Sunday, 7 June 2020

Harry Chapin - Cat's In The Cradle


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This teenage girl with dark hair was in the store. She was looking for eyelash glue. I asked management. She wanted a pack left on the side for her. She would come back as she didn't have enough money. Thing is that she didn't come back and has done this before. Now I am thinking if this is a ruse and she has taken something. This black teenage student didn't know how to queue up as it should be from aisle 1. This woman with glasses thought that I wanted some help or something. The health worker woman didn't say that she needed a bag, but asked for one after the transaction is done. The woman that is allergic to fragrance. She takes social distancing to the extreme. Just told a woman that it was one way and if she could move to the side. People ignore the one way system. The pensioner couple went to grab toilet roll and I served the next people as they had a few items. The lady seemed bothered. Funnily they knew each other. They wanted the Aussie shampoo and the assistant manager got the wrong one so I had to go get it. There is that noise from a nearby cash machine. It sounds like a wahhhh sound or that you hear during Crazy Horses by The Osmonds. I was serving this woman and a pensioner with glasses had put her stuff onto the stack whilst she got her money out. She wasn't social distancing. I apologised to the customer. I should have asked her to step back. A mature black woman was peeling a tag off possibly to look at the ingredients. The Boots security guard was watching my former colleague. The bloke that she had been talking to was walking weird, his upper body at a low angle like he was looking at the markings on the ground. 
My mum talking to herself after midnight.

Someone in the replies trying to justify George Floyd's murder.
I think he means Al Qaeda.
My mum had been having a bath early. There were moments where she was talking to herself. My brother giving his usual commands. I wake up early. This idiot is a white supremacist.
They seem to enjoy making things up.

This guy is in Vancouver. Here is the cunt on Instagram.
They care about buildings and statues more than black lives.

Coventry Susan Dove being ignorant in the comments
She won because she was smarter. Should expose the bitter white girl.
Two idiots denying it happened. Just racists.
Karina Rodriguez is a hero.

Far right thugs protesters in London. No real issues to discuss.
Rock Is Dead by Marilyn Manson

All you fascists - Billy Bragg

As someone said Coonvengers Assemble

The arseholes were on about antisemitism in the Labour Party. When these guys are openly antisemitic. It seems the usually suspects will be quiet about the rightwing protesters but be more vocal with the blm movement. My mum making the "eeehhh" sound. Stop talking to yourself. My brother tries the door. I was already in the toilet as the door was closed.

You always get one bellend in the replies denying racism exists.
Covid Karen needed a slap

No that's just on you, fucknugget. He was initiated into the Church Of Ogun. White privilege means that he gets treatment.
He deserved a beating. Terfs have always been fascists
The gay pride march through the park.
This person and Peter are morons.

Julie is just a racist.
White supremacisists are terrorists. Ordinary people are not sick of the protests.

She is from Leicester living in London and is antiblack
Mary Leong should be reported to the police. Make her pay for the damage. Shoot her.
I hadn't heard of Glizz until now. Got praised and cancelled within a day. He has apologised. Trump taking credit for someone else's work. Also lies about what he has done for the black community.
Someone asked why this was funny....
I saw the New Possibilities video. Led me to this Twitter user. Some actors/models posing as the Black Panthers.
Julia defending racists.
Gaetz discovers acting.
Corporate must be fragile. Facts don't care about your feelings.
This guy clearly doesn't support black lives having seen his account.

Tariq with the xenophobia again.
The fuckery of this individual. They do deserve reparations.
Austin makes excuses for Karen. Looking at his profile he is a white supremacist.

Blackface is not solidarity. A person in the comments wrote dune heifer as the influence is Lebanese. You knew what you were doing...

So these homophobes just don't get it. But why on earth is a woman twerking in front of the police?

This guy is reaching.
Someone in the replies uses "coloured person". These militia groups are racist. Many black prat ople have been found dead. It is a police coverup.

 This company called me. It is a telemarketing company.
There was some confusion about whether my brother wanted to borrow money. I sent some across. He was telling my mum to go out and get some from the bank. There is the social distancing.
Ant Middleton is clueless

I was on my way to work. Walking up the main road. I hear this guy in a 4x4 talking. As I am about to cross he is looking in my direction. Now I might be paranoid. But anyhow my colleague left her gloves to the side and didn't want them thrown away. It is unhygienic. I am going to offer add on sales whether the customer likes it or not. There was this pretty blonde mature woman with her 5een daughter. Both are attractive. Served some pretty brunette. There was the can before the storm. Floods appeared and would dissapear later on. I had a Fusion razor straight out of the packet on display at the till. It has gone missing as I thought it would.
This thread is quite a read

Some people that were harping on about white privilege in the replies are just over sensitive. It won't happen. You don't have to socialise with them again.
He calls himself cumspong. I am sure that he does too.

