Nicola Bygrave, Dave Warren Carl Mucklow seem to be dipshit supporters of the hate preacher Tommy Robinson. Irrelevant people. People are so easily triggered by someone pointing out the facts than the far right troll spamming the comments section of the page regarding cruelty to animals. I did delete my comment but should have left it and not checked the notification. I stand by my opinions. I'm not losing sleep over this.
Hyper Music - Muse, 99 Problems-Jay-Z
"Secretly enjoys cock" There is a lot wrong with Stephen Lennon. Nice legs on your daughter.
Why free a criminal? He broke the law, cunt. Not a lot of people think like him. Just the idiots like you. #thot I got 99 problems but a bitch ain't one.
At the Gay Pride cosplay section. Dave would fuck the dog as he dreams of doing to real ones. I don't support child grooming even if you do. I just don't agree with racism and islamophobia.
Don't #FreeTommy Fuck Stephen and his retarded followers. #gammon #hamshank
The people making excuses for the arsonist are right wing thugs
I had no idea who these morons were
Hyper Music - Muse, 99 Problems-Jay-Z
"Secretly enjoys cock" There is a lot wrong with Stephen Lennon. Nice legs on your daughter.
Why free a criminal? He broke the law, cunt. Not a lot of people think like him. Just the idiots like you. #thot I got 99 problems but a bitch ain't one.
At the Gay Pride cosplay section. Dave would fuck the dog as he dreams of doing to real ones. I don't support child grooming even if you do. I just don't agree with racism and islamophobia.
Don't #FreeTommy Fuck Stephen and his retarded followers. #gammon #hamshank
The people making excuses for the arsonist are right wing thugs
I had no idea who these morons were
Model Sophie Applegarth & a friend blacking up as Venus and Serena Williams.— THE BEAT LDN 103.6FM (@TheBeat1036fm) February 4, 2018
Atletico Madrid & France star Antoine Griezmann blacking himself.
Both later apologised but initially Griezmann told everyone to calm down
"I'm a fan of the Harlem Globetrotters and this is a tribute."
I see these tweets from xenophobes moaning about immigrants and about them overhearing someone speaking in a foreign language. These idiots are being nosey. Remember that if you are living in America, UK or any other country. Feel free to speak in whatever language you want. Most people are bilingual. You're just having a private conversation. These fascist pricks don't get that. Free country after all. Ignore the #maga #mbga turds. They aren't relevant.
Racists get their knickers in a twist over the royal wedding.
A youtube video on Leicester and a Muppet leaves this comment: be frank
Kelly Pocha, sit your ass down. Kevin wants to give Kelly Pocha the D.
Grade A Cunt will be burnt alive.

TITLE: I forgive the morons yesterday in Greenclose Lane, Loughborough. Some demented brunette shouts out 'Afghani bastard' and some bloke on I was attempting to pass tells me she was talking to me and I ought to knock her out. STATUS: publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 ALLOW PINGS: 1 DATE: 6/9/2013 5:35:39 AM ----- BODY:@alittleracist @moronwatch @everydaysexism @homophobes LMHR UAF
I'm not sure what his mate had said. Then there were mentions of 'paedo' the girl might've been a sister of one of the guys. She was a short brunette. He was tanned. But I'm not bothered by them. I'll refuse to acknowledge their existence.
Put down the alcohol you penis. Racists get their knickers in a twist over the royal wedding.
A youtube video on Leicester and a Muppet leaves this comment: be frank
foreign city now...infested with third world to avoid
2 months ago•1
Andre LeRoi is a dipshit
Good! Black people don't need to be everywhere. There's not some rule or achievement gained by having blacks in your country. What are you signalling about? That you need to be diverse because you're told to by the media?
If anything, look at London's 12% black population committing 67% of the knife crime. There's a big risk accepting blacks into your country. Ireland doesn't need diversity. "Diversity" is codeword for less white people.
2 months ago•7
MoronKelly Pocha, sit your ass down. Kevin wants to give Kelly Pocha the D.
Drugs are bad m'kay?!So the racist Pro-Immigration lobby mob has won. Amber Rudd is gone. David Lammy, Diane Abbott, Chuka Umunna, Jeremy Corbyn and Owen Jones are popping the champagne corks as Britain is set to be swamped by even more legal, and illegal, mass immigration to break us all. Happy?— The Core (@SocialM85897394) April 30, 2018
Just a shitty individual
This moron makes an issue out of nothing. A white mother called the cops on two native American boys for looking out of place. Danny Corbett is a cocksucker.
Lots of idiots follow Tommy Robinson the hate preacher got banned from Twitter.
It is if they acting like these #Twatwaffles in public. I don’t care what anybody does behind closed doors, but don’t be acting like this in front of young impressionable children. #LiberalIndoctrination #LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder— Tepkunset 🌘 (@TepkunsetMoon) March 29, 2018
This moron makes an issue out of nothing. A white mother called the cops on two native American boys for looking out of place. Danny Corbett is a cocksucker.
South Africa has sentenced a white woman to 3 years in prison for a racist rant she made to a black police officer. Vicki Momberg called black people “useless" and used apartheid-era slang.— AJ+ (@ajplus) March 28, 2018 Vicky is a bellend. Tommy is using the victim card and his followers are snowflakes. Does he even have a job? Irrelevant that they are. They do not exist.
This is the first time someone has been jailed for verbal racial abuse in the country.
— a~m (@arsaIanm) March 19, 2018 Alex Crawford is a dipshit.
Lots of idiots follow Tommy Robinson the hate preacher got banned from Twitter.
Bigotry and beats don't mix

