With what happened with the Rosa episode. I imagine some will post deragatory comments about Demons Of The Punjab.
It'll be 1947, the partition of India. Yaz is going to visit her grandmother. The characters being Muslim will wind right wingers up. I don't bother with tweets about the show anyhow.
My mum talking to herself. She has been told to be quiet. 10:26pm. I am going to sleep. I am to wake up at 3am. So what is her excuse?
That customer did say sarcastically "she sounds like a nice person" listen you don't know the assistant manager. There were shoplifters present. So no one seemed to have said anything on the security radio and where was the three bells?
Kanye West feels he was used by the Trump administration. Now playing Jesus Walks. "The devil's trying to break us down"
I dreamt that I was at home but also in work at the same time. It approached 8:30am and the store would open. I had been to the loo but made a mess. I needed to clear it up and shower. My mum was downstairs. There were Gillette sets on offer. One was a massive pack like the Blue 2 disposable razors. I had met Candice Patton and Grant Gustin. I played music and would try to play Woodkid-Run Boy Run for Grant. We spoke about all sorts. They left me cards which looked like tester strips. They had words on them.
The 40 year old virgin
My work colleague heard about some gay kiss on a soap and she says "that they should not allow queers on telly" especially when kids are watching. I mean for fucks sake.
There was this gay couple and the tall chubby twentysomething male was taking the piss. "Can I interest you in these fragrances at £9.99 99 99..." Savers sales staff have to offer SAS. Maybe he suffers from Autism. The ginger haired guy with his brunette girlfriend wasn't interested but muttered things to her trying to put her off. A lady wanted a Ted Baker X20. The one item that we didn't have. It wasn't her fault nor was it mine. A tester was put out. Then two Beyonce's which I sold weren't actually on offer. The Welsh guy said "that's what Amazon is for" regarding the fragrances. It is cheaper in the shop btw.
I remember yesterday I was serving a man his Gillette set and the blonde mature woman with glasses wanted to pay for her water bottle. Just be patient. This redhead mature woman said "Jesus is my scent" something didn't make sense.
Anyhow these people are irrelevant. I haven't been paid back the money from my brother. My card declined a transaction. My mum keeps saying "jewra" The manager left an email about the store underperforming. It rained heavily. The fair is in town.
My cousin had rang the house to get her mum's phone sorted. The door wasn't answered at first so I left. The landline is dodgy. A new phone from Tesco was put in by my nephew. Sky Talk Shield is what comes up when you ring the number. Had to put the simcard into the new smartphone. It was troublesome getting the back lid off. My other cousin had come round. Brother in law was trying to sort the landline. He was asking if we were in agreement over what the problem might be. The son of the family is the one that ordered the mobile and set up the Sky account. He is in China with his fashion designer girlfriend. They need to sort this shit not me.
got 99 problems but a bitch ain't one.
I dreamt that I was at work and it was nearing the end of the day. There was a man in a green t-shirt, black jacket, brown hair. I kind of blocked him. He was after a gift set. He looked dodgy. The one picked had a sweet selection. I had scanned it but voided. There was a young dark haired girl to be served first. I pointed to some other sets but he said that it was fine.
In another scene my phone had fallen to bits and I picked up the pieces. Went into a home and assembled it. Some people were there. I was in a room with a male. I was gathering information. This man had something off about him. He seemed reluctant to let me leave. I had felt his teeth, my fingers were stuck briefly. He was a vampire. All teeth were sharp and pointy. I would imagine/act that I'd stake him, use the Bible and crucifix. Maybe holy water and I'd slit his throat.