Reported email and used email to subscribe to newsletter. posing as PayPal wrote:
Your Account Is Limited
We’re constantly working to ensure security by reguIarIy screening the accounts in our system. We recentIy reviewed your account, and we need more information to heIp us provide you with secure service. UntiI we can collect this information, your access to sensitive account features wiII be Iimited. We wouId Iike to restore your access as soon as possibIe, and we apoIogize for the inconvenience.
What do I have to do?
It's usuaIIy pretty easy to take care of things Iike this. Most of the time, we just need a IittIe more information about your account or Iatest transactions. To heIp us with this and to find out what you can and can't do with your account untiI the issue is resoIved, go to the ResoIution Center. We'II review the information you provide and emaiI you if we need more detaiIs or when your account is back to normaI. Once you compIete aII of the checkIist items, your case wiII be reviewed by one of our Account SpeciaIists. We wiII send you an emaiI with the outcome of the review.
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