Saturday, 30 July 2016
Wednesday, 27 July 2016
The Gossip - Move In The Right Direction
BBC Breakfast topic on boring jobs. People should be grateful that they have work. There was the video link interview with Mp Kirsty Blackman and her children couldn't sit still and there were technical issues.
A man from Leicestershire crashed his car as he was texting. He would be nominated for a Darwin Award but he has two kids.
That Fireman Sam thing is ridiculous. Who knows who complained. Blown out of proportion. Jokes could be made about this.
Call from 0844 337 3012. More scammers. Premium rate. Just block it.
Sir Philip Green doesn't own BhS. The company that owned it were responsible for it. The media may be hounding him for some time. Dominic Chappell was the last owner.
Jul 25
Lots of messages about the closure of @BHS stores today. I wonder how many people actually bothered shopping there at all in recent years?
Unwanted text from +44 7391 535045
You may qualify for Government Debt Help. Upto 85% of debt written off. All Charges and fees will be Frozen. Apply at or to OPToutSTOP
Helen Flanagan has a cute daughter. Vicky Pattison is attractive. Fucking bored that I end up watching some of Itv Loose Women. I'm sure someone would give her pussy a good seeing to.
Mother yells that bullshit again. I should record her but have insufficient memory on my phone. efit of gay rapists that tried to abduct a soldier.
Lance Hart's wife and daughter were attractive. I was taking a bath and later saw a huge spider. It's span was about 1.5 inches. I used an empty McDonald's cup to get it out. All this shit about Jeremy Corbyn is boring me now. Max Whitlock is an attractive man.
Overreacting? People's reactions to Owen Smith's speech.
More shit kicks off around the world. Billy Joel-We Didn't Start The Fire.
Rob Dougan-Left Me For Dead
Subject: Let us help you rebuild your credit
From: Vanquis Credit Card <>
I rang up the Loughborough Leisure Centre about the swimming timetable. I think the name Lauren or something. She spoke fast and I needed to write down the times. Hung up quickly too. Was confusing at one point. The Till 99 was working slowly. 10 second delay.
The librarian tells me that the film that I rented was bad. But she had enjoyed it. Well I hadn't asked for her opinion.
That film being Pride And Prejudice And Zombies, which I am watching now.
Interesting film trailer Criminal which has a cast of actors that have been in superhero movies. Kevin Costner, Gary Oldman, Tommy Lee Jones, Gal Gadot, Ryan Reynolds. It reminds me of Self/Less. The feature film stars Matt Smith, Sam Riley, Lily James, Lena Heady, Charles Dance, Douglas Booth. I read the book which this movie is based on. See Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter, Victor Frankenstein, Dorian Gray, Warm Bodies, Land Of The Dead. Following the characters from the Jane Austen novel. A zombie apocalypse takes place in 19th century England. Great opening. The actresses are pretty. The Bennett sisters in particular. Jane, Lizzy. Mr Bingly is handsome. Lizzy has fantastic breasts.
The undead seem to talk and act normal. Comedy horror. Good effects, fights and casting. I am all for feminism. Women have it better in 21st century than previous decades. Somewhat different to the book. It has been a while since I had read it. The soundtrack is alright. There is special features which I need to access via remote control.
Slim mixed race girl in green sports bra here at Puregym. Saw a nice blonde. Brunette in pink top was alright. I saw a fit brunette in black clothes walk down the alleyway by Wilkos. Lizard Lick Towing and the gang are repossessing a Ferrari Spider. The girlfriend of a cheat has asked for it to be collected. Amusing but maybe set up. Terrible massacre in Japan. Hate crime. A former employee of a disability care home killed and injured residents then handed himself in to the police. He wanted to rid the world of the disabled. He is a vile human being.
Watching Star Wars The Force Awakens and it is skipping in places. My mum is talking to herself loudly. I hear stuff from outside as the window is open. I miscalculated my balance yet again. I should not have to have taken a loan. No money on poppers, DVDs, fast food should have been used. Provident payment each week. The usual direct debits at the end of the month.
Got a tip from a fellow gym member about a protein powder called Optimum Nutrition Serious Mass. I got it from Holland And Barrett. keep spamming. Shut the site down and kick the owners to death.
Mother had been talking and walking around 12:30am. I understand why people commit massacres.
Vodafone complaint, Myk seemed to be rude and the advisor incompetent
Monday, 25 July 2016
Milo- Drop The Pressure
oh great now a female wonder woman when will this end…
A female Wonder Woman movie? The internet is going to be bloody furious again.
My favorite part of the Wonder Woman trailer? Thinking of all the Ghostbusters hating dudes dying on the inside while watching it.
Dude on Internet: people are so easily offended lol Same dude: FUCK THIS NEW GHOSTBUSTERS MOVIE THESE ASSHOLES ARE RUINING MY CHILDHOOD!!!!
