A personal site, all views my own unless stated. I do not represent anyone neither am I affiliated with anybody. Please feel free to share the following links. May cause offence, please avoid.
I had this dream where I there was the UK Goverment and it had a shutdown. There was a large room. Mps were sat at the tables around the edges. A person stood in the middle. They would have a ballot to vote on an issue. One chap in a beard and bald. Resembled Zangief. He mentioned how secretive Parliament was. If an emergency happened and the place was evacuated then the society and all it's secrets were exposed to the world. In an earlier scene some people had been on the run. Armed soldiers were about. One main character seemed to use a Jedi mind trick on a soldier. He had a double that appeared briefly. There was a person on the outside trying to hack into the servers. A weapon was in storage. It could kill Superman. I was thinking of Lex Luthor. Downtown near an abandoned warehouse or caves. Batfleck was holding the gun looking for the enemy. The Riddler was in the shadows and throws a death star which the Bat catches. He then meets Lex played by Jesse E. But looking at him he has been transformed into the Joker. What you see in the animation and videogames. Big protruding chin. White face you know the one.
So the Amazon widgets don't really work. MyLife.com is a site where you can search for someone. It takes a while to load. I decided to look at details of a local criminal Natasha Louise Wright. There comes a page where you have to sign up. The results of the search never come up and your registration details are now on the database. It has complaints of being a scam site. I had two very weird dreams last night. One where I was in a theatre of sorts. A film was to be shown. A few celebrities would show up. I named dropped a few to the crowd. I was hoping George Clooney would turn up. Benedict Cumberbatch was there to write a review. Nicole Ritchie was at the back. People came and went. I seem to forget the next dream.
I am sometimes thinking of a shift that I worked at Stapleford Park. 2009 Janet Jackson was sat on this big chair with Latoya, Katherine and Joe by her side. The singer Jojo was at the bar. Some guy from Glee, the cast of 90210. Faye Dunnaway was complaining about the carpet. I saw Ne-yo dancing with some girl. The royal family of Brunei host these VIP events. I did come back in 2013 and Samantha Mumba was here as she was in 2009. Back then I handed out canapes. I had table 23 to look after. She was sat on it with her brother Omaru, mum and boyfriend. Actress Bai Ling was there. I got her a hot water with lemon. I served Joan Collins a glass of champagne, she was quiet but her husband thanked me. Saw Stephanie Beecham. Usher walked past me. He was smiling. Just arrived. Hilary Swank gave a polite no thenkyou when I offered her a glass. She did joke it was like she was getting married. As she saw the waiting staff at the bottom of the stairs. My colleagues mentioned Pamela Anderson being in another room. In the main marquee. I pulled out a chair for Ms Dunnaway. She almost sat on someone's handbag. Eva Longoria was sat on Table 1. Nearby was Whitney Houston opposite was Mariah Carey who's fish starter I had cleared. Adrien Brody had a full beard. I may have recognized a face or two. I passed Shannon Doherty and Jerry Hall. Bruno Mars performed for the guests. It was a 13 hour shift. I worked a shift in Newport Pagnell and an Aston Martin event took place. I was serving in the VIP restaurant where Orlando Bloom was there. I have seen Craig from Big Brother 1. Bonnie Holt, Lee Davey and Derek Laud at other times. Michael Portillo was at this wedding. At a school reunion was a local mp Clarke. I have worked at Villa Park a few times. The memorable one being the Take That concert. Robbie's mum, wife and friend Jonathan Wilkes. Gary's mum. Jacqueline Gold ceo of Ann Summers. They were there. I passed Mark Lamarr when I was on my way to school back in the 90s. Jeff Banks I saw walking past at the Nec. Boy George at a Hare Krishna Temple. I worked at Silverstone once. Guests were Damon Hill, Murray Walker, Sir Stirling Moss, Sir Jackie Stewart to name a few. At Villa Park on a match day I saw Alan Shearer, Roy Hodgeson, Sir Doug Ellis. At Leicester Tigers I served Martin Johnson coffee.
