Final update on this post. Last time I mention these morons.
Something wrong with this woman
The idiocy of this tweet and it's replies
Miley Cyrus was triggered by Sydney Gore's review of her music. I am now following Sydney on twitter. Mikey's music is shit.
Solidarity with the Central Park Five
Jack and this fascist woman are inciting violence and harassment
Killing In The Name - Rage Against The Machine
Dumb racists flooding the comments as they are triggered. Welfare is not applied to everyone. A twat going on about Dems pandering to blacks. Reparations is not a scam. It's pathetic how these people make it about themselves.
A video by CallMeKevin and he looks at the Reddit thread about Kevins. He mentioned shutting down conversation by calling someone a racist. A commenter mentioned liberals. Both guys clearly don't get it. White privilege.
Wyatt is just a racist cunt Ellie is still supporting Logan Paul and retweeted Wyatt's tweet. Shows how out of touch these two are with poc Joey Delusion
Diversity is not forced. It is natural.
Avoid doing business with James
This American knows nothing about London.
The irony of Sharon Davies being a terf.
I'm glad that Caster Sememya gets to compete. Paula Radcliffe can take a shit in a corner.
I served this European woman alcohol. Though her and her friend were young I should have I-Ded her, I just chose not to. If she didn't have it but I believe her to be in her 20s. Many living her are economic migrants. She must have been joking about an exchange on the wine if she didn't like it. Obviously that would not happen. Pretty with nice tits too.
A lady I know didn't acknowledge me.
The s/trimmer I was using for the garden stopped working. I fixed the fault with a light switch. I got a call. I did not answer as I did not recognise it. I searched for the number. Results were vague. I find a site and supposedly connected to Indonesia. No idea who the person is. Try ringing back and it is listed as invalid number.
Derek is race baiting See how quiet the right are when it is a white shooter. Sense of entitlement from Americans.
Are you clout chasing? You don't have to tell people on social media.
Linkin Park - Roads Untravelled The crusty fannied Natasha Wright and her retarded boyfriend will be out shoplifting this afternoon. Maybe it will be that hoodie woman with the razor. Predictable.
It was 4am anf my mum was taking a bath. My brother stood outside yelling through the door telling her what to do. If people are trying to sleep then why are you raising your voice?
Read this thread I find it amusing and interesting what people are saying to @LindaFairstein and anyone she retweeted.
I never liked the barbell reverse curl. I was sure I had been told they were for triceps. I have been wasting my time. Also there are so many exercises targeting different muscle groups. I think its better finding compound exercises. You end up using up time and just overdoing it which is what I have. With these fitness videos on YouTube just take it with a pinch of salt. Fannying around. Just get to the point. Cameraman being a creep.
War-The Temptations
How did serving in the army impact you? I thought that this guy in red had been watching me in the gym. I am just being paranoid. He was waiting for his friend to finish his set on the bench press. What I do has nothing to do with them and vice versa. I did not get the Mohawk haircut that I wanted. There was mixed communication. Blade 0 which would be 1. He was quick. £12 it cost me. Back and sides, short on top. Faded is the business. I was looking to try elsewhere. It has 2 stars on Google.
This pensioner crossed the road and there were no cars. It was a green light. She did tell me that I could have crossed. I wasn't going to risk getting run over. You don't see the oncoming traffic.
I don't get this Tom MacDonald guy. Like someone says he makes rap music for Trump supporters. Black people have a right to be angry and call out oppression. He just is being dismissive.
Face palm
The feeling is mutual. What an idiot.
Ruby Howell is a racist.
My brother had asked to borrow money but I ignored the texts.
This person is making an issue out of nothing but this Brycewarrior leaves a racist comment which I have reported.
I was wasting my time taking items off the flyer shelves. Finding random things dumped around the store.
I remember that black lady that I served. Seemed moody. Wondered what the P20 was. It is suncare. With this weather and all.
Another example of a white company stealing from black artists.
The coonery is strong Uncle Tom
Greenday - American Idiot
Craig is a gay man that made a bizarre transphobic tweet.
Something wrong with this woman
The idiocy of this tweet and it's replies
Miley Cyrus was triggered by Sydney Gore's review of her music. I am now following Sydney on twitter. Mikey's music is shit.
Solidarity with the Central Park Five
Killing In The Name - Rage Against The Machine
These people might let off steam and be entitled to their opinion. However their attitude carries through into their job as police officers.
They should not have joined the force.
Dumb racists flooding the comments as they are triggered. Welfare is not applied to everyone. A twat going on about Dems pandering to blacks. Reparations is not a scam. It's pathetic how these people make it about themselves.
A video by CallMeKevin and he looks at the Reddit thread about Kevins. He mentioned shutting down conversation by calling someone a racist. A commenter mentioned liberals. Both guys clearly don't get it. White privilege.
Wyatt is just a racist cunt Ellie is still supporting Logan Paul and retweeted Wyatt's tweet. Shows how out of touch these two are with poc Joey Delusion
Diversity is not forced. It is natural.