Tweets are aimed at the numbnuts that were offended over the new Ghostbusters movie. Fucking hell they are SJW's. On the Offence Bus. Your childhood wasn't ruined unless you were abused. So stop faffing about.
Jul 20
If you're behind #FreeMilo for ANY reason, you can go ahead and remove me from your feed. He was spouting & encouraging hate. #FuckMilo
View details ·
Barack Obama follows
brian botkiller
Jul 20
Fuck Breitbart, fuck Milo, fuck racists, fuck this bullshit. WTF is with this fucking world #fuckmilo
View details ·
Jul 20
"Freedom of Speech" does not mean "Consequence Free Speech." Happy that @twitter finally banned that insufferable shitstain, Nero. #FuckMilo
Jun 6
that milo guy is what's cancerous to this fucking world. shove your fucking tour down your throat and choke on it
Milo hasn't done anything good since Drop the Pressure anyway, so wherever he is, don't free him #freemilo #wrongmilo #whosmilo
Two guys from down south I offered Sas but were in a piss taking mood. Banter between friends. All I was doing was my job. "That's the one you were talking about, Police fragrance"
There was a nice girl on her back in the stretch area. Nice arse and cleavage. Another was doing lunges. The pretty blonde that works in McDonald's is called Natalie.
The fat-ish woman that may have been shoplifting a decade ago. She was in the store on Friday looking for decent sun lotion. I am sure she chose one. I went behind the till. A family member went to her to talk about something. She may have put the lotion in her shopping bag. The alarm yesterday wasn't working and so one manager had to come back. I got to go home. An engineer was called and would arrive between 1-4 hours. The staff got out at 8pm. Chelsey had to go see her mum in hospital. I wasn't sure if it was the annoying blonde bitch that I saw in the gym. Some arsewipe had taken a Chapstick without paying. I saw the package on the shelf. The little toddler that may suffer from something was being an annoying little shit. Opening and closing the till area door. Again I ought to have told him off. His mother can't seem to control him.
Hugo-99 Problems
Saddam Goes To Hollywood on TV. Oliver Reed having a 17 year old girlfriend. Her mother had baked a cake. An explosion in Germany, people may be speculate that it was a terrorist attack. The one in Munich was similar to Columbine. A failed asylum seeker from Syria caused the bombing. He was refused entry into the festival. Well the cunt had a bomb. Someone might blame Merkel. The open border policy will be discussed. There will be mass hysteria from white people all over the world. Business as usual then. The Munich attacker's friend has been arrested. The #migrantcrisis issue will be bought up again.
The one track that I downloaded took 5 minutes maybe to do with the WiFi connection. O2. Fucking Provident automated system still doesn't work.
A 10 year old spinning mill worker in Bangladesh has died. His workmates inserted a high pressure nozzle into his rectum and activated it. This is slightly amusing at first, bizarre and fucked up. Child abuse on many levels. Something similar happened to a 13 year old last year. Why can't the individuals stick to have a penis up the arse of an adult as normal. Two men were sentenced to death and rightfully so. Darwinism #whenanimalsattack Two women in Beijing left their car in a wildlife park. One was killed by a tiger and another injured. But it later says according to the CCTV footage that the second was also killed. They may have been arguing in the car.
I had a dream where I was at work in Savers. I am behind the till. A brunette middle aged European woman comes along. She spots some loose change on the desk and tries to take it but I stop her. There are bags of money too. She reaches over the to point to some perfume and with the other hand tries for the change. We happen to be near a kebab shop. The people come in. I leave the area to find it has changed.
Next thing I know is that I wake up in room full of strangers. We have been kidnapped it seems. Not allowed to leave. Being told that my life in Loughborough doesn't exist. I go to other rooms to find a similar situation. Some guys are in individual beds. There is an old ghost woman in the basement and she prevents anyone from leaving. I come to understand that this is a rehab centre. We eventually leave. I am supposed to have had an alcohol problem (in this dream of course).
I get to play a videogame beat em up based on the clinic. I am working in the shop and most shelves have been removed. I ask about the big red lockers.
Rob Dougan-I'm Not Driving Anymore.
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Celebrating all things Star Trek!
From: The Zavvi Affiliate Team <>
Friday, 22 July 2016
Gabriella Cilmi - Sweet About Me
999 What's Your Emergency on ch4. Episode 3 Stuart the deaf man was accused of being a pervert. He has disputes with neighbours before. The tanned curvy woman from Browns might be pretty but has that look of disdain. Next time I have plans I will ignore the phone call. Shadow the dog is flying a plane. Jeremy Kyle meets inspirational children and seems patronising. Aired on itv1 22/7/16.