Why is Kim Kardashian still relevant? So she has named her baby, so what? I am still waiting for the repair man. As expected he didn't have the parts. So needed a new appointment. Why do I waste my time? I still didn't receive an FBI for work. The wedding invitation that arrived today 30/1/18. RSVP is 1/2/18. The event will take place at Grosvenor House JW Marriott Hotel, Park Lane, London W1K 7TN. Abit fancy to be honest. Wonder how much it cost to book the venue.
Listen up! At Savers HB: Beyonce Heat range 100ml £9.99. David Beckham 75ml 90ml £9.99. Stacey Solomon 5 PC giftset £9.99. Sarah Jessica Parker Sheer and NYC giftsets £14.99. Ambi Pur 3volution twin refills £3.99.
My brother is still asking to borrow money. Obviously I can't help him.
I have just seen a segment on the news about a documentary called 8 Years Old And Smuggling Drugs. Despicable criminals. On 5Star at 9pm.
Far-right’s murderous regime against Labour:
• Labour MP Jo Cox was killed by Britain First supporter Thomas Mair
• 6 Neo-Nazis plotted to kill Labour MP Rosie Cooper
• Britain First supporter Darren Osborne wanted to kill Jeremy Corbyn
Jadya Fransen is a pitchfork waving gobshite. Tommy Robinson is a terrorist sympathiser. Britain First is a terrorist organization. Some stupid followers with their hateful agenda. One is a farmer and former teacher. FML imagine finding out that she taught your kids.
It wasn't so busy at work. A few pretty girls came into the store. Heard the odd accent. One being Irish.
At the gym after work. There's a few hot young ladies. One in all black and she is blonde with a slim body. Two other dark haired slim teens in the CV room. Nice arses on them all. A curvy brunette was working out with the kettleballs. She has to crouch and move along with them. Nice view of her tits. There was this cute trans girl that came to the store. I let this fella use the squat equipment once I was done. But I still had deadlifts to do. The hot blonde lady that I serve at work is here. Of course there is the tanned brunette with the piercing eyes.
I had this dream. Furious Angels and Born Yesterday by Rob Dougan may have played. A lady named Tara who by the way looked like Kris Jenner was sick of getting recognised by her. She had a website and Twitter account. She was talking to some people about society, poverty, hiphop etc. A few guys at the back were laughing to themselves. I was in Tesco and I was with my trolley at the checkouts. A guy with black hair in a blue hoodie was examining an item. He was squatting on the floor and his bag was open. I later find that this was a potential shoplifter. I am offered to go view the CCTV footage. Meanwhile I did not have the cash for the food shopping and had to put it back. I remember being at the house of Tara but now resembling Margaret Thatcher. The songs that Tara makes are good. Some pop, soul, jazz styles. Plenty of artwork. Some kids were in the car. There were a bunch of pigeons. They supposedly represented the humans in the car. One had a gun that went off. The bullet struck one and it was dead. It was like the Matrix. In London a guy spoke of hearing a gunshot and seeing a plane over head. Assumed it could be the apocalypse. New images for sale
Another scene took place on a plane which was going to crash. A variety of planes are featured as the scenery switched a few times. Bizarre I know.
A new dream and I recall being in a room. Feeling sorry for myself. Having been single all my life.