Avoid doing business with James
This American knows nothing about London.
Replying to
Wondering when “straight” pride is??
8:07 PM · Jun 1, 2019
The irony of Sharon Davies being a terf.
I'm glad that Caster Sememya gets to compete. Paula Radcliffe can take a shit in a corner.
I served this European woman alcohol. Though her and her friend were young I should have I-Ded her, I just chose not to. If she didn't have it but I believe her to be in her 20s. Many living her are economic migrants. She must have been joking about an exchange on the wine if she didn't like it. Obviously that would not happen. Pretty with nice tits too.
A lady I know didn't acknowledge me.
The s/trimmer I was using for the garden stopped working. I fixed the fault with a light switch. I got a call. I did not answer as I did not recognise it. I searched for the number. Results were vague. I find a site and supposedly connected to Indonesia. No idea who the person is. Try ringing back and it is listed as invalid number.
Derek is race baiting See how quiet the right are when it is a white shooter. Sense of entitlement from Americans.
Are you clout chasing? You don't have to tell people on social media.
I’ve decided to end my life. This is my decision and I wish all of you the very best in your own lives. @andylassner and many others have been positive influences but I do not have any other avenues available to me to develop who I am. This will be my last post— tristan is here (@tristansez) June 2, 2019
Linkin Park - Roads Untravelled The crusty fannied Natasha Wright and her retarded boyfriend will be out shoplifting this afternoon. Maybe it will be that hoodie woman with the razor. Predictable.
It was 4am anf my mum was taking a bath. My brother stood outside yelling through the door telling her what to do. If people are trying to sleep then why are you raising your voice?
Read this thread I find it amusing and interesting what people are saying to @LindaFairstein and anyone she retweeted.
Yeah, this ain’t it. He is talented WITH A DISABILITY.— Crutches THEE Spice ♿️ (@Imani_Barbarin) May 30, 2019
If you were in more inclusive spaces you would know that peddling inspiration porn only further stigmatizes disabled people.
We are marginalized not because of a diagnosis, but in the ways were treated because of it.
Fascinating seeing fan made videos for a few of the YouTubers. You also see the humorous comments which the subscribers do out of respect. Eg. CallMeKevin AthleanX PopularMMOS DanTDM GrayStillPlays RTgame
This is moronic.
Xenophobia and racism from this woman John Cleese is our of touch white people on the right defending him.
A fool and his money are easily parted
Michael Caine showing his true colours Brexit Party are just as bad as Ukip Idiots are trying to defend that behavior. The police want to speak to these women as they might have some info. Two idiots leave racist comments. Rich Penn, people weren't imported. Numbnuts Myrtle Geary. They aren't foreigners. Dipshit. Don't wanna be an American idiot. Disgusting comments about a man that died He has an Asian name and did it to himself so people care less.
Sheila Gardner is a cunt

A website created and run by a racist. The pictures of Iggy are good however.
It is not satire. The owner is not a nice guy. Just a coward. This woman is self involved like Meghan McCain. White supremacist. Right wing moron
A great thread from Sara. Hope Hicks can go fuck herself. Misogyny and racism in the article Keyboard warriors with unimportant opinions on an interracial relationship of Kali and Helena.
Even those dumb racists are leaving negative comments under this video. Making you feel uncomfortable I bet. Stop acting like they should be grateful. Booker T is one viewer.
Some teen I believe was on her phone. Well I hope so. When she says "hello" at the till. I was dealing with a customer. Some student in her Wils top had a deep voice, whether she talks like that or was miserable. I can never tell. The tanned student chap I wasn't sure about.
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I had this cough which was obviously from poppers. No need to use it. Anyhow I can smell cannabis. Some people are in town. It is vile. The floor at work had been mopped and was still wet so the manager didn't want to open the doors yet. Some guy with a beard, blue T-shirt and work trousers tries the door. He points to his watch. I did say to them why we weren't open yet. He was polite after. But I can't stand impatient folk. There were these charcoal toothpaste. Travel size placed in a box on the shelf. A customer was not able to buy them as they had no barcode and had been part of a set. Head office and whoever put them out were at fault. My colleague was moaning about that customer and I was serving someone else. Also I sometimes started the delivery at 4am. As it is unofficial time I would not be getting paid until 5am. All the times I started early and I wasn't getting paid for it. How do they expect the delivery to be done? Two instances where a customer behind someone went in front when they should have waited. One lady popped her items in the basket at the till, left to get something else. I was busy serving others when she comes back. It would have been simpler to take the basket with you. A shelf wasn't faced properly when I put the stock out. I had to clear that up first. Yesterday this teen girls were looking in my direction. Not sure what the fuck they were up to. The poppers bottle isn't empty but is wearing off. This one cleaner at the gym was joking when he said hi and imitated what I was doing. Tennis ball catching between hands. I am sure that you have a job to do. Embarrassing when someone's child starts crying in the store or just gets a bollocking from the parent for misbehaving. Something the assistant manager mentioned that didn't sit right with me. There was a black baby that one customer thought was cute and all the manager could think was "afro". Well what do you expect with a child of African descent. I don't give a shit about customers saying " just this" I will offer SAS anyway. The refurbishment that is due to happen to stores and they won't use any for air conditioning. Stupid.
