The amount of fuckery from people using #Bluelivesmatter
Right wingers making up false allegations in the replies
Her being Muslim has nothing to do with it
Puregym are raising money for a mental health charity. You can donate here.

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Games Movies Girls Christians Gay Trailers #cucumberbananatofu
Someone call child services.
Racist guy wants to edit out the black people from Black Panther. Something wrong with this guy.
Kevin is an entertaining YouTuber. His life has been interesting.
Sherlock has nothing on Eloho.
I got a call from 0345 300 3948. Click on the link to see what others are saying. I tried ringing back but the call ends.
I don't care what you think as long as it's about me.
I got this YouTube recommendation for the Patriot Soapbox which is to with conspiracy nonsense Qanon. I have no interest in right wingers. Then some video about Batwoman. Probably getting wires crossed.
I came into work 4am. I had the keys. I still ended up finishing late. What was the point. The bits on the floor in either aisle could have been worked sooner. I finished the front. The welsh guy with glasses thought that the Gillette shaving gel was 99p. He says that he always gets it at that price. It was £1.29. Someone obviously put the items in the wrong area. Obviously not faced up. He is annoying. He decided on not buying it. My supervisor wasn't feeling well. I did serve some hot tanned blonde in her twenties. My card machine played up. The contactless would be denied after 30 seconds. Then the chip and pin took a minute from processing the payment to the reciept printing. I was asked to move onto a new till but when I did. The computer thinks that I am still logged onto to the faulty till. I was assigned a new number. IT Department had been called. I had this spillage during the delivery. A Lenor blue bottle fell off the shelf. The lid cracks and the contents go onto the floor. I cleared it up. The sanitary towels on a shelf did not match a ticket and I had to scan an item and move stuff around further wasting my time. 6 cages worked. The bitty cage took the longest.
My mum had left the gas cooker on. Well the nob was turned. No flame just gas. My brother tells me to keep an eye on her. I was asleep as I had been working in the early morning. I didn't know that she would do that. He even rings my other brother.
Unfriended Dark Web. A horror sequel. Matias has a stolen laptop. He chats with his various friends via webcam. Some of the dialogue is through messenger. I have to zoom in to read the text. The owner wants the laptop back. This is isn't supernatural like the first film. More cyber crime. If you have seen Nerve, Chatroom then this is for you. Blumhouse.
In the comments section.
One commenter talking about a "diversity agenda" there is no agenda. The filmmakers can do what the fuck they like. Stop being a bitch.
The shoplifters were back again. The tall brown haired guy with his grey haired, raspy voiced lover. Later the redhead Rachel had come in and denied taking anything. He boyfriend grabbed the Manager. A customer, finer haired, beard and muscular. I served him on the till and he didn't say a single thing to me. Says hi to person in the queue that knew him. Waiting in the queue this miserable blonde wavy haired woman was annoyed. She wore a Megadeath top. In this weather too. I went to NatWest. The clerk checked the paperwork for who dealt with the change order. It was to be the lady on the right side desk. She was with a customer. There was some chatter going on. Whatever he needed help with was ongoing. The young man was asked to serve me. I had been waiting a long time. There some issues being raised by the manager regarding the delivery. That was my colleague's fault. I still had to pay that HMRC fine. It is ridiculous. Whilst on the site I get a call from scammers. I ignored it and saw what people were saying. 0300 200 5500. There was a climate change protest in town by the young folk. All sorts of messages were written in chalk on the pavement.
I had this dream where I was confronted by this fat black woman. She showed her phone. Direct messages and nude selfies which were to do with me. But I denied it. I took her phone and ran. She yelled out to me. She may have had trouble. I was intent on deleting the evidence. I felt guilty.
Jon Voight is sadly mistaken like the rest of these trumptards. I can relate to Angelina, having a twat of a father. I was looking at Google Street View of Redditch. I went there as a student in the 90s. Harry Styles was a 4 year old at the time. Some bad things did happen. I would not set foot in that town again. This guy is full of shit. Why the fuck did his tweet appear on my timeline? Five people are about to be Unfollowed. Tim Pool and his ilk are cancerous little cucks.
Family history and immigrant stories
With the whole Natalie Portman fiasco.
Moby - Why does my heart feel so bad? Bad Grandpa David Davies is a cunt I dreamt that someone had the Venom simbiote. He was stuck and another guy was there. I had done a film with Superman. I also had powers.
