Please find coupon code for Martin Luther King day.
Code is IHAVEADREAM expires 20th Jan 2018
We only have two products
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and Poster https://www.rock.com/p/martin-luther-king-darkness-poster
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Martin Luther King - Darkness Poster 15% off
Martin Luther King - Darkness Poster 15% off
Martin Luther King - Darkness Poster 15% off
Martin Luther King - Darkness Poster 15% off enter code IHAVEADREAM expires 20th Jan 2018
Martin Luther King T-Shirt 15% off
Martin Luther King T-Shirt 15% off
Martin Luther King T-Shirt 15% off
In Memory of Martin Luther King, take 15% off this womans Tshirt, enter code IHAVEADREAM

Incitement to terrorism
You do it to yourself you do and that's why it really hurts. Don't want to be an American Idiot like Tomi Lahren Roger Ross makes it about race. Fuckwit. It's a shame their boat didn't go down like the Titanic. Supposedly a poc. Tweets anti Trump and hates racist comments yet despises Aziz Ansari's heritage. Unfollowed.
@AzizAnsari Golddigger - Kanye West. Jay-Z - 99 Problems. #ff I ain't saying she a golddigger... If you're having girl problems I feel bad for you son...
Crikey finding more uncle toms and aunt jemimas like Tree Of Logic and SomeBlackGuy. If the white supremacists get into power. The black trump supporters will be the first ones hanging from a tree. Why not just give these alt right, far right trump supporters their #ethnostate and then bomb the #shithole Hyper Music-Muse All You Fascists- Billy Bragg It's Going Down-Linkin Park The Man Comes Around-Johnny Cash These idiots aren't worth your time. Failed abortions that they are. Lauren Southern is the biggest idiot that there is. Next time North Korea does a missile test. If they need a target just aim it at the Defend Europe ship with those criminals/terrorists on board.
Bye Felicia. When one right winger attacks another right winger. It is a disease to be right wing. Jo Marney is a cunt. Some fake account called Miglena Stanley spouting bile A woman pleading for donations to help bury her late aunt. I look at her profile to see she is a right winger. Muted. Dream that I had: thought about how to destroy the SS Defend Europe with it's vigilante criminals on board. Two missiles or rockets were launched at it piercing the hull. It would fill with water. Starts to capsize. The song My Heart Will Go On by Celine Dion plays over speakers. Part of the ship explodes killing a few Nazis. The others are in the water. A great white shark starts eating it's way through the ship. Anyway that's all. I won't be mentioning or thinking about them again. They are inferior and have no impact on my life. They might get done for trespassing, obstruction, harassment and human's rights abuse. Their grandparents will be ashamed of them. Roll Deep - Racist People Ann Coulter thinks Aziz Ansari isn't funny but is innocent. This follower couldn't tell the different between Ansari and The Big Sick actor.
I purchased this song. Please avoid using YouTube converter sites as the artists deserve to be paid for their work.
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From Reddit:

@AzizAnsari Golddigger - Kanye West. Jay-Z - 99 Problems. #ff I ain't saying she a golddigger... If you're having girl problems I feel bad for you son...
Crikey finding more uncle toms and aunt jemimas like Tree Of Logic and SomeBlackGuy. If the white supremacists get into power. The black trump supporters will be the first ones hanging from a tree. Why not just give these alt right, far right trump supporters their #ethnostate and then bomb the #shithole Hyper Music-Muse All You Fascists- Billy Bragg It's Going Down-Linkin Park The Man Comes Around-Johnny Cash These idiots aren't worth your time. Failed abortions that they are. Lauren Southern is the biggest idiot that there is. Next time North Korea does a missile test. If they need a target just aim it at the Defend Europe ship with those criminals/terrorists on board.
