Some Chinese student lad on a bike which had a motor sound. He came up from Greenclose Lane, Loughborough onto Swan St. The green man shows and me and two ladies are about to cross. #twat

I was at the gym and saw two fit brunettes, both tanned and one had a nice smile. They were doing a barbell exercisewhere they were bent over a bench. I could see their cleavage. Very nice. Just seen a pretty blonde.
Money Monster starring George Clooney, Julia Roberts, Jack O'Connell. Cert 15. Thriller. Financial Tv Host Lee Gates and his producer Patty are put in an extreme situation when an investor that lost everything takes over the studio. He is armed and dangerous. You may have seen Phone booth and The Wolf Of Wall Street, Die Hard With A Vengeance. 2016 Columbia Pictures. Many special features included. Directed by Jodie Foster. CEO Walt played by Dominic West. Jack is a rising star from Derby. Acting with legends. Did Jack have vocal training on his American accent? See the reviews. A good cast. Some characters are likeable and others are not. Good dialogue, especially the speech by Lee. Never seen Clooney dance. The Irish actress Caitriona Dalfe and the brunette producer Lara Alameddine of this film are hot. Good end credits music.
I dreamt that I was at the fair. There was an office which a ginger curly haired young man sat. I had a flyer with information on it. Three dates in September had special events which you could book now. Prices were written on the other side. One event was a balloon ride. You would be straddling the balloon or on a seat underneath it. There were queues for it.