Tuesday, 21 November 2017

Everybody Knows - Sigrid


I just had to pay £56. Sophie and Jessica were on reception. Clearly the toothbrushing isn't being done properly. 

A pensioner thought the 6pack Imperial Leather soaps were £1. I asked if she wanted me to check it out. It scanned at £1.69. I explained that it would be a different item that is a pound. She didn't want to bother. She is disabled and didn't want to stand around all day. She paid and took her time putting the items in her bag. Asked me to serve the next person. As I was doing so and I offered SAS which are add on sales which I am supposed to do. She goes how she is sick of every time she goes to the till. The staff are trying to flog her something. If they wanted it they would have bought it already. I seem to be getting all the twats this week. Some still using the old pound coins.
Hyper Music/99 Problems/One Step Closer.

'I have seen the stop funding hate hashtag trending not sure what its about but end all Foreign aid to Islamic countries #StopFundingHate'
OK then Dylan. Not sure what he has been smoking. The irony of his tweet.

I got here at the practice early as things seem to take their time. My brother seems to have a problem with the dentist. Thinks they don't know what they're doing. I got called back to the shop after I had nipped in to sign the purchase log. Fuck sake. Twice the can opener that I got has gone. Wtf. Now he is annoying me. Simple fucking questions. Lecturing me. Like I don't do anything. Full of shit. Just hangs around. Apparently his opinion is everyone has given up on themselves. Not true. Blames the dentist's behaviour on some knob from work. I should leave this house.  Better off without these cunts. Paranoid - Black Sabbath. One Step Closer/99 Problems. 

Just seen Rueben De Made. Will he be gay? Trans? I can imagine the reactions. On The Ellen Show. 12 year old boy that sings and does make up. Androgynous. A paedophiles wet dream. 

Paul Hollywood will be squirting some cream onto Candice Brown's baps and buns. Give her a creampie. 

This tweet among many is spam. https://mobile.twitter.com/c0WXPLrVvtpuslI

This little traveller kid was asking for an item. I asked him for ID. He wasn't old enough but was apparently testing me. My brother was still harping on about the dentist and my mum. Fuck off now. More messing up the plan. Nonsense. I don't have time for this. You deal with it. 
 This pensioner customer was behind a Asian gentleman. He went in front and my manager did say to him that the chap was first. The guy that I knew was going to behave like a dick says "well he should have moved faster then" he was using the silent treatment. He was asked if he wanted a bag. He holds his up. After the transaction was complete he walks off without saying bye or thanks. She says bye etc. Labelled him rude. Cunt. Duality - Slipknot

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