There is a transgender music artist named Anonhi. There were the odd cute baby in a pram, a mixed race girl. She reminded me of my manager. A white baby boy that was noisy. In the swimming pool there was a little girl learning to swim but she did scream abit. A mixed raced boy was with his ginger haired pregnant mother. He had his tongue out. Pleasant moments.
Catalonia Spain and it's human tower competition. The sports presenter on BBC Breakfast is nice. She was doing hula-hoops. The One Show going overboard with the Bfg. Milo Yiannopolous seems to be a vile human being and will probably die of Aids.
Jay-Z - 99 Problems, Maya Angelou - I Rise, Muse - Hyper Music.
There was this older gentleman who jumped the queue, a lady did tell him off and I should have said something.
Wednesday, 20 July 2016
Tuesday, 19 July 2016
Stephan Rennicks- New End
Interesting seeing Marco Pierre White tell his story of how his chef career began.
At Savers the P20 Sun Lotion is back on offer. Police edt and Sarah Jessica Parker EDP, Loreal legs set, Bloo Foam Aroma. See instore for details.
Thursday, 14 July 2016
Freestylers - Intro (Extended)
Pretty brunette was checking out the Beyonce perfumes. There was another girl that I was serving around 11:50am. There was a girl in beige dress and clogs or shoes with large heels. Fantastic legs.
A woman with her pram had snuck some Rimmel makeup into her pocket. She then asked for something. Why not just fucking pay for it? Asked the manager for bed heads after I was told to keep an eye on her. Setting a great example for your child.a
#slobas Ch4 new series. Lola and Mabel are great. Some cute younger siblings. Interesting analysis.
The stuff that I have to sell week in week out
Product check in Tesco - answer Q's & take photos - complete anytime Friday 15th July
Tesco Supermarket, LEICESTER EXTRA, LE4 1DE
1 Shifts Total 7.50
15th Jul'16 - 15th Jul'16
Checking product is available on end of the aisle for a leading brand in Tesco - Complete anytime on Friday 15th July. Please dress smartly. · Checking compliance to a Gondola End ( End of Isle) for a brand. · Auditing product quantities. · Replenish if required. · If the GE is not present speaking to GM to find out why not sited. · Take photos of the GE · All reporting on the APP so will have to have smart phone or tablet. · Essential to report back by Friday evening. Pay rate per call £7.50 – will no longer than 45mins including reporting. The client will contact you via telephone after booking. Until you have spoken to them, the role will not be confirmed. Full details will be provided by the client. Thanks! View More Details
Product check in Tesco - answer Q's & take photos - complete anytime Friday 15th July
Tesco Supermarket, ASHBY DE LA ZOUCH, LE65 1TE
1 Shifts Total 7.50
15th Jul'16 - 15th Jul'16
Checking product is available on end of the aisle for a leading brand in Tesco - Complete anytime on Friday 15th July. Please dress smartly. · Checking compliance to a Gondola End ( End of Isle) for a brand. · Auditing product quantities. · Replenish if required. · If the GE is not present speaking to GM to find out why not sited. · Take photos of the GE · All reporting on the APP so will have to have smart phone or tablet. · Essential to report back by Friday evening. Pay rate per call £7.50 – will no longer than 45mins including reporting. The client will contact you via telephone after booking. Until you have spoken to them, the role will not be confirmed. Full details will be provided by the client. Thanks! View More Details
15mins in ASDA to Answer a few Q's & take photos + free product. Complete Fri 15th anytime between 11am&5pm (excluding 2-2.30)
4798, Asda Supermarket, LEICESTER ABBEY LANE, 1 Exploration Drive, Leicester, LE4 5NU
1 Shifts Total 7.50
15th Jul'16 - 15th Jul'16
We are Burton's and we've just relaunched your favourite retro snack - Chicken 'n' Chips and we have some quick in-store audits to complete in Asda stores. We have planned some in store sampling of our yummy crisps and we need you to make sure that it is there and being done properly! You will also get to purchase a 6 pack of our crisps to sample at home. Full brief will be automatically emailed to you. This job can only be completed on the date shown anytime between 11am & 5pm (excluding 2-2.30pm as this is when the samplers take their lunch) View More Details
Siting point of sale in Wilko on Tuesday 19th July
Wilko, Coalville, LE67 3XB
1 Shifts Total 7.50
19th Jul'16 - 19th Jul'16
We need you to carry out this job in store in Wilko anytime on Tuesday 19th July. The point of sale fixture will need to be sent to your home address ahead of this date. · Point of Sale to be walked into store... will be sent to your home · Siting 2 Shelf trays in Wilko on the Hair Care main fixture and placing products to planogram · Taking the required photos. · Report using the App. · £7.50 per store visit The client will contact you via telephone after booking. Until you have spoken to them, the role will not be confirmed. Full details will be provided by the client. Thanks! View More Details
Siting point of sale in Wilko on Tuesday 19th July
Wilko, Lee Circle, LE1 3JA
1 Shifts Total 7.50
