Sunday, 15 January 2017

Heathens - Twenty One Pilots

Charlotte Elcock the pole dancer business owner. Fantastic body and beautiful eyes. On Ninja Warrior Uk. Capital B Zoe on The Voice Uk.

My manager Chey is leaving for a new job.

There was a guy from Leicester that wanted to buy about 15 paracetamol products when you can only buy 2. It is the law. This shoplifter woman was in yesterday. Drunk with a deep voice. She had put three bottles in her bag and left the shop. The Manager went after her. The 'lady' would not hand over the items and would rather go to prison. She was in today morning unsuccessful so came back this afternoon and I rang security. Again she left with nothing. She is 40something. In a green coat. Brown hair. Walks with a limp.
Two police cars and an ambulance came for some drunk guy. Apparently pissing up the wall. Someone had fallen over.

Nice body on the blonde in white T-shirt and black leggings on the running machine. Again this blonde in black had a nice arse. Just saw this petite brunette walk by. Sd Card full again. The brunette in green t-shirt has nice legs and the tall brunette in blue top with huge tits. Can't take a pic. Funny that. The blonde with her attractive boyfriend are training together. Nice arse.