Showing posts with label books. Show all posts
Showing posts with label books. Show all posts
Saturday, 9 May 2020
Wednesday, 13 November 2019
Gaelynn Lea - Someday We'll Linger In The Sun
Gaelynn Lea
Someday We'll Linger in the Sun
Bella Rose Some fine young women pole dancing PlayStation 5
Why are Tariq Nasheed's followers such assholes?
Bella Rose Some fine young women pole dancing PlayStation 5
What in the incel fuck— SheRatesDogs (@SheRatesDogs) October 7, 2019
So the fucking delivery was late yet again. I had to speak to Transport more than once. The manager wasn't in when she should have been. I wasn't working the cage. I was dropping it in the relevant pile as it is easier to work. I knew what time it was and it isn't my fault, so... Yesterday a customer waiting in the queue got impatient and placed the skin wipes in the dumpbin by the till and left. The pensioner couple came to be served next. The man says "they wouldn't be doing that in the Arab country or their hands would be chopped off." I think he was wanting me to agree but I don't. They may have been Eastern European. The rude lesbian with the nose ring was in with her girlfriend, who was in a mood as Blondie had been saying something about having long nails not being a good look. Some lover's tiff. The mature ginger woman was with her son and seemed rude/abrupt. Mature asian woman picked up the wrong nicotenw gum and ended up getting a refund. Fuck my life. Some people seem snobby. A colleague could not make it so that meant that I had to stay behind. I am sure that the Irish lady that works at the opticians was joking when she said "you (the company) discriminate against men." When we did not sell hairbrushes for men. Just pick up the ones we do have. This Muslim girl opened a draw that was beneath the nails and eyebrow section. It is for staff only. I wondered why another manager called as to if had received our delivery. They were waiting for theirs I guess. This blonde woman was a little annoyed. She was waiting in the queue when the card machine on the till played up. A previous customer was being served by a colleague. The manager spoke of wanting to remove the flier shelves. I had put a few "overs" on there. They weren't going to go out. I am not to change facings. People don't seem to look at the correct price ticket when purchasing an item. The woman with aspergers/autism was telling me something about money and millennials not keeping hold of their money. Spending it carelessly. It's no laughing matter. The people in the queue wanting to get served. This one blonde woman is miserable, comes in with her husband. Also a butch looking mature woman in metal band t-shirts. At McDonalds these Traveller women with their kids were sat in the restaurant. Food was bought from outside. Which they aren't allowed to do. The redhead makes a fuss. The security radio wasn't working properly. Dennis Nolan comes to the store. He left and lit a match. The acne faced Amy was hovering outside the store. I was told about her on the radio. She swiftly walked off. I might see some pretty customers. Nice thick legs on one. Big tits on another.
My mum talking to herself. "Bhabu..." She did abit more later on. My brother shouted at her. I overslept or the alarm did not go off.
The mature man with the hat that works on the market stall. He owed 89p but gave only 80p. I went and looked at the tag and I was right. He looked back at these customers rather amused. I finally got the eztra bit. Why be a knob. Also this couple were laughing about something. He might have said something to her. It had nothing to do with me. She had to stiffle her laugh as I walked past. Andrew O'Dare the shoplifter came in. I alerted management. He left. Some woman came in asking for a first aider, well a first aid box. We didn't have something adequate. The CCTV folk and surrounding stores were informed. They suggest that I call the ambulance. I told the assistant manager and it was like she wasn't going to do anything. FML. Was somebody with the girl that fell? Tango Victor could not see the victim. I couldn't either. Makes the company look bad.
I have just started The Flash season 6. The old characters return. Some new ones are introduced. Months after losing Nora. Team Flash are trying to do the best they can. These blackholes have been appearing in Central City. Godspeed is on the run. Dr. Rosa has just lost his mother and he is looking to create a cure to combat a disease. There must be someone new doing the soundtrack or perhaps the original composer and producer decided to have some fun. The Crisis on infinite Earths is coming. It was a good episode. Worth taking a look at the reaction channels on YouTube. This song plays when Ultraviolet attacks CCPD in episode 2.
- So Lottie is another bigot like Hopkins. The Apprentice. Ellen can be friends with George if she wants. The people against Antifa are fascists. This Maya woman in the replies is one of them.