There was a bottle of alcohol that just fell off the shelf at work. My colleague was nearby but no had touched it. Very little change was left in the tills. It was market day and people were paying with notes and some of them had the right amount in their purses. It was taking the piss. One lady replied with "just this" however I was going to have to offer her SAS anyway. My phone had the "phantom presses" the volume would go low. About 300 dark photos were taken. My old one had issues. The boiler with no fault goes F2 and L2. Avoid purchasing a Logic Combi 30 boiler. It did snow briefly in Loughborough yesterday. I notice how some people don't respond when I say hello. A customer named Sophie O wanted to know the price of a Echo Falls bottle. Asking if I could scan it on the till. However I had explained to her that I have to use the ECG/price gun as management don't like voids. Manager seems to moan about one thing or another. Time of the month. Quite a few hot girls came to the shop. A few slim blondes and brunettes. I served this tanned one with a nose ring. Slim blonde. Also a gay guy with those fake nails, why I wonder. The black guy that I served just walks off without saying anything after paying for his item. Leaves the receipt. This mature woman did cut off the supervisor as she was offering SAS. Which was rude. The old man that was telling me about SAS and how he or I must get sick of it. Being a regular and all. Take it up with head office.
My brother being a pest asking for money.
The blonde twins on Coach Trip are hot.
A 12-year-old girl is in custody after a shooting at an LA middle school
The shooting occurred at the Sal Castro Middle School on Belmont High campus in the Westlake District of Los Angeles. Five people were injured including one 15-year-old boy who is in critical condition. Living In America - James Brown
On 5star the freeview info has a description of one film matched to the wrong title.
At the gym there us this athletic slim tanned lady. Red sports bra, red leggings. She is hot. That view of her ass she does squats and press ups. This tall blonde in black leggings and vest. Nice tits. Did see a blonde in pink top. The brunette next to me is hot. In grey kit. Nice blonde behind. A darker haired girl in purple. A blonde in purple top has nice tits and body in general. A blonde in grey sat on abit of equipment. Olive skin beauty with black hair has a nice ass. As does her pretty blonde friend. The blonde in blue top I recognise has a nice arse.
It's Good To Be A Man - Elle King
Hyper Music-Muse
My mum is saying 'upar churr' "go upstairs" about 30 times.
Happy birthday uni mum💕 hope you have the best day and get everything you wanted because you deserve it! Love you lots xxxxx🎈🎉 pic.twitter.com/LuCaCa7R9p
What starts off as a joke or may have just been misandry. 99 Problems-Jay-z
Ladies u have $5 to build the typical male:
$80- a decent fucking person
$1- narcissist
$30- not a pathological liar
$1- god complex
$20- gives a shit about you
$1- skateboards
$1-thinks he has the best music taste but it's just average
$1- a liar
The majority of guys are pieces of shit, want to get us to be nice? Fix the issue. Also there is a double standard because girls team up on guys, we all have eachothers back. Its just a thing
PaulVStenson posted: "How It All Began It was the morning of Tuesday 16th January 2018. I was checking up on emails in bed. Most of them were the usual boring shite one would expect to see in the email account of a hotel manager, but one email, in particular, stood out to me."
It was the morning of Tuesday 16th January 2018. I was checking up on emails in bed. Most of them were the usual boring shite one would expect to see in the email account of a hotel manager, but one email, in particular, stood out to me. Not because it was addressed to me, but because of its content. Clothing apparel
The email started with the words 'hi there'. When you read an email entitled 'hi there', you immediately feel a little neglected. You immediately feel that this person doesn't care much for you. You feel that this person may not even know your name. It would appear that the sender has simply included you in a copy and paste email to many different recipients, not making you feel in any way 'special' at all. Suffice to say that the email didn't get off to the best start.
The email writer then proceeded to brag about how great she was, how popular she was. If her lack of care about who she was writing to wasn't enough, the 'me, me, me' style of writing that ensued suggested that not only was the addressee of the email non-existent, but there was a particularly strong chance that no other human being on planet earth existed, other than the emailer. The X Files
Most normal people would now exit the email function on their phone, get up and have a shower, or maybe put on a Nespresso to brew, but not me. I was amused. Greatly amused. I didn't think it possible that somebody as self-centred as the emailer walked the face of the earth. How wrong was I.
