I did face up the dental section it's just the customers were still purchasing stuff. Be grateful that I stayed behind. Someone called in sick. Why didn't you answer the three bell? I followed this guy in grey around the store. Asked him if he wanted a basket. She was on till when I first signalled to the Ass' Manager. He took a hair gel item and went to join the queue. I went off. Now he may have disappeared. Either he paid for the item or left with it. The rota gets changed around without mention yet again. This is Savers for you.
The neighbours were arguing between 23:16-23:23. I recorded it and plan to upload it. The walls should be soundproof. Most of what he says is in Bengali. She does shout fuck off and get out a few times. Maybe he doesn't nibble on Mrs Rahman's minge. Well to him I dedicate 99 Problems by Jay-Z. My brother was moaning about stuff which is out of my control and my mum is up talking to herself unaware of the time. Next door neighbours are talking again. Bitch aren't you aware of the time? It's 00:41. Mrs Rahman does swallow. I'm going to draw some comic based around this. I had a series of dreams in one night. Different scenes. I might not go into full detail. Scene 1: There is a large boat. One board is a electronic device, like a safe. Inside is trapped the devil. I am part of a team. It is bought out and unfortunately the demon is released. He does take over the body of a school principal. I did get into a fight with him. Almost stabbing me with these spikes coming out of his fingers. I don't know why I remembered Antonio Banderas or Henry Cavill. Scene 2: there are animals. A variety of them with their own personalities. There was some vehicle being used as a form of escape. A river full of sharks and crocodiles. Reuniting parent and child. Madagascar meets Finding Nemo. Scene 3: candid camera/live performance. The setting is a racing ground. Some woman performing but the two in the background that should have been watching are doing exercises. I placed sugars near the training area for the horses. There was a thought about having special powers. The children involved in a video were now sat in the studio audience watching it back. Scene 4: Unfriended meets Final Destination meets American Pie. The cast of American Pie are trying to cheat death. There is a part where they are looking at the screen and it is foreshadowed how they will all die. It is being broadcast via webcam. They all have doppelgangers. One is getting smacked on the head with a mallet. Eventually they aim to change things and get into a fight with the doppelgangers. So much detail to remember. Scene 5: I am at a shopping centre. A large blonde lady is helping me pick out all the foods. Lemon drizzle, cobs etc. Scene 6: It is a soap show. A few people sat in a pub and a muscular topless man comes over to talk to this lady. She is sat with a gentleman. The intruder is jealous. So he decides to say hello and kisses the other man. There is a young blonde lad that had been with topless man. He was talking about a female pregnant friend being assaulted. Her baby being removed from her. Some scenes may be connected. I can remember going through a vhs and DVD collection. A Ps1 is sat on the shelf. Some games too. I am now awake at 7:11. Extra Time: I dreamt that I was in a cafe with James Corden and Quentin Tarantino. We were discussing when film makers pay homage to other artists. Sir Ian McKellen walks by waving and saying hello. He had a part in some theatre. My brother on about the dishes being left in the sink and they need to be washed. I didn't leave them you did. I other brother asking me for money when I already had told him that I had no money. 4 missed calls. He won't get anything now. 99 Problems. Watching DejaVu again and Paula Patton does have a nice rack. To be honest the rude customers, shoplifters, Savers and altright do not define me or how my day goes. I forgive and forget you. I do the drawings for entertainment purposes. Hyper Music - Muse Cherry Tree is a British horror. Nice tits on the blonde in the showers. As does the evil witch. Really bitch?! Talking to yourself waking me up at 3:45am. Fucking ridiculous property programmes. A Caucasian middle class couple check out there 1st house. The presenter asks "so James and Valerie, why choose this one?" Val replies "it's a nice area, close to work, a school for Sophie and no Black or Asian people in sight which is a bonus". The presenter is later seen being spitroasted in an alley by two estate agents. Sara Damaji, Laura Hamilton or Jasmine Harman with jizz dribbling down her tits. AI that recognised gay faces, whatever next. Waste of time and money but hardly something to get offended over. A few pretty women in the gym. A blonde in grey leggings and a brunette that was seen earlier. Lily Q has a nice ass. Now in her training gear. This blonde with straight hair that just arrived is in black. She has a nice body and pretty face. Some tall blonde in camouflage green top. A short brunette in green pattern shorts.
I should have known that guy was the mystery shopper. I should have challenge 25 him. Two girls were clearly young were purchasing the small alcohol pouches. Though they didn't have ID. She gave it to her mum to buy. That is a proxy sale. A guy that we hadn't seen in a while. An Asian chap with a bag, uses a contactless card. But would walk off without trying chip n pin.
Note to self: stop taking nude selfies. We did have a three bell situation. It was after 5. Wasn't sure if the lady was disabled or high on drugs. She was acting erratic, waving her arms around. She did purchase some items. Apparently she had a Saintsbury bag which was placed outside the shop. It had shoes and hangers and a Primark bag. She left it. I mentioned it over the radio. Still had a tag on her coat.
I have purchased The Flash season 3 and once watched will sell it on eBay.