I have finally watched John Wick 3: Parabellum. Follows on from the last scene in chapter 2. Keanu Reeves, Laurence Fishburn, Lance Reddick, Ian McShane, Angelica Huston, Halle Berry, Jerome Flynn. There is a bounty on John's head. Every assasin will target him. He wants to get what help he can and is not going down without a fight. Some humour. Clever fight scenes. Note the one in the library. Pencil, book, horse etc John will use whatever he can get his hands on. Good locations. Great cast of actors. There is another nod to The Matrix where the room is dark expect for green lasers shining. A strange penthouse which is like a hall of mirrors. I could not quite read the subtitles. The Adjudicator was great. I will look at trivia and reactions to this film. You will love the soundtrack. There is apparently going to be another sequel. I am looking to see Bill & Ted 3. Some rumours were around regarding Matrix 4. I recognised an actor from Wonder Woman film. There are special features. It is a breathtaking film.
Well done to the local police Hays comes to rescue Thomas Cook
Brightburn is a SciFi horror. Reimagining the superhero origin story. Great special effects and superb acting. A young couple living on a farm have been wanting a child for a long time. A ship crashlands which is carrying a baby. They soon bring him up as their own. At the age of 12 there are changes in his behaviour. Contains plenty of violence. You may have heard of Ultraman and Homelander. Tori, Meredith and the schoolteacher are hot. I saw the trailer and was interested. I will look at trivia and discussions about this film.
Cast (21)
Dear @benshapiro: I have two marksmanship awards from the military. You know what I do when I really disagree with what politicians mandated? I help register voters.— Ted Lieu (@tedlieu) October 12, 2019
In America, we settle political disagreements at the ballot box or through the Constitution, not with guns.
These toxic fragile males need bitchslapping
What a gimp Fucking twats leaving hate comments clearly don't know how to #bebest
Killing In The Name
Mental illness is not a choice
aidra fox,
Anne sacoolas,
Gaelynn Lea,
John wick 3 parabellum,
Keanu Reeves,
PlayStation 5,
Someday We'll Linger In The Sun,
The Flash,
Sunday, 3 February 2019
Max Graham vs Yes - Owner of a lonely heart (club mix)
The Long Earth by Terry Pratchett and Stephen Baxter
I'd got this from the library. Interesting collaboration between two great authors. I recommend the film Another Earth. Starts off with a pregnant teen Maria. She's about to give birth. She 'steps' (teleports) into a new world. Full of forests and blue skies with no population at all. Afterwards she and her newborn Joshua return to Datum Earth. The main protagonist is Joshua. He's able to step from one world to the next. As many others have been doing using a device. There are parallel Earths to the west and east of Datum (normal) Earth. Some chapters focus on other characters. There are troll and elvish creatures that can also step. The Black Corporation is a company that wishes to discover more about these worlds. Lobsang is a Tibetian reincarnated into a machine. He travels with Joshua in a ship. Different timezones like 1915 following soldier Percy Blakeway, 2015 cop Monica Jansson. The Green family have settled on the long earth. It's an amusing book. 9780857520098

I'd got this from the library. Interesting collaboration between two great authors. I recommend the film Another Earth. Starts off with a pregnant teen Maria. She's about to give birth. She 'steps' (teleports) into a new world. Full of forests and blue skies with no population at all. Afterwards she and her newborn Joshua return to Datum Earth. The main protagonist is Joshua. He's able to step from one world to the next. As many others have been doing using a device. There are parallel Earths to the west and east of Datum (normal) Earth. Some chapters focus on other characters. There are troll and elvish creatures that can also step. The Black Corporation is a company that wishes to discover more about these worlds. Lobsang is a Tibetian reincarnated into a machine. He travels with Joshua in a ship. Different timezones like 1915 following soldier Percy Blakeway, 2015 cop Monica Jansson. The Green family have settled on the long earth. It's an amusing book. 9780857520098

I have watched The Boy. Lauren Cohen looks hot. She plays a young American woman who takes up a job being a nanny in an English countryside. It is a creepy horror. The boy Brahms is a doll. It is an interesting concept and a surprise twist involved too. I like the soundtrack. Cert 15. Lakeshore Ent 2015. The Devil Inside is by the same director. Rupert Evans plays Malcolm the delivery guy. You might like Magic, Dead Silence, Annabel.
