Showing posts with label vhs94. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vhs94. Show all posts

Tuesday, 11 January 2022

Solitarymaninblack - I'm gonna put some dirt in your eye

 Chaturbate Affiliate Program 

I'm gonna put some dirt in your eye

I have watched Mother/Android. Starring Chloe Grace Moretz, Algee Smith, Raul Castillo. Looking at the trailer the people in the comments were slating the film even before they have seen it. But anyway ignore them. A scifi drama. You might have seen I Am Mother, Robocop, Terminator, iRobot, Humans, Better Than US, Westworld, The Matrix, Archive, The Machine, Ex Machina and Extinction. Androids had been built to serve humans in the future. There is a moment where the machines turn on their masters. A post apocalyptic world is created. Georgia is with her boyfriend. She is pregnant. There is a community in Boston that guarantee safety. They must make the journey there. I was expecting some twist. The soldiers well one especially was an arsehole. Nice scary moments with the Androids being on the hunt. Good cast of actors. Nice work on special effects. I like the soundtrack. I am also reminded of The Walking Dead, A Quiet Place, Zombieland, Love And Monsters, Stakeland, Bird Box. It was on Netflix.  Mattson Tomlin and Matt Reeves were the creators. 

I just don't think much of the accent used by Oscar and some other. Dick Van Dyke ish.

I had watched this scifi drama on Netflix. It is possible that I may have seen it before on DVD.
The synopsis and cast details are below. I had watched Maika in It Follows. Julia is a career criminal. Steals what she can and trades it for money. The woman that she deals with played Grace in Doctor Who. Alex is a scientist and inventor. He kidnaps her amongst others. Uses them for experiments. He wants build a super computer A.I. He is under pressure from the board of directors. Tau is this artificial intelligence that runs the home. You have a huge security robot that is menacing. I expected certain characters to die first. As they made mistakes that led to them getting killed. As I enjoy Saw, Exam, Circle, Escape Room I would watch this. There could be an element of Stockholm Syndrome or it was expected. Julia will do what she can to outsmart Tau and Alex. A good soundtrack. Nice effects. The Wilhelm Scream is used and I don't know why. Bizarre escape scene in the beginning. A good cast of actors. I hadn't realised that Gary voiced Tau. You would be reminded of Oblivion, Old Boy, 10 Cloverfield Lane, The Divide, Room, 2001 A Space Odyssey, I Am Mother, Terminator, Robocop, Demon Seed, Saturn 3. Worth taking a look. 

A woman trapped inside a sadistic genius' smart house must somehow get past the advanced artificial intelligence guarding her.
Initial release: 28 June 2018
Director: Federico D'Alessandro
Starring: Maika Monroe; Ed Skrein; Gary Oldman
Written by: Noga Landau
Music by: Bear McCreary
Produced by: Russell Ackerman; Terry Dougas; David S. Goyer; Paris Kasidokostas Latsis; John Schoenfelder; Kevin Turen

This guy has some funny content. 

Recent  episode of Legends Of Tomorrow. I had a bit of a headache yesterday and watching this episode didn't help. I see that the way it was edited and filmed to reflect reality TV. I don't understand how people watch Kardashians and that other stuff. I missed an earlier episode. This reactor has Neen having interviews with the cast.

I watched Synchronic. A scifi drama from the makers of The Endless. Starring Anthony Mackie and Jamie Dornan. Two paramedics working in the New Orleans. They have things going on at home. One is ill and the other has his marriage that has issues. The victims in each case have been taking a designer drug. The side effects leads them to time travel. Dennis's daughter Brianna goes missing and so Mackie's character Steve tries to figure out a way to get her back. Impressive special effects, acting and soundtrack. I like the concept. May need to see the science behind it. Check out the trivia and discussion. In one scene I spotted one the extras that is playing a corpse. He shifts his leg and moves his hand lower as Mackie passes. But it isn't a bad film. You should see The Endless, The Jacket, Chronical. I did get signed out of my Google account for some reason. 

I decided to watch Willy's Wonderland. A horror comedy from Signature. Tongue in cheek, action packed. Starring Nicolas Cage as a man travelling through America. He is a passing a small town. His car breaks down. So whilst it is being repaired. He owes the mechanic money. He is hired by the theme park owner to pay off the debt by cleaning up the building. Meanwhile you have these animatronic puppets. The characters from the park come alive at night. Later on a back story is given. The Janitor barely says much. Not sure what the glance between him and Liv is about. Kathy is one of the friends. She is hot, liking the tits and ass. The other teens in the group know about the history of the park and want it destroyed. You have cgi, puppetry and stunt work in costumes. The Janitor is pretty bad ass. Cage is a great actor. Just because of the damn memes they don't take him seriously. Worth taking a look. Soundtrack is good. Reminded of a few films that I recommend: Five Nights At Freddy's, Cooties, Ash Vs Evil Dead, Gremlins, Westworld, Zombieland, Child's Play. Emily Tosta, Beth Grant and others star.

