heterosexual. Ana Foxxx stars.

Lost In Translation starring Scarlett Johansson and Bill Murray.

Pulse 2 and 3 dvds SciFi horror sequels.

The Flash season 3 DVD boxset. Region 1. Plays on region 2 multiregional DVD players.

Sunday 1 October 2017

Adagio For Tron - Tron OST

As expected my brother wanted to borrow the money that he gave back to me and only half of what he owes me. I was overdrawn a few days ago. Not enough to survive on. Nine Black Alps - Unsatisfied I'm watching this property show The 100k house. These type of shows do rub it in for the worse off. Only £8000 to spend? Ridiculous! Quick set up a Gofundme page. A male architect called Meredith. I understand why some people shoplift, perhaps it is an only way for them to survive. It is criminal though. Aren't people receiving benefits? Why not change things. Some guy was stood outside Tesco with an empty pint glass calling to people. A few students out. Hot blondes and brunettes. Fresher's. I spent so long and didn't get a chance to buy the headphones from Poundworld. Just watching Ch4 Unreported World. Filmed in China. All about communism, censorship and the music industry. Banning of Korean music. Preventing free speech. The quality of acts is shocking. Look at TF Boys. Listen to N-Bomb, a hip hop artist. Be Kind Rewind starring Jack Black, Mos Def and Danny Glover. A video rental service store holds vhs cassettes which were wiped and so they start to make mini movies. In the city. Some rundown neighbourhood. You might like The Cobbler, Batteries Not Included, Barbershop, Friday, Tower Records, Wayne's World, Clerks, Dogma, Jay And Silent Bob. Seems an indie flick. King Kong is remade. Irony being Jack Black starred in the remake a few years back. There is a local powerplant that Jerry thinks is a danger to the residents. Mr Fletcher has gone on holiday and left his assistant Mike in charge. Strange and surreal comedy. Best to read the reviews. Pays homage to these classic films. How these young filmmakers started. You can catch parodies on YouTube. Amateur filmmakers. Plot holes or a mess. The characters aren't stupid or they are made out to be. The neighborhood become fans. Some get involved as extras. Sigourney Weaver stars. Breaking the fourth wall. Idmb Trivia. Big Family Cooking Showdown BBC2. The Bellamy's are attractive. Ambulance driver thought he was speaking Punjabi but it was Hindi. A nice pretty teen brunette at the gym with two friends. A blonde in black kit with a nice body and one in blue T-shirt and black shorts. Nice legs.
Nice blonde in black, cleavage is good. A brunette in black and purple kit. A pretty blonde with a nice ass in black leggings and grey vest. The tall blonde with the headphones has a nice body. Did spot some brunette in black. Long hair. This brunette in blue vest on the bike. Tits wobbling. The blonde I saw on the abductor machine. A tanned brunette in grey vest with nice tits.
Twitter locked out my account due to some automated bullshit reason.

Thursday 28 September 2017

Grant Gustin - Running home to you


I had just found an old Berry time sheet. My name is crossed out. Foreshadowing perhaps? 

I am reading Incidents In The Life Of A Slave Girl by Harriet Jacobs. A biography I believe of someone named Linda. The slave owners were such cunts. That's how they should be remembered. Unjust and unfair treatment to the slaves who were after all only human and equals. More intelligent that their captors. Read 12 Years A Slave by Solomon Northup. #blacklivesmatter The alt right, men's rights activists behave like Dr. Flint that described in the book. The author speaks the truth. The irony of the white American thinking he was here first. Nat Turner is mentioned as is the after effects of the insurgence. See The Birth Of A Nation. It would be interesting to have a time machine to transport the slaves and owners to the modern era and they could meet Barack Obama. Just to get a reaction. The Help, The Butler, Hidden Figures, Malcolm X, Selma, The Free State Of Jones are worth watching. Major human rights abuse and genocide. You can see where the dumb stereotypes come from. Some parts will offend and anger you. Piss On Your Grave - The Coup.
The Small Print - Muse - Butterflies And Hurricanes Sign up to Amazon Music today

Also downloaded The Prophetic Camera by John McGreevey. It was short and did expect better and more. I have yet to read the Autobiography Of Ma-ka-tai-me-she-kia-kiak or Black Hawk by Black Hawk. 