Keeping Up With The Kardashians: they go to Armenia to discover their roots. Can't take them seriously. It is all about them. Not sure what made me watch this. Two And A Half Men isn't great. The neighbour Rose is annoying. She should've been shot by now.
Another foreign born individual attacking the host country. Meanwhile Street Crime Uk shows CCTV footage. Arsehole thieves up to no good. It is a repeat on Spike. Shown on Ch5 originally.
I am doing Dead Press and Squats with 25kg, 16kg for bicep curls, pec fly, shoulder press. 12.5-15kg for bench press. 14kg Lateral raises. 52kg on leg raises, curls and hip abduction. I sometimes vary my workout.
Bbc Crimewatch and subtitles are out of control. The reconstructions are weird. Quite a few foreign nationals who are suspects.
I remember in the library that this fella had put his nickname down on his application form and his annoying girlfriend was moaning at him. Her mum joins in. I may have mentioned this before.
Today there was one little girl crying and another just annoying her mum. In Loughborough Library 19/9/16 this afternoon.
Fuck off Asda with your ''that's better" ad.
Sam Quek interview about the WADA hacking and the subtitles read 'midget lycee'.
Don't really give a fuck what Sally Nugent and sports reporters go on about. Another report 'we have Stoptober apps, Facebook and Facebook Messenger if you handy tips' Brownlee brothers 'did I Akshar do the right thing?' See how Alistair throws his brother down onto the floor at the finish line.
I'm not to bothered about what current or potential employers think about my online behaviour.
I should be going to the gym. I've got to use money which I need for other things on irrelevant stuff.
I can't believe that these idiots are still using their mobile phones whilst driving.
There was a segment on two Syrian boys working in a factory in Turkey and speaking of what they had to leave behind. It will open people's eyes. So much xenophobia at the moment.
This dating blog by a ginger haired girl named Michelle. Appears on The Wright Stuff. I will check it out.
The bloody scrote shoplifters were back in again. The lady with the big black hat and the brunette in a pink top.
I am wasting time with this blog.
Some arsehole had broken into Taylor & Co hairdressers in Churchgate, Loughborough. It could have been vandalism due to a drunk getting violent. Again the delivery was bollocks. The assistant manager was upset over the list of tasks left by the general manager.
Paul Grange arrested over a fucking t-shirt. The brunette that I saw training with her boyfriend wore grey leggings and black vest. She had a lovely arse. There was another brunette doing squats near me. Some lads were checking her out. There is the fit personal trainer at the gym that is attractive.
BBC Springwatch is a programme that I am surprised people watch. People are in the audience. Top Gear rebooted, the word "assholes" is said before the watershed by Matt Leblanc during the Morocco segment.
I watched The Vatican Tapes which was interesting. Another exorcism horror. Katherine Ryan looked great on Hignfy. Kate Beckinsale and Emilia Clarke on Graham Norton. Emilia looks good on Game Of Thrones and in Terminator Genesys. Kate is looking superb, a milf. I may have seen Dominic Cooper at a shift I had worked at. Interesting topics being discussed. Kate has been very entertaining.
BBC Breakfast had a report on public toilets. Their is the cost of maintaining them and that people use them responsibly like they would at home. I mean by not peeing over the seat. Amongst other things. There is a British Toilet Association. Many shops have toilets but meant for staff only. Pubs are useful. Just as the preview segment of the First World war comes to a close, the camera pans and focuses on this bed of poppies. A man in a blue jacket happened to walk past. This was in Kirkwall. Subtitles: 'thankyou very much and lovely to see those hobbies again' Another man on his mobile phone was in the background.
It seems Harriet Harman was talking out of her arse when talking about Kim Kardashian. A zoo in Cincinnati where a gorilla dragged a 4 year old child into the water. The boy may have climbed the barrier. Now it has been said there was a hole in the fence. What were the parents up by to? The gorilla had to be shot and people are protesting that action. It is as if they value the life of the animal above the human. Stupid people sending death threats. The petition won't do shit, fam.
0844 337 3012 some cockmunch missed called me. I rang back and the call ended straight away.