19th Jul'16 - 19th Jul'16
We need you to carry out this job in store in Wilko anytime on Tuesday 19th July. The point of sale fixture will need to be sent to your home address ahead of this date. · Point of Sale to be walked into store... will be sent to your home · Siting 2 Shelf trays in Wilko on the Hair Care main fixture and placing products to planogram · Taking the required photos. · Report using the App. · £7.50 per store visit The client will contact you via telephone after booking. Until you have spoken to them, the role will not be confirmed. Full details will be provided by the client. Thanks! View More Details
Siting point of sale in Wilko on Tuesday 19th July
Wilko, Hinckley, LE10 1RU
1 Shifts Total 7.50
19th Jul'16 - 19th Jul'16
We need you to carry out this job in store in Wilko anytime on Tuesday 19th July. The point of sale fixture will need to be sent to your home address ahead of this date. · Point of Sale to be walked into store... will be sent to your home · Siting 2 Shelf trays in Wilko on the Hair Care main fixture and placing products to planogram · Taking the required photos. · Report using the App. · £7.50 per store visit The client will contact you via telephone after booking. Until you have spoken to them, the role will not be confirmed. Full details will be provided by the client. Thanks! View More Details
Siting point of sale in Wilko on Tuesday 19th July
Wilko, Beaumont Leys, LE4 1DH
1 Shifts Total 7.50
19th Jul'16 - 19th Jul'16
We need you to carry out this job in store in Wilko anytime on Tuesday 19th July. The point of sale fixture will need to be sent to your home address ahead of this date. · Point of Sale to be walked into store... will be sent to your home · Siting 2 Shelf trays in Wilko on the Hair Care main fixture and placing products to planogram · Taking the required photos. · Report using the App. · £7.50 per store visit The client will contact you via telephone after booking. Until you have spoken to them, the role will not be confirmed. Full details will be provided by the client. Thanks! View More Details
Promotional leafleting for a well known fast food restaurant
20050, Burger King, Leicester Haymarket, Leicester Haymarket Unit 2, Leicester, LE1 3GD
7 Shifts Total 420.00
26th Jul'16 - 20th Jul'16
We are looking for a Nationwide Team of Promoters to drive sales into the restaurant by handing out vouchers - the client will contact you via telephone after booking. Until you have spoken to them, the role will not be confirmed. Full details will be provided by the client. Thanks! View More Details
Red WigWam is a Mothership Group Company I am just wasting time with this company.
White members missing the point of #blacklivesmatter
Here is a super explanation
Jul 11
"' #AllLivesMatter is what white privilege is all about. Privilege is knowing its NOT about you&still making it about yourself"- @oldmanebro
if you're for #AllLivesMatter do you stand for Muslims, Latinos, Asians, etc.too or is this another white privilege thing?#BlackLivesMatter
You already have a "#WhiteLivesMatter" its called EVERY DAY LIFE! your white privilege
My mum is up yet again. Now 2:32am, yes let's have a loud conversation shall we?
I hadn't heard of Dani Mathers and she took that unsolicited pic of the lady in the shower. Models are idiots. Bet she ate the whole woman's pussy. There was some guy talking loudly at night whilst a car engine was running. Cyclists on pavement. TalkTalk rep talks to me. Nice terrorist attack. GTA style or like Glasgow. Misogyny is now a hate crime. There were a few hot blondes. Two wore shorts and had nice legs. There was a tall brunette with a nice body. Especially the legs. There was another blonde that that was refused alcohol as she didn't have ID. Something put me in a mood. Again there was a change in the rota regarding my start time this afternoon. Usual bull from customers. Heatwave in the store. My manager had a friend named JB and her fake tan was just in her face. You could see the difference near the hair. She had a loud argument on the phone with boyfriend. Mother's with prams, generally women getting in the way. One baby crying and another girl shouting to her sibling outside. Two transactions. A group of Chinese teens possibly students may have not understood much. I wasn't there to train the retail trainee that was the manager's job. I was busy serving customers. The customer didn't want the Oral B brushes. But later took them. The payment hadn't gone through. I went to find out something for a lady but she had gone. A grubby man said if I want (fragrances) I'll come in for it. Something like that. I have to offer Sas. I don't care what the customers think. Was Bobby Norris from Your really a worthy guest on The Wright Stuff? No more blogging.
This is a Spike Lee joint. You may have seen Malcolm X, 12 Years A Slave, The Birth Of A Nation, Free State Of Jones, The Butler, Hidden Figures, Selma, Long Walk To Freedom, Barry, Detroit, Bamboozled, Blazing Saddles.
Spectacular film that will trigger the MAGA asshats. John David Washington son of Denzel who was in Malcolm X. Adam Driver, Topher Grace and many more great actors. Good editing, direction, writing and cinematography.