Hate This And I'll Love You- Muse

Karma Police - Radiohead
I imagined what I would do to Jolene Laing the evil shoplifter. Grab her by the arms and slam her into the shelves asking "What the fuck are you doing?" I would put a hammer to her head, possibly break her neck. Grab and drag her or be carrying her and slam her head into the warehouse door. Take her out to the carpark. Dump her body in the cage. The large biffa bin at the end or better yet over the wall. Pure Savitar mode. I would rip out her boyfriend's spine. As Savitar I would travel back in time to the slave plantation and batter the fuck out of the masters. Wielding some magical power if in another form and turn all the white people black. Leave it there. Racist People - Roll Deep #blacklivesmatter 

I seem to have lost a few songs from my phone. A did not delete them. Google Play app. Missed call from my brother in the morning. I was asleep. I'm not sure exactly what the call was about when he rang back. Whether to borrow money or the council fee. 

I had a dream where I was a viewer on the Jeremy Kyle Show. A gay couple that hadn't been dating long were sat on the chairs. Well first they were in bed. They went onto the stage. The best friend was there too. The new boyfriend was a lot older. Wore glasses and possibly a wig. His sideburns were coming off. So they stopped the show to head into make-up.

There was a following one set at Christmas. Splash 3 was on TV, starring Daryl Hannah. Some car on the main road was parked on double yellow lines, near their house. A red 4x4. I suggested it would be easier to adjust the lines. A film is on and I seem to be watching and partly living it. I could affect the timeline. Perhaps create a flashpoint. I was thinking of Last Action Hero and The Butterfly Effect. There was a flood. A young girl would be swept away, she is the only survivor. I am in the town centre. At work. Changing from shorts to trousers and back. 

This pops up on the title section when I play Twenty One Pilots - Blurry Face. Ahang Film 0935 9494205
It was online when I downloaded the song. The uploader would have put it on there. 

On Victoria Derbyshire show there is a teen dressed in a mermaid outfit. A bit of fun. She uses it in the local swimming pool. Not a flattering camera angle. In ITV This Morning the women too clever for love. It might get the backs up of some people. There are MGTOW on youtube. The young brunette is hot.

It was a wasted journey in a way going to Savers. I should have phoned first. I'm watching 50 First Dates starring Adam Sandler and Drew Barrymore. I had seen it once before. Nice seeing it again. A good film as are The Wedding Singer and Big Daddy. Heartfelt comedies. If some of you hadn't seen it then see the Amazon links. I noticed the girl at the beginning being told that Henry is a spy. Pretty with piercing nipples. 
Watching Pulse 2 Afterlife. Some scenes especially with the character Michelle looks like it was a CGI background. Nice tits on the man's girlfriend. Justine the daughter is annoying just sneaking off. I would have left her out there. I have Pulse 3. Selling them together on eBay. Justine is a teenager. Still a nuisance. Post apocalyptic world. Independent films. Man playing the acoustic guitar with one string. Creepy trilogy. I had seen Rick Gonzalez at Stapleford Park Country Hotel. He starred in the 1st film. Worth reading the reviews and discussions. 

Beautiful ass on the blonde in grey vest and zebra print leggings. I mentioned her before. This pretty, slim brunette in her late teens or early twenties. All in black, nice body. Some more pretty ladies turned up. Nice arses. Nice tits on the blonde in white t-shirt. Lovely ass on the blonde in black. One with the midriff showing. Tits are ok. This tall blonde has a grey sports bra. Nice tits. The two girls in black were alright.

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Saturday 23 September 2017

Vanessa Carlton - House Of Seven Swords


I am watching The Flash season 3. Selling it on eBay soon enough. Great start to the show. The timeline had been changed so everything is different to the characters. Imagine what happened when The Doctor rebooted the universe. Nice to have the actors play their characters in a different style. It is Region 1 on the cover but played on my Samsung dvd player here in the UK. It was listed as Region 2 by the seller. Many notable characters. Some new and some old. Plenty of action, drama and humour. A musical episode. Special features are included. Murder Song - Aurora Grant Gustin - Running home to you
I am currently selling some dvds. Donating to OXFAM. They have an appeal for the victims of the earthquake in Mexico. Lost In Translation, Alien Vs Predator Requiem are listed. Pulse 2 and 3 will be added soon.

SHAB a slim white male dressed in black jeans, jacket and holding a black cap looked dodgy as he hung around the alcohol. We watched him. He was with the Jolene Laing bellend. She turns up. They were going to steal but left with nothing. He was her boyfriend named Richard. They will hang soon enough. A couple that I ought to have three belled bought some toilet tissues. Paid with a £20. I didn't use the pen I think. It could be a ruse. Scruffy. Possibly living on the council estate. A few more businesses in Loughborough had been burgled.

I did dream that she and her boyfriend came to my house and took some toilet roll.