I have now joined the Fanbase app. I had an immediate follower, a sex bot. I try uploading a video and it did not do it. It does now.

I watched Odd Thomas. I thought that I may have seen it before. A horror drama. Director: Stephen Sommers. Starring: Anton Yelchin; Willem Dafoe; Addison Timlin; Nico Tortorella
Adapted from: Odd Thomas by Dean Koontz
Music by: John Swihart.
Odd works as a cook in a cafe. He has special abilities. He can see dead people. They often need his help. He spots these demons called Bodaks. They linger around potential victims. They seem to be interested in a man labelled Fungus Guy. He is shown a vision where people have been massacred. His girlfriend Stormy is hot. As is Viola, a friend of his. Also this blonde character looks hot. Nice slow motion scene. Nice tits and ass. There is the local police chief that knows his secret and they do work together to take down bad guys. The special effects can be a bit sketchy. Anton is a great actor. You might also see him Thoroughbreds, Star Trek, Fright Night. Also see Grimm, Medium, Ghost Whisperer, The Sixth Sense, Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Angel, Constantine, Supernatural. There are heartfelt moments. The soundtrack is good. In one scene he goes up against a bigger guy and I think that he would not really be able to hurt him. There is the Love Antosha documentary. These films hit different especially after his death. Worth taking a look. Rip Anton. 

I watched Splinter again in a long while. It is an independent horror film. Starring Shea Whigham, Jill Wagner, Charles Baker, Paulo Costanzo, Rachel Kerbs, Laurel Whitsett. 
Director Toby Wilkins
A young couple who are quite mismatched are on a camping trip. The boyfriend Seth is a PhD graduate and nerdy. His girlfriend Polly is hot, has a nice pair of tits. The have the unfortunate encounter with a convict Dennis and his girlfriend Lacey on the run from the law. They all are in the car. Meanwhile because of some experiment I believe there is this parasite. Infecting any host that is in it's way. Spikes come out of it. This is a good film. Quite gory. You might also like Slither, The Thing. Good soundtrack. Great acting and special effects. 

I watched V/H/S/94. It is sequel. Part of the VHS series. All found footage. Indie amateur film. They are an anthology. Different film makers come together to produce a horror short. Some reason I felt that I had watched it before. It was released in 2021. Impressed with the special visual effects, acting, set design. All original stories. I recommend that you also see the previous films, also The ABCs Of Death, The Blair Witch Project, Paranormal Activity, Cloverfield. The found footage style hasn't been used in years. The main story involves a swat team going to a cult's hideout. Other stories involve a news report, an advert, these American survivalists, a mad scientist. Mixed reviews on Shudder

Seems like a favourite past time. Targeting the locals. Harm them. All in the name of content. The opening scenes look like something out of an interracial porn film. The tiktoker is filming herself training. Hadn't realised that it was her doing the exercises. I guess the drag curl guy caught her attention. Joey is a legend for calling out Nikki Fitness who has since apologised. People sending death threats are retarded. Beta Males.

You have these white people throwing a hissyfit because they can't get their own way. They almost killed off the Native Indigenous people in America because of a virus. Now want to continue the tradition. Antivaxxers are part of a cult that are intentionally spreading the disease. Facts don't care about your feelings. It should have been sent to the manager instead of on social media. The Karen should not have kept him in the house.

Gab doesn't allow Fiverr links which is stupid. They also deem trans porn as degenerate. 

I was surprised to see this. 

I kept waking up early and had plenty of time to go to the gym. I still have now. It is really quiet on a Sunday. 

Looks interesting. 

Legendary. Triggers the rightwingers. 

I was just walking down the road and there are three teens, white, brunette and I pass them and I hear one say "the wog won't even look at me" I am sure that is what she said. The caucasity of the Karen. Not a wog. I could be mistaken and she was on about something else. But I would not have any need to look at her. You were taking up the pavement. But I do wonder if one of them was responsible for breaking the window. If that is who I saw in the park. I should have said something. Coward manoeuvre. I have been in this country longer than the fascists. I have nothing to fear. You will be recorded and better beaten to death. Pretend nothing was said. I will ignore it. I am far superior. Forget about it. 99 problems /Hyper Music. 

Nerdrotic and Geeks And Gamers really are sjw Karens. It is a fantasy show. Nothing wrong with who they hire. Just actors doing a job. Snowflakes. 