There is no fucking point in Amazon Associates.
Duality/99 Problems/Faint/One Step Closer.
A fool and his money are easily parted
Michael Caine showing his true colours Brexit Party are just as bad as Ukip Idiots are trying to defend that behavior. The police want to speak to these women as they might have some info. Two idiots leave racist comments. Rich Penn, people weren't imported. Numbnuts Myrtle Geary. They aren't foreigners. Dipshit. Don't wanna be an American idiot. Disgusting comments about a man that died He has an Asian name and did it to himself so people care less.
Sheila Gardner is a cunt
Japanese Man trying to smuggle Cocaine into #Japan via Columbia & #Mexico Inside his stomach-Died on the plane.— Sergeant Sara Connor (@FLSpacePort) May 27, 2019
Mexican authorities say large quantities of cocaine have been found in the body of a Japanese man who died on a plane in Mexico.

It is not satire. The owner is not a nice guy. Just a coward. This woman is self involved like Meghan McCain. White supremacist. Right wing moron
A great thread from Sara. Hope Hicks can go fuck herself. Misogyny and racism in the article Keyboard warriors with unimportant opinions on an interracial relationship of Kali and Helena.
Even those dumb racists are leaving negative comments under this video. Making you feel uncomfortable I bet. Stop acting like they should be grateful. Booker T is one viewer.
Some white folk just don't get it and are defending them as one tweet mentioned. Some black folk don't want interracial adoption. The same that are against interracial relationships.
Then you have colorism.

Howdo I hope you check out the following links. My blog Fashion items for sale Ebay bargains Amazon deals
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There is no fucking point in Amazon Associates.
Duality/99 Problems/Faint/One Step Closer.
‘You have a dangerous object in your hand’ … ’I’m picking up trash’ — This officer pulled his gun on a student who was cleaning up trash outside his dorm— NowThis (@nowthisnews) May 29, 2019
housekeeping note: if you drop ANY presidential candidate's handle or hashtag into my mentions, you will be blocked. periodt.— I'Nasah the tiny tornado (@so_treu) May 30, 2019
handle = @"their name"
hashtag = #Them2020
I never liked the barbell reverse curl. I was sure I had been told they were for triceps. I have been wasting my time. Also there are so many exercises targeting different muscle groups. I think its better finding compound exercises. You end up using up time and just overdoing it which is what I have. With these fitness videos on YouTube just take it with a pinch of salt. Fannying around. Just get to the point. Cameraman being a creep.
War-The Temptations
This pensioner crossed the road and there were no cars. It was a green light. She did tell me that I could have crossed. I wasn't going to risk getting run over. You don't see the oncoming traffic.
I don't get this Tom MacDonald guy. Like someone says he makes rap music for Trump supporters. Black people have a right to be angry and call out oppression. He just is being dismissive.
I only posted part of the video on Instagram so I thought I’d post the longer video on here, Twitter do your thing and help find him. (Elk Grove, Ca)— anajaira 😛 (@anajairaaaa) May 26, 2019
The feeling is mutual. What an idiot.
Ruby Howell is a racist.
My brother had asked to borrow money but I ignored the texts.
This person is making an issue out of nothing but this Brycewarrior leaves a racist comment which I have reported.
White people love these lil sticks. I got coffee and body wash in this basket. And there's no one behind me. I made eye contact and rolled my eyes HARD AF in her face.— Niggas Wit Abs Stan Acct (@PineappleCGC) June 2, 2019
I was wasting my time taking items off the flyer shelves. Finding random things dumped around the store.
These people used my photo for their festival and didnt even bother contacting me about it😶😶— Obi 👨🏾🦳 (@EriKonstantine) May 28, 2019
The coonery is strong Uncle Tom
The best thing I’ve read today.— Asha Dahya (@Ashadahya) June 1, 2019
The left wants violence. Buy more guns and ammo.— Dan Gainor (@dangainor) June 1, 2019
I called a FUCKIN NIGGER at work... this how it played out 😂 #KillEmWithKindness— NoFridayy🛸 (@craignofridayy) June 3, 2019
Trump is a child for calling Sadiq Khan a stone cold loser. The tag wasn't about Steve Austin when he loses a match.KSI says all the ads in the video are going towards suicide prevention charities, Logan Paul comes in and copyright claims it so there is no money towards charity...what a fkn idiot😑— Camwiki (@Camwiki_FPS) June 3, 2019
Trump supporters will be there for the #TrumpUKVisit on there knees with their mouths open. Ready to receive Donnie's cock and that of his entourage.HE’S BLOODY WET HIMSELF!😂@GID_England bedwetter! ⤵️— Justme (@Justme62538629) June 3, 2019
Milkshakes at the ready.
Hyper Music - Muse
#ff #followback