I had a previous dream where I worked at McDonalds. It was my first day and I spotted some suspicious people. I went to the manager's office and he was in the middle of an interview. I had to keep an eye on them. I noticed someone I used to work with. A young couple with two children came in. She had trouble walking. I had a handheld device and was taking her order on it. As we were having trouble. She went and queued instead. Whilst I erased the info the manager hands me two small packets of sweets and asks me to sell them.

In another dream I had met Henry Cavill. He had been busy filming.

My brother has the audacity to ask to borrow more money especially as I sent him a lot. I can't get the guttering or taps fixed without the money.

Some Dutch woman caught peeing in public is making an issue out of nothing. A white terrorist shot two black men and shot at the home of a family in his street. He is a suspect. Bellend if proven guilty.

Puregym offer: ZEROJF No joining fee promo code Puregym.   125P6554 my referral code. Get included into a prizedraw to win an IPad Pro. Different prizes each month.

Saw some nice brunette with large tits. Good cleavage. Black vest grey leggings. Nice ass too. Saw some blondes earlier. Eastern European perhaps. A brunette with a nice ass all in grey and another with luminous leg warmers. A slim pretty brunette in the zumba class I think, wiggling her ass. Spotted some slim brunette in a striped pair of leggings in the CV room. I could try and take some pictures. A blonde doing squats. Tits and ass are OK. Leggings have black stripes running diagonally. Nice rack on this Asian girl. A tall blonde doing squats has nice tits. Wearing red vest. A blonde in grey leggings with a nice arse. Her friend has the top that is split from the back. Spotted the tall brunette in light blue and grey with a nice arse. Saw his absolutely stunning blonde with a nice body. Black and blue kit. Hair flowing down to her shoulders.

Some guy just went on the power plate as I went to grab a roller. My stuff was beside it. Hate it when people do that.

Back at the gym. Some dark haired pretty woman in her 20s. All in black. Nice body. I did pass this nice blonde just now. There was this slim one in a sports bra earlier on. Two girls training together. A pretty blonde in grey kit with a nice ass as did her brunette friend in black.

By striving to do the impossible, man has always achieved what is possible. Those who have cautiously done no more than they believed possible have never taken a single step forward." Mikhail Bakunin ~

The king of the jungle is the lion not the elephant, the king of the seas is the shark not the whale... You may want to be the biggest, but my goal is to be king.

No action --> decay.

Don't let your ego write checks that your body can't cash.

Lapis Philosophorum.

Sunday 17 September 2017

Ashamed - Muse

I received this text from Ocado. I hadn't ordered anything. I don't know a Mr Ali. It's either a scam or spam or human error.

Hi, your next order is due tomorrow at 12:30pm. You can edit your order until 5:40pm today. Try our app:

Dear Mr Ali. Welcome to Ocado. Your 12:30PM-1:30PM order will be delivered by Richard in Lemon van LK64 JXC. You have no missing items.

Just seen this guy that has a huge wine glass. Perhaps a trophy. A hog blonde in a grey coat, hair tied back. Skirt, nice legs. Loughborough Railway Station 11:57am 17/9/17. Have I missed some trains as I was in the loo? Why the fuck do I bother.

I'm still here. I could get a refund well I should have done. There is this Asian girl in black. Looks pretty. Two teenage girls are having some conversation. The train was crammed. Went to Splash not too much happened. A guy in Burger King was playing Grime on some speakers. Really?!
I did go to CEX. This woman in her 50-60s was talking to the queue about her love of horror movies and if anyone had £3 that they could give her. She is a complete stranger. I'm not a charity even though my brother wanted to borrow money after I had already leant him enough.

This text came: Your order will be delivered 19 Sep by DPD. Not going to be in?

Fucking internet connection is dodgy. Videos on Xvideos and Pornhub were buffering. There is this tall athletic guy in white t-shirt blonde hair, attractive and his girlfriend is tall, brunette and wearing blue vest and black shorts. She is pretty and has a nice body. Saw this pretty blonde in orange T-shirt and black leggings. Nice tits. Some tanned blonde in blue vest. A blonde in black uniform inspecting the equipment. Two slim teen ladies. Nice bodies, one blonde the other brunette wearing sports bras.

Some reason my colleague's friend says my name at the end of every sentence when talking to me. It is slightly annoying.