Why are you teaching people to get fake orders?  

What a dumb bitch

I checked back on Tinder. Seems the bio in the profile was deleted. I remember when my last profile was banned as I used #BlackLivesMatter Some of the individuals won't be worth my time.
Joe Rogan is a clown. Always some profile with an anime pic saying some dumb shit. Clearly a white person.

I paid her for the last job. Some issue with the link and I rectified it. Tipped her. She has now cancelled this new job. Well I better get a refund. I can leave a negative review. She isn't allowed to post a Gofundme on twitter. I won't need to link her profile either. 
Ethan is a white supremacist covidiot Karen. He needs beating up. The white supremacists just didn't want to see poc on screen and just have to go on a rant without saying the obvious. It is a fantasy show. Anyone can be hired. Facts don't care about their feelings.

I got Tinder Gold. Only a month subscription. You can see who liked your profile. This was the result.
Some other far right channel white supremacist triggered by Islam, Blm, lgbt and Feminism. The guys on the channel are irrelevant like their subscribers. Just take a look at the comments section. Muppets. 

One of my posts has disappeared. The one that was under review. Unpublished. 

Best thing to do. Don't let them get away with it. Even if it is a woman using slurs. The other white folk will try to protect the racist.

I work in retail. Surprising that people support criminal activity. Maybe some of you should pay for those items. Better yet, don't have kids.

Maybe that woman in the tweet and anyone agreeing with her should pay for those items. Why are people having kids if they can't afford it? There are charities that can help. People often sell the stolen goods for drugs. Besides there is money taken from the business. Money that would go towards wages, rent etc. 

Guy in the comments wants to put the blame on the victim. 
It is always a race thing. 

Some anti crt idiots in the comments. Karen is ignorant. 

The one saying no to Men who kneel for the flag. Definitely dislikes black people. The channel run by this lesbian couple is good. 

Joe Johnson is a white supremacist. The Dr isn't being racist or making it about race. It is obvious. Joe is high.
This "I Pledge Allegiance" person goes on about people crying. Yet the fool is in the comments section about topics that don't concern him. What a Karen. 

So the actual culprit isn't named or the picture shown of them.

Wasting police time. These white people just want the police to harm the black people.

I was looking to see if they would name the suspect. I bet he was Pro Life.

All of a sudden open borders is a good thing? They weren't saying this about people from Mexico.

The people using the term "alpha/beta/sigma males" are clowns.

People in the replies talking about the dislikes button. Shows how much they value black lives.
Tonedeaf whites in the replies. See the original tweet for more white fragility. Ignorant racist has been reported.

This was my old Twitter account which is suspended. I did not know that I was blocked by Roland. 

Jacob is definitely white. He uses the term race baiting. Just look at his comments and their are red flags. In other words let the white man get away with it. But if a black person says something they don't like then they get punished. A black man pointing out Racism is not the problem. 
The Joe Rogan stans have their bussy all lubed up for him. 

What is this guy on about? 
These nazis are traitors. 

The white fragility of this murderer.

Terrorist sympathisers in the quote tweets.  

Bill is a Klan member. Said a whole load of nothing. 

Weird youtube pranks. 

The first one was just out of order. You don't propose after only having known them for 10 days. Sense of entitlement from Karen over the checks. Pay your half bitch.

The guy was probably in on it. Re: Planet Fitness. Otherwise she needs help. 

Arako would probably be labelled a misogynist having looked at his videos. Maybe he likes guys.

Wondering why this video was even recommended. There is no such thing as cancel culture. Clearly the rightwingers don't know what being woke is. Standing up for equality which you definitely aren't about. Thought that you people preached #alllivesmatter

Lame ass clown Ryan wants to say the nword

There is some clear antiblackness in the comments.

I had found this peculiar channel. Interesting how he shoots the videos. 

See some of her work.  

The Able Group did call me but I didn't pick up the phone in time. I rang the number mentioned in the voice mail. The woman at the end did not know what I was talking about. They wanted to know if a quote was still needed. So they were chasing it up with the engineer. I was waiting for them to get something sorted. I was trying to sleep. 

I joined this site however it could be a waste of time. You can upgrade but not worth the money. Just building another WordPress site. I found it via a blog looking at Sophie Howard. Getting emails from the wanker ceo. Etoro notifications are off yet finding emails. 

There is this review on Click funnels. I have seen ads for it. So I could be building a landing page. I am not getting much in terms of a price list. 

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Some Indian guy is spamming and he has a link to making money. He isn't even local.

I reported the posts. 

As mentioned here.