I was facing up the nails and makeup section. Dealt with customers. So it meant that the shoplifters Natasha Wright and her boyfriend slipped in. What I felt could happen did. I wanted to keep an eye out. I was determined to not let any of them get away with it. Two members of staff down the skin aisle. Shoplifters in the other one. I had only seen them when they were leaving. Why the boyfriend stops. Thinking he was going to get something or just proving to be a distraction. Nothing came from Tango Victor or the other stores. Thanks for being useless.
Some customers were miserable. A white blonde on her ID says her birth place is Kenya. I didn't here an accent but people are born in various countries. It should not matter.
Prospect is a SciFi film starring Jay Duplass, Pedro Pascal, Sophie Thatcher. A father and daughter are off to an alien moon. They are there to harvest materials. You may have seen Apollo 18, Annihilation, After Earth, Alien. Two strange men who we shall refer to as the villains are after the same thing. It is a fight for survival. Many others are roaming the forest. It's about who you can trust.
Good soundtrack and acting. Interesting scenery. Pascal was in The Equalizer 2, The Adjustment Bureau. Duplass was a Producer for Tangerine. At a point I wondered what was going on. They cut open these creatures to retrieve these gem stones. See trivia on IMDb. Haunting end credits song.
Don't do drugs and be professional if you are running a business.
Fuck Da Police - NWA
Right wingers making up false allegations in the replies
Her being Muslim has nothing to do with it
Thots glorifying a murdererAmerican Idiot- Greenday
Puregym are raising money for a mental health charity. You can donate here.
Hyper Music -Muse— Caster Semenya #istandwithIlhan #jc4pm #blm #musk (@BlkSmokeMonster) May 20, 2019
Duality -Slipknot
The Man Comes Around - Johnny Cash You Know My Name - Chris Cornell
Hi I'm Kishore Mehta, I've got 99 problems but a bitch ain't one.
Megalomania - Muse A Good Man - Murray Gold
Venom Reverse Flash #ff pro black & Muslim

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White tears as a defense. She tweets something and gets called our on it.
Music created by black people and racist whites are upset over a collaboration between a clothing company and a music artist. American Idiot by Greenday

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Kevin is an entertaining YouTuber. His life has been interesting.
Golddigger-Kanye West She is backing Nigel Garage and the Brexit Party. Worth reporting and blocking.I would dump a guy if he got me a nasty cheap Pandora ring for my engagement.— Kelly Radisson (@kelly_radisson) May 18, 2019
A guy should spend 20% of his yearly salary on a ring dont you agree girls!? #weddings #Travel
A bunch of white supremacist weirdos.While we're all wringing our hands over milkshakes, Generation Identity are demanding the 'remigration' of all British Muslims on their Telegram Channel.— Mike Stuchbery💀🍷 (@MikeStuchbery_) May 20, 2019
Sherlock has nothing on Eloho.
I don't care what you think as long as it's about me.
I got this YouTube recommendation for the Patriot Soapbox which is to with conspiracy nonsense Qanon. I have no interest in right wingers. Then some video about Batwoman. Probably getting wires crossed.
I came into work 4am. I had the keys. I still ended up finishing late. What was the point. The bits on the floor in either aisle could have been worked sooner. I finished the front. The welsh guy with glasses thought that the Gillette shaving gel was 99p. He says that he always gets it at that price. It was £1.29. Someone obviously put the items in the wrong area. Obviously not faced up. He is annoying. He decided on not buying it. My supervisor wasn't feeling well. I did serve some hot tanned blonde in her twenties. My card machine played up. The contactless would be denied after 30 seconds. Then the chip and pin took a minute from processing the payment to the reciept printing. I was asked to move onto a new till but when I did. The computer thinks that I am still logged onto to the faulty till. I was assigned a new number. IT Department had been called. I had this spillage during the delivery. A Lenor blue bottle fell off the shelf. The lid cracks and the contents go onto the floor. I cleared it up. The sanitary towels on a shelf did not match a ticket and I had to scan an item and move stuff around further wasting my time. 6 cages worked. The bitty cage took the longest.
My mum had left the gas cooker on. Well the nob was turned. No flame just gas. My brother tells me to keep an eye on her. I was asleep as I had been working in the early morning. I didn't know that she would do that. He even rings my other brother.
Unfriended Dark Web. A horror sequel. Matias has a stolen laptop. He chats with his various friends via webcam. Some of the dialogue is through messenger. I have to zoom in to read the text. The owner wants the laptop back. This is isn't supernatural like the first film. More cyber crime. If you have seen Nerve, Chatroom then this is for you. Blumhouse.
In the comments section.
