Thursday, 13 June 2019

Past Time Paradise - Stevie Wonder

Adam was in Firefly and Independence Day.

Says it all about Sheila. Forgetting the colonisers affect on the natives. Charlie doesn't have facts.

Racism in porn.
"You're breathtaking!" will be as popular as "I love you 3000"

I'm sure you remember MTV Celebrity Death Match. Read the thread.

Why everydaysexism, metoo and the Gillette ads were necessary. That guy is a twat. Aaron must be a right wing homophobic misogynist

This woman makes excuses for homophobic and racist behavior

Baby pictures. See the entire thread. Trump supporter makes excuses for racism

So Kristy Swanson is another nob Wishing someone a happy birthday and insulting them as well

The delivery was late. They were going to bring the cages in but there was this security guy from head office. It was a random spot check. Stock had been going missing. He searched the truck, cages, belonging of the drivers. Further wasted our time. A black female student said no thankyou to a bag but just a no when I offered SAS.

Candace Owens should not be referred to as a black woman. She thinks she is white. Comes out with daft statements.

It had been raining when this works car went across a puddle which splashed me. I can assume it was an accident.

Malinda Kathleen Reese

Jim Davison is still a prick.
Funny as the mock posters are. There was nowt wrong with the official ones. People are just being whiny little cunts. #SpiderManFarFromHome Just as with the in game poster #cyberpunk2077

That's not how racism is created. Bellend
Then this racist prick doesn't know anything about black people. Blm is not a hate group. Black women are queens.

You live long enough to become the villain. That can be said for former Superman and Trump supporter Dean Cain. A vile cunt Ben is a nob He has had enough chances
This Timcast cunt uses Keanu Reeves with his fans to blast the MeToo movement. Is the Benjamin guy trying set Nicholas Sparks up? Or is Nick bring a fool?

Disrespectful to someone with a disability.  Keyboard warrior.
Pissed or mental? #extras #bbcqt

People do miss Obama and he is an American. Two guys leaving comments made no sense.
The delivery was late. Someone pressed the wrong button. So double the amount of stock was sent to the entire company. I got sent to the bank as is a regular thing.
I was only gone 7 minutes. I get back. My colleague asked if I had gone to bank. I said yes. She said "thought you might have gone to get a haircut on the sly" or fly. It is market day. Mentioned about having English drivers. This was said earlier. You had a break. I don't give a shit if you are a cranky old bitch. Fuck it. I got 99 problems but a bitch ain't one.
I watched this bearded guy in a blue body warmer. He was near the ladies razors. I found a tag torn off a baby powder. Now I court accuse him. No one three belled.
My brother asked to borrow money. Still not paud back until later. It has been raining for over a week.  It was sunny today but it is back to rain.
Hyper Music - Muse

Right wingers are so uneducated.

Tuesday, 11 June 2019

Such A Remarkable Day - Charlotte Gainsbourg

 Superman/Shazam! The Return Of Black Adam

Cert 15 animation from DC/WB.
I rented it from the library. It was skipping. Billy is a homeless boy that had been in foster care. He has a good heart. He knows Clark Kent. He meets the Wizard named Shazam. He grants him special powers. He is referred to as Captain Marvel which he was originally known. Due to a lawsuit the name was changed. I was watching this more for Superman. I'm not to keen on the lopsided cape of Shazam. Black Adam has come to Earth and he wants to take Billy's powers. The film is short. I hoped it would be longer. Nice fighting scenes. I doubt that I will watch the film in the cinemas. I am currently watching The Flash season 5.
There are extra films. The Spectre which is set in the 70s and they have made the visuals look that way and with the soundtrack and effects. A man has been murdered and a spirit comes back to take vengeance. I like the DC intro. There is a detective on the case. Set in Hollywood. You may have watched Constantine and Supernatural. Quite brutal like a horror film. See Dark Man. I have to look into his back story.
Green Arrow, Oliver McQueen is on his way to see his girlfriend. He the villain Merlin. A princess's life is in danger. Other characters make an appearance. The pack of arrows is like a utility belt. Never ending arrows and each has a function. I know that it is a short film but hoped for more. There is a greenish hue. Season 8 of CW Arrow is the last. Animation and comics will continue
Jonah Hex. Set in the wild west. Jonah has supernatural abilities. The prostitute Madam Lorraine is attractive. There is more to her than meets the eye. Each of the films have a different look to it. Jonah has come looking a cowboy that was last seen in the saloon. Good music. You will recognise some of the actors. Special features are included.

Cast (24)

The bank did say the direct debit payment would bounce and then try again 7 days later. But it didn't. I became overdrawn. I am expecting my brother to pay me back as he should be doing. As I had a paid holiday last month and worked 2 shifts a week. I hadn't been paid much and the same may happen next month. 29/3 payday and my balance is £ 247.31 Balance

The right wingers don't get the irony. 

American Idiot by Greenday

The three religions are connected. This white Republican Christian went overboard. I expect a remix of it. Jesus Christ!

Shows how hateful and irrelevant Meghan McCain is.
See Lindaleelaw's comment. She is a dumbass.

Mixed raced kids are black and white. Enough of the swirling bigotry. Just like the race traitor comments white supremacists make when these black folk are against "swirlers". So Jussie Smollett charges were dropped. I don't care about the white people triggered. It is no one else's business who they date. Date whatever ethnicity they want. Why on Earth am I still subscribed to you?