You have to follow this thread

White editors are fragile. Tonedeaf and possibly just racist.
Hollywood is out of touch. How is it illegal?
Nicole is a hero. Jonathan is a villain.

Wasn't it 400 years?

It is raining again. I had left a piece of info for my colleagues at home. Which I was to take into work yesterday. Now I would be taking it today. With the weather it would be pointless. I could text the info. As long it gets written down. Someone will remix this.
Fragile white men. Clearly racists. Thugs.
These cops really are getting pissy ever since the protests. As are white employees.

OK what the fuck is this?

I was awoken after 6am as my mum was talking loudly. She has repeated herself later on.
The McDonald staff need to do better. She needs to see her employer and a therapist. Others were tone deaf under another tweet about this officer. Some people are offended under the Sky News tweet about premiership footballers kneeling.
It does look like Vic Reeves. Some mentioned the Hairy Bikers. People are mocking him. Whilst others are talking about his mental health. He should not have been recorded.
They still won't care about black lives even out of the uniform...

Dame Vera Lynn loved the BBC #blacklivesmatter

I offers more poppers. The disposable overalls aren't available. I will have to get other sorts from B&Q. A Saintsbury's team leader
He was having a Karen moment. Did he ask to speak to the manager?

Angela Alvarez has pics and vids of animal cruelty

A post shared by feliz (@angela.alvarez.50) on
The ass crack is showing. The cameraman probably fingered him.

Some fragile white male calling this a racist channel which it isn't.
Abraham Knofler refuses to wear a mask and wants the blm sign taken down. He is an immigrant. He is Jewish.
These morons moaning about the blm sign. Clearly didn't give a fuck about black lives. Someone questions whether he cares about Palestinians. Knofler will be at the Pride parade.

It shows what they think of black people in this photo. See what happens next.

Думаю в знак солидарности с тем что происходит в америке пристегнуть себя к батарее. Весело у них там. Я такого сценария даже в их голивудских хвалёных фильмах не видел!) Кто-нибудь ещё хочет в америку? Ну а чё, там классно. Как по мне только закон отсутствует в большинстве мест. Почему американцы не защищают свою частную собственность с оружием, не стреляют? Это же всегда сплошь и рядом транслировалось по новостям и фильмам. Тарантино в своём последнем фильме показал как частную собственность защищать. А вообще, смотришь на эти новости, золотые гробы в белых колесницах и датчик сюрреализма начинает шкалить. По-моему зря там там траву легализовали.) #blacklivesmatter #alllivesmatter
A post shared by Михаэль (@elahim13) on

Когда просыпаешься в 4.00 оказывается слишком рано и ложишься на пару часиков с надеждой что проснешься без будильника в 6.00. Ео просыпаешься в 8.00 и получается поздно так как жизнь за окном и в доме начинает бурлить и кипеть, приходит понимание либо тебе не стоит сегодня куда-то торопиться или все же заводи будильник на 5.50. Ведь именно сегодня надо успеть все самые важные дела по дому: убраться во всей квартире, в каждом квадратном метре, в каждой комнате вымыть окна и балкон(а у меня 4 громадных окна, 2 узких и 1витражная дверь), два зеркала натереть или хотя бы оттереть от детских отпечатков, всем приготовить явства, накрыть несколько раз пир и главное про себя любимую не забыть, потренироваться, приготовится к съёмкам и быть в чудесном настроении дабы все удалось и у фотографа и у мужа. А еще же старший на дистанционном все проверить надо и мелкая которая в каждый ящик по 5 раз на дню залазиет. Но в этом и заключается главная моя задача и предназначение быть Волшебницой и женщиной-Загадкой. #кемерово #tights #legs #примерочная #stockings #heels #раздевалка #skirt
A post shared by Екатерина Печерская (@pechenka_amg) on

Why the fuck is my mum opening the door? My brother yells at her. Just go downstairs. It had been raining earlier. It is dry now. I want to get the guttering done. I may need to get a bigger ladder.
This is a dumb tweet. Definetly a white guy wrote this

Katie Hopkins lost her verification and now has been suspended She has converted to Islam.  Supporting the Black Lives Matter movement. Applying Vagisil whilst thinking about what she has done.
All you fascists are bound to lose.

She is probably attractive. But anyway she needs to do her job properly.
This idiot probably bullied someone
 I am not bothered about the game or what they are talking about but these two girls are attractive.

Bollocks tweet. Look at their username. Says it all really.