This family walking down Market Place and Churchgate were spread out getting in the way. Then I saw a few nice looking women at the traffic lights on Fennel St, Loughborough.
Ms Riley looks attractive. Fucking stupid leaving a baby alone. There was a pit bull named Bruiser. No surprise. Alia Ahmed of Leicester is pretty. She is the fiance of a man named Sam that died in a road accident. In London Rd near the railway station. There is a support group called Critical Mass.
I am reading a story called Mirror Mirror in which a student has found an item that is supposedly haunted. You might have seen From Within, Mirrors, Oculus. One line reads "I need to borrow it for a day or to" should say "two". It is a short story by Anthony M Strong.
NHS cuts planned across England, the irony being the Brexit vote would mean more money for the NHS. Which was a lie.
David Newlands a Muppet that attacked a vulnerable man was given a custodial sentence but refused to the the unpaid work and given two chances. He boasts online "I'm out bro, easy" The judge added "As they say, lol" after he had been given a custodial sentence. #faggot
Workplace Dress Codes on BBC Parliament which I am surprised to see. Bollocks about high heels at work. Red Hot Chili Peppers - Storm In A Teacup
There were these chavy teens threatening a lady that they know from outside Savers on the High St, Loughborough on Saturday 27th August 2016. Early afternoon. One was called Charlotte. Giving abuse, even shouting something across the street. They came in like "excuse me can I get served please" one asked why the drinks were cheap. Asking if they were out of date. I was to look out for this bloke that did take two lucozades. Putting one back after being seen by a customer. Jade did not ring 3 bells however but I should have followed the nob. My bad. I should not have hesitated and just did what I was asked. He was guilty of theft. Let it go.
Dennis the alcoholic shoplifter told an apprentice to join a gym and lose some weight. Arsehole. Loughborough is one long Jeremy Kyle episode.
I need to buy some food but I don't have enough money because of you know who.
The Princess Diaries 2 seems like a bag of shit. Who on earth wrote the film?
Yesterday I am not sure what the tall blonde haired guy was saying but we were clearly closed. Nob. I got some money back in cash but the banks are closed as it is Bank Holiday Monday.
One cranky old man was wanting me to top up his phone for him and whilst I was figuring the receipt instructions as it was crammed together and not much sense. He asked if my colleague could do it saying "he doesn't know what he's doing" why be a fucking bellend? A guy in dark blue clothing and empty red bag came in and had a look at the Gillette set. He had left but was going by the shop every often looking in. An opportunist shoplifter. There was a man in a high vis jacket that I wondered about.
Fucking nob of a black guy in glasses just waving to the camera whilst the reporter is doing her piece to camera live outside the closed BHS store. Itv1 news 6:50pm 28/8/16.
Lewis Haunch has been given a Darwin Award after taking drugs at a festival. I am looking at BBC1 and Have You Been Served? is on but it is a remake or updated tribute.
There was this attractive blonde Eastern European woman about 20 years old with her brunette friend. One did have ID. A Chinese lady had a photo of her passport on her iPhone.
I remember back in college where I wasn't working and though applied for work wasn't successful. Borrowing money from my mum probably started everyone else off. Abusing young Sam set a range of things in motion. Something which I regret. I am sorry to her, Debbie and Craig. I deservedly got beaten up. Made homeless technically twice. Arrested and charged. Later convicted as I plead guilty. Went on a sex offender treatment programme which worked and I am a changed person. I wasn't going to pass my course. I missed the deadline. Because of events that took place I had to leave.
Having had disciplinary over Social media and later firing was my fault. I am here because of my actions, shot myself in the foot. Making bitchy comments about people close to me on Facebook only caused arguments and alienation. I did it to myself.
Radiohead-Just/Karma Police/Creep
The new Wateraid ad set in an office is genius. Helen Glover and Steve Backshall are an attractive couple. Currently on The Wright Stuff.
I made a stupid error. Customer wanted change. But the guy wanted 10s but instead wanted coins. So I gave the money back to him. The till is down. I believe that I gave the right amount. He may have been a wrong'un. Scam artist is the guilty one. I have no need to be ashamed or to take it to heart. Man up, use your brain and initiative. Go with your instincts. It was a genuine mistake. Let it go Jess Glynn - Don't Be So Hard On Yourself.
A shoplifter was hanging out by the window enquiring about the fragrance. I'm sure he would nicked it later on.
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