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DipshitGot that right, if you can't read, write and speak English you don't deserve be in America.— 👑💥 Hanna 💥👑 (@polishprincessh) March 23, 2018
All offical documents should ONLY BE IN ENGLISH.
If you come to the USA, you learn OUR language and ADAPT to OUR WAYS... We SHOULD NOT ADAPT TO YOURS!#AmericaFirst#MAGA
Ground Control to Uncle Tom. Possibly just a not using a fake Indian pic. Absolute idiots that follow himFck BBC. It is an insult to all other Asians. Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists. Chinese, Japs...— Ashish #IamTommy (@Ak__Ashii) March 28, 2018
Don't include them all with these fkn rapist scmbags from P0rkist@n.
Don't want to be an American idiot...This is Sabrina Corgatelli, a big game 'hunter', who said that giraffes are 'very dangerous' animals.....SO SHE KILLS THEM!!!— PROTECT ALL WILDLIFE (@Protect_Wldlife) March 23, 2018
RT if you want a GLOBAL ban on #trophyhunting NOW!!!#BanTrophyHunting
What a bunch of arseholes those people must be.His name is Brennan Walker. He was walking to school because he missed the bus. He asked for DIRECTIONS because he got turned around. A grown man fired a SHOT GUN at him and he only missed because the safety was off.— Amanda Cross (@mandalyncross) April 13, 2018
Stop saying racism doesn’t exist. Do better, America.
Meet Terrence Jeremy Skeen - the Kansas City firefighter who brutally attacked a Black family, called them racial slurs, spit on them, was arrested & charged, BUT KEPT HIS JOB.— Shaun King (@ShaunKing) April 19, 2018

TITLE: I forgive the morons yesterday in Greenclose Lane, Loughborough. Some demented brunette shouts out 'Afghani bastard' and some bloke on I was attempting to pass tells me she was talking to me and I ought to knock her out. STATUS: publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 ALLOW PINGS: 1 DATE: 6/9/2013 5:35:39 AM ----- BODY:@alittleracist @moronwatch @everydaysexism @homophobes LMHR UAF
I'm not sure what his mate had said. Then there were mentions of 'paedo' the girl might've been a sister of one of the guys. She was a short brunette. He was tanned. But I'm not bothered by them. I'll refuse to acknowledge their existence.
If “Paki” is a racist term then so is:- Aussie, Scots and so on.— Stephen wilson (@WilsonValet) May 14, 2018
Pictured: These are the Nottingham Trent students going to court for chanting ‘we hate the blacks’ in halls— The Tab (@TheTab) April 25, 2018
We are quick to condemn those who take a life but we must be quicker to commend those who save one. #hero #GagandeepSingh— Farhan Akhtar (@FarOutAkhtar) May 26, 2018

Lord Sugar, You're Fired.Time to put this racist old prick out to pasture...— EL4C (@EL4JC) June 20, 2018
If that's exclusively an ISIS salute, then what's Mark's other half signalling with her tattoo?— Spooky Head #PCPEU #MMT (@Spoonhead8) June 20, 2018