Surprised at how many kids he has from multiple relationships. As long as he pays up and visits them. Idiots in the comments about Dre's current wife being a man. Then there is an interview with Dee Barnes and people make a mockery of domestic violence. Miche-le gets called a ho in an interview. Disrespect towards women.

Olivia Mortimer is an ignorant racist woman. It could be her or just a troll. Either way it is unacceptable.

Search timeline

it's so dangerous how this olivia mortimer gyal is desperate for a black boyfriend so she can have mixed babies. imagine growing up with a venomous racist mother who fetishises you for the colour of your skin but hates everything about you

This Olivia Mortimer girl looks like she licks her fingers after touching raw chicken

That Olivia Mortimer girl said black people should get over slavery and told people to come at her then ended up deleting her account loool wish she took the heat in her mentions as well as she takes the heat from the sun beds

Waiting for all these white girls w ‘


’ in their name to start defending Olivia Mortimer n her mental health bc that’s all they seem to do instead of acc addressing vile racist behaviour

Lol that Olivia Mortimer got runnnnnnnnnn outta Twitter. Let this be a lesson, you can’t be running the N word or the P word

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I mustn't hesitate the ring three bells. You see the person. Go ahead and do it. Don't concern the feelings of the shoplifter. I thought something was dodgy about the tall thin lady, well her boyfriend smoking outside. Why did we have to open the door again? That bloody woman in the green jacket with the red hair. I hadn't noticed her friend with dark hair come in. Clearly after something. I assumed the big bloke was with them. This lady was enquiring about the Burberry fragrance. Not the Splash one. A tester was next to it. I was pointing to another one. She said something like "as I'd already told you" "obviously there isn't any in" The tester had a label on it. But was facing the wrong way. It belonged to the Splash boxes. She was a twat. I was helping a customer and when I was done and on my way to the till. The man with dodgy teeth, tattoo with his adult daughter waves over for me to head there. Joking "you don't want to be stood there chatting to the girls" FML. Some people are bellends. Two students were wearing shorts. Had nice legs. This black girl wasn't so cheery. Nice tits though. These young parents were buying something but. The kids wanted to buy something and needed change from a £10 but till can't be opened so they paid for a bag. Just pay for everything together. A black girl was abrupt when she spoke.
The girl doing work experience is pretty. Someone has replied to my comment on the Umar Johnson Breakfast Club interview. I am not bothered. I stand by what I say. Paris Milan says Jussie Smollett isn't black. He is part of the community. Fox News can moan all they want. White Americans get off for worse. Similar to what happened with OJ. He might not be innocent but not enough evidence and a plea deal means charges a dropped. It is easier for celebrities.

A poc retweets a post which he is free to do so and white right wingers are snowflakes telling him what to do. Yvonne Poole comments on another video about the show why she doesn't watch BET. Looking at her channel you can see the type of people that she subscribes to. It isn't about you. Irrelevant. Fuck em.  Unfuck The World - Prophets Of Rage.

In the comments a clutching at straws Trump supporter blames Stephen for the divide in the country. 

Urbansk is inferior and anti American. Lieutenant Richard Collins, Thankyou for your service.

My brother asks to borrow £10 and he won't be able to pay back the money till Friday. So he takes £20 from my mum.

There is a Marvel soundtrack compilation. There are 19 ads that play during this video. To avoid that just skip to 1:25:00 and then swipe left on the timeline to rewind to the beginning and press play. I would do that with all long videos. I am tired of the Headspace and Groupon ads.

This slander thing where the callers roast the presenters. How can being a victim of child sexual abuse have anything to being gay? Homophobic comments.
The DJs were interviewed on Fox News and derogatory comments are left in the comments section. Trump and his supporters are morons.

In a interracial video on Pornhub someone uses the N-word and talks of violence.
Ariel Spiers said Alex Borstein used was racist. Here she is in yellow face. Debra Wilson complained too but says the Asian community was taking itself too seriously when complaining about the character. Pot meet kettle.

People in the comments knocking Kalechi as she is in an interracial relationship.

Meghan the white supremacist McCain dismissing the dna results. Wtf American-American.
So Nancy Pelosi is a typical white feminist. WOC she doesn't have your back. Like Omar said 'it's all about the Benjamins".

Just like the Republican Christian. White supremacy in America. Other videos expect dumb ass comments.
The comments section is full of dismissive people. Exactly what is wrong with society.

Quite a few attractive women at the gym. The Asian woman in grey leggings. Nice tits and ass. The tall blonde which I've mentioned before. The athletic tanned blonde with a tattoo. A personal trainer that reminds me of Alicia Vikander. The tanned brunette with glasses.  The ice cream van owner's daughter, blonde, tall and athletic. I just saw this attractive blonde, tanned. Wearing black leggings and sports bra.

My brother would ask to borrow money from my mum. The youngest brother has to speak up about it. Then comes to my room to have a rant. He repeats a few things. Predictable. Asking me what money I have. Not giving any money. You can give him money. Stop going on about his girlfriend needing to find more hours and chip in. Why not go to there house and tell her yourself. Irritant.

One colleague finished her time at work as she has a law degree. Another one handed in her notice and today was her last day.   3 Mexican Countries