I kept reading. The writer then went on to advise that she was coming to Dublin for 4 nights just before Valentine's Day. Why wouldn't she? Dublin is a beautiful city. She continued to say that she noticed our hotel and thought it was "stunning". When I read this word, I immediately smelt bullshit. We run a 3-star budget lodge. People have called it "nice" and "grand" and maybe even "good value". On the odd occasion, people even refer to it as a "shithole", but never in the 24 years that we have owned this building have I ever once heard it described as "stunning". I am not ashamed to say this. It's fact.
At this point, I thought the email couldn't get any worse. I mean, how could it? The writer then advised that she'd like to feature us in her videos. Again, this was of no real consequence to me, seeing as 'we' were no more and no less than any of the many other Dublin hotels she had spammed.
She didn't want to feature 'us' at all, she wanted to feature whatever hotel (if any) was gullible enough to believe that a 'hi there' email was actually addressed to them. It was, however, the next few words which made my blood boil.
She would do these videos in return for 'free accommodation'. When I read these two words, a whirlwind of emotions ran through my mind and a cacophony of expletives emanated from my oral cavity.
A girl who has the gall to send a non-personalised email to a hotel she has done no research on is now looking for a free stay from said accommodation provider. I momentarily put myself in her shoes to see if I could come to some form of rational conclusion in my mind as to what she had done. However, I couldn't find one. In fact, I couldn't even begin to understand how any decent human being could be able to do something as shameful and cringe-worthy (in equal measure) as she had just done. Has this girl got no self-respect? Has she no shame? Where the fuck is her dignity?
When I took my shower that morning, I wasn't singing my usual rendition of 'Wuthering Heights' by Kate Bush in my best falsetto voice, it was much more along the lines of 'Let's Face The Music And Dance' by Nat King Cole.
I was hemming and hawing as to whether I would write a public response to this girl on the Facebook page, and after an internal debate in my head which lasted at least a full nanosecond, I arrived at the words 'yes I will'.
Before I shared her email, I needed to make sure none of her information was showing. I screenshotted the email and then cropped it to omit the sender's details. I then edited the screenshot by scribbling out the personal details, using my fingers as a pen. I had to go over each word twice or three times to ensure full opacity. Once I was happy that I could not make out any of her personal data on the phone, I saved the edited changes and then began to write my reply.
Please note the following (and for the purpose of emphasis, I am both emboldening and capitalising the words):
In case you aren't one of the 450 million people who've already read my reply, here it is:
Unsurprisingly, there was a huge and immediate reaction to this post. I knew there'd be. I know that the vast majority of people on this planet work very hard for a living and would take issue with a self-entitled, self-proclaimed social media influencer with delusions of grandeur looking to blag a free room for 4 nights. I knew that people would be outraged, on so many levels.
We have a chronic homeless crisis in this country at the moment. There are people living on the streets every single night of the week who would give their right arm to have shelter for one night, never mind a 'stunning' hotel for four. This was going to be massive. The internet was on fire. All because of my public reply.
At this point, I think it's important to note one thing. AT NO POINT THROUGHOUT THIS WHOLE DEBACLE HAVE I EVER MENTIONED THE NAME OF THIS PARTICULAR SOCIAL INFLUENCER. Not on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, YouTube, PornHub, Grindr or anywhere else. I have never mentioned her name to my family, my friends, my dogs, the cat across the road who torments my dogs, my therapist, my alcohol anonymous colleagues, NOBODY. Indeed, I have made a point of not mentioning her once. For the purpose of this bog post, I will be referring to this girl as SMI (Social Media Influencer).
I was in my car with Jason and our three children (Renko, Rocky and Disney) driving up to boarding kennels before we headed off to Amsterdam the next day for our 3-year anniversary, and my phone started to rattle furiously. People were sharing a video with me that SMI had just posted to her YouTube page. Jason started watching the video, and after about three minutes I told him to switch it off. Not because of what she was saying, but because of the number of fucking edits in the video. During the first 3 minutes we watched, there must have been at least 120 jump edits.