Bye Felicia. When one right winger attacks another right winger. It is a disease to be right wing. Jo Marney is a cunt. Some fake account called Miglena Stanley spouting bile A woman pleading for donations to help bury her late aunt. I look at her profile to see she is a right winger. Muted. Dream that I had: thought about how to destroy the SS Defend Europe with it's vigilante criminals on board. Two missiles or rockets were launched at it piercing the hull. It would fill with water. Starts to capsize. The song My Heart Will Go On by Celine Dion plays over speakers. Part of the ship explodes killing a few Nazis. The others are in the water. A great white shark starts eating it's way through the ship. Anyway that's all. I won't be mentioning or thinking about them again. They are inferior and have no impact on my life. They might get done for trespassing, obstruction, harassment and human's rights abuse. Their grandparents will be ashamed of them. Roll Deep - Racist People Ann Coulter thinks Aziz Ansari isn't funny but is innocent. This follower couldn't tell the different between Ansari and The Big Sick actor.
I purchased this song. Please avoid using YouTube converter sites as the artists deserve to be paid for their work.
Real life sex dolls
Slavoj Zizek Videos - A large collection of debates, discussions, and other videos featuring Slavoj Zizeck.
RichardDWolff - The youtube channel of economist Richard Wolff, this channel mainly consists of entertaining, monthly updates on global capitalism.
Chomskyan - A collection of videos featuring Noam Chomsky.
Reading Marx's Capital - A series of lectures that helps viewers through a guided reading of Marx's Capital.
Kapitalism101 - Purely educational content, with a spectacular series concerning the Law of Value.
Workplace Democracy - A collection of videos dealing with socialist organization.
Marxism.io - A collection of highly informative videos about Marxist topics.
Enaa - A collection of hour to two hour videos on leftist history, with some dashes of current events.
MarxismToday - A podcast examining Marxist topics.
Marxist-Leninist Theory - Writings and speeches from Marxist leaders put through a text-to-speech converter.
LeftStreamed - A collection of speeches and discussions on leftist topics.
Proletarian TV - The official channel of the Communist Party of Great Britiain (Marxist-Leninst)
In Defence of Marxism - The Youtube channel of the International Marxist Tendency.
Revolutionary Communist Group - A British group dedicated to anti-imperialism.
Workers World Party - The official youtube page of the Workers World Party.
The Finnish Bolshevik - A regularly updated channel with content ranging from theory to current events.
Cuba Vive - A British group dedicated to solidarity with Cuba.
Redscare TV - A collection of Marxist analysts covering current events and refuting liberals.
Libertarian Socialist:
Libertarian Socialist Rants - A staunchly anarchist channel dealing mainly with anarchist theory and refutations of liberal media.
stimulator - Entertaining anarchist perspective on current events (with lots of profanity).
anarchopac - A channel dealing with anarchist and communist theory and refuting an-caps.
Anarchist Collective - A collection of educational videos on anarchism.
C4SS Feed 44 - The official channel of the Center for a Stateless Society (C4SS).
Shayne Hunter - Anarchist perspective on current events and refuting reactionaries.
Red and Black - Anarchist commentary on mainly U.K. current events.
rosaluxnyc - Youtube channel of the New York office of the Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung organization.
Scottish Socialist - A leftist comedy and current events channel.
Caleb Maupin - A frequently updated newscast with an emphasis on leftist issues.
RevStudentsUnion - A student group from Utah, content mainly includes roughly hour long, educational videos about varying topics.
Not explicitly socialist but left of center
Russel Brand, "The Trews" - Anti-capitalist news from a rich class-traitor.
TheRealNews - A professional-level, staunchly anti-corporate newscast.
Democracy Now! - Professional-level newscast with a leftist outlook.