Thursday 14 September 2017

A Place For My Head - Linkin Park

icon  Linkin Park
 I did face up the dental section it's just the customers were still purchasing stuff. Be grateful that I stayed behind. Someone called in sick. Why didn't you answer the three bell? I followed this guy in grey around the store. Asked him if he wanted a basket. She was on till when I first signalled to the Ass' Manager. He took a hair gel item and went to join the queue. I went off. Now he may have disappeared. Either he paid for the item or left with it. The rota gets changed around without mention yet again. This is Savers for you.
The neighbours were arguing between 23:16-23:23. I recorded it and plan to upload it. The walls should be soundproof. Most of what he says is in Bengali. She does shout fuck off and get out a few times. Maybe he doesn't nibble on Mrs Rahman's minge. Well to him I dedicate 99 Problems by Jay-Z. My brother was moaning about stuff which is out of my control and my mum is up talking to herself unaware of the time. Next door neighbours are talking again. Bitch aren't you aware of the time? It's 00:41. Mrs Rahman does swallow. I'm going to draw some comic based around this. I had a series of dreams in one night. Different scenes. I might not go into full detail. Scene 1: There is a large boat. One board is a electronic device, like a safe. Inside is trapped the devil. I am part of a team. It is bought out and unfortunately the demon is released. He does take over the body of a school principal. I did get into a fight with him. Almost stabbing me with these spikes coming out of his fingers. I don't know why I remembered Antonio Banderas or Henry Cavill. Scene 2: there are animals. A variety of them with their own personalities. There was some vehicle being used as a form of escape. A river full of sharks and crocodiles. Reuniting parent and child. Madagascar meets Finding Nemo. Scene 3: candid camera/live performance. The setting is a racing ground. Some woman performing but the two in the background that should have been watching are doing exercises. I placed sugars near the training area for the horses. There was a thought about having special powers. The children involved in a video were now sat in the studio audience watching it back. Scene 4: Unfriended meets Final Destination meets American Pie. The cast of American Pie are trying to cheat death. There is a part where they are looking at the screen and it is foreshadowed how they will all die. It is being broadcast via webcam. They all have doppelgangers. One is getting smacked on the head with a mallet. Eventually they aim to change things and get into a fight with the doppelgangers. So much detail to remember. Scene 5: I am at a shopping centre. A large blonde lady is helping me pick out all the foods. Lemon drizzle, cobs etc. Scene 6: It is a soap show. A few people sat in a pub and a muscular topless man comes over to talk to this lady. She is sat with a gentleman. The intruder is jealous. So he decides to say hello and kisses the other man. There is a young blonde lad that had been with topless man. He was talking about a female pregnant friend being assaulted. Her baby being removed from her. Some scenes may be connected. I can remember going through a vhs and DVD collection. A Ps1 is sat on the shelf. Some games too. I am now awake at 7:11. Extra Time: I dreamt that I was in a cafe with James Corden and Quentin Tarantino. We were discussing when film makers pay homage to other artists. Sir Ian McKellen walks by waving and saying hello. He had a part in some theatre. My brother on about the dishes being left in the sink and they need to be washed. I didn't leave them you did. I other brother asking me for money when I already had told him that I had no money. 4 missed calls. He won't get anything now. 99 Problems. Watching DejaVu again and Paula Patton does have a nice rack. To be honest the rude customers, shoplifters, Savers and altright do not define me or how my day goes. I forgive and forget you. I do the drawings for entertainment purposes. Hyper Music - Muse Cherry Tree is a British horror. Nice tits on the blonde in the showers. As does the evil witch. Really bitch?! Talking to yourself waking me up at 3:45am. Fucking ridiculous property programmes. A Caucasian middle class couple check out there 1st house. The presenter asks "so James and Valerie, why choose this one?" Val replies "it's a nice area, close to work, a school for Sophie and no Black or Asian people in sight which is a bonus". The presenter is later seen being spitroasted in an alley by two estate agents. Sara Damaji, Laura Hamilton or Jasmine Harman with jizz dribbling down her tits. AI that recognised gay faces, whatever next. Waste of time and money but hardly something to get offended over. A few pretty women in the gym. A blonde in grey leggings and a brunette that was seen earlier. Lily Q has a nice ass. Now in her training gear. This blonde with straight hair that just arrived is in black. She has a nice body and pretty face. Some tall blonde in camouflage green top. A short brunette in green pattern shorts.

I should have known that guy was the mystery shopper. I should have challenge 25 him. Two girls were clearly young were purchasing the small alcohol pouches. Though they didn't have ID. She gave it to her mum to buy. That is a proxy sale. A guy that we hadn't seen in a while. An Asian chap with a bag, uses a contactless card. But would walk off without trying chip n pin.

Note to self: stop taking nude selfies. We did have a three bell situation. It was after 5. Wasn't sure if the lady was disabled or high on drugs. She was acting erratic, waving her arms around. She did purchase some items. Apparently she had a Saintsbury bag which was placed outside the shop. It had shoes and hangers and a Primark bag. She left it. I mentioned it over the radio. Still had a tag on her coat. 

I have purchased The Flash season 3 and once watched will sell it on eBay.