Loughborough Police Appeal. Three muggings in one area, all connected. Some Celebrity Mastermind viewer thinks Mermaids charity is harmful Will & Grace back on UK TV. See who is moaning about the episodes. Melanie Iglesias and the Logan Paul fans are stupid. Just looked up what 420 meant. There was a hot couple mentioning that. It relates to Cannabis. No thanks. Also I don't exclude certain ethnicities as I am not a bellend. I did have a glitch on my phone. Everything was blurry and it froze. Some muppets on YouTube are getting offended over the new TV show Britannia over some reason. White nationalist fails to see offence over racist ad
The Ski machine has instructions for rowing.
I have had a number of strange dreams. One scene in a restaurant these two teenage girls are trying to raise money out from people. One offers sexual favours to a young Indian lad. His mother is next to him. He gives a long reply. In another scene I am listening to an mp3 player.
My brother is asleep on the bunkbed. It is raining outside. There is also a leak. In another dream I was chased by two small dogs around my home. Set loose by a fat redneck wo/man. A tooth is extracted from a dog's mouth by Noel Edmonds who was a vet in a previous career. One scene I meet a couple. I am wearing my Slipknot/Rchp T-shirt. The fellow named Tui gives me a hug. I did think that we would exchange numbers. I carried a till box with me. I served a lady but forgot to give her the change. I did not give the reciept. She took the change herself. Not letting me check.
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Date: 5 Jan 2018 20:06
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From: daddaughterdoctor
Date: 5 Jan 2018 20:06
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