Thursday, 13 June 2019

Past Time Paradise - Stevie Wonder

Adam was in Firefly and Independence Day.

Says it all about Sheila. Forgetting the colonisers affect on the natives. Charlie doesn't have facts.

Racism in porn.
"You're breathtaking!" will be as popular as "I love you 3000"

I'm sure you remember MTV Celebrity Death Match. Read the thread.

Why everydaysexism, metoo and the Gillette ads were necessary. That guy is a twat. Aaron must be a right wing homophobic misogynist

This woman makes excuses for homophobic and racist behavior

Baby pictures. See the entire thread. Trump supporter makes excuses for racism

So Kristy Swanson is another nob Wishing someone a happy birthday and insulting them as well

The delivery was late. They were going to bring the cages in but there was this security guy from head office. It was a random spot check. Stock had been going missing. He searched the truck, cages, belonging of the drivers. Further wasted our time. A black female student said no thankyou to a bag but just a no when I offered SAS.

Candace Owens should not be referred to as a black woman. She thinks she is white. Comes out with daft statements.

It had been raining when this works car went across a puddle which splashed me. I can assume it was an accident.

Malinda Kathleen Reese

Jim Davison is still a prick.
Funny as the mock posters are. There was nowt wrong with the official ones. People are just being whiny little cunts. #SpiderManFarFromHome Just as with the in game poster #cyberpunk2077

That's not how racism is created. Bellend
Then this racist prick doesn't know anything about black people. Blm is not a hate group. Black women are queens.

You live long enough to become the villain. That can be said for former Superman and Trump supporter Dean Cain. A vile cunt Ben is a nob He has had enough chances
This Timcast cunt uses Keanu Reeves with his fans to blast the MeToo movement. Is the Benjamin guy trying set Nicholas Sparks up? Or is Nick bring a fool?

Disrespectful to someone with a disability.  Keyboard warrior.
Pissed or mental? #extras #bbcqt

People do miss Obama and he is an American. Two guys leaving comments made no sense.
The delivery was late. Someone pressed the wrong button. So double the amount of stock was sent to the entire company. I got sent to the bank as is a regular thing.
I was only gone 7 minutes. I get back. My colleague asked if I had gone to bank. I said yes. She said "thought you might have gone to get a haircut on the sly" or fly. It is market day. Mentioned about having English drivers. This was said earlier. You had a break. I don't give a shit if you are a cranky old bitch. Fuck it. I got 99 problems but a bitch ain't one.
I watched this bearded guy in a blue body warmer. He was near the ladies razors. I found a tag torn off a baby powder. Now I court accuse him. No one three belled.
My brother asked to borrow money. Still not paud back until later. It has been raining for over a week.  It was sunny today but it is back to rain.
Hyper Music - Muse

Right wingers are so uneducated.