From Urban75:
lots of lefty academics - especially geog/urban stuff
https://twitter.com/transform6789 - Spencer Sunshine - very good on US far-right
Johnna Montgomerie (@j_montgomerie) on Twitter - debt + finance
PERC (@Goldperc) on Twitter
openDemocracy (@openDemocracy) on Twitter
Chris Forde (@ChrisFordeLeeds) on Twitter - employment agents + precarious work
Tim Shorrock (@TimothyS) on Twitter - Korea and privitsation of security servicesw
alex schafran (@alexschafran) on Twitter
Desiree Fields (@FieldsDesiree) on Twitter - financialisation + cities
HM Journal (@histmat) on Twitter
Tom Cowan (@termcern) on Twitter
Imogen Tyler (@DrImogenTyler) on Twitter
Jack Murphy (@JackMurphyRGR) on Twitter- former Yank SF guy who is very critical of US foreign policy with loads of good insights into SF activties
Peter Frase (@pefrase) on Twitter
Jamie Woodcock (@jamie_woodcock) on Twitter - precarious work
Abi Wilkinson (@AbiWilks) on Twitter
Existential Comics (@existentialcoms) on Twitter - amusing
Doug Henwood (@DougHenwood) on Twitter
Kenan Malik (@kenanmalik) on Twitter
Hazards Campaign (@hazardscampaign) on Twitter - H&S news
Alex Williams (@lemonbloodycola) on Twitter
Nick Srnicek (@n_srnck) on Twitter
Mark Ames (@MarkAmesExiled) on Twitter
The War Nerd (@TheWarNerd) on Twitter
Out of the Woods (@out_woods) on Twitter
Viewpoint Magazine (@viewpointmag) on Twitter
Ash Sarkar (@AyoCaesar) on Twitter
Helen Steel (@helensteel12) on Twitter
https://twitter.com/UrbanTheoryLab - planetary urbanism
https://twitter.com/NoFutureFuture - precarious work
https://twitter.com/DaveBlacklist - blacklisting + construction
https://twitter.com/JeromeRoos - political econ - ed of Roar
https://twitter.com/outtaKimbo - Jamie Peck
https://twitter.com/michaellondonsf - planning + housing
https://twitter.com/StuartElden - runs very good Progressive Geographies blog
https://twitter.com/LorettaCLees - gentrification
https://twitter.com/trillingual - migration
https://twitter.com/GavinGrindon - disobediant objects
From Urban75:
lots of lefty academics - especially geog/urban stuff
https://twitter.com/transform6789 - Spencer Sunshine - very good on US far-right
Johnna Montgomerie (@j_montgomerie) on Twitter - debt + finance
PERC (@Goldperc) on Twitter
openDemocracy (@openDemocracy) on Twitter
Chris Forde (@ChrisFordeLeeds) on Twitter - employment agents + precarious work
Tim Shorrock (@TimothyS) on Twitter - Korea and privitsation of security servicesw
alex schafran (@alexschafran) on Twitter
Desiree Fields (@FieldsDesiree) on Twitter - financialisation + cities
HM Journal (@histmat) on Twitter
Tom Cowan (@termcern) on Twitter
Imogen Tyler (@DrImogenTyler) on Twitter
Jack Murphy (@JackMurphyRGR) on Twitter- former Yank SF guy who is very critical of US foreign policy with loads of good insights into SF activties
Peter Frase (@pefrase) on Twitter
Jamie Woodcock (@jamie_woodcock) on Twitter - precarious work
Abi Wilkinson (@AbiWilks) on Twitter
Existential Comics (@existentialcoms) on Twitter - amusing
Doug Henwood (@DougHenwood) on Twitter
Kenan Malik (@kenanmalik) on Twitter
Hazards Campaign (@hazardscampaign) on Twitter - H&S news
Alex Williams (@lemonbloodycola) on Twitter
Nick Srnicek (@n_srnck) on Twitter
Mark Ames (@MarkAmesExiled) on Twitter
The War Nerd (@TheWarNerd) on Twitter
Out of the Woods (@out_woods) on Twitter
Viewpoint Magazine (@viewpointmag) on Twitter
Ash Sarkar (@AyoCaesar) on Twitter
Helen Steel (@helensteel12) on Twitter
https://twitter.com/UrbanTheoryLab - planetary urbanism
https://twitter.com/NoFutureFuture - precarious work
https://twitter.com/DaveBlacklist - blacklisting + construction
https://twitter.com/JeromeRoos - political econ - ed of Roar
https://twitter.com/outtaKimbo - Jamie Peck
https://twitter.com/michaellondonsf - planning + housing
https://twitter.com/StuartElden - runs very good Progressive Geographies blog
https://twitter.com/LorettaCLees - gentrification
https://twitter.com/trillingual - migration
https://twitter.com/GavinGrindon - disobediant objects