My email app has fucked up. A twat fraudster had been into the store on Monday. He was white, had brown hair and a stocky build. He kept referring to me as Buddy. He bought drinks and asked me to keep the till open. A stupid part of me was trusting and the my instincts thought that he might be dodgy even before he and his mates had entered the store. He wanted £30 in change. He gave me £29 so I asked him for the pound and he snatched a tenner from me. He pockets a note and says that I short changed him. He was full of shit. I got a lecture from the boss afterwards. He left when he saw management. I knew what was going on. Trying not to be thrown. The cunts had already targeted other stores. I hope he gets arrested. Maybe even gets cancer if he is roaming around freely. His mates will die in a car crash. Karma Police-Radiohead It was all his fault. We were the victim. I am a survivor. The day before Danny Jones's ho had come into the store and stolen a Ted Baker EDP. I was by the chiller.
Hyper Music/99 Problems
I redeemed myself today by selling SAS. An old lady was telling me that a few minutes ago a girl had put some items into her pockets. She hadn't paid too much attention and so I couldn't get a description. I think that I have an idea though. She was saying the staff should be vigilant. It's not her job. At McDonald in Loughborough. The girl calling out no orders at the collection point was in a mood. There was something about salt in the oil. Or a lid not being on. The supervisor was talking to her. She went for a break. A guy next to me was saying "it's all kicking off" it is unprofessional to throw a tantrum in front of the customers. A lady on Twitter was asking if I knew that the link on profile was or lead to porn. It isn't just that.
I dreamt that I was the Angel of Death. In a black coat and I had wings which helped me fly. I made myself known to the public. A funeral took place in the car park at the back of Savers. A female customer that has pink hair was a crossdresser here. In male form. I helped a colleague's mother and saw the resemblance. DJ Shadow Ft Ice Cube- Everybody wants to go to heaven was playing.
My mum is talking to herself again. "Under gurro ney, ahktar" or some shit. It is 22:35. Coughing and she will give herself a sore. How is she or anyone else supposed to get any sleep? I should go into her room and keep repeating phrases whilst punching her. It is now 23:14. My brother had asked her to be quiet. She carries on.
I had spotted Marcus Flynn of BBC News in the gym. Kim Edwards' mum bought her into this world and she took her out of it. The rota was changed. It wasn't like that for the past few weeks.
Beauty And The Beast 2008 ridiculous profile "Not really in to coloured but if we fancy it one night we will find you. Like a bit of banter and enjoy a bit of fun. If you message us"