Having the day ruined. Especially with being asked to lend money. I went to the gym on Sunday and so am still cramped up. I would have gone to Leicester and sex or a oral with an Escort. Should have contacted them on Saturday. Done gym today (Monday). There a few pretty young women at the gym. A petite blonde. Then a slim brunette. Spotted a tanned tall blonde. I could still just get up and go. Usually have to book the Escort. The Splash Spa is for lgbt guys. I would have gone there if I wasn't successful with the woman. I messaged another Escort and got no reply. The other one doesn't work Sundays. All this trouble for a fucking blowjob. 

Andrew Walls is a fag. 

White Fragility from Karen. 

Ryan Kinel really is a sjw snowflake.

Chunky is clearly a racist. There are more of these Gammons on the timeline They clearly don't understand shit. You can support Blm and Ukraine. 

The white fragility from the Karens... I ended up downloading a Linkin Park song that I already had and was after another. At the gym I was going to use the power plate machine. However some woman had her phone on it, sitting on a small tripod. All I had to do was ask. I understand where the Latino Mc is coming from and was directing shots at Tariq. If he was an ally then he needs to stay in his own lane.


White supremacist Karen in the comments. 

This person is having a copyright claim issue on YouTube. I look at their other posts and they are a fan of Steven Crowder.

I decided to use my fleshlight toy and watched Brazilian lesbian porn. I was going to prepare myself to go to Leicester to see an escort. I came within five minutes. I wanted to use it for the escort which I should have done and booked early. I was awoken very early on and went back to sleep. I won't have lasted long with the escort but it would have been worth the experience. Money saved. I can always go another time. Hadn't mastubated since Christmas. No longer using poppers. How the fuck am I not able to access X videos with my login. I did manage after. I could have contacted my neighbours about the ladder. Even try and call up the guttering company. Some of these folks are busy or just don't bother getting back to you. I could have got the ladders from the neighbour this week all I had to do was text. With the days that I had off. I got a doctors appointment booked but now because of work I must change it. Can't get through to them.  

White supremacist Karen alert. 

Tariq and his Fba followers are absolute morons. Using the term bedwench. Sense of entitlement that they have. Often victim blaming. Xenophobic and homophobic comments. The Teller was a black woman too. It is ridiculous. Also must say that whatever happens in the celebrity's personal life has no impact on you so ignore it.

The protests are pointless. They have their freedom. I had to unfollow this woman. This Karen is clearly antiblack and a dumb cunt rightwinger. Also isn't a patriot as she disrespected the military. Rob Haverson wasn't even sure that it was his. I was using the tricep equipment and this black guy in blue t-shirt was looking over at me. Seems that he was using the equipment before me. He should have said something before. He was just sat on the other equipment, so... He didn't mind sharing but that put me off to be honest.

I could continue to rant about home and work as these people keep doing the most annoying and dumb shit or I could just ignore it all and not waste any time on the blog. Still no response from the companies. 

It has started to rain. 

Some clowns in the comments will make excuses or divert attention with their whataboutism. 

These girls in the tiktoks grow up to become Karens that abuse black people. 

I don't half like having my time wasted. Or to be ignored. 

Found this interesting Korean channel... 

You dumb turd. You are as bad as the guy carrying out the attack. Stop blaming immigrants. Has nothing to do with where he was from.

Joey might be right on gym etiquette however this woman did nothing wrong. How about the guy waits. The same people telling the black creators to calm down were throwing a hissyfit over Lord of the rings. The world does not revolve around the white supremacists.

The Rittenhouse retard wants to speak to the President. They do not negotiate with terrorists. People really are overreacting to the Will Smith incident. It was just a slap. Defending his wife. These people with their dumb takes. Whataboutism. "If Will hit a woman/if it was a white comedian/Betty White etc...." Seeing the posts on Twitter and now the YouTube comment section. 
Celebrity life has no impact on you. Dave Rubin is for cancel culture. Jordan Peterson being a whiny bitch. Ben Shapiro and other white supremacists having a problem with a black woman becoming a judge. 
Jkunt Rowling being her usual self. Promoting Terf merchandise. Looking at this list there is a whole bunch of undesirables.
Furthermore it is ironic that a worker would become a Karen. All over pronoun badges. White Fragility. I am wearing mine. Get to antagonise and support the lgbt community at the same time. Having to chase companies up. Get money back from family that I am owed. Would have sorted the guttering if the ladders were here sooner. Customers wasting products which aren't meant to be tested. Of course there are those weirdos wanting to abuse a poc just for existing. Fangina /Solitarymaninblack. Not sure why the ginger guy at the gym watches me. Probably wants to give me a bj. Only fragile people have ever been offended over anything that I have posted online. Violence is always the answer.
If you're having girl problems I feel bad for you son, I've got 99 problems but a bitch ain't one.