I had a dream where I was in a supermarket. I bought coca cola flavoured Lemonade. I got two bottles. I trying to get my mum ready as the family would be going to my cousin's house to eat. My brother had just phoned about this. She has been preparing food. Just seemed reluctant to take a bath. Some chopped veg had fallen onto the floor and I was placing it back onto the newspaper. I am in a hospital with this actress in her bed. A scene I had watched before on DVD and wanted to thank her as it had touched me. The mother was confirming the details. The daughter had the tubes attached to her. Head shaved. Paul Rudd played the father. The boyfriend was a 20 year old brown haired guy. Immature and racist.
In a previous nights dream I was at Savers and I and a supervisor were to work in another store in some town and it was an early start. Some doll was to be placed in the window. One scene had a few industrial workers. Two of the men and a child were in a group of people using this machine. The invidual would step inside the booth and it would give them powers. Think of The Fly. Later on the transformation begins and they are turning into Predators. As in the creatures from the SciFi horror films. One man had gone to a ship and hidden in this booth. Another man, a work colleague that did not get on with him. Went after him. He struck the booth and did some damaged to his foe. But the booth again kept regenerating the man inside. You do get to see how the child behaved at home. Even biting a sibling. I am reminded of Blade 2.
At the gym this uni student was leaving the gym pretty much the same time as me but did not hold the door open. I seem to be the only courteous one.
Big Life Fix: Children In Need special. Blonde Ruby is hot. Yet again some right wing white men being dismissive of the facts on C4 News. A few twitter accounts spamming with legal court cases tweets. Adecco has been mentioned before.
Why are we having a conversation now? I am trying to go to sleep. Got to be up really early tomorrow. He sat on the sofa now. Might just shut the light.
I dreamt that I went to work for a business. It was in a village. Quite a walk. The mature brunette working there may have been interested in me. I wasn't however. It had an office environment. I did walk home. The next dream; I was zooming along with the union jack. Some slogan of "we love mother earth". I was playing hockey with a bunch of people. It later turns into golf.
Natalie Seymour and Abigail Amisola were hit. Took some over the counter medicine to help with food poisoning. There is that missing white woman syndrome that could still be applied to these girls. Sunaina Patel was the optometrist and yet I was having to translate for my mum.