01638 316102 Media Match, Newmarket. 0161 974 7500 Manchester. Unnecessary calls.
The Last Leg Welcome To Rio on ch4 is entertaining. Follow the tweets #isitok The end video is cringeworthy. Nice nod to #Lochtegate Interesting Maltesers ad.
EE advertising just getting worse. The Lexi voice audition just wasn't funny. How much did it cost to feature those celebrities?
Sex,Lies&Trolls on 5Star is where the social media and internet policy comes into play.
Nailing The Fraudsters ch5. Crash For Cash criminals are pathetic. Illegal immigrants that should be deported. Romy and Lucky are not disguised. They came from India. I wonder what their parents would think. Hopefully the police are given the footage.
I have been calling in early to work as someone called in sick. Pretty much the manager on her own for a while. I skipped breakfast.