+44 7535 684829 sent this text:
Kishore, government schemes allow you to write off up to 80% of debt, reply INFO for more information or stop to opt-out
0116 402 6120 Leicester, Jay or someone answered. Money Results. They rang me first. Now they ring again at 7:16pm.
Did I mention that I saw Gerry McCann at the shopping centre in Loughborough. I walked past him, he was with his twins.
Richard Jones is a handsome man, patriotic and a gentleman. He probably has a huge fan base. There is a chef on ITV This Morning now with olive skin, brown long hair and beard. Joe Wicks is his name. He was shown in a clip doing weight training. The Mr. Freeze ad was amusing. I hate the Cadbury's Crunch ad. The Boots ads where there is that 80s song we which I can't listen to. Again my mother starts saying stuff like "dakhurn" she shouts it out. I would have recorded her. I couldn't be arsed to get up. If the neighbours are in, what must they think?
Some bollocks now on Loose Women. The irony of Janet Street Porter talking about these zoo animals that should be free. But then talking of a goldfish; 'just flush it down the toilet'. A family took a long trip to the vet to get a tumour removed from a goldfish. Chanelle Hayes is apparently happier now that she had put on weight. Sounds like balls to me. Did she really need an interview? Attention seeking much? I guess it is one of those shows. Some fair points made. She has a nice Wakefield accent. Body is ok. Nice breasts.
In this dream Rose Byrne is left holding the baby as Seth Rogan and another actor run off after the argument. One is on a stretcher for a while. Robert Carlisle appears as Begbie and he gives chase. He runs and then is on a bicycle. They head through alleyways. Begbie goes into a canal swims across and carries on the pursuit. He does disappear at one point. I as possibly a cameraman, one of the cast is looking around with them. I spot some guys on a unicycle. As we look to the left of the road a blonde thirtysomething woman flashes her tits and we miss the appearance of Begbie. Inside a tent or shop Seth or the other guy yell out 'fatso' to a jogger. I was convinced it was George Clooney but it was some chugger. He was upset and started to cry. Seth gave him £20 note and he was all smiles. In the next scene I have woken up on the floor and I may have been eating doughnuts. I put some back into the bag as they don't belong to me. Their is issue over payment regarding my cousin. He is overdrawn. I suggest getting the money from his sister but she needs it for her future. I remember counting the these steps or fence measurements from one side of the road to the other. Not sure why. My tooth was falling out. In a previous dream I was on board a train and got off at Leicester which some business folk did. The train left and I needed to get to Loughborough. I could walk or find other transport.
More chatter from the woman with schizophrenia. She needs to be sectioned. I just recorded her. I am trying to watch TV and the volume is up.
A new Leave EU campaign. Interesting, link I reckon people may try to visit. Just a rehash of the old one. Des Coleman is back presenting the weather, this time on ITV. The Voice UK is also on this channel. Liam Fee's mothers abused and murdered him. Maybe some comments on their appearance. An ugly lesbian couple. Some far right individual will use this case to highlight same sex parenting. I will be logging onto social media and forums to see what the people are saying. I imagine sharks and piranhas bred and released into the English Channel. That would take care of the illegal migrants. Maybe missiles and bombs aimed at the ships. The people smugglers are just con men. Take the money and run. The migrants either drown or get caught.
Again she is awake, 12:34am. Talking to herself. She knows the time. I have to be up early.
My mum's account is overdrawn and my brother asked me to put some money in it and he wanted to borrow £200 for bills etc. How the fuck would I get that sort of money? There was no point in taking out the loan.
So many shitty house and trance tracks playing at Puregym. "Going home with me tonight" "sweet sweet loving" I hate the yeah/eh sound the woman makes. "out every weekend". Channel 4 News a cameraman just within the shot behind the brexit bloke. Some more chatter on Gem 106. May have been slightly interesting today. "Zika virus, god problem" Pele there. Moby interview is good. He does make good music and is intelligent. Play is for me, his best album. I need to download more of his songs.
Jeremy Kyle show this teen lad demonstrates a slutdrop. Atrocious television. Gogglebox is satire. Saw a clip of Big Fish Man, they should have pushed the presenter into the water. Human Pups show weird topic. Some of the participants might be cut from the series. Mary and her husband Giles, sisters Ellie and Izzi. Random selection of programmes. Appealing to the lowest common denominator. I did let a couple pass on Meadow Lane towards Toothill Rd. The brunette was quite pretty with big tits. I watched abit of this film called Raze. It's a cross between Prisoner Cell Block H and Fight Club. Very violent. Nice tits on display.