One commenter talking about a "diversity agenda" there is no agenda. The filmmakers can do what the fuck they like. Stop being a bitch.
I can emphasis with and wish the best of luck to the people employed by Arcadia and Dress Barn that will lose their jobs.
The shoplifters were back again. The tall brown haired guy with his grey haired, raspy voiced lover. Later the redhead Rachel had come in and denied taking anything. He boyfriend grabbed the Manager. A customer, finer haired, beard and muscular. I served him on the till and he didn't say a single thing to me. Says hi to person in the queue that knew him. Waiting in the queue this miserable blonde wavy haired woman was annoyed. She wore a Megadeath top. In this weather too. I went to NatWest. The clerk checked the paperwork for who dealt with the change order. It was to be the lady on the right side desk. She was with a customer. There was some chatter going on. Whatever he needed help with was ongoing. The young man was asked to serve me. I had been waiting a long time. There some issues being raised by the manager regarding the delivery. That was my colleague's fault. I still had to pay that HMRC fine. It is ridiculous. Whilst on the site I get a call from scammers. I ignored it and saw what people were saying. 0300 200 5500. There was a climate change protest in town by the young folk. All sorts of messages were written in chalk on the pavement.
I had this dream where I was confronted by this fat black woman. She showed her phone. Direct messages and nude selfies which were to do with me. But I denied it. I took her phone and ran. She yelled out to me. She may have had trouble. I was intent on deleting the evidence. I felt guilty.
Jon Voight is sadly mistaken like the rest of these trumptards. I can relate to Angelina, having a twat of a father. I was looking at Google Street View of Redditch. I went there as a student in the 90s. Harry Styles was a 4 year old at the time. Some bad things did happen. I would not set foot in that town again. This guy is full of shit. Why the fuck did his tweet appear on my timeline? Five people are about to be Unfollowed. Tim Pool and his ilk are cancerous little cucks.
Family history and immigrant stories
With the whole Natalie Portman fiasco.
I was facing up the nails and makeup section. Dealt with customers. So it meant that the shoplifters Natasha Wright and her boyfriend slipped in. What I felt could happen did. I wanted to keep an eye out. I was determined to not let any of them get away with it. Two members of staff down the skin aisle. Shoplifters in the other one. I had only seen them when they were leaving. Why the boyfriend stops. Thinking he was going to get something or just proving to be a distraction. Nothing came from Tango Victor or the other stores. Thanks for being useless.
Some customers were miserable. A white blonde on her ID says her birth place is Kenya. I didn't here an accent but people are born in various countries. It should not matter.
Good soundtrack and acting. Interesting scenery. Pascal was in The Equalizer 2, The Adjustment Bureau. Duplass was a Producer for Tangerine. At a point I wondered what was going on. They cut open these creatures to retrieve these gem stones. See trivia on IMDb. Haunting end credits song.
Don't do drugs and be professional if you are running a business.
My brother asks me to ring 1471 on the landline. Someone had rung before but put it down. I wasn't going to answer it. What was the point in asking me? Just go check for yourself. It was 0783 so it is a scam.
Some nice bums at the gym. The tall slim blonde looking tanned. Another blonde with a brunette with glasses. Some blonde in pink leggings. Another using a barbell. A brunette that arrived with her boyfriend.A race soldier tried to give an innocent Black man conflicting commands so he could justify shooting him. The race soldier even lied and yelled out the Black man had a gun. Luckily, the Black man didn’t fall for the trap.— Tariq Nasheed 🇺🇸 (@tariqnasheed) May 27, 2019
Two men fighting over a selfie stick. Racial profiling? The website has some deceptive ads. Someone is on the hunt for Jeremy Kyle guest, criminal and homeless man Paul Ryan.
Not thugs. Not wilding. Not criminals. Not even the Central Park Five. They are Korey, Antron, Raymond, Yusef, Kevin. They are millions of young people of color who are blamed, judged and accused on sight. May 31. A film in four parts about who they really are. WHEN THEY SEE US.
— Ava DuVernay (@ava) March 1, 2019
Salut s'il vous plaît jeter un oeil à la nouvelle chanson Slipknot #Solwayfirth
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Slipknot - All Hope Is Gone By Slipknot. Guitar Recorded Version. Rock. Softcover. With guitar tablature. 128 pages. Published by Hal Leonard (HL.690973). |
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Slipknot - .5: The Gray Chapter By Slipknot. Guitar Recorded Version. Metal, Rock. Softcover. With guitar tablature. 160 pages. Published by Hal Leonard (HL.139621). |