I received this suspect voicemail I wrote down what I could. It was the text to speech voice. The message kinda went like this: "your name and your eye,
We are calling from the department of her Majesty's revenue and customs. The reason of this call is to make you aware that we have received a legal lawsuit against your name where you are being listed as a primary suspect for the case against your name. Your house is under surveillance.
So do not disregard this message. Call us back on 02382149003. Remember in delaying in calling us back may lead in legal prosecution for you"
The bloody message isn't so clear. But I knew it was scam. I am reporting it.
023 8214 9003 is a landline number based in United Kingdom.
It is operated by Hutchison 3G UK.
Hutchison 3G UK
United Kingdom
023 8214 9003
Some irrelevant right wing cunt is following me on twitter. So I blocked the account. Some person who I don't know and doesn't know me needs to smile. That blonde haired woman who has her headphones in was chomping on crisps and I could smell them. Don't eat inside the shop. Christ.
The petite brunette in blue leggings has a nice arse. Nice body. I had this auto voice thing telling me about Google something or other. I wasn't online. A nice 20-30ish blonde in orange T-shirt and a Loughborough Uni student in the purple top and black leggings. She is cute.
Why the fuck am I trying to sort something out with the council regarding the trips to the day centre as the taxi may have been cancelled before. I wasted time calling Scottish Widows. My PPI was decreasing until there was nothing left. It has come to an end. The money I paid in won't help me pay back the loan. £19520.2 is what I calculated that I paid in. FML.
I studied there in the late 90s.
My home town. The video has a Blade Runner vibe to it.
Royal Wedding Of Harry And Meghan
Not sure what the grey haired basin cut lady with glasses was moaning about. Something annoying. Just wondered if the customers are actually listening when I talk. I was informing them of the prices as they were using the testers. The blonde was hot. Faint-Linkin ParkAlexa, show me me the worst piece of revisionist history ever https://t.co/bzhf0oU9om— Ragnarok Lobster (@eclecticbrotha) April 10, 2018
0161 414 0130 just called me as I am watching this video.
My brother is telling my mum to stop talking and to brush her teeth. She is. He is annoying. She raises her voice talking to herself. One Step Closer - Linkin Park
I had to make sure she didn't just get up as the nurse Ruth arrived at the clinic. Others had been waiting there before us. They should write down the names. As lots of people are in the waiting room. They need to know the order. The guy I know that is my old school friend's dad/uncle had left his umbrella and went to the toilet or outside. He was called by the nurse. This young chap thought he was next. I did correct him. Awkward.
Malik Obama and Stephanie Markle should get together over dinner and discuss their jealousy over their siblings.
If it isn't one thing then it is another. I might as well come in at 5am. Seems that with the totes and deodorant we are kept behind. The loose drinks were placed in a basket. I was actually going to put them away later. The Assistant Manager made an issue of the stuff beneath the kickplate. Others have been putting things there and so I added something. I won't pay attention to any moaning. I'm just going to find another job. Yesterday this chap with stubble, tattoos on him. Had a grey sports bag which was open. He got a basket and selected items. I alerted management. He had come to the till. He didn't have his card. So left. He didn't come back. A blonde woman was on her phone. Swiped the card and she walks off. It did not honour. So the transaction wasn't complete. The supervisor had to fetch her. People seem to take their time putting the stuff away or don't even have the money ready. Jake must've thought something amusing. His friend was hot. He is a gay bus driver. Rarely smiles to be honest. This toddler runs behind the till and his mum goes after him and the little shit is then slamming the till area door and closes one of the entrance doors. Leo was his name. I served this blonde tanned mild. She looked like she had some work done. Mail On Sunday say Savers Health And Beauty is 15th or something in the top companies to work for. I believe it is a lie. They need me more than I need them. I am fast, intelligent and I could not give a shit about customers hurt feelings over SAS. I'm just doing my job and some of you answer in the way as if I have offered to fuck you in the ass.
My mum talking to herself. I went into Boots to get the nasal irrigation powders and as expected the security guard is there watching me. He looks like Mike Tyson. My mum is talking to herself in the middle of the night. My brother was shouting at her hours earlier. Threatens to leave the house. Well you should. He did not even put the laundry into the machine before he left. Goes on about making sure mum eats. Clearly not understanding mental health when talking to her. She is repeating "jewra".
I got 99 problems and a bitch ain't one.
The Disaster Artist based on a true story. Tommy Wiseau went on to make The Room and it was critically panned, reaching cult status. James Franco directed this film. He is perfect to play Tommy. Dave Franco plays his best friend who would join him on this journey to Hollywood. Seth Rogen is a director. It plays homage to the film. In the start a few actors talk about Wiseau and The Room such as Adam Scott, Danny McBride, Kristen Bell. Some good songs. A comedic indie film. I may need to see The Room. Sharon Stone plays an agent. There is a book written by one of the stars. As I am watching this the scart wire comes loose and the picture or the sound goes and I'm fiddling about with it. A bit of a bromance. See mumblecore. Uwe Boll The makers of this film also did The Interview. Bryan Cranston, Judd Apatow, Zach Effron make cameos. Josh Hutcherson plays a cast member. It was getting late and I am falling asleep. The company also made The Interview.
August Ames was biphobic. No one forced her to take her own life. Just being biphobic.
This is a metaphor for everything right now.— (((Howard Hoffman))) (@Howard_Hoffman) April 14, 2018
Mexican Boxer Destroys American Fighter Wearing Trump Wall Shortshttps://t.co/eCU602Ehlx