Twice now that Lloyds automated service hangs up on me. Exeter racism incident. Hopefully the bald bigoted bloke is caught. The girls from the Alton Towers accident Leah and Vicky look good. Saw that very long interview about the baby mix up with the US couple. How on earth could that happen?
Interesting concept of a black Batman. The racist snowflakes will go mental.
Keeping Up With The Kardashians: they go to Armenia to discover their roots. Can't take them seriously. It is all about them. Not sure what made me watch this. Two And A Half Men isn't great. The neighbour Rose is annoying. She should've been shot by now.
Another foreign born individual attacking the host country. Meanwhile Street Crime Uk shows CCTV footage. Arsehole thieves up to no good. It is a repeat on Spike. Shown on Ch5 originally.
I am doing Dead Press and Squats with 25kg, 16kg for bicep curls, pec fly, shoulder press. 12.5-15kg for bench press. 14kg Lateral raises. 52kg on leg raises, curls and hip abduction. I sometimes vary my workout.
Bbc Crimewatch and subtitles are out of control. The reconstructions are weird. Quite a few foreign nationals who are suspects.
I remember in the library that this fella had put his nickname down on his application form and his annoying girlfriend was moaning at him. Her mum joins in. I may have mentioned this before.
Today there was one little girl crying and another just annoying her mum. In Loughborough Library 19/9/16 this afternoon.
Fuck off Asda with your ''that's better" ad.
Sam Quek interview about the WADA hacking and the subtitles read 'midget lycee'.
Don't really give a fuck what Sally Nugent and sports reporters go on about. Another report 'we have Stoptober apps, Facebook and Facebook Messenger if you handy tips' Brownlee brothers 'did I Akshar do the right thing?' See how Alistair throws his brother down onto the floor at the finish line.
I'm not to bothered about what current or potential employers think about my online behaviour.
I should be going to the gym. I've got to use money which I need for other things on irrelevant stuff.
I can't believe that these idiots are still using their mobile phones whilst driving.
There was a segment on two Syrian boys working in a factory in Turkey and speaking of what they had to leave behind. It will open people's eyes. So much xenophobia at the moment.
This dating blog by a ginger haired girl named Michelle. Appears on The Wright Stuff. I will check it out.
The bloody scrote shoplifters were back in again. The lady with the big black hat and the brunette in a pink top.
I am wasting time with this blog.
Some arsehole had broken into Taylor & Co hairdressers in Churchgate, Loughborough. It could have been vandalism due to a drunk getting violent. Again the delivery was bollocks. The assistant manager was upset over the list of tasks left by the general manager.
Paul Grange arrested over a fucking t-shirt. The brunette that I saw training with her boyfriend wore grey leggings and black vest. She had a lovely arse. There was another brunette doing squats near me. Some lads were checking her out. There is the fit personal trainer at the gym that is attractive.
BBC Springwatch is a programme that I am surprised people watch. People are in the audience. Top Gear rebooted, the word "assholes" is said before the watershed by Matt Leblanc during the Morocco segment.
I watched The Vatican Tapes which was interesting. Another exorcism horror. Katherine Ryan looked great on Hignfy. Kate Beckinsale and Emilia Clarke on Graham Norton. Emilia looks good on Game Of Thrones and in Terminator Genesys. Kate is looking superb, a milf. I may have seen Dominic Cooper at a shift I had worked at. Interesting topics being discussed. Kate has been very entertaining.
BBC Breakfast had a report on public toilets. Their is the cost of maintaining them and that people use them responsibly like they would at home. I mean by not peeing over the seat. Amongst other things. There is a British Toilet Association. Many shops have toilets but meant for staff only. Pubs are useful. Just as the preview segment of the First World war comes to a close, the camera pans and focuses on this bed of poppies. A man in a blue jacket happened to walk past. This was in Kirkwall. Subtitles: 'thankyou very much and lovely to see those hobbies again' Another man on his mobile phone was in the background.