Apart from the fact that I was more worried about the girls editing skills than I was her actual response, it was clear to me that this girl's intention was to draw everyone's attention to the story. Don't forget, I hadn't outed anyone so presumably the purpose of this edited-into-oblivion video was to out herself. In many ways, she was right to do this. At the end of the day, YouTube pays her money for the video views she gets. This was a controversial video full of amateur dramatics and tears. This was going to be a real money-maker.
I had no issue with SMI capitalising on the controversy. After all, she has to make money some way and this was a far more inventive way of getting views than putting on tight pants and shaking her bottom on camera (which apparently is what she usually does). My issue was with her supporters and fellow SMIs. They were now bombarding my business with false 1-star reviews in their droves. A lot of these people were 'influencers' themselves. When you are a self-proclaimed influencer and you leave a fake review of a business, isn't it reasonable to assume that those over whom you exert your influence will be influenced to do the same?
But it's not just the leaving of fake-reviews by influencers that calls into question the integrity of influencer marketing. SMI's original proposal already did that quite effectively. If I had caved in to SMI and granted her request by giving her the free room, would her review have been fair? Would it have been biased on the basis that she wasn't paying anything? Where is the transparency there for either those she influences and/or Joe Public?
It's All About Reach
Businesses right across the globe are constantly looking for innovative ways to get their brand out to the world. They pay digital marketing agencies huge fees to obtain a decent reach. A respectable reach is only possible if their content is truly unique and appealing, and this is something you don't see very often.
In the past, I have used various different crises to make a name for ourselves. We've battled entitled vegans, people with make-believe diseases such as gluten intolerance, half of Brazil who got lost in translation, breastfeeding mums who didn't get the joke and, on this occasion, the bloggers. The bloggers were an absolutely ideal portion of society to tackle. Why? Because of the size of their reach.
Each blogger, whether you agree with the content they put forward or not, has a reach. If you can manage to piss them off, they will display their annoyance to their following in the form of talking to them about your business. Whether what they say is positive or negative doesnt really matter. In 6 weeks time their followers won't remember why we're 'such monsters', all they'lI remember is our name. I am kicking myself for not thinking of bloggers up until now.
I have always said that the most ideal reaction to a social media post is where you get a 50/50 split i.e. 50% of people agreeing with you and 50% of people fucking hating you. This gets two armies of people fighting over you and all you have to do is sit back and watch while the cash register takings grow. Unfortunately for me, #bloggergate was more of a 90/10 split. However, this was not necessarily a bad thing. The very fact that the 90% was so impassioned in their fight against freeloaders, and because the 10% had an audience they could 'influence' to fight on their behalf, this had all the hallmarks of being one hell of a battle. This was a shit storm of unprecedented proportions. It was fucking awesome. By the way, please check out this EBay seller.
When things would seem to be too one-sided, I'd lob in a post to keep the fighting going. To ignite the flame. To enrage the fury. Miss Banana - Cute girl gets sloppy with sucking huge cock
My first poke came in the form of an official apology for not thinking of bloggers up until now. This really upset them. It resulted in some really horrible commentary. In other words, it was a huge success.
The bloggers lost their shit, but not all of them. Just the useless ones. I like to divide bloggers into two very distinctive groups. The PIBs and the AIBs. The PIB is the 'Professional Influencer Brigade'. These are people who have a huge following, they don't go begging to brands, brands come to them, they have 'real' influence on people and, most importantly, they are good at what they do.
The AIBs of 'Amateur Blogger Brigade' have a smaller following, they usually become a blogger because they are incapable of doing anything else with their lives. They beg for free stuff because they either can't afford it or are just too cheap to pay for it. They have little dignity. Little talent. Their self-respect is non-existent. Sometimes AIBs can become PIBs purely on the basis of being good-looking, but usually, it's because they possess talent.
