My Hero - Foo Fighters
I served this gorgeous girl in this black dress, a brunette. A v-neck too. See not much cleavage. A guy thought I had said the Ted Baker London was 99p when I actually said 9.99. So it had to be voided. The Cushells pack of toilet rolls were next to the Sofcell which are £1. They were £1.59. The lady claimed that I said they were a pound which I did not do. They were stacked there without a price point. Two And A Half Men does have many attractive young women. Nice boobs and ass shots. Not that good a show. It is 2am and my mum is walking around talking to herself oblivious to the time and people are sleeping. She does this alot. This number from Loughborough calls about an insurance policy. The guy was either a Geordie or Welsh. 01509 358694 I shouldn't have answered as I hung up half way. I was watching porn at the time. I am reading In Times Like These by Nathan Van Coops. It is a sci-fi story. I previously read Mirror Mirror by Anthony M Strong which is a horror. I recommend that you get these from Amazon. I saw this short blonde with huge boobs as I was heading to Tesco Rushes, Loughborough. 6:03 27/9/16. I tried sending this email four times but it doesn't fucking work. Hearing some shite Justin Beiber segment on BBC Radio One. Can't use iPlayer at the library because of the TV licence laws. There was the tanned Asian girl in the grey and black kit. Looking good. A blonde in orange that looked nice and a blonde in white T-shirt with black shorts. Nice arse. Some blonde that is a little older looking fine. Had some writing down her leggings. I have seen two uni students in Loughborough Uni tops and shorts with nice legs.