I only got half the of the money from my brother. He expects me to give a bit for my niece's birthday. Not gonna happen. Spoof Brexit Reports
Though they are different subject matters. Some will have been offended by the Star Sports Bet darts tweet but then find the Poundland ads amusing. Connie Nolan needs to fuck off. 99 Problems Some retard that calls herself Duchess Of Warwick can do one. In a photo with Tommy Robinson. What a delusional cunt.
My mum decides to talk to herself loudly at 6:29am. My brother then comes in asking about a spare toothbrush. I bought you a pack a few days ago. Leaves the light on and door open. Fucking hell comes in again asking about the surgery opening time. Should know. Then again and sits down talking more shit. Fucking hell.
The Christmas TV guide schedule is shit. Lots of repeats and old films. Doctor Who is the only thing worth waiting for. In Bottle acre Lane a blonde lady in a green coat was reversing her grey car. Took her fucking time getting out of the drive. She was on her phone too. The street was empty but it could've been nasty.
Well The Flash DVD was sold. Took a risk and it paid off in a way. Not much of a profit. At work there was a customer that picked up a few things. Not talking. Throwing his money into the basket. He had been in an accident from the cut he had on his arm. I would go straight to the hospital. An item had blood on it. I had to wash my hands. My brother texts asking for more stuff. Some teenager on a bike almost ran into me. He had plenty of room.
I am watching Big Game starring Samuel L Jackson. He plays the President of the USA. Air Force One crashes in the wilderness of Finland. A bunch of terrorists are after him. There is a young hunter that is on a mission of his own. White subtitles blend into the background. There were no snakes on this plane. You might have seen Air Force One, The Purge, Die Hard, White House Down, Olympus Has Fallen. Not sure about Jim Broadbent's accent. http://amzn.to/2cmiasy
I rented The Hitman's Bodyguard also with Sam Jackson and Ryan Reynolds. http://amzn.to/2CM2FWM Great opening theme music. It's one of those chalk and cheese films. You may have seen Safehouse, Training Day, The Heat, Pulp Fiction, Die Hard With A Vengeance, 51st State, Unknown, 7 Psychopaths, Big Game, Ronin, Leon, Lucy, The Fifth Element.
Richard E Grant, Gary Oldman also star. Set in London, Belasarus, Coventry, Amsterdam etc. Ryan plays a bodyguard to the VIPs. Sam is a hitman. They wind up together. Oldman plays a villainous President. Richard is a business man. Again the subtitles are difficult to read. The hitman's wife is played by Selma Hayak. She is in prison. Looking hot too. There is humour and violence. Interesting soundtrack.
A older work colleague Bet squeezing by me on the till area and she seems to feel or brush my arse. If it is an accident then fair enough. I don't like it. Arthur Collins is a terrorist.
Am I the only one that would like to bludgeon the Vodafone automated voice lady? Big Mouth Strikes Again. Yammers on and I am trying to get to the correct section. The ADT online logging weren't working. I get woken earlier by my mum about the pissing appointment. Try to get her to shut up and not get in people's way.
My brother goes on about his work and illness. Asks me to get Paracetamol. I already have bought Ibuprofen and Lemsip. Message from the manager- Hi kishore hope your ok? Just wondered if you could come in any earlier please? Don't worry if you can't - Louise has given us some extra hours so thought would see if you wanted them :) let me know, thanks
Still not spelling You're correctly. Don't text me if it doesn't matter. Tired. Had to do something this morning. I don't celebrate Xmas. So I ask not to be given gifts or cards as I won't be giving them out. Religion is a waste of time and money. An old lady was going to come to my till but someone was already in front and then when I told her to go the front which was free, a lady from behind took her place. £237.84 on SAS from me.
I still can’t believe Harry Potter wifed Ron’s sister. He was making moves with that Asian spice, Cho. Could’ve even ran game on Hermione, or even Luna for goodness sake. Instead he wifed that ginger ting with rizla lips.
After reading that tweet I'm thinking OK?!
Just the usual hotties at the gym. A blonde in adidas leggings, wavy blonde hair. That tanned blonde and the brunette with the piercing blue eyes and firm ass.
I had a dream where I watched a few films or lived them out. There was another Batman, in a shadowy dark blue. A monster. He only reveals himself on top of a large building with a bridge. Something quite Lotr. Another was a comedy with a black cast. Soul and rnb soundtrack. At the end credits it pays homage to an old film anf some of the shots were similar to this classic. Four women going out to a balcony. A shot from left to right across a window. I was driving and avoiding some guy took a wrong turn. On the wrong side of the road so I parked.
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Date: 15 Dec 2017 18:51
Subject: Two New Books from Edward W. Robertson!
Date: 15 Dec 2017 18:51
Subject: Two New Books from Edward W. Robertson!
Hello readers! You may have noticed it's been a little longer than normal since my last book. Well, that's because I wasn't writing one book. I was writing two of them: FREEFALL and STARDUST, the final two books in the REBEL STARS series.
I also thought it would be nice to put the first three books into a box set, and then put it on sale for $0.99, and also to make an audiobook for that box set, so I did all those things too.
All of these things are available on all the major ebook and audio outlets, but linking to all of them in this email would get me thrown into the spam dungeon for sure. Here's where to get FREEFALL and the books 0-2 box set on Amazon. For everything else, please check out this post on my website.
If you haven't started this series yet, it's a space opera set 1000 years in the future of the BREAKERS universe, after humanity has recovered and colonized the Solar System. But everything they've built is about to come under threat from without and within.
I don't think there's anything I like more than completing a series. By then, all the characters have been through such hell that it feels like sending them home after a long, long trip. I appreciate everyone who's followed this one through to the end.
So, some updates on future stuff! First off, the end of Rebel Stars doesn't mark the end of the Breakers universe. It's just a matter of coming up with the right idea (and the time to write it!). I'd like to do more in this world.
As for the CYCLE OF GALAND, I've been working on the plot of book five and will start writing it later this week. That means the ebook should be ready by spring, with the audiobook coming a bit later. I intend to write book six right after that, so it could be ready by late summer/early fall. The incredible Tim Reynolds is still slated to narrate the audiobooks.
I think that's everything for now! Thanks once more for reading, Authors are notoriously crummy judges of their own work, but these last two books feel like the best I've done in this series.
- Ed
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