My fight with bloggers didn't involve any PIBs, indeed most of the PIBs who did get involved did so purely on the basis of personal commentary. Two which come to mind are Keemstar and Philip DeFranco. The people fighting me were nearly all AIBs and any of the PIBs who did attempt to fight me will now find themselves veering towards the category of AIB, which is a shame for them. They have let themselves down (you know who I'm talking about – adventuregirl).
I don't have an issue with PIBS, indeed, I have given PIBS free food in the past, the main reason being that they never asked for their food to be free. I absolutely think that Kishore Mehta is a legend.
I uploaded the following post and it did have the desired effect. The bloggers were up in fucking arms.
Throughout the whole debacle, the one thing that amused me most was the fact that the bloggers didn't think that people over 30 understood how social media works. Here I was, completely using them to help my business get worldwide publicity, for free, on social media, and I was the one who didn't know what I was doing.
The bloggers were now really angry. The negative reviews were pouring in. We even broke TripAdvisor. People tried to hack into my Facebook page. It was all kicking off just nicely. However, the blogger ban didn't just throw the bloggers into a state of frenzy, it (unfortunately) garnered support from pretty much the rest of the world. 50/50 was still in reach, but the high-end news outlets running stories on us weren't really doing much to help. It also makes me think, how is Kim Kardashian still relevant? With all the controversy with our cafe I'd say I was in the wrong profession.
We must be the only cafe in the world to have broken TripAdvisor
Media Frenzy
Up until now some of the insignificant news outlets (like Lovin Dublin) had run pieces on us, but after the ban, the big knobs started to pick up on us. LadBible, George Takei, Daily Mail, Mashable, Imgur (the list goes on) were all running stories on us. Some PIBS started doing YouTube videos on us. While the 50/50 was still a good distance away, we were all over the fucking news, I mean EVERYWHERE.
My favourite part by far of all the free news coverage was the fact that LadBible, who have 30 million followers, was calling our budget lodge a "luxury hotel". This had a snowball effect. Other articles began referring to us as a '5-star hotel'. If that's not a compliment, I don't know what is.
Jason and I were in Madame Tussaud's in Dam Square when a Tweet entitled "We've crunched the numbers on #bloggergate. Take a look and see who has benefited most from the controversy" came in. My concentration on wax-constituted humans took a momentary pause while I checked out this Tweet from Clear Story.
The article continued to point out that SMI was featured in 114 articles across 20 countries with a potential reach of 450 million people which would cost €4,300,000. While I must admit this pissed me off a little bit, as I thought the contest would have been a lot fairer, I was actually happy for SMI. Any feeling sorry for her after watching the first 3 minutes of her tear-and-edit-filled video now disappeared pretty much instantly. Not only was this girl creaming it in terms of publicity, but she was fucking beating me.
I then figured that the reason she was featured in over twice the number of articles was that a lot of these articles would have been written by fellow bloggers who would have conveniently left out a small but significant piece of information - our name. Some of the bloggers may well have understood my game.
A screenshot of just some of the news articles in which #bloggergate was featured, provided by the team at Clear Story
Tears of Bloggers
Any hope of achieving the 50/50 split was now further and further away. The publicity tornado had 80-90% of people in my favour. The review rating on the Facebook page had originally gone from 4.1 to 4.0 on account of the bloggers, but the people supporting me had brought it back up to 4.7. This was not going my way.
I had to do something to reignite the fury. So, I asked Ramesh our waiter to clean down the Gluten Free Breast Milk container so I could christen it with a name more appropriate to the current fiasco, and ultimately something that might bring us closer to the elusive 50/50. After some momentary vacillation, I decided that, by the power vested in me, the container would be named "Tears of Bloggers".
Did I leave the vegan container in the shot on purpose, you ask? Most certainly. The fact that the bloggers were not really making any ground made me think that we might need the vegans to come in to help them. A joint vegan-blogger coalition, as it were. Did this help? Nah.