It seems Harriet Harman was talking out of her arse when talking about Kim Kardashian. A zoo in Cincinnati where a gorilla dragged a 4 year old child into the water. The boy may have climbed the barrier. Now it has been said there was a hole in the fence. What were the parents up by to? The gorilla had to be shot and people are protesting that action. It is as if they value the life of the animal above the human. Stupid people sending death threats. The petition won't do shit, fam.
0844 337 3012 some cockmunch missed called me. I rang back and the call ended straight away.
+44 7535 684829 sent this text:
Kishore, government schemes allow you to write off up to 80% of debt, reply INFO for more information or stop to opt-out
0116 402 6120 Leicester, Jay or someone answered. Money Results. They rang me first. Now they ring again at 7:16pm.
Did I mention that I saw Gerry McCann at the shopping centre in Loughborough. I walked past him, he was with his twins.
Richard Jones is a handsome man, patriotic and a gentleman. He probably has a huge fan base. There is a chef on ITV This Morning now with olive skin, brown long hair and beard. Joe Wicks is his name. He was shown in a clip doing weight training. The Mr. Freeze ad was amusing. I hate the Cadbury's Crunch ad. The Boots ads where there is that 80s song we which I can't listen to. Again my mother starts saying stuff like "dakhurn" she shouts it out. I would have recorded her. I couldn't be arsed to get up. If the neighbours are in, what must they think?
Some bollocks now on Loose Women. The irony of Janet Street Porter talking about these zoo animals that should be free. But then talking of a goldfish; 'just flush it down the toilet'. A family took a long trip to the vet to get a tumour removed from a goldfish. Chanelle Hayes is apparently happier now that she had put on weight. Sounds like balls to me. Did she really need an interview? Attention seeking much? I guess it is one of those shows. Some fair points made. She has a nice Wakefield accent. Body is ok. Nice breasts.
In this dream Rose Byrne is left holding the baby as Seth Rogan and another actor run off after the argument. One is on a stretcher for a while. Robert Carlisle appears as Begbie and he gives chase. He runs and then is on a bicycle. They head through alleyways. Begbie goes into a canal swims across and carries on the pursuit. He does disappear at one point. I as possibly a cameraman, one of the cast is looking around with them. I spot some guys on a unicycle. As we look to the left of the road a blonde thirtysomething woman flashes her tits and we miss the appearance of Begbie. Inside a tent or shop Seth or the other guy yell out 'fatso' to a jogger. I was convinced it was George Clooney but it was some chugger. He was upset and started to cry. Seth gave him £20 note and he was all smiles. In the next scene I have woken up on the floor and I may have been eating doughnuts. I put some back into the bag as they don't belong to me. Their is issue over payment regarding my cousin. He is overdrawn. I suggest getting the money from his sister but she needs it for her future. I remember counting the these steps or fence measurements from one side of the road to the other. Not sure why. My tooth was falling out. In a previous dream I was on board a train and got off at Leicester which some business folk did. The train left and I needed to get to Loughborough. I could walk or find other transport.
More chatter from the woman with schizophrenia. She needs to be sectioned. I just recorded her. I am trying to watch TV and the volume is up.
A new Leave EU campaign. Interesting, link I reckon people may try to visit. Just a rehash of the old one. Des Coleman is back presenting the weather, this time on ITV. The Voice UK is also on this channel. Liam Fee's mothers abused and murdered him. Maybe some comments on their appearance. An ugly lesbian couple. Some far right individual will use this case to highlight same sex parenting. I will be logging onto social media and forums to see what the people are saying. I imagine sharks and piranhas bred and released into the English Channel. That would take care of the illegal migrants. Maybe missiles and bombs aimed at the ships. The people smugglers are just con men. Take the money and run. The migrants either drown or get caught.
Again she is awake, 12:34am. Talking to herself. She knows the time. I have to be up early.
My mum's account is overdrawn and my brother asked me to put some money in it and he wanted to borrow £200 for bills etc. How the fuck would I get that sort of money? There was no point in taking out the loan.
So many shitty house and trance tracks playing at Puregym. "Going home with me tonight" "sweet sweet loving" I hate the yeah/eh sound the woman makes. "out every weekend". Channel 4 News a cameraman just within the shot behind the brexit bloke. Some more chatter on Gem 106. May have been slightly interesting today. "Zika virus, god problem" Pele there. Moby interview is good. He does make good music and is intelligent. Play is for me, his best album. I need to download more of his songs.
