Nadine Dorries mixed up two Asian women. Both are in the public eye and she has met at some point.
Liam Neeson casually mentioned in an interview that after a relative of his was raped by a black man. He went out looking for an innocent black man to kill. Well he does have a particular set of skills. Some Young Conservative has been kicked out for tweeting racist and islamaphobic comments. Some journalist wants Mary Kondo to speak English.
You fuckers. I did earn something and now don't get paid for it?
5 Feb at 17:30This message contains blocked images.
We are writing to notify you that your Amazon.co.uk Associates Program account has been closed due to a lack of activity. It is our program policy to close accounts that do not register three qualified sales within one year of account creation.
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The Amazon.co.uk Associates
So the item that I bought has been lost or stolen by a Royal Mail employee. The company is going to send another copy or offer a refund.
I had only seen the reply from this impatient cunt about the DVD that I sold him.
rodavie_4 (51
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