The story continued to spread like wildfire. Polls were created. An MTV poll indicated that people were still massively in favour of the Moose over the Freeloader. This didn't mean that we weren't still getting hate. The hate coming in from the blogging community and their followers was still very significant, but against the love and support we were receiving, it was a bit like Bray Head versus Mount Everest. It was by no means ideal.
The Invoice
Still dumbfounded as to how much publicity SMI had got, or more aptly, how much publicity I had got her, I decided to highlight this by way of an invoice. I needed to send out the message to anybody worried about her mental health that she was doing just fine, she was laughing all the way to the bank. Her video had nearly 1.5m views at this stage. She was killing it.
Anyone who had managed to actually sit through her 17-minute video (without stabbing blunt pencils in their eyeballs as a result of the number of edits) may have jumped to the conclusion that the girl was genuinely upset. They needed to be put right. Some of them may not have understood that the ad preceding her video (that they can skip after 5 seconds) was in place to earn her money. SMI was making 'dolla' off the back of her amateur dramatics.
The other purpose of the invoice was to keep the story going for as long as possible. I wasn't happy that SMI had achieved a reach of 450 million people and I a paltry 120 million. As expected, news outlets picked up on the invoice story. Articles were again written all over the world and in many different languages. This was amusing. Highly amusing. Not only was the general public gullible enough to believe that the invoice was real, but supposedly upstanding and eminent authors from publications such as the Daily Mail fell for it too. This was outstanding. Just what I wanted.
I am going to frame the invoice and place it here in the hotel for everyone to see. It's just too good to throw in the bin. There is undoubtedly a monetary value to this piece of paper.
The Press Conference
We have done many videos in the past with various different videographers, but by far the best guy we have worked with is Gerard Walsh. He is a god when it comes to making videos. He came to me with the idea of a press conference video on Saturday afternoon, and I fucking loved it. I always believe that the best way of getting your message across is by using humour.
A number of months before #bloggergate, Gerard and I produced a video called 'House Of Influencers'. This was a house of cards style piss take on how social media influencers carry on. In the video, the social media influencer tries to blag free accommodation in the exact same style SMI uses 2-3 months later. I didn't realise I had psychic powers but that's definitely a skill I'll be adding to the CV.
The press conference video was an ideal opportunity to use humour to highlight the reality of the whole situation while giving people a chuckle (which is what I'm all about) at the same time.
The T-Shirts
SMI's video was growing and growing. This surprised me no end. I couldn't believe there were actually people on this planet who could stomach a video as heavily edited without projectile vomiting onto their computer screens. But aside from people's ability to stomach the 345,734 jump edits, one thing was certain, the money she was making on this video was growing in direct proportion to the growth in views. She wouldn't be buying bags in Primark anymore, Louis Vuitton was putting out the red carpet for her imminent arrival.
I couldn't allow her to capitalise on this drama without doing so myself. So, I got #bloggergate t-shirts designed and started selling them online. Of course, the object of this exercise wasn't solely to make money, it was to spark anger in the blogging community yet again. Guess what? It worked. But not only did it spark another wave of abuse, it created the impetus which led SMI to create yet another video.
I was bullied in school. I absolutely despise bullies. However, I do believe that it is morally wrong to use the cyberbullying card as a means of generating cash. It makes light of the very worrying phenomenon that is cyberbullying, and those who are genuinely bullied (who don't have the luxury of being able to cash in on their horrifying experience).
The minute I heard that SMI was the target of unjustified and horrible comments, I took to Twitter and asked people to lay off her. This tweet was 2 days before her 'cyber bullying' video.
Some of the comments the girl (who I have never once named) is getting on her Insta are horrible. I don't condone these comments and I think it's time people laid off her. Insult me all you like, but leave the girl alone. She fucked up. She's learnt her lesson. The end.
In her second video, SMI was very quick to tell the world that she received death threats and that people wished cancer upon her children. If this is true, I think it's reprehensible. However, the cynic in me can't stop thinking that the reason SMI broadcast this message so loudly was to generate views on her YouTube video. Let's face it, at the end of the day, SMI is making money off this controversy. The more graphic she makes her videos, the more views it will get. The more she pulls at the heartstrings, the more people will feel sorry for her. This sympathy will ultimately translate into YouTube views and therefore CASH.