Jeremy Kyle show this teen lad demonstrates a slutdrop. Atrocious television. Gogglebox is satire. Saw a clip of Big Fish Man, they should have pushed the presenter into the water. Human Pups show weird topic. Some of the participants might be cut from the series. Mary and her husband Giles, sisters Ellie and Izzi. Random selection of programmes. Appealing to the lowest common denominator. I did let a couple pass on Meadow Lane towards Toothill Rd. The brunette was quite pretty with big tits. I watched abit of this film called Raze. It's a cross between Prisoner Cell Block H and Fight Club. Very violent. Nice tits on display.
Twice now that Lloyds automated service hangs up on me. Exeter racism incident. Hopefully the bald bigoted bloke is caught. The girls from the Alton Towers accident Leah and Vicky look good. Saw that very long interview about the baby mix up with the US couple. How on earth could that happen?
Doctor Who: The Wheel OF Ice by Stephen Baxter
Patrick Troughton is The Doctor. His assistants are Zoe, a woman from the late part of the 20th century. Also a Scottish man from the 18th century called James. The Tardis has landed on a moon in Saturn's orbit. Met a 16 year old named Phee and her spider bot MMAC. There are others in this small colony. Phee' mum that is the Mayor. Also a security guard and more. Very detailed and descriptive. You can visit for some of the books I've read. This book is for sale on ebay in April. My ebay page is There are blue creatures being spotted around the colony and things have been going missing. The Doctor and his assistants have been accused. I've just sold my Timelike Infinity book. You should Coalescent, Phase Space, The Time Ships. There is Doctor Who: The Doctor Trap book staring David Tennant and Catherine Tate. It is good. The tv series is back 30/3/13. Interesting story.
There is a chapter about MMAC the Glaswegian spider robot. I like the chapter about Phee's amulet that had been passed down the generations. Artificial Sentience, machines with a soul like Johnny 5, the Matrix, C3P0, Kryten. This Florian character seems a hard-ass/bitch. The amulet was possibly sent back through time like the toys in the film The Last Mimzy. I imagine the blue creatures are like Smurfs. There's a good part about the moon Titan, also other discoveries that have been made on the mining moon. I'd recently bought a Doctor Who Promo dvd, which I'll put onto ebay. The dvd and book are in really good condition. I liked the chapter about the blue dolls. This is a hardback book.
There are more revealing chapters about various characters. Lots of action. There are quite a few books by Terrance Dicks. On Good Friday I've just finished reading it. My ebay page: For Doctor Who spoofs see AmyPondProductions. See Amazon reviews. Happy Easter.
Patrick Troughton is The Doctor. His assistants are Zoe, a woman from the late part of the 20th century. Also a Scottish man from the 18th century called James. The Tardis has landed on a moon in Saturn's orbit. Met a 16 year old named Phee and her spider bot MMAC. There are others in this small colony. Phee' mum that is the Mayor. Also a security guard and more. Very detailed and descriptive. You can visit for some of the books I've read. This book is for sale on ebay in April. My ebay page is There are blue creatures being spotted around the colony and things have been going missing. The Doctor and his assistants have been accused. I've just sold my Timelike Infinity book. You should Coalescent, Phase Space, The Time Ships. There is Doctor Who: The Doctor Trap book staring David Tennant and Catherine Tate. It is good. The tv series is back 30/3/13. Interesting story.
There is a chapter about MMAC the Glaswegian spider robot. I like the chapter about Phee's amulet that had been passed down the generations. Artificial Sentience, machines with a soul like Johnny 5, the Matrix, C3P0, Kryten. This Florian character seems a hard-ass/bitch. The amulet was possibly sent back through time like the toys in the film The Last Mimzy. I imagine the blue creatures are like Smurfs. There's a good part about the moon Titan, also other discoveries that have been made on the mining moon. I'd recently bought a Doctor Who Promo dvd, which I'll put onto ebay. The dvd and book are in really good condition. I liked the chapter about the blue dolls. This is a hardback book.
There are more revealing chapters about various characters. Lots of action. There are quite a few books by Terrance Dicks. On Good Friday I've just finished reading it. My ebay page: For Doctor Who spoofs see AmyPondProductions. See Amazon reviews. Happy Easter.
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