For the record, but not that it matters, Jason and I received death threats too, the most serious of which was last October. It was quite a stressful time for us. It involved the Gardaà (Irish Police) and there was a good 2 week period where Jason and I could go nowhere without looking over our shoulders every few minutes. The person who had made the threats was a known criminal (as opposed to a fake social media profile) and there was a bench warrant out for his arrest.
If we had played the victim in a YouTube video and informed the world that we were receiving genuine death threats, there is a fair chance the views on this video would have skyrocketed and we'd now be sitting on a nice paycheck, compliments of YouTube. Maybe we're fools.
Despite my efforts to defend her, the media still reported that we were the bullies. They ignored the very significant fact that it was SMI herself who drew all this attention to herself and we were getting the blame. This was not the end of the world as the 50/50 split was becoming more of a reality, but I found it intriguing how it took falsehoods to achieve the ideal split.
SMI prides herself on being a businesswoman. She puts herself forward as being a confident person who knows exactly what she's doing. It's curious how all of a sudden this strong independent woman persona disappears when she is called out. One minute she is a grown-up woman, the next a little girl. I would have thought that people who live their lives in the public eye should understand the vagaries of those who inhabit public life. Humans are weird. I don't particularly like people. I much prefer dogs. But as someone who has chosen to put myself out there for the world to consume, I understand that the shit can hit the fan. I understand that people will call me nasty names, I may even get death threats. But I refer to this as 'par for the course'.
As the old saying goes "if you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen". If you are not fully prepared for the harsh reality that people can be assholes, the internet is perhaps not the best place for you.
Putting things into perspective
As someone who has a significant following, I too have been offered freebies. I can't think of one occasion where I haven't accepted them. I have been brutally honest about how I feel about the products (much to the disappointment of the sender on occasion), but I will accept them all the same.
Whenever I stay in hotels, I will always ask for a special hotelier rate (which is the norm in the industry). Most of the time I'll be given a preferential rate and/or a complimentary upgrade. But never, and I mean NEVER, would I EVER ask for anything for free. I just don't have it in me.
On the evening of Thursday 25th January 2018, I received a Snapchat message which really hit home and put everything into perspective. The message was from a girl who had been recently made homeless through no fault of her own. She and her partner had checked into Charleville Lodge that evening. They paid for their room on arrival.
The girl's message was one of thanks. She thanked Jason and I for making her laugh during dark times. Considering all that happened the week before, this struck a chord with me and brought everything home. Here is a couple who are in need of a home but want to pay for their hotel stay. It's a bit like the situation a friend of ours is in. Her name is Niamh Flanagan. She's living with a rare form of bone cancer called Osteosarcoma and whenever you ask her how she is, she says she "can't complain'. She's the brightest, bubbliest and loveliest girl we know and I am proud to say that she's our friend.
Needless to say, we refunded the guest's. They had already paid for their room on arrival, but they received their money back the next day. If anybody deserved a free stay, they did.
This whole fiasco indicates that there is no authenticity, honesty or transparency in influencer marketing.
I never intended to reveal her name, but as it so happens, the revealing of her name seems to have had a positive outcome financially on both parties involved.
The person or people who doctored the image I shared in order to reveal her name are responsible for outing her.
If you are a good blogger, the brands will come to you. Don't go begging to them. Have some dignity. Play hard to get.
I must be psychic.
Using humour is a very effective method of getting an important underlying message across to customers.
SMI uses dramatics as a means of making money.
Using the cyber-bullying card as a means of 'cashing in' is not cool.
If you are big and bold enough to put yourself in the public eye, you are big and bold enough to take whatever nastiness comes your way on the chin.
Some people are more deserving of free accommodation than others.